
  1. Types of disease
  2. Reasons for the development of the disease
  3. Benefits of Syrups
  4. The best syrups for bronchitis
  5. Forecast and prevention

Rating of the best bronchitis syrups for 2025

Rating of the best bronchitis syrups for 2025

It is impossible to find a person who has never coughed in his life. Coughing is a natural defensive reaction of the body. It occurs with many provoking factors. But if this condition is accompanied by viscous sputum, and sometimes shortness of breath develops, then this allows one to suspect bronchitis.

Bronchitis is an infectious disease that is associated with diffuse inflammation of the bronchi. The inflammatory process can develop in one part or affect the entire bronchial tree.

Types of disease

When the disease continues for a long time, it is divided into acute or chronic forms. Acute lasts no more than 3 weeks. Chronic lasts from 3 months during the year, for 2 years. Its main difference from pneumonia is considered not to affect the alveoli in the process.

One of the signs of acute bronchitis is SARS or acute respiratory infections, which are accompanied by coughing. The cause of the inflammatory process are viruses that have entered the body.

First, the disease captures the upper part of the respiratory system. There is a sore throat, mucus separates a little. The temperature rises moderately. There is a runny nose, weakness, the general condition becomes worse.
Later, the virus descends lower into the bronchi. The attacks of coughing become excruciating, especially at night. After 3 days, the dry cough changes to wet, and sputum begins to move away.

With a mild course of the disease, shortness of breath is absent. But if small bronchi are affected, then it can manifest itself. This condition leads to obstructive bronchitis.

The state of health of a person is normalized within a few days, but the cough can persist for 3 weeks. If the temperature does not drop, and the state of health worsens, then a bacterial infection has occurred. Repeated inflammation of the bronchi throughout the year becomes chronic.

Chronic bronchitis most often occurs in smokers. But its development is also due to other harmful factors. Such as: dust, smoke, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and other chemical compounds.
It often has a latent course and may not manifest itself in any way. Most often, a chronic disease is accompanied by noticeable periods of exacerbation and remission.The main symptoms are prolonged coughing, which may be accompanied by shortness of breath on exertion.

Loose cough begins on waking in the morning. There is little sputum. It intensifies in the autumn-winter period with wet weather. The person gets tired physically and mentally. General health is deteriorating. At the same time, the risk of earning pneumonia develops. People with chronic bronchitis are more likely to get ARVI or acute respiratory infections.

Bronchitis and pneumonia

With improper or ineffective treatment, complications can occur. One of the most common diseases is pneumonia. This occurs when local immunity decreases and a bacterial infection builds up. There is a deterioration in the general condition. The temperature may rise sharply, cough with sputum production may increase. There is pain behind the chest. It arises from constant vibration, shortness of breath and inflammation. The muscles of the chest, the diaphragm are in tension.

In severe cases, the disease can affect the kidneys and the cardiovascular system. And also develop sepsis. This is a dangerous condition when the infection enters the bloodstream. Then inflammation begins throughout the body. This is a life-threatening factor that leads to pneumonia, otitis or peritonitis.

With the frequent occurrence of acute forms of the disease, more than 3 times a year, it becomes chronic. Because the body does not have time to recover. To eliminate the pathology, it is necessary to change work, climate or abandon provoking factors.

If the disease is not treated, it can lead to obstructive bronchitis. In this case, there is a risk of developing bronchial asthma. When a strong cough develops, you should consult a doctor so as not to start the inflammatory process.

allergic bronchitis

Allergic is different from other types of bronchitis. The disease is associated with exposure to an allergen. With exacerbation, weakness, sweating are noted. At normal temperature, coughing appears with the release of mucous sputum.

Among the main symptoms are a sore throat, a feeling of weakness and lethargy. Dizziness and headache may occur. Later, a dry, paroxysmal cough appears. After a few days, the mucus begins to move away.
With allergic bronchitis, it is important to completely eliminate allergens that provoke malaise. Most often it is dust and animal hair. Also, the disease can be caused by: red vegetables and fruits, chicken meat, plant pollen, household chemicals, alcohol and smoking. The disease goes away if you remove allergens, eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The main factors for the appearance and development of the disease are:

  • dust, cold and damp climate;
  • polluted air in cities;
  • alcohol, drugs, smoking;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system and ENT organs;
  • allergic predisposition, congenital disorders of the bronchopulmonary system.

Benefits of Syrups

Cough syrup helps to cope with a cough with bronchitis. It works more efficiently and faster than tablets. A convenient form of release allows you to treat not only adults, but also children. It is easier for them to swallow a sweet liquid than a bitter, hard pill.

A huge selection of syrups helps to find a medicine that is effective at this stage in the development of the disease.

The disease begins with a dry cough. Attempts to cough up are unsuccessful, the sputum is too viscous. To take it out, mucolytics are used. These funds have a diluting effect.
Then, the cough changes its character.It becomes moist and intensifies in the morning hours. Then expectorants are used. They help to expel phlegm and stimulate a productive cough. In this case, stagnation of mucus in the respiratory system can be prevented.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are used both at an early stage of bronchitis, and when it has passed into an acute stage. They help not only to remove phlegm from the bronchi, but also reduce inflammation. The disease may be accompanied by swelling and spasm, which prevent oxygen from reaching the lungs and other organs.

Syrups are effective and have their advantages:

  • more often vegetable or combined composition;
  • pleasant taste and smell;
  • convenient to measure the dosage;
  • removal of spasms and signs of intoxication;
  • rapid absorption by the body;
  • sparing effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Selection rules

  • The active substance of the syrup should reduce the viscosity of sputum and encourage the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract.
  • Cough medicines that contain alcohol are not used for alcoholism. They are prescribed with caution for epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, diseases of the liver, brain and in childhood.
  • Means containing honey are contraindicated in case of allergy to bee products. There is a high chance of developing an allergic reaction.
  • If the medicine includes sucrose, then it should not be used by people with diabetes. Syrup on sorbitol and sucrose is contraindicated in fructose intolerance, sucrose deficiency and glucose-galactose malabsorption.
  • It is desirable that the drug be prescribed by a doctor. Then it will be possible to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  • If the syrup is chosen independently, then preference should be given to combined.


According to the principle of action, drugs are divided into different types.The result of their application is different. Therefore, you need to choose exactly the tool that is suitable in a particular case.

There are 4 groups.

  1. The first group is drugs that stop coughing. They gently act on the inflamed mucosa and suppress dry cough.
  2. The second group is compounds that thin the secretion of mucus. They are called mucolytic and are prescribed when the sputum is very thick. The body cannot cope with its excretion.
  3. The third group is syrups with expectorant action. They help to actively cleanse the bronchi from sputum. They are used when the cough has become productive.
  4. The fourth group is complex drugs. They simultaneously thin the mucus and remove it. In addition, they relieve inflammation and have other beneficial properties.

From what active ingredient is in the composition, bronchitis syrups are divided into the following types:

  • one-component - in the composition of one active substance;
  • multicomponent - in the composition of 2 or more active substances;
  • combined - a combination of several active substances.

Depending on the origin of the incoming ingredients, they are divided into: synthetic, natural, including both.

But the effectiveness of the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the body. To choose the right medicine, you should consult a doctor. After questioning and examination, he will be able to correctly diagnose. It is important not only to choose an effective remedy, but also to establish the cause of the disease.

The best syrups for bronchitis

The review presents syrups that have proven their effectiveness. Before using the medicine, consultation and approval of the doctor is necessary.



The medicine is used to treat cough.It contains bromhexine, guaifenesin, salbutamol, levomenthol and auxiliary components. It is prescribed for acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases. Joset quickly removes mucus from the bronchi and noticeably improves well-being. For ease of use, the package contains a measuring spoon or cup, depending on the volume. Joset is not used in the treatment of pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. And also with diabetes, glaucoma, gastric ulcer, fructose intolerance.

The medicine should be taken with caution. In case of an overdose, side effects can be observed: disruption of the heart, nervous system. This can lead to increased pressure, dizziness, nausea. With caution, it should be used by people when driving a car. Production - India. The cost is 350 rubles.

Joset syrup
  • pleasant taste and smell;
  • fast action;
  • budgetary;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • effective.
  • sold by prescription;
  • many contraindications;
  • side effects.


The drug Lazolvan has the active substance ambroxol hydrochloride. It increases the secretion of mucus in the respiratory tract, thins it and removes it. Lazolvan is prescribed to patients with bronchitis, pneumonia and bronchial asthma. Production - Spain. The cost is 200 rubles.

Syrup Lazolvan
  • few contraindications;
  • pleasant smell and taste;
  • high concentration;
  • effective.
  • side effect - nausea;
  • not suitable for pregnant and lactating women;
  • it is impossible for patients who do not tolerate fructose.


The medicine contains bromhexine. Under the action of this active substance, sputum is more easily removed and removed. The package contains a measuring spoon for precise dosage.It must be taken with caution due to a number of side effects. These include dizziness, bronchospasm, and skin rash. Production - Germany. The cost is 230 rubles.

Bromhexine syrup
  • effective;
  • soft, pleasant taste;
  • fast action;
  • does not contain alcohol.
  • side effects.


Omnitus contains the active ingredient butamirate citrate. It is a centrally acting drug. It affects the cough center located in the brain. Omnitus has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. It is used for dry cough. Production - Serbia.

The cost is 240 rubles.

Omnitus syrup
  • with vanilla flavor;
  • can be used by people with diabetes;
  • high absorption;
  • few contraindications;
  • strong antitussive effect.
  • should not be taken by pregnant women;
  • ethanol is present;
  • alcohol should not be taken during treatment.



Medicine on a natural basis. It contains extracts from ivy leaves and thyme. It contains ethanol. Bronchipret is not used for liver problems and brain diseases. For dosage, the package contains a measuring cup. When taking the medicine, concentration may decrease. Motorists should take it with caution. Production - Germany. The cost is 270 rubles.

Bronchipret syrup
  • fast acting;
  • vegetable;
  • nice smell.
  • no.


Herbion is a remedy with plantain extract. It effectively liquefies and removes sputum, relieves bronchospasm. There is no glucose in the syrup with a pleasant smell. The drug has an antimicrobial effect. It is taken with an unproductive wet cough.Thanks to its anti-inflammatory action, it softens coughing. There is a measuring spoon in the package. The drug is prescribed for children from 2 years.

Producer - Slovenia. The cost is 470 rubles.

Herbion syrup
  • lack of sugar;
  • few side effects;
  • effective.
  • short shelf life after opening;
  • should not be taken with fructose intolerance;
  • contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Liquorice root

Herbal preparation, which includes licorice extract, vitamin C, sugar syrup and ethanol. The drug may be administered with other medicines. It helps to separate and expel thick and viscous mucus. The medicine can be taken by children from 2 years of age. Production - Russia. The cost is 54 rubles.

licorice root syrup
  • pleasant taste;
  • effective in the early stages of the disease;
  • budgetary;
  • herbal composition.
  • contains sugar and ethyl alcohol;
  • not during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • many contraindications.


Cough syrup with plantain and coltsfoot

The composition of the drug contains the active substances of plantain extract, coltsfoot, mint and eucalyptus oil. The combined preparation of plant origin has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. Production - Russia. The cost is 125 rubles.

cough syrup with psyllium and coltsfoot
  • budgetary;
  • natural composition;
  • few contraindications.
  • contains sugar;
  • not for pregnant women and breastfeeding;
  • used in combination with other cough medicines.

Doctor Mom

Syrup from natural ingredients.The composition includes extracts from medicinal plants and auxiliary components. A green product with a pleasant aroma and taste. It suppresses inflammation and accelerates the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract. The main contraindication to admission is children under 3 years of age and allergies to components.

Production - India. The cost is 300 rubles.

Syrup Doctor Mom
  • natural composition;
  • pleasant taste;
  • effective;
  • allowed for children from 3 years old;
  • few contraindications.
  • big expense.

Codelac Broncho

The drug has an expectorant effect. The composition contains: ambroxol, sodium glycyrrhizinate, thyme extract. It is used for dry cough when sputum does not come out. Suppresses viral activity and inflammation. Accelerates tissue regeneration and relieves bronchospasm. Manufacturer - Russia. The cost is 170 rubles.

Syrup Codelac Broncho
  • combined;
  • effective;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • affordable price;
  • few contraindications.
  • contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • contains ethyl alcohol;
  • Do not drive while using.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis of the disease is favorable with timely and proper treatment. The main thing is to consult a doctor in time and comply with all the conditions of therapy. Recovery usually begins 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms. But a cough in a quarter of the sick can last for several months.

Effective measures to prevent bronchitis include:

  • washing hands with soap;
  • rinsing the mouth and nose with saline;
  • to give up smoking;
  • vaccination against bronchopulmonary infections;
  • hardening and sports;
  • regular breathing exercises;
  • timely treatment of chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  • increasing the immune defense of the body;
  • proper nutrition with adequate protein content.
  • ventilation of the room;
  • wet cleaning.

Compliance with these rules will reduce the risk of bronchitis.

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