The ecological situation, lifestyle and malnutrition negatively affect human health. Therefore, in 2025, disease prevention, the most important part of which is the rationalization of nutrition, should be given special attention.
The inclusion of properly selected mineral elements and vitamins in the daily diet is not always possible. Deficiency can be replenished with the help of vitamin complexes or food supplements with selenium, which affects all types of immunity.
It is an integral part of proteins, liposaccharides, enzymes. Known as an element of longevity. It is also part of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione, which protects body cells from damage and oxidative stress.
It was discovered by a Swedish scientist who studied the production of sulfuric acid at the beginning of the 19th century, according to Amilia Gripsholm.
He received his name from Selene (from the Greek Moon), as he was constantly with tellurium, which received the name Tellus - Earth. But only in the second half of the 20th century, it was recognized as vital for humanity.
It has a carcinogenic property - it slows down the development of malignant tumors. It is used to treat male fertility - it provides sperm motility. The element is also used for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. In addition, studies have shown that Se is able to protect the body from harmful substances such as lead, cadmium, thallium, and mercury.
Selenium, Se is a chemical element of the periodic table with atomic number 34. It belongs to group VI. Similar in chemical properties to arsenic.
Natural Se is rare. It is a mixture of six isotopes.The source of accumulation is most often igneous rocks or thermal waters. Se isomorphic impurities are characteristic of native sulfur and sulfides.
Se obtained chemically is amorphous, brick-red powder. Melts quickly, forms glassy soot.
Due to the type of chemical bonds, that is, the molecular structure, it exists in various allotropic forms:
Used by Se for electrophotographic copiers, as a toner for photographic manufacturers. Expands the range of black and white photographic images. It is widely used to give cast steel a fine grain structure.
It is also used in the production of essential medicines. Modern pharmacology recommends drugs for use, where Se forms compounds with bioligands (biological substances), for example, selenocysteine, selenomethionine, or divalent organic forms of Se. They are effective, safe, but expensive.
Attention! Labeling of drugs should be easy to read, understandable, reliable, not mislead consumers.
Selenium as a trace element is very important for the life of humans and animals.
Due to non-compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for soil quality, people are prone to oncological and cardiovascular diseases. For prevention, treatment, compounds such as selenite or sodium selenate, included in various vitamin complexes, are used, and animal feed is enriched with this element.
According to research by the US Academy of Sciences, the human body needs quite a bit of Se per day to maintain health - 55 micrograms for adults, 70 micrograms for women during pregnancy and lactation, 15 - 30 micrograms for children, respectively, according to age.
You don't have to prescribe anything on your own. Exceeding or lowering the dosage should be done under the supervision of a specialist.
According to WHO, the allowable intake of selenium per day is 400 mcg. Exceeding this threshold can lead to undesirable consequences.
The element is not synthesized by the body, only comes from outside. 10-20 grams of Brazil nuts can satisfy the daily requirement. However, the opportunity to eat Brazil nuts every day is not available to everyone.
Selenium is also found in sea water and most seafood - fish, squid, shrimp, crabs, mussels, sea kale.
Important. During cooking, the content of all elements and salts is reduced, but if you consume at least 200 g of seafood per day, selenium deficiency can be avoided.
Se is concentrated in the kidneys of domestic animals - sheep, pigs. But eating 100-200 g of kidneys daily is not a pleasure for everyone.
Not the last position in the ranking of selenium-containing food products is occupied by cereals, especially germinated grains, wheat bran. A large amount contains bread made from wholemeal flour.And more is contained in the dough prepared on sourdough - it neutralizes phytin, which absorbs important micronutrients, including Selenium.
The necessary amount of a microelement to satisfy the daily dose contains some vegetables - radishes, beets, tomatoes, white cabbage, garlic. Among fruits - orange, among berries - raspberries, blueberries.
Satisfying the daily dose is almost impossible. Therefore, in order to maintain immunity and normal life, it is necessary to artificially introduce a small amount of a microelement.
Small amounts of a microelement are vital for a person. The main part is concentrated in the kidneys, liver, spleen, heart, male testes.
Useful facts:
The amount of selenium-containing food products depends on the quality of the soil. In Russia, the soil is systematically destroyed by fertilizers, the supply of Se is below the minimum in more than 80% of Russians.
After 45 years, deficiency increases greatly, which can lead to stroke, heart attack. Therefore, entering the Balzac age, you need to pay special attention to selenium.
BAA (biologically active additive) for food, round brown tablets with beige splashes. They help to strengthen the immune system, maintain a healthy state of the cardiovascular system.
Previously, many mistakenly assumed that Se is not important enough for the body compared to, for example, iron or fluorine. Today it is proved that the microelement performs the most important functions of the life of the body. It should be taken with food at 50-70 mcg daily.
Forte is a dietary supplement. Therefore, for better absorption, you should additionally take a complex of vitamins, eat right.
Compound: Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, calcium stearate, selexene, colors, food additives, iron oxides.
Indications for use:
Influence on ability to drive transport - no data.
It is better to consult with a specialist before taking it.
Method of application, doses: 1 tablet per day. Preferably in the morning. The duration of the course is 1 month.
Storage conditions: Temperature not higher than 25C.
The company "Diod" is a leader in the production of innovative medicines, dietary supplements. Year of foundation - 1992.
Tablets are white, small. Slightly sour in taste, but pleasant.
With a lack of Se, the drug provides antioxidant protection, activates antioxidant enzymes, and acts as an additional source of selenium. That is, taking pills as an addition to therapy also leads to a decrease in oxidative processes.
The effectiveness of the drug was proven by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, as well as by the Center for Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (GNIC).
Ingredients: Selexen, sorbitol, calcium stearate, ascorbic acid.
Indications for use:
Method of application, doses: Medical consultation is required. Reception - adults 1 tablet per day, preferably in the morning. The recommended duration is 1 month.
Storage conditions: Dry, protected from light place.
Pharmaceutical company "Pharmstandard" is a leader in the production of modern medicines that meet the requirements of healthcare and the expectations of patients. The company's production facilities (5 modern factories) fully meet the requirements of Russian standards.
It consists of 10 vitamins, 3 minerals, that is, it is a vitamin-mineral complex + 70 mcg of selenium. Replenishes the need for trace elements, reduces the risk of cancer, slows down the aging process. The drug also protects against heavy metals.
Ingredients: Nicotinamide, selenium, vitamin C, tocopherol acetate, thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin, calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, retinol acetate, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, manganese, zinc, copper, excipients.
Indications for use:
Side effects:
Method of application, doses: Packing - 60 pieces. Take one tablet per day. Duration - 1 month, after some time you can repeat.
Storage conditions: Relative humidity no more than 60%. The expiration date is indicated on the package - 2 years. Do not take after expiration.
Release form - capsules. Sold in a jar of dark yellow color. The size is standard. The drug prevents, compensates for the lack of Se and vitamins A, B6, C, E.
Ingredients: Selenium, zinc, vitamins A, B6, C, E.
Indications for use:
Method of application, doses: 1 capsule 2 times a day. The course is 6 weeks. Repeat if necessary. It is undesirable to combine with drugs containing similar trace elements.
Storage conditions: At a temperature not higher than 25 C. The shelf life is indicated on the label - 2 years.
The company "Kvadrat-S" is distinguished by the use of high quality natural raw materials, originality, affordable prices.
Selenium from Vitamir will support optimal health.The drug contains selenomethionine, an antioxidant that is easily absorbed by the body. Contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system, stimulates the thyroid gland, improves human reproductive functions.
Ingredients: Selenomethionine, lactose, E1201, E570, E464, E1521, E171, E160b.
Indications for use:
Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms - no data.
Method of application, doses: 1 tablet per day during meals. The duration of the course is 1 month.
Storage conditions: In a place protected from direct sunlight. Storage temperature - max. +25 C. Shelf life - 36 months.
Solgar produces natural vitamins, premium dietary supplements. It occupies a leading position in the world. The year of foundation is 1947.
The trace element was produced in an easily digestible form - selenomethionine. It has a minimal risk of side effects, is easily tolerated.
A reasonable dosage can bring a lot of benefits to the body. For example, taking a microelement helps protect against the aggressive effects of free radicals that destroy body cells.In addition, Selenium is a participant in numerous processes in our body - it affects the reproductive health of men and women, provides protection for the joints, retina, blood vessels, and exhibits antioxidant properties.
Compound: Phosphorus, selenium (L-selenomethionine), calcium, calcium phosphate.
Indications for use:
It is better to consult with a specialist.
Method of application, doses: 1 tablet per day, during meals.
Storage conditions: At a temperature of 15–30 C.
Nature's Bounty, Inc. is a world leader in vitamin and mineral products. For production uses natural ingredients, the latest technology.
Selenium is an antioxidant, interacts with the enzymes of the body's antioxidant system - glutathione peroxidase, protects against free radical damage. And also selenium is a synergist of iodine.
With a deficiency, the work of the thyroid gland worsens, metabolism slows down, and body weight increases. Micronutrient deficiency can also cause male infertility.
Composition: 1 tablet contains 28.75 mg of selenium yeast.
Indications for use:
Before taking it is recommended to consult with a specialist.
Method of application, doses: 2 tablets per day during meals. Duration – 1 month
Storage conditions: At room temperature, out of the reach of children.
The Serbian pharmaceutical company Hemofarm was founded in 1960. It has offices in various countries. The factories are equipped according to GMP and GLP standards, which allows selling products in the markets of the USA and the European Union.
Multivita has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant properties. Regulates the digestive system.
Ingredients: L-ascorbic acid, folic acid, beta-carotene, tocopherol acetate, zinc gluconate, L-selenomethionine, lactose monohydrate, purified water, flavors, excipients.
Indications for use:
Side effects:
Method of application, doses: Pre-dissolve. 1 tablet per day, with meals. Duration - 20 days. Repeat if necessary.
Storage conditions: Temperature - no higher than 25 C. Shelf life - 2.5 years
Yellowish tablets with multi-colored patches.
MegaFood is an American high quality natural supplement company. Founded in 1973. In production, it uses Chinese herbal and plant treatment methods together with scientific technologies and developments.
E & Selenium dietary supplement consists of certified organic herbs, nutritional ingredients, fruits, vegetables.
The packaging is designed for 6 months. Promotes the health of the nervous system. Made from natural products, nutritional yeast, nutrients. Easily digestible, even on an empty stomach.
Ingredients: Vitamin E; selenium; baker's yeast; beet root, turmeric, ginger; rosemary leaf, parsley, oregano; brown rice; broccoli; carrot; spinach.
Indications for use:
Method of application, doses: 1 tablet per day. Anytime, even on an empty stomach.
Storage conditions: Out of reach of children. Do not use if protective ring is broken or missing.
Now Foods is an American company producing vitamins, minerals, dietary supplements, amino acids. The year of foundation is 1948.
Ingredients: L-selenomethionine, white rice flour, magnesium stearate, stearic acid, calcium carbonate (E170).
Indications for use:
Method of application, doses: 1 tablet per day during meals. Duration - 1 month.
Storage conditions: Temperature not higher than +25 С.
Deficiency symptoms include:
A decrease in the amount of a trace element is also associated with pathological conditions, for example, infertility, impaired immune function, and oncological processes.
The consequences of critical deficiency in pregnant women are as follows: sudden death immediately after birth; slow growth; late puberty; reproductive dysfunction.
Also, the consequences can be aging of vital organs, early menopause, cataracts, atherosclerosis and other components of old age.
Taking supplements or vitamins containing this trace element will improve the condition. In addition, supplements help to strengthen the immune system.
900 mcg per day is a toxic dose. To feel mild symptoms of poisoning, it is enough to eat a dozen ripe Brazil nuts or a kilogram of tuna at a time.
Signs of excess:
An increased content is fraught with a heart attack, kidney failure, as well as serious diseases of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.
It is usually found where there are natural layers of selenium ores. Sometimes it is observed in people living far from the mines, as a result of the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle or the uncontrolled use of drugs with this microelement
To protect yourself from excess, you must adhere to a healthy diet, monitor weight, sleep well.
In people living far from the sea, Selenium enters the body in small doses. The usual diet does not provide the daily need of the body, moreover, it can be poorly absorbed. Therefore, doctors recommend that adults take additional selenium-containing drugs.
Children should competently organize their meals with organic vegetables and products with Se.
Decades ago, Selenium was not a popular nutrient.
Today, scientists have proven that the trace element is crucial for health - it affects the activity of the components of antioxidant systems and the hormonal metabolism of the thyroid gland.
A balanced diet in 2025 is the best way to promote health. However, most foods contain very low levels of the micronutrient.
A constructive way out of the situation is to take vitamin complexes, biological supplements or other selenium-containing drugs.
Remember. Self-medication is dangerous. Reception must be agreed with a specialist.