There is a special relationship with children's shoes. It affects the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the baby, corrects foot defects, helps the child to be active, develop physically. When creating new products, domestic shoe enterprises take into account the recommendations of orthopedists, use the best materials, the latest production technologies. We offer parents a rating of the best Russian manufacturers of children's shoes for 2025. The goods of the marked brands comply with the Quality Standards of the Russian Federation and Europe. The cost is acceptable. The quality is high.
The first thing parents usually pay attention to is the design. Beautiful, bright and stylish models catch the eye. But they will remain on the shelves if they do not meet the following selection criteria.
Convenient pad. The leg is located freely, does not rest against the rise. The heel is well fixed, slightly raised. The best option is the Thompson heel.
The quality of the seams - they should not be rough, felt, pressed and rubbed. Modern technologies of "seamless connection" make it possible to do this. Joints smoothly pass from one element to another, hermetic, soft.
The sole is quite elastic, bends without interfering with the leg to take any position. It should be waterproof, lightweight, with a relief protector that prevents slipping.
Children grow up fast. For the next season, boots, sandals will be small. But they still need to be strong. After all, the shoes will be worn by fidgets, not adults, calmly walking along the sidewalks. The load on small shoes is many times greater than the shoes of adults.
It is important how much the shoes for the baby cost. Children need many things. Constantly have to buy new pairs. Not because fashion has changed, just because the child has grown.
What else to look for when buying - materials. They must be environmentally friendly, natural, durable.
Old Russian enterprises that produced good-quality products at an affordable price in the last century began to pay more attention to appearance. They gradually replaced the equipment, use the latest technology. The best of them are still in service in 2025.
Recently registered firms managed to break into the market, prove their ability to produce high-quality products, and satisfy any consumer-parents.
We offer a rating of the best manufacturers of children's shoes for 2025. To choose, you need to know what models are. Look at the description of the product features of the brand you like, the overview of the main collections, customer reviews. The information you receive will help you make the right decision.
It is convenient to immediately decide which company is best for shoes for your child, and all childhood, until growing up, buy boots and sandals of the same brand. The best option is to choose a company that leads the rating of quality manufacturers in the top lines.
Some companies don't just make quality products, from baby booties. They have in the price list youth shoes for teenagers, stylish, comfortable for every day and festive.
1st place, modern style.
The Russian brand of the manufacturer of children's shoes "Antelopa" was registered in 1998. Since that time, the company has been actively developing, taking part in industry exhibitions, and increasing the volume of wholesale sales.
The company registered in the Russian Federation expanded, production, in addition to Russia, was established in other countries, mainly China and Turkey. Products of "Antelope" include author's developments, differ in high quality of production. In the production of boots, boots, and other products, new technologies are applied, high-quality materials are used.
Consumers liked the product under the Antelope brand. The combination of high quality, stylish design, comfortable pads and reasonable prices. To protect its products from counterfeiting, the company gave exclusive rights to sell the goods to its partners.
Antelope is a popular model for all ages. The company produces booties for the little ones, sneakers, boots, sneakers for schoolchildren, bright sandals and boots for young fashionistas. All collections are updated twice a year. They are highly appreciated by orthopedists, are tested according to all domestic and foreign standards.
2nd place, best value for money.
TM Skazka released its first products in the 90s. According to buyers, this is the most attractive, solid children's shoes at a reasonable price. Size range from 19 to 37.
Currently, under the Skazka brand, several collections for winter, summer and off-season are produced annually. They are designed for babies taking their first steps, children confidently walking to the kindergarten. For schoolchildren, in addition to ordinary street shoes, there are models to walk indoors, play sports. In the TM Skazka product, children walk until they receive a certificate, switch to adult models. Lines for all ages include popular snow boots, rubber boots insulated with a bike for wearing in cool weather, and other products.
The company produces boots, sandals, shoes, shoes with a fashionable design. The styles are universal, they fit exactly on the leg due to the use of Velcro fasteners, stretch fabrics. The range is annually updated by half or more. In total, 1500 models are produced per year for any weather.
Booties are worn by babies almost from birth, even before the kids began to take their first steps. At first, they perform the function of a toy, bright, attractive, to which the handles reach. Then the universal block of small shoes helps to put the foot correctly, learn to walk faster. The catalog of booties includes different models, with elements of stylish finishes, a wide variety of colors.
1st place, the best domestic booties.
The first shoes for babies - booties, are produced at an enterprise with a rich history and established traditions. In small shoes, the crumbs take their first steps. Lightweight and comfortable, made of high quality textiles, genuine leather, shoes for the smallest are produced by TM Kotofey. Products are manufactured using new technologies, for example, sewing without rough joints - seamless.
The oldest company in the country has been delighting with its products for newborns since 1936. The manufacturer takes into account the orthopedic features of the structure of the leg at each age. In addition to baby shoes, the line of produced models has everything you need for school and sports, winter and summer.
Soft sole and insole made of genuine leather, firmly holding Velcro, anti-slip inserts, heel counter with optimal rigidity. The baby quickly begins to walk thanks to comfortable booties. Growing up, he learns to independently put on shoes and take off sandals, boots, sneakers, thanks to comfortable clasps worked out by specialists.
Kotofeya's products are distinguished by their variety, thoughtfulness of each model. Bright colors, orthopedic shoe, natural breathable materials.
2nd place, anatomical pads.
The children's footwear company Kapika updates its First Steps line every year. Models are designed for the little ones. When developing, the peculiarity of the baby's legs is taken into account. Booties for the house and the street contribute to the proper development of the baby's foot.
Booties and sandals have a soft sole, a textile upper made of wear-resistant materials. They do not rub on the fingers, do not break, if the child does not put on his own shoes quite correctly, they sit in place.
Parents of active tomboys appreciate Kapika products that grow out of them before they wear out.
The ratio of price and quality is optimal. Parents love to dress their little ones in the time-honored booties from Kapika.
3rd place, traditions of the 19th century.
The factory started making shoes in 1882. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, consumers appreciated the high quality of the products of the domestic enterprise, its durability, strength and comfortable shoe. Behind Skorokhodovskie models began to line up. The brand enjoyed popularity at the level of the best foreign brands.
Skorokhod employees understood the need to create high-quality and comfortable models for children. The company entered into an agreement with scientists from the Turner Institute of Orthopedics. Scientists have tested the optimal shape of shoes for kids.Designers created their appearance.
As a result, sandals, booties, boots sit comfortably on the foot, warm it in the cold and do not allow sweating in the summer and during active exercise. The kid can run all day, play ball, other games without knowing fatigue. His shoes from Outrider endure the season and may even go minor.
A feature of the company's products is an affordable price.
Mass-produced orthopedic shoes are, in fact, preventive. In case of serious violations, order individual models, on a personal block. Such single special orders are carried out by some enterprises included in the rating.
The purpose of orthopedic shoes is to firmly hold the foot and lower leg in the correct position, preventing pathology. As a result of wearing preventive boots and boots, the child's legs are physically developed, the child's legs are strengthened, posture is improved, and the spine is aligned. The popularity of models is determined by the presence of orthopedic elements, original external design.
1 place, including for valgus foot.
Tapiboo products have been sold on the Russian market since 2014. The best models are produced at an enterprise in St. Petersburg, equipped with domestic and foreign equipment. Basically, these are orthopedic shoes for children with foot defects, including valgus - a complex change in the position of the thumb.
The basis of shoes and sandals is created by orthopedists. Form and appearance - technologists, designers. The result is a comfortable shoe.It not only makes long walks possible, but helps to heal foot defects, as well as the entire supporting apparatus.
The lineup includes shoes for any weather, from babies to schoolchildren, teenagers. Age features of the structure of the foot are taken into account by orthopedists. Parents note a variety of styles, a large selection of colors.
In the manufacture of natural materials are used, allowing the leg to breathe. The lining is made using a special seamless technology. As a result, a comfortable state of the leg, no thickening at the junction of parts.
Of great importance for the correct development of the support system is an orthopedic insole, with a unique shape and precisely calculated elasticity.
2nd place, unique linen insole.
On the basis of the old enterprise "Paris Commune", children's shoes are produced under the Elegami brand. Thanks to feedback - a constant survey of parents, comfortable orthopedic models are created. Designers always try to take into account the wishes of consumers. They produce stylish boots that support the ankle, improve posture.
Only safe, natural materials are used in production. The brand highlight is the linen insole, which absorbs moisture, sweat, helps to prevent orthopedic diseases, and prevents the appearance of fungus. The development was carried out in the company's laboratory, checked for compliance with the quality standards of the Russian Federation and Europe.
3rd place, variety of styles.
The Orthoboom trademark was registered in 2004. The company was practically the first in Russia to start producing orthopedic shoes for children, starting with babies from the age of 1 year and for teenagers 14-15 years old. The company specializes in the production of orthopedic shoes for children and adults, both preventive and therapeutic.
For all ages, the block is checked by specialists. The company has a quality certificate and a patent allowing the manufacture of special products.
Orthoboom products are distinguished by a variety of models. Designers develop the appearance taking into account fashion trends. Among the specialists there are representatives of European countries, including Italy, Germany. Parents can choose shoes for their child not only by size and foot defect, but also by color and design.
In the collection regularly appear fashionable new items for each season. In production, environmentally friendly, natural materials are used. A unique insole that fixes the rise in the desired position is the development of the company's specialists. Orthoboom children's models use various discoveries of orthopedists from other companies.
Winter shoes for children should be warm and light at the same time.Children should be able to move a lot without getting tired of the weight of boots or shoes. Manufacturers in the top make their products from natural materials: leather, fur, textiles. The sole is flexible, waterproof bottom. The leg breathes, sweat, moisture are brought out. Feet remain dry in any weather, as well as high activity of the baby.
The best value for money.
The Nordman brand entered the market in 1990 with samples of rubber shoes. Gradually developing and mastering new production technologies, the company began to produce boots for children. Manufacturers took into account the love of kids for puddles and created models in which the feet do not get wet and remain warm.
The next line was presented by winter models for boys and girls. Multi-layered boots with a waterproof bottom and warm inside, like buyers.
Nordman certified products protect children's feet in areas with harsh winters. Inside, natural fur, durable breathable textiles, on top - leather trim, membrane fabric. The range of winter products is diverse. It has felt boots with a waterproof bottom, light bright dutik, boots with a water-repellent surface.
Velcro fasteners do not cause problems for the little ones, they allow them to put on their own shoes and take off their boots after a walk. Created using a special technology, they withstand constant peeling for a long time, firmly fix the boots on the leg.
The main advantage of Nordman is high-quality, budget-priced models. In a short time, winter boots from the best manufacturer have become the most popular with parents.
New parents do not always know how to choose shoes for their baby, especially if it is impossible to go shopping with him. Tips from experienced buyers are simple. It is necessary to take cardboard, preferably dense. Put your baby's foot on it. Trace around with a pencil or pen, then cut out.
Cardboard should fit freely in shoes or boots. Depending on the season, it is desirable to leave around it evenly, on all sides, a free space of 0.5 cm for summer and 1 cm for winter models. This is a free fit, for growth, taking into account a warm sock. This method eliminates the main mistakes when choosing.
The second oversight is to buy for growth or "back to back", cheaper, it will still "kill" for the season. Large boots will fall off, rub on the heels and instep. Cheap ones usually have rough seams and are made from low quality materials. You should choose what is better to buy shoes: comfortable more expensive or save on the comfort of the baby.
The question of where to buy is decided depending on the knowledge of the size, as well as the brand that is comfortable for the child. If the parents have already decided which company's products are best suited for the baby and know exactly the size of the legs, the question of where to buy is no longer. The online store has a large selection of models of various types from almost all popular manufacturers. You can choose from the comfort of your home, immediately order online.
There are many manufacturers of children's shoes in Russia, there are plenty to choose from. High-quality, stylish shoes will please your child.