
  1. Brief information
  2. Amateur group of machine tools
  3. Professional Machine Tool Group
  4. Conclusion
Rating of the best sawing machines in 2025

Rating of the best sawing machines in 2025

At the moment, there are a huge number of different sawing machines. Whether it's an expensive, powerful and high-quality machine, or a budget machine with an average level of accuracy, or even a home-made machine built from a pile of scrap metal, they are all designed for a wide range of construction jobs. The list of these works includes the processing of various wood materials, carpentry and the design of furniture for the home.

Brief information

This article contains all the necessary information indicating the correct care and work with woodworking machines. Fine tuning of equipment, maintenance of equipment, periodic and overhaul, as well as further operation - all this is necessary to know for specialists and amateurs working on sawing equipment.Among other things, this review has a short list of the best representatives of circular machines, which is divided into two categories. Before moving on to get acquainted with the best equipment, it is worth reading the general parameters and characteristics of all sawing machines.

Machine parameters

First of all, such equipment is distinguished by the speed of rotation of the processing disk at idle.

  • Up to 2500 rpm - in this case, the machines are excessively large, because their design contains a V-belt drive, and it takes up a lot of space. On the other hand, the body components look simple and reliable, which will ensure easy repairs in the future. Such equipment is characterized by low speed, and it is she who, in turn, provides a high-quality cut of wood of any density in continuous operation.
  • Above 2500 rpm - in such equipment, the rotation of the disk is ensured by the gearbox. This type of machine is not as reliable as with a V-belt transmission, but otherwise gives the design a noticeable compactness and mobility. Thanks to the gearbox, the speed of the disc is increased, and the quality of the machined surface will be much better.

Further, the machines may differ in the type of desktop.

  • Table with a fixed size - such tables give the opportunity to process wooden materials up to one meter long. Thanks to this, only one machine operator can hold the workpiece.
  • Table with retractable elements - in such equipment there are additional devices for workpieces exceeding a length of 1 meter.

Also, the machines differ in the features of the schemes, additional devices and capabilities, as well as other attributes of the system.

  • Slow start - this feature significantly reduces the load when the engine is turned on.
  • Run-out braking - due to it, the rotation time of the disk or other processing element is noticeably reduced after the machine is turned off. This is very convenient for the machine operator - it reduces the likelihood of injury.
  • Second start protection - in this case, the system warns the machine operator when there was a power outage. A very important function necessary for human safety.
  • System Overload Protection - This feature automatically shuts off the motor in case of excessive workload.
  • A rotation speed stabilizer under a significant load is a consummatic in another way, which provides a stable spindle speed under the influence of any load. Thanks to consummatics, the wood can be processed smoothly and confidently, and the engine, in turn, functions without overload.
  • Stand for transverse and oblique cutting - this feature takes into account the presence of a special stand with a protractor, which sets the required angle for the operation of the disc.
  • Planing and jointing - machines with these capabilities are usually equipped with a special removable shaft. In the end, taking into account the parallel stop, jointing is obtained, and without it, planing.
  • Thicknessing is a very useful feature that is not available in every machine. The essence of this function is the use of a special stand in which you can adjust the height of the clearance. In the future, this gives the opportunity for uniform processing of wood by strongly pressing the material against the planing element.
  • The presence of technological holes necessary for the installation of additional equipment - in this case, manual installation of a jigsaw, cutter and other similar elements is implied. Additional installation with removable mandrels is possible.

It is also worth paying attention to the classification of electric motors for woodworking equipment. This is very important for those who want to assemble the machine themselves.

  • S1 - category of professional equipment, in which there is the possibility of continuous operation;
  • S6 - category of medium equipment, which has the ability to process materials with a smooth distribution of the load period and idle;
  • S3 is a category of budget equipment, for which the duration of work is recommended no more than fifteen minutes. Next comes the shutdown of the engine until it cools down completely.

Amateur group of machine tools

The equipment of this group combines several criteria.

  1. The first and most important is the low cost of construction and parts;
  2. This is followed by light equipment repair and further maintenance;
  3. The last is the mandatory revision and adjustment of the design. This applies not only to the design itself, but also to all electronic and mechanical components.

The main advantage of this type of equipment is the minimum cost of funds required to create a working machine. Of course, this business will take some time, but in the end you will get a reliable unit that can process wood and various materials with high quality.

Machine Encore Corvette 11

Cost - 12000 rubles

A portable circular saw equipped with a universal table with a foldable stand.

At first glance, this installation may please with sufficient space for a router and jigsaws, low cost and the ability to cut wood with a thickness of 80 mm. Processing wood of maximum thickness is possible with the base disc. Here are all the benefits that can attract an inexperienced worker. However, this setup hides more disadvantages.

First of all, what you should pay attention to is very weak threads and hardware, which wear out quickly during the installation of the stand. There are noticeable backlashes along the guides of the stop with the protractor. As a result, it will not be possible to repeat an additional pass from the end of the decorative part. It is quite inconvenient to adjust the parallel stops. Too much time is spent moving the stop bar. The processing disk tends to lower itself. In this case, it is unrealistic to maintain the required size the first time. This takes at least a few tries.

A serious drawback is the lack of a slow start, and instead there are backlashes located between the gear in the gearbox. Thanks to such a system, after a year of stable operation at the installation, the gears of the gearbox will have to be sorted out. Due to the quick start, a strong impact of the bearings on the rotational shaft of the engine occurs. In this regard, it is undesirable to use the Encor Corvette 11 without a special power supply that provides a slow start.

Machine Encore Corvette 11
  • Low cost;
  • Availability of space for cutters and jigsaws;
  • Ability to cut wood up to 80 mm.
  • No slow start
  • Rapid wear of parts.


Characteristic Meaning
Cutting depth 900-450, mm80 - 60 mm
Table and machine dimensions700x465 mm, 28 kg
Disc dimensions - outer diameter / inner diameter, mmSplit 260 / 30
Drive data: power, transmission, speed, kW/rpm1.5 kW, gear transmission, 4,500 rpm
Diameter of the branch pipe connecting the vacuum cleaner, mm30 mm

Machine Ryobi RTS 1800

Cost - 15,000 rubles

Circular machine equipped with a folding scissor support.

This device has the most powerful engine of all representatives of the amateur group. Thanks to its power, the processing tool (disc) can easily handle wood of any density.

Given the possibility of instant clamping with a smooth movement, you can quickly and accurately adjust the position of the workpiece in the stop. Adjustment of the position of the disc, which includes the angle and height of the position, is also performed using a single lever. It is possible to quickly set the riving knife without the need for tools.

The design of the machine is very conveniently designed - there is an electronic protection in the core of the unit, and the drive starts due to the presence of a slow start. It is also possible to smoothly extend the desktop. In the machine body there is a modest storage for all the necessary keys, machining tools and small workpieces.

The Ryobi RTS 1800 is considered an inexpensive sawing machine. The cost of 15,000 thousand easily justifies all the conveniences and capabilities of the machine.

Among the shortcomings can be noted periodic minor defects that occur on the surface of the desktop in some models. It is best to pay attention to such nuances during the purchase of the unit. During the fastening of materials, you need to carefully monitor the racks for fastening the position of the engine, as well as the angular stop.The fact is that the emphasis is rather weak, and the mounts are designed unreliably.

The starting configuration of the Ryobi RTS 1800 was sold for only about a year. It is not known why, but after a while the sliding table disappeared from the machine. In this case, you will have to buy a table separately.

The next problem is the rapid wear of the bearings. The only saving grace is that standard wheels can be easily changed to SKF bearings.

The most important thing that the buyer needs to consider before purchasing this machine is that it is quite difficult to find parts on the territory of the Russian Federation. Ryobi has relatively poorly developed its service network in Russia. Not the fact that new parts will cost less than a new machine.

Machine Ryobi RTS 1800
  • Powerful engine;
  • Retractable table;
  • The ability to adjust the disk;
  • Availability of storage for the tool;
  • Possibility of soft start;
  • Electronic protection.
  • Weak engine fasteners;
  • Very fast bearing wear;
  • Poorly developed service network of the company.


Characteristic Meaning
Cutting depth 900-450, mm80 - 60 mm
Table and machine dimensions560x710 mm, 27 kg
Disc dimensions - outer diameter / inner diameter, mmSplit 255 / 30
Drive data: power, transmission, speed, kW/rpm1.8 kW, gear transmission, 4,500 rpm
Diameter of the branch pipe connecting the vacuum cleaner, mm75 mm

Machine ZUBR ZPDS 255 1600S

Cost - 17000 rubles

Machine with a table saw, several sliding tables and additional space for auxiliary tools.

This machine is a bright representative of household appliances, which has a high cost and numerous disadvantages.First of all, the seemingly useful laser pointer for the cutting stroke catches the eye. However, this node is weakly attached to an unbalanced stand, which ultimately has a bad effect on the accuracy of pointing the beam. It is also inconvenient that the parallel stop, which is held on the device on both sides, cannot be aligned with the ruler. In this case, you will have to align with respect to the direction of the disk.

There are seats for the cutter and jigsaw - and this seems to be a plus, but it’s not so easy to install them. This will require additional preparation of seats and reliable adapters.

According to the passport, the machine has an extension of the working space for the processing disk in the amount of 85 mm. However, as a result of the fact that the power of the engine is only 1.6 kW and thermal protection is installed in it, the overheating sensor is triggered and because of this it is not even possible to process a surface with a diameter of 80 millimeters. When creating the machine, the designers installed a lock from restarting - it seems to be convenient, but subsequently there is no slow start in the system.

Not surprisingly, many buyers refuse to buy this machine and prefer more expensive options. Everything is quite logical, because few people want to work on the machine, in which there are painfully many shortcomings. Moreover, this is directly related to the lack of warranty support.

The manufacturer, in turn, declares that it is ready to fulfill its warranty obligations even if defects appear after the purchase of the machine.

Machine ZUBR ZPDS 255 1600S
  • The presence of a laser pointer;
  • The presence of seats for a serial tool;
  • High engine power.
  • Weak fasteners for the laser pointer;
  • Lack of soft start;
  • The inability to align the parallel stop along the ruler;
  • Additional preparation of seats for serial tools.


Characteristic Meaning
Cutting depth 900-450, mm80 - 60 mm
Table and machine dimensions725x499 mm, 20 kg
Disc dimensions - outer diameter / inner diameter, mmSplit 255 / 30
Drive data: power, transmission, speed, kW/rpm1.5 kW, gear transmission, 4,500 rpm
Diameter of the branch pipe connecting the vacuum cleaner, mm40 mm

Professional Machine Tool Group

Each model from a range of professional machines is specially designed for long-term work under the strongest loads. Such equipment is characterized by increased power, resistance to permanent mechanical deformations, long service life, etc. Professional circular machines are divided into several categories:

  • Mobile machines;
  • Stationary machines;
  • Narrow profile;
  • Universal;
  • Machine tools with gear drive;
  • V-belt driven machines.

Machine Belmash SDM 2000M

Cost 29 000 rubles

This Belarusian machine is a powerful multi-tasking equipment designed for processing any wooden materials.

The main advantages of this Belarusian equipment is its versatility.

In addition to the usual cutting work, the machine can:

  1. Sawing and milling with a disk tool;
  2. Carry out jointing, thicknessing and planing of wooden materials on a planer;
  3. Drilling is possible, as well as sampling of short deaf and through grooves in workpieces. Grooving is performed on a special auxiliary table, which is mounted in the chuck area.While working on sawing, planing and drilling-milling tables, interaction with other retractable units is limited.

This equipment is quite easy to set up. The fact is that during the adjustment there is no need to carry out any interaction with the belt drive units.

Among the minuses of the device, one can indicate the absence of a slow start, as well as the impossibility of automatically redirecting materials for thicknesser nozzles. You need to redirect wood and other materials by hand, which ultimately creates a problem. The bottom line is that the wood thickness limit is 70 millimeters, which is relatively good. However, it will be quite difficult for one person to push a tree of such dimensions along the processing surface. In addition, the design itself does not inspire much confidence, especially when working with materials of this thickness.

When setting up the working tools of the equipment, it is worthwhile, as it should, to adhere to the safety rules during operation. The problem is that if the wing nut is loosely tightened, the disc tool can jump above the level of the desktop. This cannot be avoided even if the slow start function is available, the whole problem is in a significantly overestimated engine power.

Machine Belmash SDM 2000M
  • Multifunctionality of equipment;
  • The ability to quickly and easily configure the device;
  • Ease of use;
  • Mobility of the machine;
  • High engine power.
  • No slow start
  • Periodic jumps of the disk with a weak clamping of the nut;
  • Lack of automatic feeding of wooden materials.


Cutting depth 900-450, mm 85/55
Table and machine dimensionsSaw 732x456, planer 760x247, milling 410x190
Dimensions of disc, disc cutter, end mill, cutterhead, mm250 - 32 mm; 125-32mm; 6-12 mm; width 230 mm
Drive data: power, transmission, speed, kW/rpmV-belt transmission, disc 2,850 rpm, end mill and planer shaft 7,700 rpm
Diameter of the branch pipe connecting the vacuum cleaner, mm28mm, 38mm, 63mm

Bosch GTS10 XC

The cost of the machine is 60,000 rubles

Table saw with movable sled and table extension and extension.

This machine has better performance than the rest of the sawing equipment on this list. The advantages of the machine include high engine power, a durable metal table and a wear-resistant parallel stop with easy control. It is because of these parameters that this machine can work with wood of any strength. In addition to excellent characteristics, the device has a reliable mobile carriage, an expander, an extension cord, as well as a capacious corner stop. Due to the presence of such nodes, with the help of the machine it is possible to produce various forms of products, including decorative and applied products, overall dimensions of furniture and other wooden elements. In the machine, you can easily set up any moving unit. With the help of a special fastener, it is possible to remove all emerging backlash.

For the complete safety of the worker, the machine has a special protective screen, a powerful insert plate and a brake for running out the nozzles. Reliable operation of the engine is ensured by a slow start, an overload protection system and an automatic feed.

On the downside, only the high cost of the equipment can be noted.

Bosch GTS10X
  • High power equipment;
  • Great functionality of the machine;
  • Availability of several processing modes;
  • Sturdy stand.
  • High price.


Cutting depth 900-450, mm80 - 60 mm
Table and machine dimensions1210x1288 mm, 35 kg
Disc dimensions - outer diameter / inner diameter, mm254-30 mm
Drive data: power, transmission, speed, kW/rpmgear transmission, 2.1 kW, 3,200 rpm
Diameter of the branch pipe connecting the vacuum cleaner, mm30 mm


Judging from all the information available, it can be argued that the best representative of the sawing machines in this review is the Ryobi RTS 1800. The device has sufficient power, a bunch of serious electronics capabilities, good durability and maintainability. If you have the necessary spare parts, the best option would be to purchase this particular machine. The fact is that further experience, which will appear during a long work with this equipment, will allow you to remake it for any conditions and needs. In home use, it will be indispensable, and Ryobi will not hit your pocket too hard.

However, this rating is not a guide to buying, you should buy a sawing machine only after consulting with a specialist.

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