
  1. General information
  2. Compound
  3. Classification
  4. The best Russian manufacturers
  5. How to choose
  6. The best Russian car oils
  7. Experienced Tips

Rating of the best Russian automotive oils for 2025

Rating of the best Russian automotive oils for 2025

Without engine oil, no internal combustion engine (ICE) is able to function. A large fleet of cars on Russian roads requires its constant use in huge volumes. A specific liquid lubricates the metal surfaces of rubbing parts, forming a protective film on them, evenly distributes heat throughout the motor, and also solves many other important tasks. It differs in composition, viscosity, application, temperature of use, and other parameters.

This review discusses the main varieties and classifications of the best Russian-made automotive oils, which have proven themselves in harsh climatic conditions due to their efficiency, reliability, workmanship, and affordable price. The advice of professionals will help you not to make mistakes when choosing the right brand.

General information

Automobile oil is a special oil-based liquid that is poured into the internal combustion engine.

Main purpose:

  • reduction of the friction force between the contacting surfaces of nodes, mechanisms;
  • reducing the noise level of the operating unit;
  • removal of thermal energy from heating mechanisms;
  • easier starting at low temperatures;
  • maintaining the cleanliness of parts due to good detergent properties;
  • prevention of negative aggressive-corrosive external influence from residues of combustion products, moisture, air oxygen.

The power unit lubrication system provides storage, distribution and cleaning of the lubricating fluid. It is directed through the channels to the loaded or rubbing parts.A thin film is formed on the surfaces, which fills the smallest irregularities and gaps between the components, greatly reducing the friction force.

No power unit can be operated without this key consumable (along with fuel)!


The basis of all modern motor products are base oils and various additives to improve one or more engine performance parameters. Colloidal stability depends on the correctness of the technology and compliance with the conditions during mixing: the required mode, supply pressure, temperature.

As a rule, the base component has up to nine additives, which in the total mass content are 5-30%.

The basic components are:

  • synthetic elements (polyalphaolefins, ethers, alkylbenzenes);
  • residual and distillate components from sour crude oil, or mixtures thereof.

Main parameters:

  1. Viscosity index - determines the retention of viscous properties during temperature fluctuations, is the difference between the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the highest and lowest temperatures. The higher the indicator, the better the product: usually in the range of 100 - 300.
  2. Low temperature indicator - determines the fluidity during cold start-up, as well as fast pumping in the entire system.
  3. High temperature rating - Higher ratings provide better stability at high temperatures.
  4. Resistance to oxidation - characterizes oxidative stability. The lower the value, the better.

Additive properties:

  • antioxidant;
  • antifriction;
  • anti-corrosion;
  • antiwear;
  • thickening;
  • depressor;
  • antifoam;
  • detergent-dispersant.

Additives are applied:

  • in diesel units: increasing the cetane number, cleaning nozzles, reducing exhaust smoke, removing moisture from the fuel, reducing the pour point of diesel fuel, preventing wear and anti-corrosion properties;
  • in gasoline units: increasing the octane number, cleaning the carburetor / injector, removing moisture from the fuel, protecting the fuel system.


By type and power of the unit

  1. Gasoline - with high maximum speed (up to 8000 rpm), low sulfur content in the fuel.
  2. Diesel - with a lower maximum speed (up to 4500 rpm), a high sulfur content, as well as good washing characteristics.
  3. Universal.

By base component

  1. Mineral. It is obtained by direct distillation of oil and after purification of certain oil fractions (fuel oil). The packaging is labeled Mineral. Operating parameters at high temperatures are less stable, at negative temperatures it thickens quickly, and when boiling, the unit becomes clogged with residues of combustion products. Characteristics are enhanced by the addition of additives (over 10%). Replacement is required after a run of 5000-6000 km. It is used on units with high mileage, obsolete or in warm weather.
  2. Synthetic. It is produced from light gases as a result of complex reactions of "increasing" the length of the molecular chain to a certain number of carbon atoms. The packaging is labeled Fully Synthetic or Synthetic. Along with high cost, they have improved characteristics: increased working life, reduced fuel consumption, no initialing and oxidation, low pour point, good lubricating properties, low volatility. It is poured into new cars with low mileage.
  3. Semi-synthetic. A combination of oils with a synthetic component content of 25%. Referred to as Semi-Synthetic. Stability indicators are inferior to synthetic, but better than mineral. To ensure compatibility, products from the same manufacturer may be mixed. Used for cars with high mileage in urban areas and temperate climates.
  4. Hydrocracking. Produced from oil using catalytic hydrocracking technology. Heavy hydrocarbon molecules are split, and sulfur-nitrogen-containing compounds are removed during the reaction using various catalysts at high temperature and pressure. As a result, with low oxidizability, good viscosity values ​​​​are achieved.

According to GOST 17479.1-2015

Groups by operational properties, purpose, as well as by viscosity class.

It is designated by three groups of signs:

  • the letter "M" (motor), does not depend on the properties and composition;
  • figures characterizing the kinetic viscosity according to GOST 33-2016 or according to foreign classification;
  • capital letters indicating the scope.

According to the temperature limits of performance are:

Engine oil groupGOST 17479.1-2015SAE J300
Winter 3h5W
Summer 1030
All season 3z/85W-20

According to the scope of application, they are divided into groups A, B, D, D, E:

BUTunforced gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines
G highly forced
Dhighly accelerated in difficult operating conditions
Ehighly forced in more severe operating conditions

According to the international viscosity class

The specification was developed by the Association of Automotive Engineers of the USA (Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE) and is divided into classes:

  1. All season. It is indicated by the letter W and two numbers - the winter class is on the left, the summer class is after the hyphen. The higher the number, the thicker the product, which is more reliable in case of overheating, for an old worn out engine or in hot climates. Examples: SAE 0W-40, 0W-30, 20W-40.
  2. Summer - SAE20 ... SAE60.
  3. Winter - SAE 0W ... 20W.

According to the international API quality class

The specification was developed by the American Petroleum Institute (API), defines the categories:

  1. Service (S) - for gasoline passenger cars, minibuses, light trucks.
  2. Commercial (C) - for diesel commercial vehicles.

Improved specifications are indicated by a separate letter of the Latin alphabet after S or C.

ACEA international quality class

The specification was developed by the Association of European Automobile Manufacturers (European Automobile Manufacturers Association):

  1. A / B - for diesel and gasoline passenger cars;
  2. C - for diesel and gasoline engines with a catalyst;
  3. E - for diesel trucks.

After the letter, a number characterizing the main operational properties is indicated.

The best Russian manufacturers

In connection with the constant increase in prices for foreign brands of motor oils, a large selection of domestic products is offered. The quality of the goods is constantly being improved, the range is growing and is used in many areas of activity for passenger cars, mining, agricultural and construction equipment.At the same time, the products of Russian companies meet international requirements, practically do not differ from imported ones, and are suitable for most vehicles. Thanks to a wide range of engine, transmission and hydraulic oils, you can choose the right option for any request and budget. Foreign products win only in environmental performance.

The largest Russian manufacturers are:

  • Lukoil - production of almost all types of modern automotive fluids;
  • Rosneft - products of the world quality standard with a wide offer for various equipment;
  • Gazpromneft - for engines of foreign or domestic production, including the premium segment;
  • TNK - products with high performance parameters;
  • Bashneft - production of various grades of liquid products;
  • Delfin Group - a wide range of the entire range of motor oils.

How to choose

The choice of the right type of product should be treated with the utmost responsibility. In order not to make mistakes, the following criteria and conditions must be taken into account.

  1. Tolerances and recommendations of the engine manufacturer. For new cars with low mileage up to 75 thousand km, it is best to use the same brand of fluid that was originally filled in by the manufacturer. The documents clearly indicate the type, performance characteristics that provide the best result.
  2. Type and features of the unit.
    Engine wear. The older it is, the higher the viscosity should be. This will allow you to work better with increased gaps between parts.
  3. Climatic conditions of operation of the vehicle. It is recommended to follow the GOST or SAE classifications and choose the appropriate grade.
  4. Previously filled engine oil.

Where could I buy

Popular Russian brands can be purchased at specialized auto parts, accessories and consumables stores, as well as at service stations, car repair shops or from manufacturers' dealers. Consultants will always provide assistance with valuable advice or recommendations: what are they, what company is better to buy, what efficiency, functionality, quality, how much it costs.

A rich assortment is offered on the pages of online stores for ordering online from manufacturers or aggregators, such as Yandex.Market. It presents the main parameters and characteristics of the product, price, photo, as well as reviews of real buyers.

The best Russian car oils

The rating of quality brands is developed based on the opinions of users who have left ratings or reviews on the Internet. Popularity is due to performance, efficiency, reliability and cost.


The review includes ratings among the best Russian-made mineral, semi-synthetic and synthetic automotive oils.

TOP 3 best mineral motor oils

Rosneft Maximum 15W-40
votes 0

Brand - Rosneft.
Producer - PJSC "Rosneft".

All-weather universal mineral-based grade with improved anti-wear properties. It is poured into diesel or gasoline units of light trucks, as well as passenger cars. High-quality natural components and a set of modern additives are used for manufacturing. The proprietary recipe was developed for use in Russian conditions. Packaging volumes: 1, 4, 5, 20, 50, 216.5 liters.

Price - from 546 rubles.

Rosneft Maximum 15W-40
  • protection of the motor against corrosion and wear with an extension of the resource;
  • preventing the formation of deposits;
  • does not burn;
  • ensuring easy start at low temperatures;
  • compatibility with any materials of stuffing boxes;
  • providing protection against leaks;
  • high-quality low-sulfur raw materials;
  • amber;
  • bright container.
  • not designed for high mileage.

OILRIGHT Classic M-6z 14G 15W40
votes 2

Producer - JSC "Delfin Group".

A classic all-weather product for pouring into diesel and gasoline engines with or without moderate turbocharging. It is used in a wide temperature range in tractors, KAMAZ trucks, classic Zhiguli or Priore. Large range of packaging: 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200 liters.

Price - from 350 rubles.

OILRIGHT Classic M-6z 14G 15W40
  • easy start in winter conditions;
  • improved anti-corrosion properties;
  • chemical and thermal stability;
  • protection against deposits and soot;
  • quiet operation of the engine;
  • budget cost;
  • convenient container.
  • not detected.

Gazprom Neft Super 15W-40
votes 0

Brand - Gazpromneft.
Producer - PJSC "Gazprom Neft".

Universal all-weather product for use in diesel or gasoline engines of passenger cars of domestic or foreign production with high mileage and operating in different conditions. High-quality base oil and a balanced mixture of additives are used for manufacturing, which allows to increase the service life, improve anti-corrosion properties, and reduce carbon monoxide consumption. Ensures quiet engine operation. The quality of the goods is guaranteed by proprietary authentication technology using a unique code. Packing options: 1, 4, 5, 205 liters.

Price - from 488 rubles.

Gazprom Neft Super 15W-40
  • fast feed to rubbing surfaces;
  • effective lubrication of parts;
  • high thermal and antioxidant stability;
  • minimum sludge deposits and soot;
  • stable start of a cold engine in winter;
  • reliable protection against deposits and wear;
  • quality assurance;
  • convenient packaging.
  • not found.

comparison table

 Rosneft Maximum 15W-40OILRIGHT M-6z 14G 15W-40Gazprom Neft Super 15W-40
Viscosity grade SAE15W-4015W-4015W-40
Viscosity index135120135
Application interval, ⁰С-25…+40-25…+40-25…+40
Kinematic viscosity (at 100 C)15.312,5 - 16,314.3
Enginegasoline, dieselgasoline, dieselgasoline, diesel
Purposepassenger carspassenger carspassenger cars
For turbocharged enginesYesYesYes
TolerancesPJSC "AvtoVAZ"PJSC "AvtoVAZ"PJSC "AvtoVAZ", OJSC "ZMZ", Certified by AAI
Shelf life, years155

TOP 3 best semi-synthetic oils

C.N.R.G. N-Force Pro 5W-40 SL/CF
votes 1

Brand: C.N.R.G.
Producer - LLC "TD Synergy".

Universal all-weather semi-synthetic for use in domestic or foreign cars or light trucks with gasoline or diesel engines. For production, high-quality synthetic and mineral components are used, obtained using unique technologies, in a set with a balanced package of additives. High washing characteristics allow you to maintain high engine cleanliness, and also provide good starting performance at low temperatures. Packed in containers with a volume of 1, 5, 20 and 205 liters.

Price - from 656 rubles.

C.N.R.G. N-Force Pro 5W-40 SL/CF
  • stable viscosity-temperature properties throughout the entire operation;
  • preventing the formation of scuffs and sludge on surfaces;
  • stable oil film with excellent lubricating properties;
  • reliable protection in difficult working conditions;
  • ensuring a good start in cold weather.
  • not detected.

Gazprom Neft Premium L 5W-30
votes 0

Brand - Gazpromneft.
Producer - PJSC "Gazprom Neft".

Universal all-weather semi-synthetic product for use in diesel and gasoline engines of passenger cars, SUVs, minibuses or light trucks of Russian and foreign brands. Provides maximum protection for the power unit operating in various conditions. Allows you to keep the engine clean and prevents it from wear in accordance with the requirements of manufacturers. Packed in containers with a volume of 1, 4 and 5 liters.

Price - from 420 rubles.

Gazprom Neft Premium L 5W-30
  • has high detergent properties;
  • does not allow the formation of deposits;
  • keeps clean;
  • has high pumpability at low temperatures;
  • ensures reliable starting of a cold engine;
  • applied in a wide temperature range;
  • quality manufacturing;
  • unique counterfeit protection.
  • not detected.

Checking Gazpromneft Premium L 5W-30:

votes 1

Brand - SINTEC.
Manufacturer: Sintec Lubricants.

Semi-synthetic product for pouring into motorcycles, scooters, scooters, snowmobiles. Designed specifically for two-stroke units with a carburetor or direct injection. Can be used in systems with separate or mixed lubrication systems, as well as unleaded fuel.

Price - from 357 rubles.

  • ensuring the cleanliness of spark plugs and the engine;
  • resource extension;
  • creation of an oil coating on the walls of the cylinder and the surface of the piston;
  • reduction of exhaust smoke;
  • improved anti-wear and anti-corrosion properties;
  • protection of the engine from soot;
  • convenient packaging;
  • excellent value for money.
  • not always available for sale.

comparison table

  C.N.R.G. N-Force Pro 5W-40 Gazprom Neft Premium L 5W-30SINTEC Moto 2T
Viscosity grade SAE5W-405W-3030
Viscosity index157160150
Kinematic viscosity (at 100 C)14.0511.711.53
Application interval, hail-35…+40-35…+35-5…+30
Enginegasoline, dieselgasoline, dieselpetrol
Purposefor cars, light trucksfor carsmotorcycles, scooters, snowmobiles
For turbocharged enginesYesYesNo
TolerancesMB 229.1, VW 502 00/505 00, AvtoVAZ PJSCPJSC "AvtoVAZ", certified by AAIJASO FC, ISO EGC, TISI 1040
Shelf life, years525

TOP 3 best synthetic motor oils

Tatneft LUXE PAO 0W-40 A3/B4 SN
votes 1

Brand - Tatneft.
Producer - PJSC "Tatneft".

All-weather product from synthetic low-viscosity components with high operational characteristics. It is used for pouring into gasoline or diesel high-powered engines of passenger vehicles, as well as for commercial vehicles and minibuses without particulate filters.

Price - from 3,500 rubles.

Tatneft LUXE PAO 0W-40 A3/B4 SN
  • excellent low temperature performance;
  • good antioxidant, antiwear and detergent properties;
  • excellent anti-foam and lubricating characteristics;
  • ensuring a long service life;
  • easy start at low temperatures;
  • fast pumpability;
  • high resistance to oxidation;
  • small consumption of waste.
  • overcharge.

Video review of LUXE PAO 0W-40 and comparative flow test:

LUKOIL Genesis Armortech DX1 5W-30
votes 0

Brand - Lukoil.
Producer - NK Lukoil.

All-weather synthetic product for new generation gasoline engines manufactured by General Motors, with triple-acting catalysts and turbocharging. In addition, it can be poured into units of other automakers for which API SN, SN PLUS, SP, ILSAC GF-5, GF6A class motor oils are suitable. Packaging: 1, 4, 60 and 216.5 liters.

Price - from 1,102 rubles.

LUKOIL Genesis Armortech DX1 5W-30
  • high quality components;
  • has the highest level of API class properties;
  • provides protection against premature ignition of a combustible mixture;
  • contributes to easy starting in cold conditions;
  • good compatibility with various post-treatment systems;
  • extension of the service life of catalytic purification systems.
  • is rapidly rising in price.

Video review Genesis Armortech DX1 5W-30:

Rosneft Magnum Runtec 10W-40
votes 0

Brand - Rosneft.
Producer - PJSC "Rosneft".

All-weather product, consisting of synthetic base stocks and a set of additives of the latest generation. It is used in modern diesel or gasoline engines of cars and light trucks with or without turbocharging and an extended replacement period. The unique composition allows you to work for the entire period declared by the automaker, and also retains a significant reserve of properties at the end of the service interval. Packaging in containers with a volume of 1, 4, 5, 20 and 216.5 liters.

Price - from 930 rubles.

Rosneft Magnum Runtec 10W-40
  • high efficiency;
  • extended replacement period;
  • reduces maintenance costs;
  • stable preservation of working properties;
  • engine protection after 16 thousand kmkm of run;
  • acceptable cost.
  • not detected.

comparison table

 Tatneft LUXE PAO 0W-40LUKOIL Genesis Armortech DX1 5W-30Rosneft Magnum Runtec 10W-40
Viscosity grade SAE0W-405W-3010W-40
Viscosity index170174158
Kinematic viscosity (at 100 C)13.910.413.8
Application interval, hail-40…+40-35…+35-30…+40
Enginegasoline, dieselpetrolgasoline, diesel
Purposefor passenger cars, minibuses, light trucksfor carsfor cars
For turbocharged enginesYesYesYes
TolerancesILSAC GF-6A, GF-5, GM dexos1™ Gen 2PJSC "AvtoVAZ"
Shelf life, years555

Experienced Tips

The key to the health of any engine is the timely replacement of automotive oil. To correctly perform the replacement, it is enough to follow simple instructions.

  1. Choosing a convenient location. Find a suitable hole (on the side of the road, in a field, drive over bricks or wooden blocks) or bring a couple of jacks under the front platforms. Do not forget to install the handbrake and place chocks or stones under the rear wheels. A low basin is suitable as a container.
  2. Drain time. It is selected after a good warm-up of the engine, as the oil will become more fluid and drain faster from the system. Otherwise, a lot of sediment (soot, ash, metal particles) will remain inside, which will subsequently mix with the newly filled liquid. Efficiency will increase if the filler cap is opened before unscrewing the drain plug.
  3. Removing the oil filter. In the absence of a special key-nozzle, the filter can be unscrewed manually. In other cases, any strap that wraps around the body is used.With the help of a stick (screwdriver, wrench) inserted between the filter and the belt, unscrewing occurs. In extreme cases, the body is pierced with a file or screwdriver, after which the soured part is turned out of the groove.
  4. Removal of residues. For additional cleaning, a professional or large medical syringe, as well as a dropper, are used. Pumping is carried out through a tube inserted into the probe hole. It can also be cleaned with a compressor and blow gun. To do this, a gun barrel is inserted into the filler cap for pumping air inside, which, under pressure, will remove the remnants of mining through the drain hole.
  5. Washing "five minutes". First, a flushing agent is poured into the system - “five minutes”, and for 10-15 minutes the machine is idling. This time is sufficient for the dissolution of varnish and sludge deposits. Then you can proceed to the usual oil change.

Good luck choosing. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!


