
  1. Main types: which alarm to choose
  2. Main constituent elements
  3. CCTV
  4. Tips from experienced professionals when choosing an alarm
  5. Rating of the best alarms for apartments and cottages for 2025
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best alarms for apartments and cottages for 2025

Rating of the best alarms for apartments and cottages for 2025

The protection of personal property, a private house, an apartment is an urgent problem, the solution of which should be approached responsibly, having the necessary information. Analyzing the rating of the best alarms for an apartment and a summer house for 2025, you can choose the right model for functions, quality, and cost.

Main types: which alarm to choose

Security systems should be chosen taking into account several important criteria:

  1. Location.
  2. Specialization.
  3. Method of signal transmission.
  4. Principle of operation.


The choice of alarm depends on the room, its size, functional features. Allocate security systems for the following objects:

  • apartment (multi-apartment residential building);
  • private house (settlement);
  • country house (dacha);
  • automobile;
  • basement, garage;
  • office, shop, warehouse.


The specialization of the alarm system (security, fire, smart home system) depends on the number, functions, principle of operation of sensors, signaling devices:

  • security (door breaking, extraneous movements, glass breaking);
  • fire-fighting (increase in air temperature, smoke);
  • the level of carbon monoxide (rooms with stove heating, fireplaces);
  • flooding (leaks in the water supply system, heating);
  • CCTV;
  • multifunctional system (presence of different sensors).

Signaling method

The presence of wires, cables, radio, mobile communications determines the type of alarm:

  • wired - data is transmitted over cables;
  • wireless - GSM systems, radio communications are used;
  • double (hybrid) - simultaneous use of wired, wireless systems.

Wired: It is planned, installed at the initial stages of the repair of the premises.Differs in high-quality signal, reliability (correct installation by specialists). Suitable for owners of new apartments, houses (preparing for renovation).

Wireless:Suitable for rented, renovated premises (new repairs are not planned). It is easy to install on your own, it is possible to remove the entire system when moving. You can move, install new sensors, signaling devices.

Double (hybrid): Combines the presence of wires, cables, sensors with mobile signal transmission.

Principle of operation

From the method of transmitting alarm signals to the owner, the following types are distinguished:

  • Autonomous

A light, sound (siren) signal (110-120 dB) is triggered. Repels criminals (85-90% of inexperienced). Information about the break-in is not transmitted (completely autonomous system), it is transmitted to the owner (SMS message).

Advantages - the ability to install in a territory where communication is not available (GSM, landline phone). Suitable for apartments in multi-storey buildings - the presence of neighbors, passers-by. Private house, cottage - not relevant.

The owner needs to react on his own, call law enforcement agencies.

  • Console

Performs the functions:

  • transmits notices to private, state security firms (departure of the outfit);
  • sound, light signal is triggered;
  • informs the owner.

Additional costs if you choose a remote control system:

  1. Design, installation by specialists.
  2. Connecting the system to the security console of the company.
  3. Signing an agreement.
  4. Monthly subscription fee.

According to experts, it is considered the most effective against hacking, robbery.

  • Wireless GSM

Transfer of information to the owner, security firm via mobile communications.The control unit has a separate, built-in GSM module, where the mobile operator's SIM card is connected. New models - 2 SIM cards from different operators (high-quality, stable connection).

Break-in, movement data are transmitted to several programmed phone numbers (3-10) - call, sms, photo. Additionally, howler sirens can be turned on.

Comparative characteristics of alarms are presented in the table

signalingcontrol roomautonomousGSM
alertsecurity firmowner, sirenowner, firm

Main constituent elements

The alarm consists of the following components:

  • Central;
  • Remote controller;
  • Sensors;
  • Sirens.


Receives and processes signals from sensors. Sends an alert to the owner, security company. May contain a built-in battery.

Remote controller

Helps to remotely control system functions, disable. arm, call for help (SOS button).


For protection, detectors are used with a different principle of operation (IR, microwaves, ultrasound), power supply (batteries, power supply from the mains).

  • Magnetic contact

A reed switch is used (sealed contact, limit switch). They react to the opening, are located on the sashes of windows, doors.

  • Ultrasonic

They emit ultrasonic waves (frequency 15-75 kHz). The Doppler principle is applied - the change in the frequency of the reflected wave. Advantage - not affected by changes in the environment (temperature). Disadvantages - affect animals (dogs), do not work well for slow movements.

  • Microwave

Consist of a receiver and a transmitter. The principle of operation is based on the transmission of a high frequency signal.When passing near the MV sensors, the frequency changes (the signal increases, is transmitted to the relay, the load is turned on). Sensitive to any vibrations, movements through the glass surface, door leaves. There are false positives.

Cost-wise, the most expensive.

  • Laser, photo-signaling devices

The emitter (IR LED), receiver (photodiode of a suitable identical spectrum) of the security system are located opposite each other (corridor). Operation occurs if the radiation between the detectors is interrupted - an outsider passes.

An obstacle sensor (used in robotics) is triggered when radiation from a foreign object (object) hits a photodiode located next to the emitter.

  • seismic

Signaling devices react to fluctuations of the earth's surface. They are located in a trench, the distance is 40-50 cm from each other, they are connected in series with a cable. The signal is transmitted to the control panel via the converter, UPS (individual power supply). The number of sensors depends on the type of soil, the size of the site, natural seismic vibrations. They are used to protect large industrial premises, warehouses, gas transmission systems.

The principle of operation is applied when the glass of the windows breaks.

  • infrared

The principle of operation - a reaction to a change in temperature (thermal radiation from objects), which emits an object, are installed at a height of 2.5-3 m.

Frequent false positives happen:

  1. from gusts of warm wind on the street;
  2. close proximity to heaters, lamps;
  3. it is not recommended to place it near large light sources, heating systems, glass (IR radiation does not pass well through glass surfaces).

Consists of a PIR sensor (sensing element), Fresnel lens (multi-segment).

Increasing efficiency, expanding the field of view - install double sensors (2 pairs of double ones).

The most common, affordable.

  • signaling devices

Additionally, special signaling devices are used that react, give an alarm to the owner:

  1. the appearance of smoke, fire;
  2. gas leak (gas heating, kitchen surface);
  3. high level of carbon monoxide (relevant for stove heating, the presence of fireplaces);
  4. leakage of plumbing, heating systems;
  5. block windows and doors.

In addition to protection, sensors save electricity, increase the duration of the lighting fixtures.


Howler monkeys make loud, sharp sounds that scare off criminals, attract the attention of neighbors, passers-by. Additionally, they use light - turning on bright lights, flashing.


Surveillance cameras of the security sphere help to detect, get an image of a criminal, control the backyard territory (cottage, country house, private house). Video surveillance systems consist of:

  • chambers (external, internal);
  • image broadcasting equipment;
  • monitor, TV (smartphone, PC).

Camera types

I distinguish 2 main types:

  1. Analog.
  2. Digital.


Image quality - HD, UltraHD (6-8 MP).

Features of analog cameras:

  • simple installation;
  • profitability;
  • signal transmission 300-500 m;
  • the ability to combine elements from different manufacturers.


HD-SDI - easy installation, video transmission at 200-300 m. Requires high-quality cable material, has a high cost.

IPs are the most common. Information transmission without special equipment 90-100 m.

When choosing, pay attention to:

  • IR filter, backlight;
  • the presence of 2 sensors (night - monochrome, day - color);
  • image clarity (2, 3, 12 MP);
  • observation area;
  • environmental conditions (outdoor cameras - temperature, humidity).

Tips from experienced professionals when choosing an alarm

The choice of the type of security system should be carried out, following the advice of experienced craftsmen:

  1. Selection, installation of the remote control system - by specialists.
  2. Simultaneous combination of different types of protection (2 types of alarm, 2-3 locks, door chain, lighting remote control). The use of dummies of cameras (imitation of video surveillance).
  3. Verification of certificates of conformity, quality by manufacturers.
  4. Guaranteed terms.
  5. Property insurance against theft.
  6. Reviews of specialists, buyers of online stores, YouTube channels.

Rating of the best alarms for apartments and cottages for 2025

You can choose a high-quality, suitable security system by studying customer reviews, product ratings from the cheapest to new products.



Wireless. Set - touch panel, 2 sensors (magnetic contact, IR), siren, bracket, 2 control panels.

The battery is built-in, lithium. Signal transmission - urban telephone communication. Functional:

  1. Ability to manage up to 50 wireless zones, 500 signaling devices.
  2. 8 remote controls.
  3. Record 6 alarm numbers.
  4. Receive and make calls.
  5. Automatic, remote arming.
  6. Voice message recording (10 s).

Producer - "KARKAM Electronics" (Russia).

  • Ademco ContactID system;
  • battery life - 5 hours without electricity;
  • the ability to complete with additional elements;
  • voice control;
  • SOS button.
  • purchase, control of batteries.

ALFA Motion detector with audible alert ALB-02

Producer - ALFA (Russia). Kit:

  • soundbar (112 dB);
  • IR motion sensor wireless (angle of rotation - 180⁰, 360⁰);
  • remote control;
  • food - micro USB, alkaline batteries.

Multiple features:

  1. Door bell;
  2. Robber;
  3. Welcome.

Works at a temperature of -10⁰С - +60⁰С, humidity - no more than 80%.

ALFA Motion detector with audible alert ALB-02
  • ease of installation;
  • volume settings;
  • variety of sound solutions (32 melodies);
  • warranty - 12 months.
  • signal transmission range - 280 m.

GSM signaling device Home Watchman

Manufacturer - NPO "Siberian Arsenal" (Russia).

Components, their properties:

  1. 2 key fobs;
  2. 2 x CR123A batteries, 1 x CR2032 replacement battery (remote);
  3. Operating range of key fobs - 20 m, protection zone - 10 m;
  4. Ability to connect 5-6 key fobs at the same time.
GSM signaling device Home Watchman
  • simple installation;
  • term of work - 5-6 months;
  • battery status report.
  • You need to buy a siren separately.


Producer - ALFA (Russia). Consists:

  1. Reed switch (opening windows, doors).
  2. Remote control.
  3. Sound siren - up to 120 dB.
  4. Power supply - 2 AAA batteries.

Installation - gluing with double-sided tape (horizontal, vertical surface). Installation (apartments, houses, offices, shops):

  • on doors, windows;
  • doors of refrigerators (shops);
  • shelf doors, drawers.

The remote control is controlled by 4 buttons. There are functions - doorbell, SOS button, removal, arming.

  • simple installation;
  • warranty - 1 year.
  • additional purchase of batteries.

Bradex td 0215

Manufacturer - Bradex (China). The set contains:

  1. Signaling device (IR) - range 6 m, rotation angle - 110 ⁰.
  2. Base.
  3. Remote control - 2 pcs. , work up to 20 m.
  4. 3 batteries type "AG13".

Power base, signaling device - 4 AAA batteries, sound signal - 105 dB.

Bradex td 0215
  • simple instruction;
  • price.
  • small range of the detector;
  • constant monitoring, battery replacement.

Price quality

CARCAM GSM ALARM KIT smart home kit

Producer - CARCAM (Russia). Kit:

  1. Control panel (Wi-Fi, GSM).
  2. MK, IR wireless signaling devices (2 pcs.).
  3. 2 remote controls.
  4. Brackets, self-tapping screws.
  5. Built-in siren, battery.

Possibility to additionally connect 24 elements, install 5 control zones. Signal reception radius - 100 m.

  • the ability to connect other signaling devices;
  • warranty - 12 months.
  • not identified.


Producer - Helikon Line LLC (Russia).


  1. Control panel.
  2. Remote control - 2 pcs.
  3. Light and sound wired siren
  4. Signaling devices (reed switch, IR) -2 pcs.
  5. GSM antenna.
  6. Power supply (220V), adapter AC 220-DC 12 V.

Performs the following actions:

  • control of 8 wired, 16 wireless zones;
  • notification by 8 numbers (dialing - 5, SMS messages - 3);
  • battery works 7-8 hours (power outage);
  • disarming / arming using the keyboard, SMS commands, timer, remote control;
  • SMS notification – alarm, power outage.
  • self-installation according to the instructions;
  • listening to the protected area.
  • not moisture resistant.

OPTIMA GSM, smart home - ready-made kit

GSM alarm. You will need a new SIM card from your mobile operator. Setting, control panel - mobile phone. Alarm signal - messages are sent to 6 numbers.

The finished kit contains:

  1. Sokol GSM central panel.
  2. 2 sensors (motion, door opening).
  3. network adapter.
  4. 2 remote controls.
  5. Siren 110dB.
  • you can additionally connect different signaling devices.
  • price.

With video surveillance

WiFi GSM Guard Premium 2

The white set consists of:

  1. The central panel can control 8 wired, 96 wireless zones.
  2. Work in networks GSM, GPRS, WiFi.
  3. Motion signaling device (viewing angle 90-110 ⁰, line of sight - 80 m).
  4. Reed switch (100 m line of sight).
  5. Fire detector (alarm + 57⁰С, control 60 sq.m.).
  6. Wifi camera (resolution - 1280 × 720).
  7. Recording, saving information (microSD up to 32 GB, 18-20 days).
  8. 2 key fobs (remote control 30 m).
  9. 12 V adapter.

Has great functionality:

  • control of opening-closing doors, windows;
  • movement of foreign objects;
  • the appearance of smoke, an increase in temperature;
  • Android, iOS support;
  • call, sms (6 phone numbers);
  • surveillance, viewing Wifi camera (laptop, smartphone).

Power outage - work 12 hours. Warranty - 2 years.

WiFi GSM Guard Premium 2
  • easy installation;
  • the ability to supplement the system with regulators for turning on lights, sockets;
  • remote control (smartphone).
  • the model does not work with Tele2 SIM cards;
  • additional purchase of batteries (wireless signaling devices);
  • price.

Sapsan GSM Pro 5SV8

Producer - Sapsan (Russia). The security system performs the following functions:

  1. Wi-Fi camera - rotation angle 355⁰ (horizontal), 120⁰ (vertical).
  2. Transmits an alarm signal via radio.
  3. Recording quality - 720P (memory card up to 128 GB).
  4. IR illumination up to 10 meters.
  5. 32 wireless security sensors + 1 SOS zone.
  6. 2 wired zones - 20 wired detectors.
  7. SMS messages, dialing to 10 numbers.
  8. System power monitoring, control panel protection - signals.

The set consists of:

  • controller Sapsan GSM Pro 5S;
  • 2 wireless motion sensors, opening (visibility 100m);
  • sound annunciator SR-01;
  • USB cable (micro-USB);
  • Wi-Fi camera Sapsan Pro 8;
  • adapter (any type of SIM card);
  • network adapter 220 VAC - 9 VDC;
  • 2 remote controls (remote arming, disarming);
  • power supply 5V 2A;
  • CD disk (software).
Sapsan GSM Pro 5SV8
  • work at temperatures up to - 40 degrees;
  • Android support - control via smartphone;
  • warranty - 2 years.
  • not identified.


ALFA G90B with home, outdoor video cameras

Producer - ALFA (Russia). New for 2019. The ready-made set, in addition to motion and opening signaling devices (windows, doors), has 2 video cameras (home, outdoor). WI-FI IP cameras have built-in motion control. They fix the intruder, transmit the image (PC, smartphone). The operation of the cameras can be programmed:

  • continuous monitoring;
  • fixing what is happening certain hours, period;
  • enabling recording when movement alarms are triggered.

Features of video cameras:

  • LEDs (3 - 12 mm, 10 - 5 mm);
  • automatic day-night switching;
  • night vision mode (dual IR filter, visibility 10-20m).

The kit consists of:

  1. Central panel.
  2. Power supply 9-12 V.
  3. Motion sensors, opening (2 pcs.).
  4. Home video camera.
  5. Outdoor video camera.
  6. 2 remote controls.

Video cameras are additionally equipped with mounting brackets. power supplies. control panels.

ALFA G90B with home, outdoor video cameras
  • the presence of 2 cameras;
  • night vision mode.
  • not identified.


Modern technologies help to make everyday life calm, confident in the future. Knowing the main selection criteria, the features of the constituent components of the system, you can quickly and easily decide on the choice of a suitable security system for your own home.

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