
  1. What are devices
  2. Criterias of choice
  3. Operating rules
  4. Overview of the best models

Rating of the best siphons for carbonating water for 2025

Rating of the best siphons for carbonating water for 2025

We recommend that all soda lovers make their own water saturated with carbon dioxide. To do this, you need to purchase the appropriate device. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of siphons, without which it will not work to prepare sparkling water on your own.

What are devices

Today, the siphon is no longer as popular as it was during the Soviet Union, when the device could be found in every apartment.In stores, carbonated water was not presented in such an assortment as it is today, so people prepared their own drinks from syrup and soda. Now the counters are filled with water for different tastes and colors, the benefits of which for the body can be argued. That is why most people who take care of their health prefer to prepare drinks on their own, in the old fashioned way, with the addition of juice or other additives.

Principle of operation

First of all, you need to unscrew the cartridge at the top, and then install a canister into it, with carbon dioxide pumped inside. It should be screwed strictly along the thread. In order for the gas to penetrate and saturate the water, the needle that is inside the siphon must pierce the membrane at a right angle. To evaluate the quality of soda, you must press the button.

Criterias of choice

Before you go shopping for a siphon, consider where you will store the device. If there is not much free space in the kitchen, we recommend that you take a closer look at compact models.

You should also pay attention to the availability of components: removable bottles and refills.
When choosing a siphon, focus on the following aspects:

  1. Instructions must be included with the device.
  2. The siphon is made of strong, reliable material. We recommend that you look at models made of stainless steel.
  3. Make a purchase at trusted outlets, with a “not tarnished” reputation. The device must be under warranty.
  4. Give preference to those siphons whose body shape is convenient for use.

In addition, pay attention to additional measures to protect the device. Carbon dioxide is supplied under pressure, so the stronger the components, the better.

Operating rules

Do not forget that such devices are quite dangerous.Do not let children work with them.

Pour water into the tank strictly up to the indicated mark. Do not amuse yourself with the thought - nothing terrible will happen if I slightly exceed the norm. In the best case, a person will simply pour over soda. But there is also a bad scenario - the bottle will explode right in your hands.
It is not advisable to constantly press the button or lever. Such actions increase the pressure in the siphon and regas the drink.

Hold the device at arm's length while saturated with carbon dioxide. Under no circumstances should you lean over it. It is forbidden to shake or shake the bottle.

Overview of the best models

Devices for saturating water with carbon dioxide are commercially available, but in a small assortment. However, choosing the right model is quite realistic. We invite you to take a trip to the times of the Soviet Union to get acquainted with the best models of siphons.

The most inexpensive

Oh! Range CookWare AM-210ACBK

Beautiful model that attracts attention. The creators decided not to use stainless steel in the composition, but to use harmless and durable plastic. Perhaps this characteristic will not suit everyone, but in this way it was possible to reduce the cost of products several times. The liter bottle included in the kit has an interesting pattern with golden flowers, which makes the siphon recognizable.

O! Range CookWare AM - 210 ACBK allows you to turn ordinary water into sparkling water, provided it is clean. You can add berry syrup and natural products to filtered water, ultimately getting a tasty and aromatic drink.

The device will benefit not only the user, but also the environment, by promoting the rare purchase of water sold in plastic containers that pollute the environment.The only disadvantage of such pleasure is the high price. The sale of cylinders is carried out in a box, which includes 10 pcs. at a cost of 549 rubles. One bottle is enough to get 1 liter of soda. A household unit will cost 2,500 thousand rubles, which does not take into account the price of cans purchased separately.

A notable plus and advantage of use is the ease of use, which consists in pressing a button. Plugging into the mains is not required, and disposable cartridges have helped the manufacturer to reduce the size of the creation.

siphon O! Range CookWare AM-210ACBK
  • compact dimensions and light weight;
  • complete set with stylish packaging;
  • easy to learn;
  • operation without mains power.
  • expensive consumables;
  • the presence of one degree of gassing force.

Home Bar Fizzini

Designed to saturate with carbon dioxide, the Home Bar Fizzini siphon is made of high density food grade plastic. The balloon is screwed into a recess on the lid.

There is a special pressure release button, a safety valve and a knob with which you can adjust the degree of gas saturation. Like the device described above, it is compatible with 8-gram cartridges. The weight of the siphon slightly exceeds the mark of 1 kg. Cost: 3300 rubles.

Siphon Home Bar Fizzini
  • 10 cartridges are included in the package;
  • simple design;
  • plastic is odorless;
  • the degree of water aeration is medium.
  • fragility - the device is easily damaged.

Oursson OS1000SK

It is very popular due to its affordability, compactness and practicality. External similarity with a reusable liter bottle with a hermetically sealed lid, where gas is inserted - a cylinder.There are 5 disposable cylinders in the set, and additional and inexpensive ones can be bought at any online store. A simple device that does not provide for the presence of complex additional options, allowing you to enjoy the preparation of water with bouncing bubbles in just a few minutes.

Many appreciated the availability and small size of the siphon, which allows storing appliances in a kitchen cabinet, and if there is not enough space, the ability to take it on the road or to work. Separately, good carbonation and pleasant taste of the drink are noted. A book with unusual recipes for making will help diversify the diet. The pluses include the availability of interchangeable gas containers on sale.

Similar to the examples above, carbonation with Oursson is quick and easy to use. At the first stage, filtered water is poured up to a certain level, which prevents overflow. It is necessary to wind the charging rod onto the bottle and insert a gas cartridge inside the siphon head. At the final stage, the structure is rotated and shaken. The liquid is saturated with gas and the soda is ready for use. If desired, the owner of the device can add syrup or berries for taste. Instructions with various recipes, included in the package, will tell you how to prepare a variety of drinks.

A wonderful thing Oursson OS 1000 SK suits people who are accustomed to leading a healthy lifestyle. Bored fruit freshly squeezed juices are perfectly complemented by soda. However, the cost of acquiring a model cannot be called easily accessible.

Cost: 2200 rubles.

siphon Oursson OS1000SK
  • ease of use;
  • available in several colors;
  • inexpensive price;
  • The set contains 5 disposable cans.
  • plastic construction;
  • one degree of carbonation;
  • cost of consumables.

Average price category

iSi Classic Soda Maker 2120333

If you decide to buy a nice siphon for making soda, you will have to run around the shops. The fact is that the iSi Classic SodaMaker 2120333 device is quickly dismantled, it is in high demand among buyers.

Construction details are made of plastic and stainless steel. For carbonation of water, disposable 8-gram cartridges are used. This creates some difficulties for the owners of the device, since it is much more difficult to find the necessary cylinders for sale than the siphon itself.

Water for saturation with carbon dioxide is poured into a liter bottle. Then, using a stainless steel spout, it can be pumped into a glass or cup. Alas, it is not possible to find out from the manufacturer what material the container is made of. We sincerely hope that the composition does not include components dangerous to the human body.

The disadvantages of the siphon, users rank the high cost of the device. Not all residents of Russia are ready to pay 7 thousand rubles for it. Some buyers joke - it seems that the device is made of silver.

Price: 6 500 rubles.

siphon iSi Classic SodaMaker 2120333
  • easy to operate;
  • no need to connect to the mains;
  • attractive look.
  • an elementary adapter is used;
  • low quality cylinders;
  • high price;
  • used for the preparation of cylinders for sale are extremely rare.

Home Bar Smart 110 NG

The most advanced model for making soda. In addition, the Home Bar Smart 110 NG siphon is one of the most compact devices.It will easily fit on the dining table, does not take up much space near the computer. The device is easy to operate, has a long service life, does not include electronic components that suddenly fail out of place.

Siphons of this model are used together with SODASTREAM cylinders. Their installation is carried out using a convenient screw-in connector. The device does not need to be connected to the mains. Just screw the can, screw it onto the bottle and, by pressing the button, wait.

The siphon comes with a 1 liter bottle. In terms of workmanship, it is impeccable and harmless, since the manufacturer did not use BPA. Also, the device is combined with a 1.5 liter bottle, but it is not included in the set. However, there is also positive news - the siphon comes with a 425-gram bottle, which is enough to prepare 60 liters of soda. We recommend buying multiple bottles. When they are empty, they can be exchanged for full ones.

In all other respects, it is an ordinary siphon that is not equipped with any additional functions. There is an automatic pressure release, a removable tray designed to collect accidental drops of water. The purchase is very expensive, but good.

Price: 5 thousand rubles.

siphon Home Bar Smart 110 NG
  • compact size, light weight;
  • the device is equipped with a pallet;
  • does not need to be connected to the mains;
  • BPA-free bottle included;
  • convenient connection of a cylinder with gas;
  • The warranty period has been extended to 2 years.
  • expensive bottles are used.

Kayser 1 liter

The household item will not harm health due to the creation of an aluminum alloy.Rather easy and weightless device unlike plastic analog. The black color of the siphon and all components is especially noted. It will look harmoniously on the kitchen shelf, fitting into any interior of the room.

This sample is included in the set of keys for taking measurements and a balloon capsule. Similar to the previous siphon, the use of disposable cartridges resembling bullet casings is provided. Their weight is much weightless, and a box with 10 bottles has a weight of 100 g. The packaging will cost the buyer a decent amount of 590 rubles, and one can is enough to prepare only a liter of liquid.

Like other rating products, Kayser does not need to be connected to the network. It is distinguished by the most simplified carbonation process, as well as other models under consideration in the review. The product is created and assembled in a European country - the Czech Republic, which determines not a small cost. Long-term operation also made adjustments to the high price tag. When purchasing a unit, it becomes clear that the service life can reach 5-6 years, if the production of cartridges does not end by this period.

Cost: 5000 rubles.

siphon Kayser 1 liter
  • contains aluminum alloy;
  • attractive design;
  • long-term work;
  • easy to learn and use;
  • no electricity required.
  • rather high price and high cost of consumables;
  • the only degree of gassing strength.


The siphon is intended for the preparation of a liter of lemonade or other delicious drink with gas. High-quality assembly and durable components and parts allow the use of the device not only at home, but also for professional purposes.Judging by the numerous consumer reviews, the products are valuable due to the strong case design, which consists of stainless steel, as well as high reliability, durable mechanisms and modern design. The device is able to hold liquid gassing for a long time during long-term storage. A prerequisite is purified water.

trap MOSA
  • style;
  • professional device.
  • rapid use of balloons.

Premium class

Sodastream Genesis

The Israeli company Soda Stream produces the most famous, best and most popular siphons. The price of products is not cheap, but the high cost is covered by convenient use, functionality, excellent quality and practicality. The appearance is not at all similar to the old Soviet classic models produced in the USSR. The device has undergone a number of changes and is a designer household appliance with a special style that embellishes the modern kitchen. Even a child or an inexperienced user can handle the simple preparation of soda - you need to fill the container with water with additives, install the filled bottle and press the start button. It is possible to select the intensity of carbonation of the desired liquid: weak, medium, strong and powerful degree.

The kit consists of a gas cylinder, the filling of which is enough to prepare 60 liters of carbonated drink. When consumed in moderation, it lasts for quite a long time. Reviews of those users who have already managed to test a household appliance speak of convenience, simplicity and excellent workmanship and the impossibility of encountering breakdowns. The output is delicious soda, regardless of the type of additives and fillers.It can be iced tea or water with lemon.

The cost is 17,500 rubles.

siphon Sodastream Genesis
  • the body is made of environmentally friendly plastic;
  • delivery with cylinder and container;
  • availability of different levels of carbonation;
  • ease and convenience;
  • 4 colors;
  • no connection to the mains is required.
  • high cost.

The presented brands of household appliances that improve life and are considered in this material are available and for sale in many domestic online stores. Having decided to choose the model you like, you need to pay attention to the required amount of water capacity for carbonation, design and the amount that the buyer is willing to spend.

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