
  1. What is good about a modern samovar
  2. Variety by purpose
  3. Classification by device and equipment
  4. How to choose?
  5. List of the most popular tea machine models for 2025

Rating of the best samovars for 2025

Rating of the best samovars for 2025

From time immemorial, family tea parties have been an integral part of spiritual conversation. And what kind of meal, and even in the fresh air, can be without a samovar? Therefore, this wonderful tradition of our ancestors is still preserved. And the shape of modern tea containers has remained the same. Here are just a few small innovations that have made them more convenient and comfortable.

What is good about a modern samovar

First, the expensive metal used in the past has been replaced with stainless steel, followed by a nickel plating.

Secondly, they began to introduce electrical devices for heating the liquid in the apparatus to be able to use them in apartments and houses with power grids.

Thirdly, manufacturers supplement their products with additional accessories and utensils necessary for tea drinking.

In the old days, samovars were made of silver, copper and cupronickel, and it was believed that tea brewed in them had its own special taste and aroma. Therefore, their price in modern times is quite high, which is quite justified.

The difficulty, according to grandparents, was only in cleaning them. But it is successfully eliminated with the help of modern chemicals.

Variety by purpose

Depending on the purpose for which a tea drinking apparatus is purchased, it can be both functional and perform a purely decorative function. Equipped with all the details and completely imitating real samovars, as well as matched in color and shape, decorative ones fit beautifully into any interior and create a truly sincere and warm atmosphere of the room.

For a room decorated in the Baroque style, a product with Khokhloma painting is perfect, but for a modern design, ergonomically shaped samovars with a chrome coating will be a wonderful addition.

The finishing touch in the room depicting a peasant hut will be a decorative unit made of birch bark.

On open terraces or gazebos, copper devices are a universal option.

Classification by device and equipment

According to their type of application and parts included in the kit, all samovars are divided into:

  • flame,
  • electrical,
  • combined;
  • kerosene.

Each of these categories has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For example, fire samovars (or wood-fired) are perfect for hiking, hunters or fishermen. They are heated with firewood and, thanks to the thick walls of the container, keep the liquid hot for a long time. This type of units provides a smack of smoke in strong, fragrant tea, which cannot be said about the electric "relative". Depending on the volume, it can be used by one person or by a whole friendly company.

But such a unit will be useless in apartments and houses with electrical supply, since it will not be possible to heat the water in it.


The category of electric samovars is improved and adapted to the modern living conditions of people, but, at the same time, honoring the traditions of their ancestors. The device included in their design for heating water using electricity allows you to quickly brew fragrant tea. By the time of boiling the liquid, they are comparable to modern electric kettles. Unlike flame apparatus, this category does not form soot and does not need regular cleaning from it.

Combined devices are universal models that allow them to be used both with flame and electric devices. This function is provided by a detachable device with a cord.

How to choose?

To narrow the search for the optimal product model, experts recommend that you first answer a few leading questions.

  • For how many people the device is needed?
  • How often will it be used and under what conditions?
  • What body shape is preferred?
  • What material should it be made from?
  • With decorative painting or with a plain coating?
  • How much is the purchase?


  • for a family of one or two people, the optimal volume of a samovar can be 1.5-2 liters;
  • for a company of 4 people, a 3-liter device is perfect;
  • for guests in the amount of 5 to 10 people, 4-7 liter is great;
  • large samovars with a capacity of up to 45 liters are used mainly in cafes and restaurants.

When planning to use these units often, experts advise choosing forged models with stiffeners. They are stronger than their cast counterparts and have thicker walls. These options include samovars in the form of a "vase", "glass" or "acorn". Units of spherical, cylindrical or cubic structure are more vulnerable to mechanical stress.

An important factor when choosing a samovar is a visual inspection and testing. Particular attention should be paid to the faucet. If you find the slightest defects in its movement, you should take into account the possible flow of water during subsequent use. Low heat resistance and inconvenient location of the handles can create additional discomfort in moving the device.

Depending on the material from which this or that samovar is made, its cost also fluctuates. More expensive are products made of silver, brass and copper.In addition to the amount required when buying a product, you will have to spend money on special cleaning products for these metals in the future. In contrast, the nickel-plated and enamel-coated and patterned models are designed to be cleaned with general-purpose chemicals.

Another nuance that you should pay attention to when buying a wood-fired samovar is the need for additional purchase of wood fuel and cones. Users warn that when kindling devices of this category with cones, resin may form in the body. It should not be forgotten. Before using this type of tea maker, you should also learn how to properly adjust the draft.

List of the most popular tea machine models for 2025

According to numerous reviews of lovers of samovar tea drinking, the following representatives of different categories were included in the rating of the best.

On firewood

Coal unit yellow ball article 250528

The elegant leaf-shaped corrugation and twisted handles add a special charm to this model. Made of high quality brass with food tin coating on the inner surface, the device will become a table decoration and can be used as an original and kind gift to your beloved friends or colleagues.

Thanks to the high-quality metal from which the parts of the product are made, the water in the case remains hot for two or more hours.

The device is completed with a pipe for removal of a smoke. The fuel for kindling the goods can be wood chips, firewood, branches and cones.


  • water heating time - 25 min;
  • weight - 4.9 kg;
  • height - 49 cm;
  • width - 28.1 cm;
  • length - 37.2 cm;
  • warranty service - 3 years.

samovar yellow ball article 250528
  • high build quality;
  • coating safety;
  • Beautiful design;
  • ease of use.
  • not identified.

Apparatus for tea drinking yellow, article 220127

This model is a cone-shaped product with a corrugated body and openwork handles. Behind the sleek design lies a large capacity of 7 liters. The smooth transition of the refined part to the original legs of the device makes it truly magnificent. Each face, shining with a bright sun, creates a good mood for all members of the company. Wooden knobs decorating the handles, the lid and the faucet play not only a decorative role. They prevent human fingers from touching burning parts and surfaces. The kit includes a special pipe for removing smoke.

The thickened walls of the body and the excellent thermal conductivity of brass ensure long-term preservation of the temperature of the liquid.

All types of wood fuel are used for the furnace.

samovar for tea drinking yellow, article 220127
  • quality composition;
  • safe cover;
  • wonderful design;
  • ease of use.


  • not detected.

Samovar with coat of arms, article 270784

The Tula plant "Stamp" presents a nickel-plated brass product. A beautiful conical shape has several faces, one of which depicts the coat of arms of the manufacturing city. The product will be an excellent gift for any celebration and a person of any age category. The simultaneous combination of solidity, exclusivity and originality in it distinguishes it from other "relatives".

Together with the device for tea drinking, a smoke exhaust pipe is sold. Also in the store of this category of goods you can buy any suitable fuel.


  • water heating time - 25 min;
  • weight - 4.9 kg;
  • height - 49 cm;
  • width - 28.1 cm;
  • length - 37.2 cm;
  • warranty service - 3 years.

Samovar with coat of arms, article 270784
  • thoughtful design;
  • great quality;
  • safe coatings;
  • pipe set.
  • not found.

Yellow "acorn", article 270797

The name of the device suggests that its shape is similar to an acorn and is quite original. Smaller in liquid capacity, but the product of the same Tula manufacturer, gained its popularity due to the rapid heating of water. It boils in a case with a capacity of 2.5 liters in just 10-12 minutes. And the brass from which the unit is made contributes to easy thermal conductivity and maintaining the achieved temperature at the same level for two hours. Included is a pipe for removing smoke.


  • water heating time - 10-12 minutes;
  • weight - 3.5 kg;
  • height - 35.5 cm;
  • width - 24.7 cm;
  • length - 27.7 cm;
  • warranty service - 3 years.

samovar Yellow "acorn", article 270797


  • high quality construction;
  • Beautiful design;
  • compact and lightweight;
  • easy to handle.
  • not detected.


Tula electric samovar article 130208

This item is made of nickel plated brass. The metal provides excellent thermal conductivity for parts made by cold stamping. The covering provides duration of term of operation and giving of beautiful appearance to a product. The capacity of the samovar is 1.5 liters. The device is equipped with a thermal switch, which is triggered when the water reaches the required temperature and to prevent its further evaporation. A protective device built into the housing protects the electric heater from damage if connected to a power source without water.Keeping the liquid hot is 2 hours.


  • power - 1 kW;
  • water heating time - 5-10 minutes;
  • used voltage - 220 V;
  • weight - 2 kg;
  • height - 31.8 cm;
  • width - 20.5 cm;
  • length - 24.8 cm;
  • warranty service - 3 years.

samovar Tula electric samovar article 130208
  • worthy design;
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • great quality;
  • the presence of a thermal switch;
  • protective functionality;
  • compactness.
  • not detected.

Device "Oval" article 110301

This model also features an electric nickel-plated brass apparatus. All main parts are made using cold stamping. "Oval" is equipped with a thermal switch that prevents overheating of the heating element when water evaporates in the body. The samovar is endowed with a protection function that protects the electric heater from combustion in the absence of liquid inside when connected to a power source.

The admissible volume of water makes 3 l. The high thermal conductivity of the metal causes its rapid heating, and the thickness of the body walls allows you to keep the liquid hot for 2 hours.


  • power - 1 kW;
  • water heating time - 5-10 minutes;
  • used voltage - 220 V;
  • weight - 2.7 kg;
  • height - 33.3 cm;
  • width - 26.6 cm;
  • length - 27.8 cm;
  • warranty service - 3 years.

samovar "Oval" article 110301
  • versatility of form;
  • light weight and compactness;
  • the presence of a protection function;
  • equipped with a thermal switch.
  • not identified.

Samovar yellow "cone" article 130235k

The model is represented by an electric brass apparatus with a capacity of 3 liters.Having a conical shape, it is equipped with an automatic power off function after the water reaches the boiling point. Cold stamping of brass parts provides excellent thermal conductivity to the samovar, and the dense walls of the body allow you to keep the liquid hot for a long time. Fast boiling makes it possible to use this model daily instead of an electric kettle. A beautiful design in the Russian style will become an everyday table decoration.


  • power - 1 kW;
  • water heating time - 5-10 minutes;
  • used voltage - 220 V;
  • warranty service - 3 years.

samovar Samovar yellow "cone" article 130235k
  • convenient form;
  • ease of use;
  • fast heating of water;
  • the presence of automatic shutdown;
  • beautiful appearance in Russian traditions.
  • not found.

Electric unit with painting article 140408a

This model is made of brass by cold stamping parts. The coating is a heat-resistant painting with gilding on a black background, which impresses with its luxury and grandeur. The body of the unit holds 3 liters of liquid. This volume is enough to serve 4 people. Thanks to high-quality metal, the samovar has a high thermal conductivity and ensures the storage of a constant water temperature for more than 2 hours. This product can be used daily, and it will also be a great gift for friends or acquaintances.

This model can be presented in several original forms, in the form

cone, oval, cylinder or acorn.


  • power - 1 kW;
  • water heating time - 5-10 minutes;
  • used voltage - 220 V;
  • height - 35.5 cm;
  • warranty service - 3 years.

electric samovar with painting article 140408a
  • luxury design;
  • a wide range of forms;
  • ease of use;
  • automatic shutdown function;
  • high quality.
  • not detected.

Set for tea drinking "ball" with painting "Ball", article 151394

A very interesting offer to the consumer market came from a Tula manufacturer. Its exclusive design solution will not leave aside any fan of football and strong fragrant tea. The presented set consists of a round samovar, designed in the form of a soccer ball, a teapot and a metal tray. Such a set is able to decorate even the most ordinary tea party. Made of high quality brass parts by cold stamping, ensure the strength of the structure and the safety of the liquid inside the body in a hot state for a long time. The inner side of the kit is processed with food tin, which allows you not to worry about the harm of the coating to the human body. A high-quality heat-resistant lacquer coating creates a stable barrier against possible contamination of the surface of products. The volume of 5 liters allows you to treat a company of 5-10 people with fragrant tea. Depending on the desire of customers, the shape of the tray can be rectangular, oval or round.


  • power - 1 kW;
  • water heating time - 5-10 minutes;
  • used voltage - 220 V;
  • weight - 3.6 kg;
  • height - 50 cm;
  • width - 40 cm;
  • warranty service - 3 years.

samovar Set for tea drinking "ball" with painting "Ball", article 151394
  • high quality;
  • strength of parts;
  • great design;
  • possibility to choose the shape of the tray;
  • coating safety.
  • not found.


Faceted "cylinder", article 310539

The model is presented by the volume case in which 7 l of water are located. This amount is enough to drink delicious, fragrant tea up to 8 people. Made of brass with an internal coating of food-grade tin, it provides high-quality heating of the liquid, followed by maintaining the temperature for 2 hours. The faceted surface of a cylindrical shape gives strength and reliability to the design of the device, which is less susceptible to mechanical damage than cast.

A feature of the combined models is their versatility. Having a smoke exhaust pipe and an electric heating element, it can be used both in apartments with power supply, and in cottages or hikes, heating water in it using charcoal, cones or wood chips.


  • power - 1 kW;
  • water heating time - 25 minutes (on wood);
  • water heating time - 5-10 minutes. (from electricity);
  • used voltage - 220 V;
  • warranty service - 3 years.

samovar Faceted "cylinder", article 31053
  • excellent quality of components;
  • universality;
  • full set;
  • convenient design.
  • not found.

Tea set, article 301070

The Shtamp plant produces an original tea set consisting of a samovar, a teapot, a tray and a sugar bowl, which quickly gained popularity among consumers. The original design and high quality of products is an excellent gift option for a birthday, anniversary or wedding.

The case volume is 4.5 liters, which allows you to treat up to 7 family members or company members with a fragrant drink.

The kit is equipped with a pipe for removing smoke and an electric heater, which allows it to be used both at home and outdoors.

Made of high-quality brass, the set provides fast thermal conductivity of surfaces and long-term preservation of water in a hot state. Any type of wood fuel is used to heat the liquid in field conditions.


  • power - 1 kW;
  • water heating time - 20 minutes (on wood);
  • water heating time - 5-10 minutes. (from electricity);
  • used voltage - 220 V;
  • weight - 4.9 kg;
  • height - 49 cm;
  • width - 28.1 cm;
  • length - 37.2 cm;
  • warranty service - 3 years.

Tea set, article 301070
  • excellent quality;
  • complete set with everything necessary;
  • versatility in use;
  • ease of use;
  • Beautiful design.
  • not identified.

Nothing can replace a friendly conversation in a warm atmosphere with family or friends and a cup of hot, delicious, fragrant tea from a traditional Russian samovar. Therefore, in order to create a truly homely atmosphere during tea drinking, you should not rush to buy the first random product. The questions suggested at the beginning of the article specify your direction and narrow the search for the best option. And the technical characteristics of the models you like will help you find the one and only necessary product.

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