
  1. Brief information
  2. Criterias of choice
  3. The best shotguns for clay shooting
  4. Conclusion

Ranking of the best shotguns for clay shooting in 2025

Ranking of the best shotguns for clay shooting in 2025

Shooting is a relatively new sport. The basic rules for participation in the process are simple, it is necessary to use a specialized gun aimed at hitting artificial targets. Like any sport, shooting will require you to follow safety rules. The health of the participant and those around him depends on this. This article will discuss the best guns for clay shooting.

Brief information

Expert opinion says that beginners should start shooting at stands with a light gun. The main thing in this weapon is the build quality and the accuracy of the sight.It is worth remembering that you cannot use a rifle for self-defense or a weapon that has rifling in the muzzle for a live cartridge.

Of course, in amateur fights you can use ordinary guns, however, if we are talking about professional tournaments, then the user will need a good rifle. In any case, even a bad gun will fire a shot, but the right option will provide maneuverability and ease of use.

Criterias of choice

As with all equipment purchases, be it commercial, household, sporting or industrial, a shotgun is selected according to certain criteria. What you should pay attention to:

Gun type

There are sports and amateur options. In the latter case, the user will receive an inexpensive model that has a large return, low sight accuracy and, most likely, poor build quality. Sports models are a different matter. The tournament participant will understand that the trunk is heavy, large and clumsy. However, the bulkiness is compensated by light and accurate shooting. The disadvantage is an expensive product.

stock dimensions

This criterion plays an important role. Professional barrels have a high point of contact, which ensures that the target passes evenly over the muzzle. Thanks to this, sporting weapons are better suited for shooting. Ordinary rifles are not effective due to the fact that they cover the target with their own barrel.


It is worth remembering that a good weapon is designed for at least several tens of thousands of shots. In total, a person can use such a gun for 2-3 years. For conventional models, the period is shortened by 2 times.

Product price

While simple rifles cost $200-600, sports rifles open up the price range from $700.Naturally, the more expensive the gun, the more opportunities. Models over $20,000 are distinguished by superior wear resistance, performance, precision and build quality.

The best shotguns for clay shooting

This rating is based on expert opinion and feedback from users who skillfully use sporting weapons. We are talking about rifles that are designed exclusively for firing in trench and round stands.


The rating opens with a wonderful budget option designed for clay target shooting. The TRAP SXP boasts a professional Monte Carlo stock, dual sights (the main one is made of fiber optics), a high-quality panel for a high shooting point and a smooth damping Browning Inflex plug.

The model will be able to offer a soft supply of the pump assembly if the stand provides the launch of duplicates. The option is distinguished by high build quality, low price and acceptable dimensions. Of course, in professional stencil tournaments it will be difficult to work with it, but for SXP beginners, this is an ideal model. Suitable for duplicate and single targets. The price of the product is $500.

  • Low price category;
  • Application in the destruction of two types of targets;
  • Quality handle;
  • Smooth shutter operation;
  • Small dimensions.
  • Short period of operation - 8 ... 12 months before replacement of parts.


The original MOSSBERG 930 is famous in certain circles as one of the best light recoil semi-automatic guns. Thanks to this, it is worth talking about a lightweight version of the barrel, which is designed for clay target shooting and is equipped with a smooth self-venting mechanism.

The internal component of the case is coated with a layer of boron nitride, which guarantees resistance to corrosion, and improved operation of the shutter mechanism is provided by polished parts.

A long fitting length is ensured by a comfortable stock, which makes the barrel suitable for any shooter at any bench events. The main features include the HIVIZ fiber optic sight, a smooth shutter and 5 long tubular constrictions. The model is used in round, sporting and trench stands. The cost of the gun is 1100 USD.

  • Acceptable price;
  • The sight is made of wholesale fiber;
  • The presence of 5 choke;
  • Polished and nitride coated parts;
  • Small return.
  • Large size structures.


REMINGTON 1100 is one of the most ancient representatives in this rating. The shotgun dates back to 1963 and since its release has gained enormous popularity, being considered a breakthrough in trap shooting. The fact is that at that time it was the only weapon with the smoothest trigger mechanism and soft recoil. The latter property plays an important role when the shooter makes 200-300 shots per day. Another advantage is the wide range of adjustable handle, thanks to which the implement fits any hand size. A soft shock-absorbing spring is responsible for weakening the recoil. Scope of application - round and trench stands. The price is 1300 dollars.

  • One of the most productive trunks;
  • Support for a very soft spring to dampen recoil;
  • Very smooth trigger mechanism;
  • Wide handle range.
  • Difficult to maintain trunk.


The presented model has the highest cost among vertical guns, however, compared to other guns, READHEAD will not fail at the last moment. The country of manufacture is Turkey. For a long time, CZ has gained prestige and status as one of the best manufacturers of sports and hunting equipment on the international market. Competing in quality with such mastodons as Beretta and Browning, CZ products offer a lower price.
As for this particular model, it is designed exclusively for poster competition. The advantage of the barrel is its 30-inch length. Additionally, we can note the Monte Carlo handle, which is characterized by an elevated stock, a special compartment under the arm and 6 tubular constrictions. The model is designed for round and trench shooting. The price of the gun is $1,500.

  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • The convenient raised butt is conveniently held in hands;
  • Small dimensions (length);
  • The presence of landing under the arm.
  • Low wear resistance.


A bright representative of bench single-shot guns, aimed at hitting exclusively disposable trench targets. Sports equipment is quite light and simple. It has no fuse and is always in a discharged state. On the other hand, this property can be regarded as a security element, since the weapon will not be able to fire random shots until the cartridge is loaded into the barrel. Trim and an automatic ejector are also not built into the model. In a word, this is an ideal option for simple shooting.

There are several delivery kits: 34 and 32-inch barrel. Each option is perfectly balanced and ensures smooth shutter operation.The weapon is famous for the fact that most beginners filled their experience with it. Most users have remained loyal to BT 99 to this day. Scope of application - shooting at one-time and 16-yard targets within the trench stand. The cost of the basic configuration is 1500 USD. The adjustable comb and the presence of the butt have a higher price.

  • Simple and convenient rifle;
  • Light weight of the product;
  • Smooth shutter operation;
  • There are two gun configurations.
  • Overpriced.
  • No fuse.


This ideal device is a semi-automatic rifle that excels in all sports and hunting activities. The durable bolt element of the weapon is designed to fire many hundreds of thousands of shots. In addition to wear resistance, CYNERGY is able to please with an overestimated point of impact on the target, so the gun is indispensable in all types of clay competition.

Internal elements are developed according to the manufacturer's standard technology, however, an inept shooter will have to get used to the unusual design of the case. It is worth noting that the rifle is made in two versions - 30 and 32-inch barrel, equipped with a long tubular constriction. The last element is famous for its quick replacement. The scope of delivery includes a 3-inch cartridge case specially designed for hunting purposes. The weapon is used in bench shooting ranges of round, trench and sporting types. The cost of the product is 1800 dollars.


  • Two barrel configurations;
  • Unique appearance of weapons;
  • Suitable for sports and hunting;
  • Long service life;
  • High wear resistance;
  • The kit includes a chamber;
  • Overpriced product.


What could be better than the years-tested Beretta, the undeniable choice of most professional shooters? The gun is in great demand due to its smooth trigger mechanism, strength and reliability. The device is popularly called the "Blue Gun". Maintenance of internal elements is carried out quite easily, the period between maintenance work is long. Of course, there is no model that can be called perfect, but XCEL is a few steps away from this. During active operations, the weapon never malfunctions.

The softness of the recoil of a semi-automatic rifle is provided by a gas outlet assembly and an adjustable shock-absorbing element. The butt can be adjusted to suit any size arm. It is also possible to adjust the weight distribution by means of a clip plug, which is designed to add extra weight. The object has found its application in all types of trap shooting. Price - 1800 USD

  • High strength and reliability of the rifle;
  • Adjustable for different hand sizes
  • Misfires are completely absent;
  • Ideal quality/price ratio;
  • Designed for bench shooting of any type.
  • Not found.


Every sporting and classic rifle from Beretta is characterized by a luxurious look with a refined shape and quality internals. Regarding this model, things are quite ordinary, everything is also a durable and reliable gun, acceptable dimensions, beautiful appearance and a lot of additional features.In addition, the shutter mechanism is designed for tens of thousands of shots before it goes into service. The stock looks very solid, the surface is covered with walnut, and the metal component is emphasized by engraving with the image of leaves.

The rifle is comfortable to use, the recoil is very soft. The smoothness of the shutter mechanism is provided by an optional shock-absorbing spring. The gun has found wide application in sports competitions in trap shooting. Periodically, the PIGEON I SPORTING model is found at hunting events.

  • Unique model design;
  • High wear resistance of the gate element;
  • It is used in all types of bench shooting, as well as in hunting;
  • Strong and reliable trunk;
  • The cost of the product corresponds to the quality and design of the weapon.
  • Not found.


This article contains information regarding the best shotguns for clay shooting. Having studied the selection criteria, you can choose a tool based on your financial capabilities and goals.

Attention! The article is not advertising in nature and is written for informational purposes only. You should always consult with the seller before buying such goods.

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