
  1. Functions and fixture device
  2. Types of grinders
  3. How to choose
  4. Power plant and materials for the manufacture of the hull
  5. The most popular electrical units
  6. The best units with a gasoline power plant

Ranking the best garden shredders for 2025

Ranking the best garden shredders for 2025

Every year, summer residents and gardeners face the problem of cleaning dry branches and grass. A garden waste shredder will help in this matter. This unit is simply necessary in a country house. With it, you can grind bulky garbage and quickly take it to a landfill.

Functions and fixture device

Shredders include electromechanical equipment made for crushing garden waste (branches, leaves, dry grass stalks).

Plant debris with the help of such a unit is cut into small particles. Recycled branches can be used as fertilizer for the soil or to start a fire on the grill. Garden equipment will make it easier for a person to clean up the surrounding area and cope with the problem of suburban garbage.

The grinder has a vertical metal casing, which houses the electric motor. At the top there is an opening where knots, branches and other waste are fed. A mechanism is connected to the engine with the help of a drive, which cuts everything that enters the hopper. At the bottom of the unit there is a hatch through which the finished raw material comes out. Usually some kind of container is placed here. This is a box or hanging bag. They collect crushed debris.

Types of grinders

The technique is produced in several modifications. Depending on the material being processed, there are three types of tools:

  1. Budget. This type is designed for grinding dry haulm, grass, leaves and other soft waste. These devices have low power and low weight. In order to save money, manufacturers make such models from cheap materials. Therefore, in no case should you try, on these machines, to cut large branches into small pieces. Such an operation will immediately lead to serious damage to the unit.
  2. For shredding wood waste. This technique is equipped with a more durable bed. It has a different operating principle.Branches of different sizes can be laid in the product. However, the device will not be able to process large hemp, since it is a household appliance. For the processing of large diameter trunks, only production equipment is suitable. Equipment designed for home use is a lightweight version of professional counterparts.

How to choose

Manufacturers produce equipment of different configurations. Before buying, you must carefully read the main characteristics:

  1. Appointment. Electrical equipment can cut grass and small branches from trees. If the engine power is small, then the speed and volume of processed products will be limited. The technique is suitable for servicing a small perimeter of land with a minimum number of trees. If the garden plot is more than 50 acres, then it would be better to purchase a gasoline crushing shredder.
  2. Types of work items. The cutters are of two types. Knife devices are intended exclusively for processing thin branches and grass. Organic residues are chopped with sharp blades that rotate at high speeds. With frequent work, the knives must be sharpened regularly. The equipment will have to be periodically cleaned of accumulated dirt. It has a low price, because the knives have a low cost. The second type of cutting element is made in the form of a cutter. This tool does not need to be sharpened. It has great power and can easily process thick branches. Small debris will not clog the equipment. However, the shredder has a higher price compared to the knife counterpart.
  3. Branch bookmark. Manufacturers make knife crushers with automatic and manual supply of debris to the cutting blade. The first models are considered safer.Manual feed requires some effort to load the waste onto the cutting element. This operation is not the most convenient, you need to be careful in terms of security.
  4. Noise index. When buying, you need to pay attention to the level of the roar emitted by the unit. This is necessary in order not to use headphones during operation.
  5. Wheel diameter. The slopes should have a large radius. They provide advantages during the movement of the apparatus.

Power plant and materials for the manufacture of the hull

Garden shredders are conditionally divided into 3 categories according to engine power. The first type includes household shredders, the second - semi-professional, the third - professional.

Amateur products are considered the simplest in their structure. They have an electric motor with a power of up to 1.5 kW. The grinding system is equipped with knives. It is considered the most primitive and cheapest, but it processes small waste very efficiently. The mass of amateur crushers reaches 20 kg and can cut raw materials with a diameter of 3 cm. Such a device is suitable for beginner gardeners.

There are shredders that belong to the middle class. They are considered middle class. They are much better than amateur products, but have less power than professional models. Both electric versions of this type of equipment and fuel-powered devices are produced. Gasoline products most often have a two-stroke engine. The power of the electric power shredder for middle-class crushers is usually 2.5-3 kW. The weight of the device is from 20 to 50 kg, and they are designed for processing wood raw materials with a diameter of up to 5 cm.

Professional units are produced with a weight of 100 kg. They are intended for processing a large mass of products.The power of such shredders reaches 5 kW. The units can be loaded with wooden waste with a diameter of up to 9 cm. Such devices are equipped with a large hopper for loading. The supply of raw materials most often takes place automatically. The shredder also has a powerful crushing system, which has a milling design.

The body is made of plastic or metal. The first options have a small mass. Metal equipment weighs much more, so it is more difficult to transport and drag it. The presence of wheels makes it much easier for the user to move the entire product around the garden plot. You need to pay attention to the width of the slopes. The larger this value, the easier it is to roll the device from one place to another.

The most popular electrical units

Budget models

Patriot PT SE 24

Cost: 6 400 rubles. This model of garden electric shredder is quite compact, has a relatively low cost and high power. It is used for crushing tree branches or wood chips in order to obtain a mulch layer of soil or for sprinkling garden paths for decorative purposes. The shredder is easy to move around the territory of the site and is convenient to use due to its low weight, the presence of a pair of wheels and a strong frame.

The maximum permitted extension length is 50 m. The manufacturer guarantees uninterrupted operation of the shredder for 6 years. The device does not require scheduled maintenance. You just need to regularly clean the device and monitor the sharpening of knives.

Patriot PT SE 24
  • with well-sharpened knives, it easily crushes small branches, shoots and tops;
  • has an easy-to-use funnel for laying processed plant waste;
  • the engine is protected from water ingress and eliminates overload (IPx4).
  • high noise level (107 dB);
  • difficult to find replacement parts.

DDE SH2540

Price: 8 350 rub. The model with a powerful engine is equipped with knives that chop leaves and branches of trees with soft wood - linden, poplar, bird cherry, having a diameter of not more than 40 mm. Ideal for use in small yards. The basic equipment does not imply the presence of a container for collecting mulch, but does not exclude the possibility of its use. This device is not designed for continuous continuous operation and professional use. With load, the duration of work is 2 minutes, without load - 3 minutes.

DDE SH2540
  • the shredder is quite productive - 95 kg / h;
  • the set includes removable knives made of high quality steel;
  • overload protection mechanism;
  • soft starter;
  • protective shutters of the receiving branch pipe do not allow the reverse ejection of plant debris.
  • a plastic case that does not withstand mechanical stress and excludes the possibility of falling;
  • short operating time - 2 years.

middle class

Bosch AXT Rapid 2000

The device costs 12793 rubles. This shredder is intended for work on a personal plot during the whole season. The instructions indicate that it can cut branches up to 3.5 cm thick. The indicators are, of course, modest, but the price is small. Therefore, it will be possible to process medium-sized branches, of which a lot accumulates every year.

Power - 2 kW. The product will quickly process cropped raspberries, dry potato tops, grass with thick stems. Knives from the unit are removed very easily. To do this, disconnect the machine from the network and unscrew the safety bolt.

The device has a simple design. The base body is equipped with an electric motor with knives and a pusher.Wheels are attached to the bottom of the base. For this model, you will need to buy a power cord separately. Many manufacturers of electric crushers sin with this shortcoming.

The equipment is unpretentious, it can be stored on the street. The most commonly used container for collecting recycled materials is a trash bag.

Bosch AXT Rapid 2000
  • the brand is a big success;
  • long service life;
  • simplicity and reliability of the device;
  • grinds all plant waste up to 3.5 cm in diameter.
  • there is no container included;
  • power cord must be purchased separately;
  • low power and small radius of processed waste.


The price is 14490 rubles. The technique can reach speeds up to 2850 rpm. The product is equipped with a reverse option. This is very convenient in case of poor material flow. The set with the device includes a container with a capacity of 60 liters. It can collect recycled cones, knots and branches. Pieces of wood are loaded with a diameter of up to 4 cm. The device has a milling system consisting of a powerful gear with sharply sharpened teeth. Such a device provides reliable cutting of waste loaded for processing.

The whole system does not have a very high speed, but has a large torque. This specificity makes it possible to crush thick cuts without creating much noise. The unit produces 2850 rpm. Also available is a reverse function.

  • good performance;
  • you can work without headphones;
  • large capacity with locking mechanism;
  • wheels are convenient for moving the device;
  • sufficient diameter of the socket for the loaded raw materials;
  • you can crush soft debris.
  • high price;
  • the unit is heavy.


The cost of such a device is 13,630 rubles. This Japanese brand produces exclusively garden equipment. The mass of the crusher is about 13 kg. The knife mechanism will grind branches and knots with a diameter of up to 45 mm. This figure is considered the maximum for products equipped with an electric motor. The unit has the simplest control, the kit includes a pusher made of durable plastic. For processing, it is better to use wood waste cut 20-25 hours before crushing.

  • the product uses high quality knives;
  • convenient container with a latch;
  • The structure has supports for stability.
  • there is no reverse option.

AL-KO Easy Crush LH 2800

The cost of the product: 15090 rubles. This American-made device has proven itself on the good side. He has enough power. Users like the machine for quiet operation. The equipment is equipped with a milling system with a roller mechanism. In just 1 hour, it will process and cut about 80 kg of branches with a diameter of up to 42 cm. It weighs 29 kg. Wide wheels are attached to the frame, which is very convenient when moving the device. There is also a container for collecting recycled branches.
On the instrument panel there are buttons for controlling the crusher. The unit is equipped with a reverse option. A special roller mechanism itself tightens the branches for crushing, which protects it from overload. This feature also makes the operator's job easier. The device can be used by a person with little physical strength.

AL-KO Easy Crush LH 2800
  • a good brand designed for home use;
  • the unit is equipped with a milling mechanism;
  • there is a reverse function;
  • rather large diameter of the processed raw materials;
  • the model is equipped with a container.
  • the design weighs a lot;
  • no power cord included.



This model can be purchased for 27990 rubles. This German machine is famous for its reliability. The unit has universal properties and will work for a very long time without breakdowns. He will definitely work out the money paid for him. The model has its own specific properties. The built-in turbine will allow you to process a large diameter of wood residues.

The crusher comes with a pusher. There is no power cord, as in many other models. The whole structure weighs a little over 30 kg. The device will effectively process a large amount of plant debris without stopping, and therefore it is considered a professional option. The product has wheels for transportation and winter storage.

  • exceptionally good product quality;
  • large capacity for collecting waste;
  • the turbine works very efficiently.
  • the price is quite high;
  • the product is heavy.


Cost: 75,000 rubles. The combined universal shredder has a mass of 53 kg, has proven itself in large garden and park complexes, and is also suitable for use on a personal plot. The frequency of work recommended by the manufacturer: 2 minutes of work with load - 3 minutes without load.

The shredder is equipped with two loading nozzles.The cutting system is divided into two chambers, which allows you to work even more efficiently, since different working knives can be used for vegetable raw materials of different degrees of hardness.

  • high productivity, allowing mulching branches with a diameter of up to 50 mm;
  • considered a universal device for any type of plant waste;
  • increased safety of use: there is a function of blocking the engine, as well as a brake to stop it;
  • according to the instructions, once every six months, the shredder is allowed to be used with an increased load for professional purposes;
  • mobile, easy to move around the territory;
  • The kit comes with the tool needed to replace the blades.
  • spare parts (work knives) can be purchased exclusively from authorized dealers;
  • plant waste needs to be sorted;
  • high price.

The best units with a gasoline power plant

Fuel-fired crushers have two features: high price and high speed. These units are used for waste processing on an industrial scale, in places where professional pruning of gardens is carried out. The weight of such devices exceeds electrical counterparts several times.

Budget models


This is the cheapest and lightest unit in its class. Its cost is 15290 rubles. The product can be carried by hand, it has a capacity of 10 liters. You can crush pieces of wood with a diameter of 28 mm. For the full operation of the unit, the raw materials must be dried for 24 hours. On the case there is one boot niche. Through it, the garbage is fed using a conventional pusher.

  • small price;
  • a container is available;
  • independent of electricity.
  • little power.


Cost: 17,000 rubles. It is considered one of the best inexpensive shredders with a gasoline engine. It weighs only 16 kg and is used for shredding branches up to 28 mm in diameter, as well as for soft vegetable waste. Equipped with combined knives: flat ones process branches, and a V-shaped knife - leaves. Includes a mulch collection bag. The engine is driven manually by the starter.

  • no connection to the electrical network;
  • combined knives provide processing of any kind of plant waste;
  • light weight, easy to move;
  • efficiency in work, low fuel consumption;
  • The design of the shredder is very simple.
  • small diameter branches for processing;
  • the need for fuels and lubricants - gasoline, oil;
  • vegetable waste must be sorted;
  • suitable for summer residents and gardeners, not intended for professional use;
  • scheduled maintenance is required.

Hecht 6173

A high-quality Czech-Chinese product received a powerful cutting blade system, which is a design of several cutting discs installed horizontally.

As a power plant, a 4-stroke gasoline engine with an extra-valve cylinder system is used, mounted on a solid steel frame. To collect shredded waste, the manufacturer has provided for a capacious removable plastic container.

Hecht 6173
  • economical fuel consumption;
  • fine fraction after processing of vegetable waste;
  • safe design of the receiving funnel;
  • blocking from unintentional start;
  • minimum level of noise and vibration.
  • ill-conceived design for fastening the waste collection tank.

middle class


In stores, such a product costs 42,100 rubles. The unit is a universal shredder with a gasoline engine. The machine is designed for cutting wooden waste of various sizes. It has a channel for loading solid materials, as well as a wide hopper for falling asleep small branches and grass. Engine capacity - 196 m3. The unit is started with an electric starter. The engine develops a speed of 3600 rpm. All parts of the unit are made of metal. The design weighs 72 kg. The kit includes a cloth container.

  • different types of waste can be recycled;
  • the engine has sufficient power;
  • The device has good portability.
  • the design has a large mass;
  • Wear headphones while working.


For 45 990 rubles. you can purchase such a design on your site. The fixture is 762 mm long and 731 mm wide. The height of the unit is just over 1 m. This expensive product has versatile functions. It will process knots and branches up to 76 mm thick. Large specimens are fed into a special funnel for loading.
Small organic debris is poured into a wide bin located on the top of the base. The machine is equipped with a four-stroke power unit developing 3600 rpm. The engine is air-cooled.
The fuel tank is designed to fill 3.6 liters of fuel. The base is made of metal. The mass of the entire unit is 70 kg. Shredding of waste is carried out using a metal mesh, sharp knives and a moving drum.

  • powerful power unit;
  • large diameter of processed waste;
  • garbage can be sent to different factions.
  • high noise level;
  • sawdust comes out from the bottom of the body, which makes it difficult to collect them.


MTD Rover 464 Q (24A-464Q333)

Cost: 80700 rubles. The unit cuts the waste into the smallest pieces (10:1). Processing comes out in the form of small crumbs, resembling sawdust. The package with the device includes a container made of material. The machine is well worth the money. It is used in sanatoriums or ecological hotels located in the forest. It justifies itself when processing a large amount of raw materials. Any material can be disposed of at the crusher, including the trunks of young trees.

The American machine is dual loaded. One is designed for thick branches and knots, the other processes soft waste (grass, leaves). The design has a feature. The chute designed for soft debris can be tilted. Leaves and grass are raked into it with a rake. After filling the container, it can be lifted and the recycling plant turned on.

MTD Rover 464 Q (24A-464Q333)
  • high power of the power unit;
  • there is a double feed for different types of raw materials;
  • The kit includes a container for collecting recycled material.
  • high price;
  • pays for itself only when processing large volumes.

Tazz K42

The price of the device: 71990 rubles. The unit has a double supply of materials. At the top of the structure there is a wide hopper, and on the side there is a pipe for supplying wood scraps. The American apparatus is thought out to the smallest detail.

The fuel tank holds 3 liters of fuel. The device weighs 59 kg. The case is equipped with four wide wheels.With their help, the crusher is easy to roll from one place to another. The device has a rectangular geometric shape measuring 65 by 76 mm. It fits easily in the garage. Manufacturers provide a special container with handles. The product can perform the function of a garden vacuum cleaner if you buy a corrugated hose for it. With it, you can blow off small debris from the lawn and asphalt.

Tazz K42
  • compact dimensions;
  • the ability to connect additional functions;
  • convenient management.
  • high price.


Cost: 141,500 rubles. Powerful universal action shredder with an increased degree of safety. It easily copes with both soft wet garden debris - grass, foliage, thin young branches, and hard strong branches of a sufficiently large diameter - up to 75 mm. There are two loading nozzles, separately for various types of plant debris. The case is polymer-metal, high strength.

  • can grind solid plant waste up to 75 mm in diameter;
  • thanks to the wheelbase, high mobility of the shredder is ensured;
  • no dependence on the electrical network;
  • universal, suitable for processing all types of garden waste.
  • obligatory sorting of vegetable waste, since different nozzles are used for hard and soft wet waste;
  • gasoline drive requires periodic maintenance;
  • the cost is too high.

Before you buy a crusher, you need to determine the amount of work performed. To do this, you need to estimate the size of the site and garden. In a garden with several apple trees, 10 acres in size, an electric unit equipped with ordinary knives can handle it.Such machines consume a small amount of energy and save a lot of time. Electric crushers are considered environmentally friendly products.

The technical characteristics of these crushers of the same class are approximately the same. Therefore, you can buy a product of a domestic manufacturer without overpaying for expensive imported analogues.

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