
  1. Lawn mower robots: general information
  2. Mulching and knives used
  3. Mow area limits
  4. Small recommendations for choosing a robotic lawn mower
  5. Ranking of the best lawnmower robots for 2025
  6. Instead of an epilogue

Ranking of the best lawnmower robots for 2025

Ranking of the best lawnmower robots for 2025

Proper care of the garden plot is not an easy job. However, thanks to robotic mowers, it can turn from a troublesome task into a pleasure. Robotic lawnmowers differ from standard lawnmowers, first of all, in their almost complete independence, because the word “robot” itself suggests that the device is capable of operating autonomously. An automatic lawn mower can determine the start and end time of work itself, and the owner only needs to set a conditional schedule and approve the boundaries of the cultivated area. Creating such a scenario for the car will be enough to make the grass in the garden look like it is being looked after by a professional gardener.

Lawn mower robots: general information

All work of the robotic mower is almost imperceptible and silent. The only evidence that a robot was working on the site is a neat and evenly trimmed grass cover. The owner of the lawn mower can stop the robot at any time and redirect it to another site or change the mode of operation. Regular models are controlled from a base station, while premium models can even be controlled using a smartphone from anywhere in the world.

The automated lawn mowers in question appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, but have already gained popularity among certain segments of the population. In addition to their complete autonomy, they are also capable of cutting grass with high quality: the spent grass stalks do not scatter in all directions over the site (as with manual gasoline mowers), but remain a neat path behind the robot and soon turn into useful fertilizer. Their cutting unit spins very quickly, so the mowed grass is transformed into an extremely fine cut (mulching effect), respectively, there is no need to remove the cut stems later.

Robo-mowers operate from rechargeable batteries.Artificial intelligence independently calculates the future load depending on the conditions of the scenario set by the owner (grass height, processing area) and if it does not have enough charge, it will promptly drive to the base for recharging, after which it will continue the program. At the same time, it is worth noting that even budget models use quite powerful batteries.

Conditions necessary for the efficient operation of the robot mower

The most important condition is that the site must be very flat - slopes are acceptable, but pits and various small obstacles in the form of stones, bumps, small garbage heaps are extremely contraindicated for the "automatic gardener", because they can easily damage his main tool - rotating knife. In principle, a similar main condition can be attributed to any lawn mower, and robots also require specific conditions:

  • The grass that needs to be processed should not initially be high - smart machines mow the lawn often, but a little bit;
  • In advance, it is necessary to limit the area to be treated - for this, a special cord is used, which is supplied in the kit. It is laid along the boundaries of the treated area and the robot will not be able to cross it. The cord is usually painted green and is hardly noticeable on the lawn. Moreover, after a year it grows into the ground and does not spoil the appearance of the site at all.

Laying the boundary cord is the most time-consuming procedure in preparing the robot for work. It should be noted that it must be laid in relation to the footpaths and terraces so close that the machine does not damage its knives or their hard surface.The same applies to the walls of outbuildings - from them the cord should be laid at a distance of about 30 cm. Large flower beds, water obstacles (for example, ponds) are also limited for the automatic assistant to the same distance. But stand-alone trees with a small trunk diameter can be skipped - the sensors of the machine are able to identify such obstacles on their own and avoid a collision. The principle of operation of the limiter cord is that a small magnetic pulse passes through it, which signals the robotic mower about the distance to the border. On the same cord, the automatic gardener finds his way “home”, i.e. to the base station for programming and recharging.

Design and technical features

The machines are usually wheeled, equipped with rotating blades for cutting grass and have a high-strength and shock-proof housing. The case is designed to protect the internal components and mechanisms of the device from negative external influences, and also prevents a person or animal from touching the rotating knives. The body of the robot contains:

  • Electric motor;
  • Battery;
  • Working knives;
  • Various sensors;
  • Control controller.

The power sources used in modern models are equipped with a powerful and durable battery that can withstand multiple charge cycles. In some ways, it can be compared with a power bank for smartphones, because the size allows you to put maximum efficiency into it. In its manufacture, as a rule, lithium-ion compounds are used.

In the design of the device, several electric motors are installed at once - some are responsible for movement, the second - for the rotation of moving knives. This separation of control results in better performance.

The brain of the machine is the controller. The main functions (for example, the need for timely recharging) are provided by the manufacturer by default, while others (for example, processing time and area, grass mowing height, turning angle in case of obstacle detection) can be set by the user.

The wheels of the machine are equipped with lugs, so it is able to move both on dry and wet ground. With their help, he overcomes steep ascents and also carefully descends from them. Often, the large rear wheels are leading, and the small front ones are responsible for maneuvering.

Sensors used in robot lawn mowers

Sensors are installed in their design, which are responsible for:

  • Detection of the boundaries of the treated area;
  • Interaction with the cord-limiter;
  • Identification of an already processed area of ​​​​the territory;
  • Determination of any unplanned obstacle with a height of more than 10 centimeters (by and large, if the site is surrounded by a fence, then this function can work as a limiter of the processed borders);
  • Rainy weather detection - if frequent drops hit the device body, it will receive a command to immediately return to its base station and turn off. Premium models can even transmit information about the beginning of rain to the owner in the city on a mobile phone. At the same time, there are modern samples that have such a moisture-resistant case that they can continue to work in hail and rain;
  • Fixing the fact of the apparatus tipping over in case of an accidental collision with a low obstacle - in this case, the rotation of the knives stops immediately in order to avoid their breakage;
  • Identification of unauthorized use - indeed, the robot is very easy to steal - you can just pick it up and carry it away. But it’s almost impossible to use it on another base, because the device has a “friend or foe” identification system installed. In case of an attempt to use the robot on a foreign base, it can send an SMS message to the owner about this with its GPS coordinates and stop working. A similar security system is installed on expensive samples. Cheaper options identify their database by password: that is, the robot simply will not work with the new database until a new password is entered.

Among other things, most modern manufacturers have developed a special mobile application for their model ranges, which allows you to fully control the “smart gardener” remotely via a smartphone or computer. Through it, you can track the battery level, the percentage of completion of the current task, and even manually move the robot around the site.

Main technical nuances and parameters

Power – the higher the value of this parameter, the higher the performance of the device and the greater the mowing width.

Time to mow – it is limited by several factors. It is not recommended to give large volumes of work to the machine at a time when it is raining and the grass is damp. The point is not that the auto-gardener will not be able to mow it, but that such grass is poorly mulched and, accordingly, then it will rot for a long time, “shine” on the freshly mowed lawn in dark piles. The same applies to setting the mowing time in the early morning, when the grass is abundantly watered with drops of morning dew.

Cutting height – this parameter must be set depending on the model of the device used and the grass cover of the lawn.Usually, robotic mowers mow grass at the level of 20-30 millimeters, the most powerful models are able to reach the bar of 60-80 millimeters. It is always worth remembering that each variety of ornamental lawn grass has a certain limit below which it cannot be cut. Otherwise, it will begin to wither and instead of a green grassy carpet there will be a yellow straw one. As a rule, for standard healthy growth of grass, it is required to cut no more than one third of its height. To adjust the height of the knives in expensive models, there is a corresponding function in the menu on the base or in the application, and in more budget options, the height will have to be adjusted manually using tools.

Mulching and knives used

Mulching is the process of finely cutting grass clippings. Robots do not clean up the grass behind them, but leave it behind, so the grass must be chopped to such an extent that its small residues must lie between the stems so that they are not visible on the lawn. It is they who will serve as future humus. The degree of mulching directly depends on the power of the engine and knives. Knives must be made of durable material, have an optimal shape for a particular grass cover, be perfectly sharpened, and have a long cutting edge. The quality of mulching will also be improved by a special deck, i.e. a cavity above the knives in the body of the apparatus. The greater the depth of this cavity, the more efficient grinding occurs.

Knives in robotic mowers are of two types - floating, which are a disk with drop-down blades, and all-metal in the form of a cross or an asterisk. From the point of view of the quality of the swath, all-metal ones will be preferable to drop-down ones.But they are very easy to damage if the robot runs over an inadvertently left rake or hits a low, but hard stone or brick fragment. However, both knives are usually made from high-strength stainless steel. Among other things, all-metal knives, made in the form of a star, do an excellent job of both the chopper function and the function of fans to suck the stems. But floating knives do not require additional chopping - they already cut the grass finely.

Mow area limits

All "smart gardeners" are designed to process a territory of a certain area - this information is indicated in their characteristics. There are models that are able to mow complex patterns on the lawn. In any case, the area of ​​operation of the machine must be limited by a special cord-border, one end of which should come out of the base station, and the other should adjoin it. If there are several mowing areas on the site that are crossed by footpaths, then to move through them using the same cord, it is necessary to lay a corresponding passage with a width of at least 1.5 meters. Further, at the base, it is necessary to mark this area with a special marker as not requiring processing - when driving through it, the robot will turn off the rotation of the knives.

Small recommendations for choosing a robotic lawn mower

All parameters of the future automatic assistant must fully comply with the scope of the intended work and the type of grass and area on which it is required to be used. Thus, a compact area with a small field and little or no obstacles does not require an ultra-intelligent machine with many sensors. It is quite possible to get by with a minimum set of functions.Experts advise purchasing premium models when the area of ​​the processing area exceeds 1000 square meters and it has a rugged terrain (presence of outbuildings, large trees, footpaths, etc.). In general, close attention should be paid to the following criteria:

  1. Machine power - the larger the area, the more power the robot lawnmower will need.
  2. Width of mowing - if the plot has a relatively regular rectangular shape and a minimum of transitions and obstacles, then it is advisable to choose a model with a wide mower grip. If there are many transitions and irregular shapes on the site, then it is better to use smaller knives.
  3. Features of the deck (the plate on which the knives are fixed) - the floating version, when hitting a small obstacle, will automatically fold the knives and turn off, thereby saving the electric motor from overheating. However, this function is not needed if the area is permanently clean and level.
  4. Additional features - brim, rain sensor, tamper alarm, tall grass sensor - the presence of these functions greatly simplifies the work. However, the price of the device will increase significantly.
  5. Batteries used - experts recommend using lithium-ion technology, i.e. "without memory" batteries that can be recharged at any time.

Ranking of the best lawnmower robots for 2025

5th place: ROBOMOW RX20U

This sample is distinguished by its special cross-country ability, which is completely unusual for a two-wheeled budget robot. Through its two wheels, it perfectly overcomes small pits and bumps.The developers tried to fit into the economy model the possibility of mowing in reverse, and the ability to work in two areas, and remote control using a smartphone. Only a small bevel width and low productivity upsets. There is also no beveled edge function.

Manufacturer countryIsrael
Warranty, years2
Cutting height, mm15-45
Cutting width, cm18
Recommended processing area, sq. m.200
Weight, kg7.5
Price, rubles40000
  • Plenty of features for a budget option;
  • Low price;
  • Remote control method.
  • Small bevel width;
  • Low performance.

4th place: GARDENA SILENO CITY 250

This mowing droid won the 2019 Red Dot Design Awards award for Best Value for Money. The judges emphasized its ease of use, solid materials and sufficient performance. A special merit was called the minimum noise level that the droid produces during operation - only 58 dB. At the same time, it is able to process compact areas - up to 250 square meters. m., perfectly bypasses the winding footpaths. The menus on the base's LCD display are extremely informative and intuitive to navigate.

Manufacturer countryGermany
Warranty, years2
Cutting height, mm16
Cutting width, cm20
Recommended processing area, sq. m.250
Weight, kg7.3
Price, rubles55000
  • The best price / quality ratio;
  • Ability to bypass irregular shapes of cultivated area;
  • Informative menu.
  • Not identified (for its segment)

3rd place: WORX LANDROID M WR142E

The model is specially designed for processing areas up to 700 square meters with the correct shape. To improve performance, the machine is equipped with a reinforced lithium-ion battery, suitable for the entire line of these robotic mowers. A 3-blade cutting system is installed in the body, which improves the quality of mulching. Additionally, the droid has an ultrasonic sensor that allows you to detect small obstacles at an impressive distance. The system used is equipped with a GPS tracker for anti-theft protection.

Manufacturer countryChina
Warranty, years3
Cutting height, mm30-60
Cutting width, cm18
Recommended processing area, sq. m.700
Weight, kg9.2
Price, rubles70000
  • Improved mulching;
  • Theft protection;
  • Small obstacle ultrasonic sensor
  • Prefers to work only with the correct forms of areas.

2nd place: STIHL IMOW RMI 422 P

The main advantage of this robot is its ability to perfectly overcome all sorts of uneven terrain. When a slope of up to 40 degrees is detected, the adaptation of traction to the angle of inclination is automatically turned on - thus, the device may well cut even a bump. In addition, it has enhanced collision sensors, and will turn away from a large obstacle in advance. There are also forced shutdown and anti-theft functions. Remote only works with Macintosh platforms.

Manufacturer countryAustria
Warranty, years3
Cutting height, mm20-60
Cutting width, cm20
Recommended processing area, sq. m.1500
Weight, kg9
Price, rubles106000
  • The presence of a slope detection sensor;
  • Theft protection;
  • Forced shutdown function.
  • Remote only works on iOS devices.


A premium-class model that implements almost all the advanced features known to date. The robot mower is capable of processing slopes up to 45 degrees, the total processing area can reach three kilometers. Not afraid of irregularly shaped areas, equipped with four self-sharpening blades. The case contains two powerful lithium-ion batteries. It is controlled both from the base and from a smartphone, as well as from a remote control with an LCD display. The body of the robot is made of lightweight but durable carbon fiber - the device is not even afraid of hail and heavy rain. The sample is equipped with brushless type electric motors, which means a long service life. Manufacturer's warranty extended to 5 years!

Manufacturer countryJapan-France
Warranty, years5
Cutting height, mm20-60
Cutting width, cm30
Recommended processing area, sq. m.3000
Weight, kg25
Price, rubles300000
  • Full multifunctionality;
  • Five year warranty;
  • Double rechargeable battery;
  • Many additional features;
  • Housing made of durable carbon fiber.
  • Very, very high price;
  • Large mass (twice the standard model).

Instead of an epilogue

It is worth noting that the robotic lawn mower is primarily designed for people who do not like to dig in the ground and prefer to spend time in the garden solely for relaxation. Undoubtedly, in this case, the "smart gardener" will become an indispensable assistant. Its functionality, in principle, can be compared with a home robot vacuum cleaner, which was also created for people who do not like general cleaning.You can buy devices directly from manufacturers or from official dealers on Internet sites - this way you can save on the retail price difference.

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