Fermented milk products affect the intestinal microflora, increase immunity, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, remove toxins. The rating of the best Russian yogurt producers for 2025 will help any family member choose a safe, high-quality product.
Yoghurt is a fermented milk product that is obtained from milk by fermentation with special bacteria.Real yogurt contains two types of bacteria: Bulgarian bacillus - Lactobacillus bulgaricus (processing lactose, sugar into lactic acid), thermophilic streptococcus - Streptococcus thermophilus (has a bactericidal effect, normalizes intestinal microflora).
There are several types according to properties:
Natural classic product without sugar, fruit additives. You can use it on its own, add your favorite berries, use it in salads instead of sour cream or mayonnaise.
The quality of the product depends on raw materials, production, packaging, transportation and storage conditions. Before buying, a mandatory rule is to check the information on the package.
Main signs:
The packaging must be airtight, without defects (cracks, creases), with a clearly visible composition.
A delicious, high-quality product can be prepared at home, on your own with your own hands.
You will need: products (milk, sourdough), a spoon, a container. You can use kitchen appliances (special yogurt makers, slow cooker), improvised means (thermos, pot, jar, warm towel, blanket).
Main steps:
Before use, you can add sugar, honey, fruits, berries, nuts, jam. The product without additives can be used as a salad dressing.
The reasons why the milk did not thicken: the dishes were not washed well, the dose of bacteria was incorrectly selected, the milk was of poor quality, the mixture quickly cooled down.
Before buying, please read the information on the package:
If the data on the label is illegible, incomprehensible, you do not need to buy.
Advantages of products of Russian manufacturers: quality control, own raw materials, fast delivery, a large selection in stores.
The review of companies was compiled according to GuideMarket estimates (finance, technical capabilities, assortment, capacity), popularity among buyers. Two groups of companies are singled out: large (have several own brands), with one trademark.
Located in the Altai Territory, Barnaul, Cosmonauts Avenue, 63.
Works since 1978. It has 6 industries: the city of Barnaul, the villages: Bystryanka, Karaguzh, Pavlovsk, Rebrikha, Soviet. Reception of raw materials - points of the Altai Territory. The number of employees is 1,500 people.
Own brands: Milk Tale, Biosnezhka, Lakt, Chuisky, Karaguzhinsky.
Assortment - 250 types: whole milk (different fat content, cream, melted), sour milk, butter, 50 varieties of cheeses (hard, semi-hard, processed), cottage cheese (desserts, bars),
Productivity - processing 1.000 tons per day. Certification according to the international standard ISO 9001.
We have our own fleet of vehicles, fast delivery of goods throughout the country.
Start of work - 2008. It has a representative office in Moscow (Dmitrovskoe highway, 157, building 9, office 93124), three plants (Sverdlovsk, Ryazan, Kaluga regions).
Own trade brands: "G-balance", "Longevity", "Halalmilk".
In addition to dairy products, it produces soy and oat products, cheeses, and sausages.
Features: vegan products, vegetable (meat, milk), goat milk, Greek yogurt.
The G-balance brand specializes in the production of national fermented milk products (yoghurt, ayran, tan).
The company produces 30,000 tons of finished goods per year. Annual turnover - 2.8 billion rubles. Implementation through 150 retail chains in 85 regions of Russia. There are contracts with Kazakhstan, Belarus.
The site highlights the categories: products, brands, factories, cooperation, contacts.
The main office is located in Moscow, Vereiskaya street, 17, office 213.
All types of products are produced in the Moscow region, at ZAO Ozeretsky Dairy Plant.
Works since 1999.
It produces products under the brands: Ecomilk, Alpine Cow, Altai Collection, Village Compound, Meadows of the South.
Assortment: milk, sour cream, butter, spreads, processed cheeses.
Additional lines for the production of milkshakes, kefir, yogurts were opened in May 2019.
Productivity - 300 tons of goods per day. The range is more than 50 types.
The main page of the site highlights the categories: about the company, trademarks, press center, magazine. There are headings - healthy eating, a cookbook, quality control, life hacks.
Start of work - 2003. The main office is located: Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk, Pesochnaya street, 11.
Moscow branch: Moscow, Novodmitrovskaya street, 2, building 1.
Free communication number 8 800 200 11 79.
It belongs to large agricultural holdings.The enterprises are located in the Perm region, three republics (Udmurt, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan). It has three pig farms, a poultry farm, a mixed feed plant, 2 meat processing plants, and 1 cold storage plant.
Milk processing enterprises:
Popular brands: Selo Zelenoe, Molochnaya Rechka, Toptyzhka.
Quantity of processed raw materials, finished products (tons): milk - 516.000, cheese - 10.200, ice cream - 6.900.
The main page of the site has a menu: sales, products, contacts. There is a separate link for export.
The range has features: whey products, whey, ice cream, ice cream mixes, milkshakes.
Yoghurts differ in fat content, the presence of additives, fruits. Popular types: "Bran-cereals-nuts", "Cowberry-raspberry", "Classic", drinking "Scarlet sunset" with different flavors, protein "Cereals-seeds", milk with strawberry flavor, fruit "Blueberry-Raspberry".
The company's office is located in the city of Voronezh, street 45 Rifle Division, 259.
It consists of: 10 dairy farms (total livestock 24,000 heads), 4 dairy complexes, 8 processing plants, feed mills, company stores.
Productivity - processing of 500.000 tons of milk. Assortment - 250 species.
It produces goods of eight brands: Vkusnoteevo (2000), Felicita, Fruate, Kuban farm, Tender age, Molvest, Volga open spaces, Ivan Poddubny.
The first enterprise "Gormolzavod No. 1" was opened in 1969. Initial productivity - processing of 225 tons of milk per shift. The Voronezhsky dairy plant now operates on this base, processing 600 tons of milk per day.
Cheese production begins in 2005. Capacity - 120 tons of milk per day.
Ulyanovsk "Dairy Plant" passes in 2006. Productivity - 300 tons per day.
"Kalacheevsky cheese factory" (2010) produces 10.000 tons of cheese per year. Oil production has been established since 2017, it is 18,000 tons of oil per year.
The first dairy complex was built for 3,500 heads (2013). Complex for rearing young animals - 2016. Robotic milking is used, a breeding reproducer for two breeds of cows (Jersey, Montbéliarde).
Since 2016:
Awards: "Brand No. 1 in Russia" (2018) three nominations (butter, fermented milk products, milk and cream).
The site page contains information: about the company, agriculture, news, assortment, recipes, dry milk ingredients.
Assortment: biokefir, sourdough, yogurt (drinkable, thick), ryazhenka, cottage cheese, curd cheese, glazed curds.
Hotline phone 8 800 700-81-81.
The sales department is located in Kaluga, 2nd Tarutinsky proezd, 9 (LLC Optina Trading House). Telephone number +7 (4842) 200-157.
Agrofirma Optina LLC is located in Kozelsk, Chkalova street, 106.
Start of work - 1975. There are 4 production workshops: receiving raw materials, whole milk products, skimmed milk powder, butter. Additional departments: transport, compressor, laboratory.
Productivity - 3.000 tons of products per month.
Assortment - 40 types (whole, powdered milk, butter, yoghurts, cottage cheese, kefir).
The sales department is located in the city of Artem, Kirov street, 13 a. Phone 8 (42337) 4-30-58.
The complex is located in the Khanka district, on an area of 5.000 hectares. Daily processing of 36.000 liters of milk.
Vertical menu of the site: main, catalogue, recipes, excursions.
Assortment: butter, cottage cheese, cheeses, yoghurts, bioyoghurts.
Experience - more than 70 years.
Located in the Vladimir region, the city of Suzdal, Promyshlennaya street, 20. Phone (+749231) 2-15-69.
The number of employees is 140 people.
Installation of new equipment, production of butter, new types of cottage cheese - 2016.
The peculiarity of the production is its own starter department (cultivation of kefir fungi, starter cultures according to a personal recipe).
September 2020 - the release of the novelty curd cheeses "Dessert" with different fillers.
Assortment: milk (selected, pasteurized, baked), snowball, yoghurts, kefir, yoghurts, sour cream.
Shelf life - 7-35 days.
The main categories of the site's horizontal menu are: home, about the company, products, vacancies, contacts, news.
Release of goods since 2004.
The main department is located: Krasnodar, K. Marksa street, 53. Hot line 8 (800) 234-99-70.
It has three factories in the Krasnodar Territory, villages: Leningradskaya, Starominskaya, Bryukhovetskaya.
CJSC "Cheese-making plant "Leningradsky" carried out a complete reconstruction (2013-2015). There is a new warehouse for finished goods with an area of 2400 sq. m. Processes 500 tons of raw materials per day. Main: fermented baked milk, cream, matsoni, yogurt.
The Bryukhovetsky branch of CJSC SK Leningradsky produces dry demineralized milk whey, butter, cottage cheese.
After 2002, Starominsk branch "Syrodel" of CJSC "SK "Leningradsky" installed a line of cheeses from the Dutch group. It produces cottage cheese, sour cream, processed cheeses.
Supply of 500 tons of fresh milk - every day, delivery 1-3 hours after milking, 30 farms in the Krasnodar Territory.
Checking the main indicators of the quality of raw materials - the device "MilcoScan - Minor".
The horizontal menu of the site highlights the categories: about the brand, factories and farms, recipes, products, contacts, videos.
Fermented milk products differ in fat content, the presence or absence of additives, packaging, and manufacturer. The rating of the best Russian yogurt manufacturers for 2025 will help you choose the right product for any wallet, occasion, taste.