One of the most common diseases are lesions of the upper and lower respiratory tract. For the greatest efficiency, along with other therapeutic measures, it is advisable to use inhalations. This avoids exacerbation and possible complications after sinusitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, runny nose. It is difficult for an ordinary buyer to understand the variety of medicines, decide where to buy, how much a reliable remedy costs, which company is better. We present a rating of quality inhalation solutions from the best manufacturers for 2025 with a description of the advantages and disadvantages.
Inhalation therapy has been known since the time of Hippocrates, in the 19th century the first inhalers appeared. Currently, the list of pharmacological groups of drugs for inhalation is expanding, new items are appearing, and inhalation devices are being improved. The main advantages of using inhalation:
It is important to know what types of inhalers are:
According to buyers, inhalation with a nebulizer gives the best results for coughing, with a runny nose.
You can buy a solution for inhalation with an active ingredient at the nearest pharmacy or order online at an online store of pharmacological preparations. In complex therapy, immunomodulators can be used to consolidate a positive result of treatment.
Consider what to look for when choosing a solution for inhalation, so that the therapy is as effective as possible.
Diagnosis. Not every bacterial or viral infection shows inhalation. The active medicinal substance must enter directly into the disease zone - the respiratory system. Therefore, diagnoses that require inhalation therapy:
Type of. According to the method of influence on the body and pathogens, several types of drugs (pharmacological groups) are distinguished. Bronchodilators dilate blood vessels as they constrict. Expectorants (mucolytics) thin viscous sputum and bring it up the respiratory tract. Hormonal relieve swelling and inflammation, if any.Immunomodulators as a means of additional therapy are prescribed for frequent colds on the recommendation of a specialist.
Efficiency. It is advisable to use an inhalation agent that, at the minimum dosage, will allow you to get the maximum result in the treatment and prevention of respiratory infections.
Price. You should not choose a more expensive imported drug. As a rule, analogues of domestic production act just as well, but cost several times less. Numerous customer reviews testify to this. In some cases, there is the usual overpayment for brand popularity, additional components, GPM standards, advertising and shipping. Pharmacological characteristics of drugs are often equivalent, so there is no need to overpay.
It is important to take into account the age of the child: for infants up to a year, medicines with a minimum dosage are used, for older children - age-appropriate. It is strongly not recommended to exceed the concentration of the drug when diluted. Hormonal can not be used before 4-6 years. Bronchodilators and expectorants can be used from 3 months. The most popular inhalation drugs for children:
If there are no health problems, according to the doctor's prescription, inhalations can be done with any solutions. However, people suffering from serious and chronic diseases should use inhalation therapy with caution. Hormonal solutions for inhalation are contraindicated in endocrine disorders.In order to avoid unwanted side effects and complications, in no case should you choose solutions on your own, only as prescribed and recommended by a therapist, pulmonologist or other specialist.
We offer an overview of the best inexpensive and budgetary inhalants against bronchitis, runny nose, respiratory infections, which have the most positive customer reviews in 2025.
The German drug based on the active ingredient of phenotyrol is a clear or white liquid containing citric acid, ethanol, tetrafluoroethane, purified water. Excellent helps with bronchial asthma to relieve and prevent attacks of suffocation, coughing caused by bronchospasm. Expands the bronchi, due to which it is successfully used in the treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis before inhalation of other drugs. Painful symptoms disappear within a few minutes after the first application. The effect persists for five to six hours. Most of the positive reviews relate to the use of the drug for the treatment of obstructions in children. A 20 ml bottle is sufficient for 400 inhalations.
Average price: 360 rubles
Clear solution in 20 ml glass vials. The main active substance is ipratropium bromide. The drug with the function of blocking bronchial smooth muscle receptors allows you to restore lung activity 15 minutes after the procedure.For one inhalation, it is required to dilute 1-2 drops of the solution in 3-4 ml of saline. It can be used by adults and children to get rid of the symptoms of bronchitis and pneumonia without the threat of disruption of the cardiovascular system.
Average price: 330 rubles
German combined bronchodilator agent without color and odor based on fenoterol and ipratropium bromide. Allows you to get rid of a strong suffocating cough in chronic diseases of the respiratory system in a matter of minutes. It does not have a negative impact on other organs and the general well-being of a person. Effectively relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, thereby blocking bronchospasms caused by allergens, histamine, cold air, physical exertion. Effective in the complex therapy and prevention of asthma, bronchitis, and other chronic lung diseases. Getting rid of cough is easy, without complications in 4-5 days.
Sold in a dark glass container of 20 ml. Diluted with saline, used in nebulizers. Primary relief of breathing occurs immediately after the procedure. Side effects are possible, but usually tolerated without problems.
Average price: 317 rubles
A colorless or light brown solution contains ambroxol, therefore, it contributes to the intensive and rapid removal of sputum, which facilitates coughing fits. Any inhalers except steam are used. It should be diluted in equal proportions with saline, based on the prescribed dosage. Users note the effectiveness of inhalations for adults and children of any age. On the second day, significant improvements are noticeable. In chronic diseases, it is advisable to carry out the procedure for at least two months: this reduces the risk of exacerbations.
The most common side effect is nausea and loss of taste. Works well with antibiotics. Packed in a cardboard box along with a measuring cup. The 100 ml dark glass bottles are equipped with a durable screw cap and a convenient dropper.
Average price: 420 rubles
Italian expectorant with acetylcysteine perfectly stimulates the motor function of the respiratory tract. It works even in the presence of purulent sputum, quickly diluting and removing it from the bronchi. Powerful antioxidant properties promote detoxification of harmful substances. Helps with pneumonia, chronic and acute bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, bronchial asthma, otitis, sinusitis.
During the procedure, sometimes there is a reflex cough, local irritation of the respiratory tract. When taken together with antibiotics, it is recommended to leave an interval of at least two hours between taking these drugs. Inhalation therapy is carried out in a course in the morning and evening for 5-10 days, one ampoule each.For adults and children, the same dosage is used.
Average price: 600 rubles
The active substance of this German-made drug - ambroxol has an active expectorant effect due to the intensive liquefaction of sputum. It differs in budgetary cost and sufficient effectiveness in chronic diseases of the respiratory system and their exacerbation, in cases where sputum discharge is difficult. Antioxidant action allows you to prescribe the drug in conjunction with antibiotics. Represents transparent liquid of light yellow color without strongly pronounced smell. Produced in glass bottles of 40 or 100 ml with a screw cap and dropper stopper. The package also comes with a measuring cup for oral administration.
The action comes in half an hour and lasts up to 12 hours. Sputum begins to intensively depart, on the second day the cough subsides. Of the contraindications - only pregnancy and lactation. Among the most common side effects:
Sometimes taste perception can be disturbed. After the inhalation, everything is restored. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure for more than five days, use steam inhalers. Before use, warm to body temperature, do not take deep breaths, so as not to provoke a coughing fit. In asthma, inhalations should be carried out after ingestion of bronchodilators.
Average price: 142 rubles
Prescription decongestant medication that enhances the activity of the main therapy for pulmonary diseases. Belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids. The domestic analogue of the Swedish drug Pulmicort contains the active substance budesonide. It is prescribed in an individual dosage for people over 16 years old for the treatment of bronchial asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). The solution is contraindicated for children. Inhalations are carried out with a nebulizer using a mask or mouthpiece. Each vial contains a single dose. After the procedure, it is recommended to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. One package contains 10 vials of 2 ml with rubber stoppers and aluminum caps. At the beginning of the use of the drug, there may be a slight deterioration in the condition, frequent bronchospasms. However, after several procedures, the dynamics improves, since all the properties of the active substance are preserved and begin to act.
Average price: 343 rubles
A well-known Swedish-made remedy with budesonide, effective for asthma, COPD, stenosing laryngotracheitis. It has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves swelling of the bronchial mucosa, minimizes the likelihood of exacerbations. Produced in polyethylene containers with a single dose of 2 ml, which are soldered into sheets, five pieces each. The package contains four such sheets, 20 containers.Recommended for adults and children from six months using a nebulizer. A sterile white suspension, when diluted in saline, quickly turns into a ready-made solution, which must be used in a maximum of half an hour. To avoid the occurrence of fungal diseases in the oropharyngeal cavity, the oral cavity is thoroughly rinsed after each procedure.
The primary therapeutic effect occurs after a few hours, the maximum result can be achieved in 1-2 weeks of inhalation therapy. The most common side effects are dry mouth, irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat. Contraindicated in infants under six months and pregnant women.
Average price: 1217 rubles
The most popular, effective medicine for the treatment and prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. As traditional nasal drops, it was not widely demanded due to the need for frequent use per day. But as a solution for inhalation, it quickly gained popularity due to the convenient method of application once or twice within 24 hours. It is recommended to use from two years. Sold in ampoules with instructions on how to prepare the solution in the right dosage. As a solvent, ordinary water heated to a temperature of +37 degrees is used. Contraindications:
It does not cause serious side effects, but is used with caution simultaneously with analgesics, sedatives and hypnotics.
Average price: 136 rubles
Only a doctor will give advice on which is better to buy an inhalation remedy for inflammatory and chronic diseases for adults or children. The proposed rating will help you find affordable popular inhalation solutions that are beneficial for the respiratory system, domestic and foreign production. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid mistakes in the choice and make inhalation therapy the most effective and without side effects.