Rating of the best stamped wheels for cars for 2025

Rating of the best stamped wheels for cars for 2025

The modern realities of Russian highways have repeatedly proven that stamped options are considered the best rims for driving on them. Moreover, most automakers complete their cars in the original configuration with this particular type of disk. And the main reason for this is the simplest technology for their production. These parts are made from two pieces of steel that are press-formed and then joined by spot welding. Naturally, this release option has its pros and cons.

Features of stamped samples

Their main feature can be called improved maintainability. In the case when cast rims are subjected to excessive loads, they are quite easily destroyed and burst, and stamped samples are only deformed. From this it is clear that with a strong impact, the stamping will only bend, losing its original shape, which can be easily restored in any tire shop. Due to their plasticity, stampings as a whole protect all cars from damage, since when exposed to impact force, they take on its retortion for the most part, while protecting the suspension structure.

Separately, we can speak about the price: it is much lower than that of cast samples, which is associated with the simplicity of manufacturing technology (the difference is at least 2 orders of magnitude). You can always distinguish stamped rims from cast rims due to their appearance - for the most part they look less attractive and aesthetically pleasing than cast rims. However, this fact can also become a virtue - it is unlikely that any professional car thief will covet wheels with similar stamped parts.

Advantages and disadvantages of stamped rims

For products of any automaker that manufactures discs using the stamping method, the following positive properties are inherent:

  • They have a high degree of elasticity and ductility - the disc can absorb shock qualitatively while driving on rough roads (however, aluminum models do not have such qualities).
  • Simple repair - when deformed, the disk is easily rolled and straightened, and the resulting cracks are welded. In addition, it is even possible to use refurbished discs, but their full service life can be very short (experts advise purchasing stamped versions “without mileage”).
  • Wide scope of application - it is possible to install stamping on any type of transport, from trucks to cars.
  • Low cost - both their initial price and the cost of repair and maintenance are extremely small compared to the same operations for alloy wheels.
  • Easy installation - installing a stamped product is not a problem for almost all cars (with the exception of exclusives and expensive models), and for Russian cars they are suitable in any case, because this property (for the most part) is provided by the domestic factory design.

The existing shortcomings of the components under consideration include:

  • Relatively large wheel mass - after installation, the weight of the wheel will increase, which will affect fuel consumption and handling;
  • An increase in braking distance - indeed, for wheels on stamped disks, it will be longer than for wheels on cast rims;
  • Balancing - this quality for the wheels will certainly decrease;
  • Rust resistance - in the event of corrosion foci, it will be necessary to carry out constant prevention of rims in this direction.

IMPORTANT! Most motorists do not consider the above disadvantages to be very significant and are ready to put up with them, especially in the harsh realities of Russian highways.

Drive life

Wheel rims are quite capable of lasting as long as the whole car. However, practice shows that they usually last for 3-5 years and the most common reason for their replacement is deformation due to strong mechanical stress. Pits, elevations, foreign objects that get in the way while driving - all of them can deprive the car of a wheel at one moment. Also, banal physical wear and tear can also affect the disks - it is he who causes the formation of chips, cracks and other deformations. Another reason will be metal corrosion - ordinary rust corrodes the steel structure very quickly, and when driving on a road where chemical de-icing reagents (salt, for example) are scattered, the aluminum rim will easily become unusable.

Experts believe that wheel balancing, removing dents with a depth of up to one centimeter, painting are not sufficient reasons for a complete wheel change. To solve such problems, it is enough to contact any service station. In other cases, it is preferable to make a replacement.

IMPORTANT! Although it is possible to weld cracks in stampings, this operation should be carried out only in completely hopeless cases. The thing is that when the metal base is heated to high temperatures, subsequently its strength will decrease. Accordingly, a disc restored by welding may no longer be able to cope with a strong impact.

Supervision of the proper condition of stamped rims

The overall quality of stamp discs can be visually determined primarily by the quality of their paintwork.If the paintwork is made on the basis of powder enamel, then this indicates good quality. Such compositions are sprayed with a special painting device under the influence of electric current. This method of staining will protect the product from the negative effects of moisture, chemically aggressive anti-icing agents, and will not allow the formation of corrosion centers. Moreover, enamel powder with a high degree of density adheres to metal and it is weakly susceptible to mechanical cracks and chips, and other defects (for example, when struck with small stones).

Naturally, with constant driving on Russian roads, the disks will require periodic inspection. They should be checked for small scratches and cracks, which will need to be treated in a timely manner. The service life of stampings will also be extended by regular painting with anti-corrosion compounds.

For better operation of discs made by stamping, it is recommended a couple of times a year (before the start of the warm and cold seasons) to completely clean them from dirt accumulated in the case. The reason lies in the fact that its presence in the holes and niches of the rim can lead to unnecessary vibrations of the steering wheel and body. Most motorists can even perceive this situation as a significant breakdown of suspension parts and “go broke with money” at a service station visit, although one has only to clean the wheels and the imbalance will disappear.

Difficulties in choosing stamped discs

Usually, the main reason, guided by which, a motorist chooses stamped wheels, is their price. However, when buying them, you should pay attention to some quality characteristics, so that in the future the car could behave normally on the road, it was easy to drive and did not require repairs for a long time.

  • Influence of wheel mass on acceleration

This parameter is one of the most important and directly affects the dynamics and speed of any machine. Every car enthusiast should understand that by reducing the weight of the wheel rims, it is possible to get a smoother ride for their vehicle, increase its maximum speed, and make handling safer and easier. But in order to achieve such a dynamic effect, one should understand how some parameters will affect the overall situation.

  • sprung and unsprung weight

These indicators are those forces that affect the car in the process of its movement. The indicator of the difference between these forces must be balanced. The sprung mass includes parts and elements of the machine that are placed between the body and the spring. And vice versa - everything that is located between the roadway and the automobile spring belongs to the unsprung mass. Thus, if this difference is proportionally distributed, it is possible to increase the smoothness of the ride, the braking efficiency, as well as the overall dynamic properties of the machine.

  • Controllability

At the moment the car hits a road obstacle, the maximum impact force does not apply to the body, but to the wheel. Only then, by means of a shock absorber, the rest of the shock wave passes to the body, returning the wheel to its previous dynamic state. Practical experience shows that by reducing the unsprung mass of the machine, it is possible to reduce the shock wave falling on the body, while maneuvering becomes more comfortable and smooth. However, such a procedure should not be abused, because too little unsprung mass (in relation to the mass of the body) will increase the time it takes for the wheel to return to its original state after taking a hit.When driving in favorable weather, this, in principle, will not affect driving safety, but on slippery or wet roads, the risk of skidding will increase significantly.

  • The quality of the overall dynamics of the car

Any motor can produce only a certain amount of energy for a period of time. Thus, the heavier the car wheels are, the more power will be required from the engine to spin them, which means a decrease in the amount of remaining energy required for the speed of acceleration. Based on statistics, the power of a car increases by about 1% if the mass of all wheels decreases by a total of one kilogram. The rule clearly follows from this: for quick overclocking, it is better to choose stamped discs, because. they are lighter than cast variations.

  • Smoothness of movement

According to practical calculations, reducing the weight for each wheel by one kilogram will reduce the weight in the cabin by 40 kilograms. The following situation can be cited as a vivid example: if the weight of each wheel is reduced by 4 kilograms (which is not difficult to do if we take into account the weight of the forged wheel), then the smoothness of movement will become the same as if there were 4 passengers in the cabin. At the same time, the characteristics for overclocking will remain the same.

  • General weight parameters

It's no secret that stamped rims are much lighter than cast rims. So, a 20-inch alloy wheel for a Range Rover will weigh about 25 kilograms. A stamped analogue, which has the maximum static load for this brand of car, will weigh about 13 kilograms. Accordingly, the weight of each wheel will decrease by at least 12 kilograms.As a result, stampings will reduce the unsprung weight by almost 500 kilograms, while improving the smoothness of the ride without loss in acceleration properties and overall dynamics.

The best manufacturers of stamped discs for cars of the Lada family

These models are characterized by the production of stampings from carbon steel sheet. About 60% of Lada cars in the Russian Federation and the former USSR use these particular products. Such popularity was facilitated by the cheapness of these models. If you make a purchase in an online store (which does not require separate costs for the seller’s labor and the lease of the area of ​​​​the outlet), then the disk will cost 500 rubles. Of course, the cost will also depend on the brand of car for which the rim is intended. In total, five manufacturers can be noted:

  1. "KrKZ" (location: Kremenchug, Ukraine) - their products are distinguished by low price (up to 1300 rubles on average), good design, good stable color. However, they are a bit large in weight and are not very resistant to side impacts.
  2. "Mefro" (location: South Korea, Germany) - their cost can be described as high (on average - 2700 rubles), but the disks have zinc protection, they are resistant to side impacts, they have no radial beats. One bad thing - this brand is often faked.
  3. "TZSK" (location: Togliatti, Russian Federation) - have an average cost (about 1750 rubles), have a small weight, coupled with an extended margin of safety. The disadvantages include weak painting technology and the use of too soft metal.
  4. Eurodisk (location: Uzbekistan) - this wheeled product is characterized by an extremely low price (from 850 rubles), it has a high-quality paintwork coating, and radial runout is completely absent in the products. The disadvantages include some weakness of the production material (sheet steel).
  5. "Treble" (location: China) - the cost is in the middle segment (1225 rubles), radial runouts are practically absent, in the production process there is a stage of controlling the geometry of the rim and checking the coating. Strength may be reduced.

IMPORTANT! The above firms specialize mainly in the production of discs with a diameter of 12,13,14 inches. Of course, there are models for both 15 and 16 inches, but their product range is somewhat narrowed.

Rating of the best stamped wheels for cars for 2025

For a radius of 14 inches

2nd place: "Magnetto Wheels 14016 5×14/5×100 D57.1 ET35"

This sample is a product of an Italian manufacturer. The company carries out both design and production on its own. The company has its own metal-rolling facilities, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of products, because the entire production cycle is concentrated in one place. The model in question has 5 mounting holes and a 35 mm reach. Precise geometry contributes to improved handling on difficult roads. The spread in the mounting holes is equivalent to current European regulations, which facilitates the installation process. The rim has a reliable protection against corrosion. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2200 rubles.

Magnetto Wheels 14016 5×14/5×100 D57.1 ET35
  • Rust protection;
  • Adequate price;
  • Availability of Russian and European certification;
  • Stylish design.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Trebl 5220"

A product from a Chinese manufacturer with Russian certification. At the end of production, all products undergo post-production control. For painting, an innovative technology is used that provides special protection against rust. The rim has a strict geometry, stamping is of high quality. There are 4 fixing holes in the sample, the overhang is 35 millimeters. For release, high-strength and ductile steel is used, which, with strong impacts, almost does not deform and does not break. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2300 rubles.

disc Trebl 5220
  • A small amount of cargo for balancing;
  • Increased maintainability;
  • Low price;
  • Good wear resistance;
  • Excellent operational resource.
  • It's a very minimalist design.

For a radius of 15 inches

2nd place: "TZSK Renault Logan 6×15/4×100 D60.1 ET40"

This product is made in Russia. Painted according to Italian technology with the simultaneous execution of a cataphoresis primer. The resulting corrosion protection is characterized by increased efficiency, which significantly extends the service life. The wheels are designed for foreign cars of the Renault brand. The rim has 4 holes for landing, a departure of 40 millimeters. For release, ductile steel is used, which indicates the ability of the sample to withstand numerous side impacts, as well as the general tolerance for poor-quality road surfaces. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1880 rubles.

wheel TZSK Renault Logan 6×15/4×100 D60.1 ET40
  • Excellent maintainability;
  • Small mass;
  • Strict geometry;
  • Low price.
  • Possibly uneven paint.

1st place: "Eurodisk 64A45Z"

Discs from this manufacturer are produced on the latest Italian equipment with automated painting. Finnish-made steel is used in the manufacture, which has excellent plastic properties. The rim has 4 holes for mounting, the reach is wide and is 45 millimeters. The model is perfect for domestic cars and some budget foreign cars. A disc of a typical design, to make it more aesthetic, you will need to purchase caps. Might be perfect for a spare. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2600 rubles.

disc Eurodisk 64A45Z
  • Good anti-corrosion protection;
  • Resistance to dynamic impacts;
  • Good stamping quality;
  • Reasonable weight.
  • Curated price.

For a radius of 16 inches

2nd place: GAZ Sobol 2217

The manufacturer imposes increased requirements on this serial product, since such disks are installed on light-duty vehicles that are operated intensively and often in difficult conditions. These discs are distinguished by the ability to withstand high dynamic and static loads, they have increased abrasive resistance. The wheel has 5 holes for installation, the offset can be in the range from 40 to 45 millimeters. Coloring can be of different shades, which does not underestimate the anti-corrosion qualities. The recommended cost for retail chains is 2700 rubles.

drive GAZ Sobol 2217
  • Stable disk geometry;
  • There are windows for anti-skid bracelets;
  • Reliable anti-corrosion protection;
  • Adequate price.
  • Ambiguous departure width.

1st place: "KFZ 8312"

This product is produced in Austria and is one of the most popular models. Special grades of steel are used for manufacturing, which are an excellent combination of elasticity and strength. The resulting rims are extremely resistant to dynamic and static loads, while at the same time they have extended maintainability. Sample includes 4 mounting holes, overhang is 40mm. The weight is relatively small, which makes it possible to use such discs even on crossovers, because they guarantee good dynamics. Anti-corrosion protection is carried out using Elcar's own patented technology, and even the smallest scratches cannot form a rust center. The recommended cost for retail chains is 4400 rubles.

disc KFZ 8312
  • Geometric stability;
  • The need for minimal balancing;
  • Extended service life;
  • Easy installation.
  • Overcharge.

For a radius of 17 inches

2nd place: "Off Road Wheels Nissan/Toyota 10xR17 6×139.7 ET-40 DIA110"

Products are manufactured by a Japanese manufacturer, certified for Russia. In the production technology, there is a stage of post-production quality control. The painting is carried out using powder enamel of our own invention, which offers innovative protection against rust. The disc has a clear geometry, stamping is very high quality. Mounting is done with 6 holes. Departure is 40 millimeters. The design is based on high-strength steel, which is not prone to deformation under strong mechanical stress. The recommended cost for retail chains is 7600 rubles.

disk Off Road Wheels Nissan/Toyota 10xR17 6×139.7 ET-40 DIA110
  • Good wear resistance;
  • Excellent operational resource.
  • A small amount of cargo for balancing;
  • Improved maintainability.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Dotz Dakar 7×17/6×139.7 D110 ET20"

Model from the German automaker. Production is fully focused on German and European standards, although there is also Russian certification. The steel from which all products are made is characterized by special strength and elasticity. The considered sample of wide diameter was specially designed to equip pickups and SUVs. For installation, 6 mounting bolts are used, the overhang is 20 millimeters. The exterior design has an aggressive look. The protective coating fully meets all the necessary hydrophobic qualities and is capable of self-cleaning. The recommended price for retail chains is 7,700 rubles.

disc Dotz Dakar 7×17/6×139.7 D110 ET20
  • Reinforced disc design;
  • Excellent two-stage hydrophobic rust protection;
  • Excellent resistance to dynamic impacts;
  • Accurate balance;
  • Flawless geometry.
  • Extremely high price.

Instead of an epilogue

The analysis of the market of the considered automotive components found that it is highly developed, and it is possible to find any necessary option on it. At the same time, it is worth noting that the Russian manufacturer in most cases represents, although outwardly, fine stamping, but its strength qualities leave much to be desired. However, this is offset by a rather low price.Foreign models are distinguished by the use of innovative technologies in their design, which increase its strength, but the price is often very high.

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