
  1. When to Use Vitamins
  2. How to choose the right vitamins
  3. Overview of the best Russian vitamin manufacturers for 2025
  4. How to understand which element is missing
  5. Outcome
Rating of the best Russian manufacturers of vitamins for 2025

Rating of the best Russian manufacturers of vitamins for 2025

The human body is regularly exposed to the environment. Therefore, often there are interruptions in the work of internal organs and systems. To support the body, special elements are needed. A varied menu and the use of fruits and vegetables allows you to saturate the body with the necessary components. However, sometimes this amount is not enough. In such cases, special vitamin supplements are used. When choosing a suitable product, you should pay attention to the rating of the best Russian vitamin manufacturers for 2025. All companies offer quality products at affordable prices.

When to Use Vitamins

The lack of vitamins in the human diet very often leads to the formation of health problems. The daily diet cannot always fully compensate for the lack of nutrients, so there is a need to use special supplements. With a lack of vitamins, the following problems very often occur:

  • violation in the work of internal organs;
  • deterioration in general well-being;
  • skin diseases;
  • slow development in children;
  • irritability and frequent nervous breakdowns;
  • nails and hair become weak and brittle;
  • risk of contracting colds.

Vitamin deficiency symptoms can be numerous. However, it is necessary to choose the right elements correctly. To do this, you should seek help from a specialist.

How to choose the right vitamins

In order to get the maximum benefit when buying a vitamin complex, you must consider the following criteria when choosing:

  • Determine the element type. To solve the problem, it is necessary to determine which element in the body is missing. Very often, users purchase complex drugs that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.
  • Firm. Well-known brands offer products of proven quality, which have repeatedly proven their effectiveness. Using products from unknown brands, you may encounter a fake.
  • Release form, vitamin complexes can be purchased in liquid form, tablets, dragees, etc.Each user independently chooses the appropriate type. For children, liquid forms are most often chosen, which are easy to consume and dose.
  • Price. The high cost of products does not always guarantee quality. Therefore, before buying, it is recommended to study the reviews of people who have tried the product on personal experience.

Among the large range of vitamin supplements, you need to pay attention to the country that produces the drugs. Russian products are very popular and are often chosen by users.

Overview of the best Russian vitamin manufacturers for 2025

Domestic manufacturers offer a wide range of useful supplements not only for adults, but also for children. The products of Russian companies have repeatedly proven their quality and have an acceptable cost.

Vitamin supplements for adults


The Russian company offers a wide range of vitamin supplements for adults. The products are of good quality. The company uses only quality raw materials. Among the most popular drugs, it is necessary to highlight supplements containing magnesium and B vitamins. Products from a Russian company have an affordable price, so most of the population can afford vitamins.

  • the packaging is tight, so the capsules do not weather;
  • high quality products;
  • convenient use.
  • not found.

Most of the products are intended for users over the age of 18.


The company is very popular among consumers. The company produces not only vitamins, but also other medicines. Among the most famous additives, Complivit should be highlighted.Vitamins are available for both adults and children.

Products are available in the form of dragees for easy use. Dragees contain a whole complex of minerals necessary for human health. All elements are easily absorbed and practically do not cause side effects.

  • affordable cost;
  • one dragee contains a whole range of necessary substances;
  • convenient release form.
  • many vitamin complexes contain sugar.

Useful elements are easily absorbed, so the first result is noticeable after a week-long course of regular use.

Global Healthcare

The manufacturer offers its customers a wide range of multivitamins to strengthen immunity. The products contain a complex of useful elements that are necessary for the normalization of the work of internal organs.

All products that the brand produces undergo a preliminary quality check. Therefore, the desired result is noticeable quickly. Vitamin supplements are not drugs and are suitable for long-term use.

Global Healthcare
  • additives are regularly improved;
  • quality raw materials are used;
  • a large assortment.
  • products have a high cost.

Products from this manufacturer can be used as a food supplement or during the recovery process after suffering complex diseases.


Evalar develops various vitamin supplements for both men and women. Also often on sale you can find complex preparations to increase the protective properties of the body.

As buyers note, when taking drugs from this manufacturer, the first result is noticeable after a month.All products are made only from high quality raw materials.

  • affordable cost;
  • high efficiency;
  • high quality.
  • not found.

You can buy products from this manufacturer in almost any pharmacy.

wow formula

Vitamins and supplements from this manufacturer are most often available in liquid form. According to experts, the liquid penetrates the stomach faster and is absorbed by the walls, so the result can be seen after a short course of use.

All products are manufactured in Russia. Plants for the production of goods are equipped with modern equipment. The company also hires experienced employees who develop effective formulas.

wow formula
  • quick result;
  • capsules without unpleasant taste;
  • convenient reception.
  • not always available for sale.

Particularly noteworthy are preparations containing the important component D 3, which are in great demand, especially during acute respiratory diseases.


The company is engaged in the production of supplements with elements of group B necessary for the body. Choosing the right product, you can find complex substances and supplements that contain only one element. Vitamin supplements of group B are necessary for normal human life. Timely saturation of these substances protects and restores the nervous system, reduces stress and anxiety.

The company produces the supplement in the form of tablets. Reception of products is very convenient, it is enough to drink one tablet per day. The cost of production is affordable, so the company is very popular.

  • affordable price;
  • the product is made of quality components;
  • convenient course of admission, only 1 month.
  • not found.

Products from the company can be found in almost every pharmacy. Shelf life is long, more than 3 years.


The Russian company is engaged in the production of complex drugs. Complex substances are very popular among buyers. Vitamin complexes are recommended to be used as a biological supplement for the prevention of chronic diseases. The drugs are suitable for a long course of administration, without the risk of addiction.

  • convenient packaging;
  • to saturate the body, it is enough to take 1 capsule per day;
  • a large assortment.
  • high price.

Vitamin complexes may have contraindications, so it is very important to read the instructions in detail before using them.

Real Caps

The Russian company is engaged in the production of supplements containing vitamins A and E. Vitamin supplements can be used for a long course without addiction and harm to health. A feature of such products is rapid absorption, as gelatin capsules are used, which quickly dissolve, releasing the obsession.

For the manufacture of drugs, the company uses only high-quality raw materials, regularly conducts research and develops improved formulas that are as effective as possible.

Real Caps
  • use of quality raw materials;
  • can be purchased at almost any pharmacy;
  • affordable price.
  • small assortment.

The manufacturer does not use dyes and flavors in its products, so the preparations have practically no contraindications.

Rusfik (Vneshtorg Pharma LLC)

The company is engaged in the production of complex drugs for both adults and children. The Alphabet complex is especially popular. Vitamin supplements are designed for a certain age and are easy to take.

The company has its own production facilities and qualified personnel. Production is carried out according to the latest technologies.

Vitamin supplements are designed not only to restore the functioning of internal organs, but also to improve the condition of the skin and hair. Children's products are designed taking into account the daily need of the child for minerals and vitamins.

Rusfik (Vneshtorg Pharma LLC)
  • the result is noticeable quickly;
  • the content of the complex of elements necessary for health;
  • availability.
  • not found.

Preparations from this manufacturer are very popular in Russia and abroad.

Vitamin supplements for children


Vitamin complexes are designed specifically for children. The dosage is calculated in such a way as not to cause allergic reactions. The company produces drugs in the form of dragees or chewable plates. When choosing a vitamin complex, it is very important to take into account the characteristics of the child and the problem that needs to be solved. Many drugs are provided for a complex effect on the children's body.

  • safe for the child;
  • convenient form for children;
  • The range is large, so it's easy to choose for any age.
  • not found.

The company uses only high-quality components that do not cause side effects and allergic reactions.


Russian brand, which is very popular among adults and children.Ascorbic acid is a source of vitamin C and has practically no contraindications. The easy-to-take tablets contain your daily amount of vitamin C and help boost your immune system.

The company's products are affordable and have a long shelf life. The composition does not include fragrances and chemical additives. Therefore, vitamins can be used by children from 3 years.

  • convenient packaging;
  • cheap cost;
  • can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  • tablets contain only one useful element.

When choosing vitamins from this manufacturer, you need to consult a doctor. Since vitamin C can cause allergic reactions and requires compliance with the instructions for use.

Altai maral

Preparations of the company for the production of children's vitamin complexes are very popular among parents. The company offers a range of products with vitamin C, calcium. There are also products that, in addition to vitamin supplements, contain medicinal herbs. Products are intended for children over 3 years old. For the manufacture of vitamins, only natural raw materials are used, which have repeatedly proven their effectiveness.

Altai maral
  • using only natural ingredients;
  • convenient dosage;
  • affordable price.
  • products are not always available.

Children's vitamins have practically no contraindications. Produced in the form of dragees, which are quickly absorbed.

How to understand which element is missing

The lack of vitamins in the human body is often accompanied by discomfort and weakness. However, it is very difficult to independently identify which element is missing.Therefore, the following tips should be considered if there is not enough vitamin:

  • A. The first symptoms of a lack of an element are the presence of white stripes on the nails. Hair becomes brittle and dull.
  • D. The main symptoms of vitamin deficiency are psychological problems and irritability.
  • E. The skin becomes flabby and grey. Also, another symptom of a lack of an element is capillary fragility.
  • C. This element increases the resistance of the immune system to infectious diseases. People who often get sick with colds should regularly replenish the supply of vitamin C in the body.
  • group B. These elements are responsible for blood pressure, memory and brain function. Therefore, it is very important to saturate the body with these elements every six months.

Vitamin complexes also contain essential macronutrients such as magnesium, calcium, etc. Such components are needed to normalize the functioning of internal organs and the skeletal system. Therefore, if it is difficult to choose a vitamin complex on your own, you need to contact a specialist for advice.


Vitamins and minerals play an important role in the life of every person. During the period of deficiency of the necessary elements, discomfort and disruption of the internal organs occur, so medical experts advise regularly eating vegetables and fruits. Also, special preparations are often used that contain the required number of elements, depending on the age of the person. When choosing a suitable complex, it is necessary to pay attention to Russian manufacturers.The rating of the best Russian manufacturers of vitamins for 2025 was created taking into account the opinions of buyers who have verified the quality of the goods in their own experience.

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