
  1. More about criteria
  2. More about schools in Nizhny Novgorod

Ranking of the best schools in Nizhny Novgorod in 2025

Ranking of the best schools in Nizhny Novgorod in 2025

School time for every child is a time of discovery, new friends and acquaintances, a time when everything is interesting and seems so important and necessary. In turn, each parent, when choosing a school for his beloved child, tries to choose an institution in which he would be comfortable to stay for a while and receive a decent level of knowledge.

In the article we will talk about the best schools in the city of Nizhny Novgorod.

More about criteria

There are many factors for choosing a school, parents pay attention to reviews and proximity to home, proximity to the roadway and other safety criteria.

Criteria that largely affect the quality of the education received and the overall development of the student, including social development, remain important.

When choosing an educational institution, each parent needs to decide for himself what a good school is. Many institutions meet the general requirements of education and upbringing of students. They have an experienced teaching staff and a sufficient material base.

But still, there are criteria that deserve attention when choosing a school.

  • the presence of specialization, profile direction (humanitarian or physical and mathematical subjects, sports direction);
  • the number of students in the class;
  • the level of teaching load;
  • Is there a tuition fee?
  • approximate amount per month of additional expenses;
  • location of the educational institution;
  • the opportunity to attend additional classes at school (music, drawing, sports sections, electives);
  • teaching staff of the educational institution;
  • a safe path for a student from school to home;
  • school participation in olympiads, thematic competitions;
  • living conditions in an educational institution;
  • catering at the school;
  • own website of the educational institution;
  • the possibility of distance learning.

Let us dwell in more detail on such a criterion as living conditions in an educational institution. The child during daylight hours is in an educational institution and therefore the conditions in which he arrives are extremely important. Remember, the child does not care about super fashionable furniture or the presence of a chic renovation, but the furniture for classes should be comfortable, the educational institution should be equipped with places to store outerwear, change of shoes, there should be separate locker rooms for boys and girls, classes should be spacious and bright.A child’s stay in an educational institution should be safe, therefore, when choosing an institution, pay attention to emergency entrances and exits at the school, the presence of a fire safety corner and other important factors that, in the event of an unusual situation, will help protect children and school staff.

The team at the school is also important, this applies to both children and teaching staff. It is good when relations between classmates are equal, and each student from the class is ready to help another student. Relationships between students and teachers should be based on the principles of understanding and courtesy. The principles of education laid down during schooling will allow the student to become a person, with his own personal opinion, teach him to listen to his interlocutor, to be an educated person in society. But it is important to remember that the upbringing of a child does not depend only on the school. This is a collaboration between teachers and parents. Keep this in mind and do not impose on the school all the responsibilities for raising a child, remember that a child is like a sponge and absorbs both good and bad at the same time.

More about schools in Nizhny Novgorod

Municipal budgetary educational institution "School No. 7"

The general educational institution of the city of Nizhny Novgorod specializes in providing profile education with a natural-mathematical and humanitarian bias. The school has developed a special program for the preparation of future first-graders. Classes are designed for children in order to increase the level of culture of communication, speech, motor skills, creative abilities of children, as well as to develop independence in children, friendly relations with peers and respect for teachers and older people.

Located at:

Russia, 603163,Nizhny Novgorod, st. Upper - Pecherskaya, 4 A,

Contacts: ☎+7 831 432-33-36, ☎+7 (831) 432-30-38


Director: Smirnova Nadezhda Ivanovna

Number of employees - 68

Students - 977

  • well-chosen teaching staff;
  • professionalism of the administration, a balanced and thoughtful approach to each student;
  • a high level of preparation of students for the delivery of the GIA;
  • various educational programs;
  • high level of providing theoretical knowledge;
  • school participation in olympiads of different levels;
  • well-informed site of the institution.
  • normal living conditions that need improvement.

Secondary school No. 187

This educational institution belongs to the municipal educational institution, specializes in the study of individual subjects with an economic focus. Also, attention is paid to such subjects as mathematics, history, the Russian language and the study of in-depth physics have recently been added. The educational institution is the winner of the "School of the Year - 96" contest, according to the results of the survey, the school is in the top - 500 best schools in Russia, and was also awarded prizes from the department of education and social and legal protection of the city administration.

The institution takes part in various competitions, innovative education programs, which are held within the framework of the priority national project "Education". Since 2012, the school has been given the status of autonomous.

Located at:

Russia, 603005, Nizhny Novgorod, boulevard of the 60th anniversary of October, building 5, building.

includes 2 boxes:

Building No. 1: boulevard of the 60th anniversary of October, building 5

Building No. 2: boulevard of the 60th anniversary of October, building 5, building 2

☎ 419-80-51, 439-18-29



fax: 439-18-29

Director: Malinin Valery Anatolyevich

  • good material and technical base of the educational institution;
  • high level of professional training of teaching staff;
  • health protection of pupils is organized through the city polyclinic of the city;
  • conditions have been created for good nutrition at school (cost per child: breakfast - 66 rubles, lunch - 80 rubles, afternoon tea - 30 rubles.);
  • the institution has access to information systems and information and telecommunication networks;
  • high level of training of students;
  • in-depth study of individual academic disciplines;
  • good condition of the school;
  • student discipline;
  • healthy and friendly atmosphere in the educational institution;
  • organization of holidays and celebrations at a high level;
  • the school is constantly developing, raising its level in all directions;
  • many sections, circles;
  • well-equipped sports hall;
  • quality food;
  • comfortable offices;
  • convenient site of the school.
  • no.

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 186

The school has the status of an author's, academic, serves as an experimental site of the Ministry of Education "Vocational Guidance School".

Located at:

Russia, 603024 Nizhny Novgorod st. Genkina 84

☎ (831) 218-49-85, ☎ 218-77-88, ☎ 211-02-60

official website:

Director: Burov Mikhail Vasilyevich

  • a school for the future first-grader was organized;
  • good preparation, with homework;
  • high level of living conditions;
  • a sufficient level of training of professionalism of the teaching staff;
  • good organization of thematic holidays (Maslenitsa, New Year, school birthdays);
  • the right approach to each student and parents;
  • teachers reveal the creative potential of students, help develop their talents;
  • educational and extracurricular activities;
  • equipped school territory;
  • the presence of a swimming pool;
  • a large library with a wide selection of educational literature and for extracurricular reading;
  • modernly equipped offices;
  • there is a psychologist service at the school;
  • quality repair;
  • there is security;
  • pupils of the school often take part in Olympiads at the city, regional and all-Russian levels;
  • graduates of the institution have the opportunity to enter, if desired, prestigious universities both in Russia and abroad;
  • the school has educational centers, pre-profile with career guidance space, which help students decide on their future profession;
  • the school is new, beautiful, modern with its own FOC;
  • catering for students;
  • according to reviews, it is necessary to increase the level of primary education;
  • average level of learning English.

Municipal budgetary educational institution school No. 12

The school belongs to the municipal type of institutions with a budget type of funding. Attention is paid to the study of individual subjects with an in-depth level. The school was founded on September 1, 1967.

Located at:

Russia, 603147, Nizhny Novgorod, Yuzhnoe shosse, 33

☎ 8-(831)-256-56-08


Director: Anna Nazarova

In school: total number of classrooms 44: of which 14 classrooms in primary school; 30 classrooms in primary and secondary schools:

  • professionalism of the teaching staff;
  • the presence of small and large gyms;
  • a good library with 25 seats; equipped with a computer;
  • the ability to access the Internet;
  • there is a spacious assembly hall for ceremonial events for 200 seats;
  • the institution has a dining room for 150 seats;
  • there are two medical offices;
  • the school has its own museum;
  • there are two classrooms for conducting lessons in the academic discipline: "Informatics", access to the Internet;
  • two classrooms for English lessons;
  • a language laboratory is equipped for conducting German language lessons;
  • there are two workshops for labor training lessons;
  • participation of students in Olympiads of different levels;
  • a high level of preparation of students for the delivery of the GIA;
  • informative website of the educational institution.
  • no.

Municipal budgetary educational institution school number 74

Educational Educational institution began its activity in 1961 in a newly built building in the Berezovsky microdistrict of the city of Gorky. The school has a license to carry out educational activities, is engaged in in-depth study of academic disciplines of artistic and aesthetic orientation.

The educational institution has repeatedly become a prize-winner and winner in priority development programs in the nominations "Education" and "Productive Learning and Harmony of Education". It has the status of an institution with in-depth study of individual academic disciplines.

Located at:

Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Berezovskaya, 2




Director: Zelenova Marina Vyacheslavovna

Number of classes - 29

  • preschool children are being prepared for the educational process;
  • an experienced team that strives for self-development and excellence;
  • in-depth study of foreign languages, computer science, music and mathematics;
  • availability of workshops for labor lessons;
  • there is an assembly hall;
  • the presence of a spacious dining room for 144 seats;
  • food is provided for preferential categories of students;
  • a library with a varied selection of school textbooks, brochures, magazines;
  • the building does not need major repairs;
  • uninterrupted functioning of the water supply, heating and sewerage system in the educational institution;
  • high level of music lessons;
  • the presence of a choreographic class;
  • two classrooms for conducting lessons in the academic discipline “Informatics;
  • 86 computers are provided for work;
  • classrooms are equipped with multimedia projectors;
  • there are interactive whiteboards and projection screens;
  • the ability to access the Internet;
  • the school has an electronic library;
  • functioning video surveillance system;
  • there is a "panic button";
  • the institution has a physics laboratory equipped with modern equipment, in particular for conducting demonstration experiments and practical work in mechanics and electrodynamics;
  • the institution is equipped with a small and a large sports hall;
  • playground;
  • the equipment of the classrooms allows all students to use their services, incl. disabled people and people with disabilities;
  • the presence of a medical office;
  • services for the organization of medical care for students, including disabled people and persons with disabilities, are provided by the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the Nizhny Novgorod Region "Children's Clinic No. 42 of the Moskovsky District of Nizhny Novgorod".
  • there is no locker room for dance lessons;

Municipal budgetary educational institution school No. 60

The history of the school began in 1967. During this time, the institution was led by five directors, people who know their profession, who carefully treat the granite of science, passing on their knowledge and experience to the young.Today, the school is a modern educational institution that is popular, many know about it firsthand, and without fear, parents entrust their first-graders to caring teachers. Thanks to the state program for the modernization of educational institutions, the school has been transformed, it has become more comfortable and informative.

Located at:

Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Lenina avenue 55/3



The address of the official website of the school:

Director: Alexander Spektorsky

  • well-chosen teaching staff;
  • the presence of a spacious library and reading room;
  • dining room for 130 seats;
  • medical support for students; the conditions for the safety of the educational process are provided;
  • well-conducted physical culture and health work;
  • there are two workshops for labor training lessons;
  • participation of students in Olympiads of different levels;
  • a high level of preparation of students for the delivery of the GIA;
  • informative website of the educational institution.
  • there are no special conditions for people (children) with disabilities when they visit a library, reading room or dining room.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that a properly selected educational institution plays an important role in obtaining a decent level of knowledge and a wonderful, exciting and informative pastime for a child. But do not forget that the child's desire to learn and acquire new knowledge and skills is influenced not only by the school, but also by the personality of the student, his age and his hobbies. The role of the teacher, as well as the upbringing received in the family, is also important.Choose consistently an educational institution, take into account the nature of your child, his ability to adapt to the new and unknown, do not shift all responsibility on the school and teachers, because the school is a stage in the life of every person, at the same time so interesting, responsible and memorable.

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