According to the rating agency RAEX-Analytics (RAEX), which studied the admission of school graduates to the leading higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, data appeared on more than 16 thousand schools. Based on exclusive information, a list of the 300 best secondary educational institutions in the country has been compiled.
The selection criteria were differences in the difficulty of enrolling in universities and the grounds for admission. The rating is also affected by the results of state exams and All-Russian Olympiads.
The lists are ranked by the absolute number of graduates awarded the honorary right to study at leading universities. In addition, 2025 is a denominator in that for the first time in the framework of such a study, schools that have become leaders in their regions have been identified.
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There are several Novosibirsk schools in the top twenty:
The same general education institutions are among the top 100 schools in Russia that produce competitive applicants. Here are the following persons involved: lyceum No. 130 (on the 38th), gymnasium No. 3 (on the 86th).
The opening date of the "Engineering Lyceum of NSTU" is August 1996.
Here is a good base for the versatile development of students, experienced teachers help to master the skills of independent work and research. Children are accepted from grades 1 to 11.
There are two main profile directions: economic and physical and mathematical. There is an opportunity to choose specialized and optional courses that take into account the abilities and interests of each child. Profile subjects:
The highly qualified teaching staff of the lyceum allows you to keep teaching at a high level. Many are employees of the departments of NSTU. There are doctors and candidates of sciences, teachers of the highest category, 4 people were winners in the national project "Education", seven people were teachers of the Dynasty Foundation, three were "Excellent students of physical culture".
For the outstanding achievements of lyceum students in the field of international educational achievements PISA-2003 the team was awarded a high award: Certificate of Honor of the Russian Academy of Education. In 2009, the school was recognized as the best in Novosibirsk.
Lyceum address: Novosibirsk, Vystavochnaya street, 36.
The gymnasium teaches children from kindergarten to graduation, from the age of 3 to 18. A young, active, purposeful team provides a quality education.Graduates have good prospects and demand. The best teachers conduct training in one of the most promising educational centers located in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok.
Address of gymnasium No. 6 ("Ermine"):
Novosibirsk, st. Vyazemskaya, 4, st. Field, 5.
This gymnasium is for kids who really want to learn. The selection is based on the results of the interview. Graduates after graduating from the Gornostai Educational Center enter those universities that they dreamed about and prepared for, and not where they were taken. Circles, studios, sections work. Olympiads, events, sports competitions are held. Young guys from among graduate students and their own graduates participate in the educational process, conduct electives and various visiting schools.
Krasny Ave., 48, Novosibirsk
The history of gymnasium No. 1 (former school No. 42) began in the fall of 1936. After the Great Patriotic War, the Small Medical Academy was opened at the school. In the early nineties, school number 42 was renamed into a gymnasium. In 1997, a new building was put into operation with a modern assembly hall and rooms for study groups, a library, and a reading room.
The first gymnasium is an excellent educational institution with strong teachers. Here, the children are always at work, and the territory is well-groomed. The playground is always crowded. Large selection of sections and extracurricular activities.
st. Scientists, 10, Sovietsky district, microdistrict Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk
The year of foundation of the Lyceum named after Lavrentiev -1959. Then a secondary school was opened in the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok, which was assigned the number 126. Soon it was replaced by the current one.
Since 1962, the teaching of some subjects at the school began in English. But this practice was not crowned with success, most of the students could not cope with the parallel memorization of materials and English vocabulary. The learning process was translated into Russian, and in the spring of 1963 the only subject left taught in English was British literature. In 1964, the subject "Fundamentals of Scientific and Technical Translation" was introduced.
With the development of computer technology, it became necessary to change the school curriculum; in 1967, the first programming lessons appeared. At first, the guys visited the computer center of the USSR Academy of Sciences for classes, the opening in 1975 at the school of a computer class equipped with a teletype for communication with electronic computers that were located at the Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences was a great achievement in the field of education.
Here the opening of the first in the Soviet Union experimental classes in various profiles took place, and this was back in 1968. In 1997, with the help of the Soros Foundation, an Internet class appeared, this is the first-born in Novosibirsk and the region.
The assignment in 2001 of the honorary name of academician M.A. Lavrentiev, and a year later also the status of a lyceum, further increased the rating and prestige.
Many parents strive to send their talented children to the lyceum, which has become a pivotal school for the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Academy of Sciences).
The team of Lyceum No. 130 was awarded a certificate of honor from Novosibirsk Mayor Anatoly Lokot for labor achievements.
For admission to the lyceum, parents leave an application for the established admission form.Individual selection when enrolling or transferring children to specialized classes is carried out in the prescribed manner based on the results of the interview.
Educational levels:
Period of study:
The number of students who graduated from school over a half-century period (1967 - 2025) with a gold and silver medal is 252 students.
During the summer holidays, schoolchildren can relax and participate in serious projects carried out on the basis of the lyceum. One example: the IT company Data East teaches the younger generation about geoinformation technologies. Such work is related to maps, applications, data collection and analysis. Students are engaged in programming, create digital maps for tourists. Teamwork is the main forte. Acquaintance with professions allows you to make a choice of your future occupations already at this stage. During such projects, one has to study technical literature, look for additional information. In practice, time passes much more interestingly and the process is more informative than the naked study of theory.
The third gymnasium of Akademgorodok is rightfully considered one of the elite educational institutions of the city, because 98% of graduates enter higher educational institutions, more than 60% become students of the prestigious NSU, many applicants are successful in Moscow and St. Petersburg.The gymnasium occupies a worthy place in the list of the 500 best schools in the Russian Federation.
There is a high level of education, but also a favorable atmosphere. There are no analogues in the world to unique events of a kind: these are both “immersion in the era” and the “School for Children” project.
The curriculum of the gymnasium already from elementary school includes subjects related to logic and computer science, much attention is paid to the natural sciences, more than half of all electives in the program - in ecology, chemistry, biology, geography, astronomy, physics, mathematics. Thanks to this, there is a stable growth and motivation of students to study natural science subjects, the formation of the individuality of each student, and the career guidance of gymnasium students.
The school successfully cooperates with business companies: Siemens competition programs, meetings with successful figures and joint events with Microsoft and Intel.
In the gymnasium, extracurricular work is well organized. Students are given the right to choose a direction for every taste and with different levels of training.
Excellent teachers, leading additional classes in programming. The school takes high places in Olympiads in physics, mathematics and programming, periodically the gymnasium enters the All-Russian Olympiads, taking prizes there as well.
The school has 1100 children, although it is designed for only 550 places. The catastrophic shortage of classrooms is forcing the school management to introduce a non-stop schedule. Lessons start at 8:30 and end at 18:40. The assembly hall is completely combined with the room where the guys have lunch. The building is very old, it was built in 1958. The question of the need for an extension to the school building has been floating around for more than 20 years.
It is extremely difficult to fulfill all educational standards in this mode of operation.
A competition has been announced for the best design of the facade of the future building, which will be held among city architects. A new building will be built for gymnasium No. 3 - a modern school for 1,100 students.
Sovetskaya st., 63, Novosibirsk
In 2018, the budgetary institution "Lyceum No. 22" Hope of Siberia "turned 115 years old.
It is not for nothing that the lyceum received such a promising name: it is the oldest educational institution in the city. Its history begins in 1903. Since that moment, thousands of worthy graduates have been brought up within the walls of the school, representing Siberia in various fields of activity, this is a scientific field, art, politics, sports, not only at the Russian level, but also in the international arena. Students are given the opportunity to develop independence to a high degree, self-improvement based on the internal potential inherent in each person. One of the fundamental elements is the democratization of the learning process. The best reviews can be seen on the school website.
Future engineers, doctors, scientists are trained here, children participate in various competitions, competitions and olympiads. All conditions for creative activity are created. The motto of the lyceum is we are a big friendly family. We are all talented. We are students, teachers and parents. And we are all going to be successful.
This is just a small list of institutions of the educational system of the city of Novosibirsk. The list of schools where the younger generation receives secondary education is long. What to look for when choosing parents. Should the prestige of the educational institution be taken as a basis, or the geographical location, proximity to home? The choice is yours.