
  1. What are, and what is it?
  2. Criterias of choice
  3. Top vitamin complexes used for stress
  4. Effervescent vitamins for colds
  5. Effervescent vitamins for daily use

Rating of the best effervescent vitamins for 2025

Rating of the best effervescent vitamins for 2025

The fast pace of life and improper nutrition leads to a lack of useful minerals and substances. Vitamin complexes, which are widely in demand today, will help correct this situation. The best manufacturers release their new products in various forms, for example, tablets or capsules, but, for example, the rating of Polish production is headed by effervescent products, which are water-soluble tablets. Pleasant smell, taste, good digestibility and safety are the main advantages of such supplements. Do not know how to choose, study the ranking of the best effervescent vitamins for 2025.

What are, and what is it?

Vitamins began to be called so, because when they enter the water they begin to hiss. It is generally accepted that all substances that make up such complexes are absorbed much better than conventional ones. They are quickly absorbed and begin to act almost immediately. Studies have shown that for the digestive tract, such drugs are as safe as possible, while when taking regular pills, there is an increased number of complaints of poor health. Many types of drugs are designed specifically for people with various disorders and diseases of the stomach. Modern complexes have a pleasant taste and smell, so they are suitable for children who will be more willing to take sweet syrup.

After taking the water is almost immediately absorbed.

However, with regular use, there are side effects such as diarrhea, heartburn or nausea. To minimize the negative impact, doctors advise waiting until the gases come out of the water. Many people think that taking pops is unsafe and associate this with the release form. In fact, this is not the case, the hiss is obtained by combining sodium bicarbonate and tartaric acid. These substances are absolutely safe and do not cause any harm to human health. In addition, children's multivitamin complexes can now be found on sale. Where to buy them? Effervescent additives are not difficult to find, because they are sold in any pharmacy.

Another factor influencing the popularity of models is the dosage.It is designed in such a way that the patient, having taken one tablet during the day, provides the body with all the substances he needs. At the same time, conventional drugs must be taken 3 times a day, and before such a remedy dissolves and starts working, a certain time must pass.

But it is worth considering the disadvantages. First of all, even the best effervescent additives destroy tooth enamel. This situation is due to the fact that the composition includes citric acid, which leaches calcium from the teeth. Therefore, many people experience demineralization, which can cause cavities and contribute to tooth decay. It is recommended to drink drugs in courses 1-2 times a year. So you will not cause serious damage to the enamel of your teeth.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Good digestibility;
  • The complexes are safe for human health;
  • High efficiency components;
  • In most cases, they do not cause an unpleasant sensation;
  • Good taste;
  • Not addictive;
  • Convenient delivery, all products can be bought in the online store;
  • There are special homeopathic complexes for men and women's vitamins.
  • Destroy tooth enamel;
  • Only some effervescent agents are allowed for patients with gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • A prescription drug cannot be bought without first visiting a doctor.

How to take vitamins correctly

Before you drink the drug, you need to prepare it. To do this, dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of clean water, wait a few seconds, and then drink the remedy. Remember that the tablet must be completely dissolved before use. Our body receives useful trace elements with food, so vitamins should also be drunk immediately after eating.Rinsing your mouth with clean water will help reduce the negative effects of acid that destroys tooth enamel.

The terms of use directly depend on the patient's condition, health and the reason why the doctor prescribed the effervescent medicine. The standard intake time is no more than 1 month, some complexes are allowed to drink for several months, but not more than two. It is recommended to take 4 such courses throughout the year.

Criterias of choice

Before you buy popular models of effervescent drugs and start taking them, you should consult a doctor, find out how much they cost, and their main characteristics. The doctor will select the remedy taking into account your problem and prescribe the optimal dosage.

It is forbidden to use several effervescent products at the same time.

The main mistakes that buyers make when choosing are not reading product descriptions and not taking into account the reviews of people who have already tried the product on themselves. Therefore, first of all, observe these two points. Study which company is the best remedy, whether it is included in the rating of quality drugs. Thus, you can buy a harmless and effective product.


Usually effervescent agents have a similar list of contraindications. The type of composition directly depends on the purpose of the pop. They are forbidden to be used by people suffering from:

  • Renal insufficiency.
  • An acute disorder resulting from intoxication with an overdose of one or more vitamins.
  • High sensitivity to the components in the composition of the drug.
  • Tablets are prescribed according to the age of the patient. This means that vitamins prescribed for adults are not suitable for children.

It should be noted that during the reception there is a high probability of developing side effects. These include:

  • Frequent dizziness;
  • Possible headaches;
  • Increased appetite;
  • nervous state;
  • Stomach upset;
  • Allergy.

If you notice the first symptoms, consult your doctor.

Top vitamin complexes used for stress

In critical situations, the body consumes more B vitamins and magnesium. Therefore, all means should be with magnesium and aimed at replenishing these substances. The highest quality products come to us from Poland, Germany, Finland and Belarus.

Univit Energy

The composition of the drug includes B vitamins, minerals, but the main active ingredient is coenzyme Q. It is involved in energy processes and is a powerful antioxidant. The supplement also contains:

  • Guarana extract. It is not only a source of caffeine, but also stimulates brain activity, increases efficiency.
  • Minerals include zinc and iron. The first element helps to overcome stress, relieves cravings for overeating sweets. Deficiency of the second is observed in many young women.

The complex is not recommended for people with high blood pressure. Despite many studies claiming that caffeine, which is also in the composition, does not affect arterial tone in any way, people who have vascular disease should refrain from taking it and not put their health at risk once again.

Average price: 245 rubles.

Univit Energy effervescent tablets
  • The drug contains many useful substances;
  • Inexpensive, highly effective, immunity-enhancing drugs.
  • There are only 10 tablets in the package;
  • Raises blood pressure.

Complivit super energy with ginseng

effervescent tablets Complivit superenergy with ginseng

People facing stressful situations at work or at home choose this Russian-made complex.It contains vitamin C, B2, B6, B1, B12, a number of useful trace elements.

All vitamins are aimed at strengthening the immune, nervous system of the body. In addition, they reduce anxiety. A drug with a similar function is taken no more than 10 days.

Contraindications include lactation and pregnancy. The composition also includes L-carnitine, it provides a boost of energy for the whole day, in addition, it promotes weight loss. The average price is 325 rubles.

By the way, the preparation contains about 50 mg of vitamin C, while lemon contains 40 mg per 100 g.

  • Restores metabolism;
  • Supports the immune system;
  • Suitable for increasing energy and performance;
  • Handles stress effectively.
  • Buyers note a specific taste.

Magnesium plus

This complex contains very few active elements. Effervescent tablets contain vitamins B1, B6, magnesium and folic acid. It is suitable for those people who want to minimize the negative effects of stress on their body.

The cost is 199 rubles.

effervescent tablets Magnesium plus
  • It contains a lot of magnesium;
  • Can be taken by pregnant women.
  • It contains few useful components.

Effervescent vitamins for colds

The advice of doctors suggests that vitamins are taken in courses to effectively protect against colds. It helps strengthen the immune system and speed up the healing process. But a positive result can only be achieved with a properly scheduled system of admission by a doctor.

Arnebia (Nutrilo)

The manufacturer included zinc and selenium in the effervescent agent.The first improves the production of various hormones by the body, while the second strengthens the immune system and significantly reduces the risk of heart disease. Side effects are observed only in those patients who have violated the recommended dose. In this case, dizziness, vomiting, nausea may occur. The average price is 105 rubles.

Arnebia effervescent tablets (Nutrilo)
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Affordable price;
  • High efficiency.
  • Should not be taken during pregnancy.

Superjacks (Malakut)

It is a vitamin supplement aimed at strengthening the whole body and the immune system. It includes B vitamins, ascorbic acid, and other useful substances, the lack of which greatly weakens the immune system. Take the drug with food, dissolving it in 150 ml of water. Release form effervescent tablets.

The average price is 422 rubles.

effervescent tablets Superjax (Malakut)
  • Safety;
  • Multicomponent composition.
  • High price.
  • Allowed from 18 years old.

Multivita Plus

This complex can be used as an additional source of vitamins C, PP, E, B. Its formula is designed in such a way that it is equally suitable for people of different sexes. It is recommended to take at the peak of seasonal colds. Vitamins will perfectly strengthen the body and support the immune system. There is no sugar in the effervescent product. It is suitable for people with diabetes. Quantity of pieces in packing 20.

The average price is 200 rubles.

effervescent tablets Multivita Plus
  • Contains no sugar
  • Has good taste;
  • Easily digestible.
  • Not to be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • Contains artificial flavors and colors;
  • You can only take it from a certain age.


The drug can be ordered online. Its main advantage is its low price. For a small cost, the buyer receives a tablet containing vitamins of groups B, C, E and PP. Thus, the drug not only helps to effectively cope with colds, gives a surge of vigor, keeps the body in good shape, increases efficiency, but also improves vision and general skin condition. One package contains 20 effervescent tablets. The average price is 160 rubles.

Haas effervescent tablets
  • Contains natural flavors;
  • The drug is well absorbed.
  • Admission only from 18 years old.

Effervescent vitamins for daily use

This group of drugs includes fortifying agents. The main indications are the strengthening of the immune system, the body, the improvement of the condition of nails, skin, hair and the fight against stress.

Multi Tabs

A distinctive feature is easy assimilation by the body. The tool is suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases, including gastritis or ulcers. It contains such vitamins: A, D, E, B, in addition, it is enriched with a number of macronutrients: copper, chromium, manganese, iron, iodine, and zinc. The main functionality is to strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Suitable for beriberi. Cost: 880 rubles. More designed for women.

effervescent tablets Multi-Tabs
  • The minimum list of contraindications;
  • Enriched composition;
  • Allowed to be taken by pregnant women.
  • May cause an allergic reaction;
  • High price.


This complex of Belarusian production is aimed at increasing efficiency, maintaining vitality and improving mood.It contains rosehip extract, 13 different vitamins, about 10 minerals. It is recommended to take it if necessary to restore the body after a long illness. In addition, Multifort perfectly protects against colds, and improves immunity. A characteristic feature is the presence of echinacea in the composition of the drug. It is enough to take one tablet to make up for its daily intake. Multifort is of several types, separately for children and adults. The average price is 169 rubles.

effervescent tablets Multifort
  • Affordable price;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Balanced composition;
  • General tonic and excellent antiviral effect.
  • Allergic reactions are possible.

Doppelherz Aktiv

The composition includes vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. It suits active people. In addition, this is the best option if your work requires mental, physical or emotional stress. Contains 27 vitamins and a number of nutrients aimed at maintaining immunity. One tablet includes about 400 mg of magnesium, 5 mg of vitamin B6, B1, B12. The result of the reception can be seen in one week. Working capacity increases, general well-being improves, drowsiness and fatigue disappear. The drug compensates for the deficiency of minerals and vitamins. The duration of admission is not more than a month. The cost varies from 293 rubles to 693 rubles.

Doppelherz Aktiv effervescent tablets
  • According to buyers, it is simple and convenient to use;
  • Contains many vitamins and minerals;
  • Users note a high level of efficiency.
  • Sour taste;
  • Leaves a residue.


Multivitamins are suitable for people whose work is associated with physical labor.Thanks to phosphorus, magnesium, iron and manganese, immunity is strengthened and internal organs are restored. It tastes like lemon and contains 12 vitamins of groups A, H, E, PP, C, B3, etc. Before ingestion, it is dissolved in 200 ml of pure water. It is taken after meals. Average price: 335 rubles.

Supradin effervescent tablets
  • Pleasant lemon taste;
  • Minimum list of contraindications;
  • Suitable for those who want to lose weight;
  • Budget vitamins.
  • Contains non-natural dyes.

So, if you still do not know which vitamin complex is better to buy, then use our advice. Effervescent male and female multivitamin complexes help improve health, strengthen immunity, and effectively fight colds and stress. Some are also suitable for a child aged 4 years and over. Due to the rapid absorption, beneficial substances will accumulate in the body.

Before you start taking it, you must follow basic precautions, it is best to consult a doctor and take into account his recommendations.

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