
  1. Complete set of modern folding beds
  2. Types of bases for folding structures for sleeping
  3. Tourist folding beds
  4. Criterias of choice
  5. Ranking the best rollaway beds for sleeping in 2025

Ranking of the best folding beds for sleeping in 2025

Ranking of the best folding beds for sleeping in 2025

Many people, part of whose life was in the Soviet Union, remember portable folding beds very well. They were used in any circumstances and were in almost every apartment. But everyone remembers very well the unreliable aluminum structures, the tarpaulin stretched over squeaky springs. It was only necessary to slightly exceed the allowable weight (which many people did not know about), as the springs immediately began to break and the fabric base to tear. The metal mounts also wished to be better.

Complete set of modern folding beds

Modern folding beds, in the old fashioned way called folding beds, have become more durable, have changed their appearance. Their color range and varieties have expanded significantly. If in the past the sizes of sleep aids were standard, now manufacturers provide consumers with the opportunity to choose products of the required size.

What is a modern folding bed for sleeping? All the same frame, but made of durable steel, the same springs, but more thoughtfully and of high quality, the same fabric base, but the canvas used is stronger, specially designed for camping furniture. It also became possible to purchase folding beds with mattresses.

Goods that have mattresses in their configuration are prudently equipped by manufacturers with stops for it. This guarantees a restful sleep without the threat of the sleeper slipping along with the mattress in the middle of the night on the floor. When folded, these rests look like a shelf and look more dignified in the surrounding interior than ordinary standard clamshells.

Some manufacturers supply their products with wheels, which makes the design more communicative and convenient to use.

Types of bases for folding structures for sleeping

Modern folding beds are divided into three types:

  • standard with springs on a metal frame with a fabric base;
  • similar, but a grid is applied at the base;
  • orthopedic beds on slats.


Their basis is made of high-quality metal, which prolongs the life of the structure. It folds well and is easy to carry. The canvas stretched on springs is a polypropylene fabric. Although it is strong, after 3-5 years it can slightly stretch and sag. This option may also contain a non-removable mattress, which makes such a device completely ready for use. The price of standard folding beds is low, which attracts modern consumers.

One of the subspecies of these folding beds is the design without springs. It is a steel frame with a dense elastic material stretched over it. It is mainly textile, the structure of which is a particularly strong knit.


This category of sleeping structures is similar to the previous one, but the difference lies in their foundation. Instead of a canvas, they use a metal mesh, which is made by a closed weave. This frame is more durable and designed for daily use. The service life of these structures is much longer. In most cases, a mattress is included with the cot. The price is also optimal for a wide range of buyers.

On slats

Practically a new type of folding beds, but already managed to gain great popularity among the population.What are lamellas? These are rather thin, bending and at the same time strong wooden plates that are inserted into special niches of the main frame. It is the plasticity of these components in the necessary places that allows the human spine to be in the right state, and not to bend, taking the form of a canvas or mesh of previous structures. These folding beds are orthopedic and very comfortable to use. Another positive quality of this type of structures is their hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity. These properties prevent the accumulation of heat and moisture in the mattress and additionally make the rest calm and of high quality. The most budget option is considered to be a device whose lamellas are made of birch. According to consumer reviews, the funds spent on the purchase of such a bed 100% justify its quality and efficiency.

Tourist folding beds

It is impossible to ignore the lovers of tourist recreation, fishing or hunting. Modern manufacturers offer them a wide range of various hiking structures for sleeping. They differ in their structure from conventional folding beds, as well as in their compactness. Their light weight of 5-6 kg, as well as mobility and ease of use, are attracting more and more interest among consumers.


Criterias of choice

To choose a high-quality, easy-to-use sleep design that will serve its owner for a long time, you should remember a few tips from experts.

  • Firstly, in order to use folding beds at home or for other needs (arrival of guests or departure for vacation by car), it is recommended to purchase a device with a steel frame coated with a special coating that protects metal parts from corrosion. For camping and tourist purposes, preference should be given to a frame made of aircraft-grade aluminum.
  • Secondly, the optimal height from the level of the structure to the floor should be at least 45-50 cm for an adult audience and at least 25 cm for children. This makes it possible to use such a product for people with sore legs or back problems. This height is similar to a chair, which ensures comfortable use of a folding bed. This level of location of the base of the device is not relevant for hiking options. Due to their purpose, the height of these may be different.

Also, when choosing mattresses included in the kit or purchased separately, it is recommended to pay attention to their composition. In all models presented by manufacturers, two types of filler are used: holcon and regenerated fiber. What are they?


It consists of polyester spiral fibers. This filler:

  • not combustible;
  • without smell;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • has good air permeability, thermal conductivity, durability, but at the same time has low hygroscopicity (does not absorb moisture);
  • mattresses can be dry and wet cleaned. The maximum processing temperature is 95°C.

regenerated fiber

This filler is the remnants of the sewing industry. They can be either natural or synthetic. Namely:

  • cotton,
  • woolen,
  • mixed,
  • artificial.

Many consumers already have an idea about mattresses with such a filler. They have existed in their daily lives for several decades. Due to the cheapness of raw materials, the product itself also has a low cost and requires more frequent and thorough cleaning. It must be regularly dried and aired.


Ranking the best rollaway beds for sleeping in 2025

According to numerous reviews of people using products in this segment, a list of the most popular clamshell brands has been determined.

For adults

Folding beds for this category of the population have their own characteristics. Their size, frame and base tension are adapted to the average height and weight of a person. If you need to purchase a more durable or overall design, there are also offers from manufacturers.

Folding bed Olesya - made in Russia

The manufacturer of this brand presents three types of its products on the consumer market.

  • folding bed Olesya (hard);
  • folding bed Olesya P (semi-soft);
  • folding bed Olesya M (soft).

The product has the same structure and dimensions, but differs from each other in the absence and presence of mattresses of various thicknesses. In the second version, it is 2.5 cm, in the third - 5 cm.

The design has the following parameters:

  • length - 1.96 m
  • width - 0.66 m
  • height - 0.24 m

The frame is made of steel tubes with a diameter of 0.18 cm and treated with a polymer powder coating. The device has a 4-position headrest mode. The base is made of polypropylene calico, which is attached to the frame with galvanized steel springs. The weight of the goods is 4.8 kg. Permissible weight for use - 90 kg. The bed set does not include a mattress.Warranty period - 1 year.

Folding bed Olesya
  • structural strength;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability to choose colors;
  • mattress filler holkon;
  • low price.
  • lack of a mattress in the first option.

Folding bed Levante - made in Russia

Products of this manufacturer are also available in several positions. There are hard and soft folding beds, which differ respectively in the absence and presence of a mattress in the set.

The range of products provided is:

  • length - 1.96 m;
  • width - 0.65 m;
  • height 0.24 m.

The choice of a color spectrum is possible. The steel framework has a polymeric covering. The base made of polymer fabric is attached to the structure with springs made of galvanized metal. 4 levels of the headrest provide additional comfort in using the bed. Unit weight is 5.4 kg. The maximum weight that the bed can support is 120 kg. The warranty period is also 1 year.

Folding bed Levante
  • simplicity and convenience of adaptation;
  • strong frame;
  • color assortment;
  • budget cost.
  • The hard version does not include a mattress.

Folding design for sleeping Stephanie - production of the Republic of Belarus

Like the previous brands, this one is represented by a hard and soft type of clamshells. Their dimensions are the same and are:

  • length - 1.92 m;
  • width - 0.65 m;
  • height - 0.24 m.

The durable metal frame is made of steel with a polymer coating. Propylene calico, consisting of film threads, is the base of the fixture and is linked with the structure by springs made of galvanized metal. The use of such a canvas does not require special care. It is enough to carry out wet processing.The headrest has 4 levels of fixation. The weight of each product is 5.5 kg. The maximum load of the base is 120 kg. Standard service warranty is 1 year.

Folding design for sleeping Stephanie
  • durable and strong fixture;
  • the color range is presented in several options;
  • large maximum load;
  • budget price.
  • in the hard type there is no mattress included.

Folding bed LESET model 209

This product is a solid steel structure, which, when unfolded, has the following parameters:

  • length - 1.92 m;
  • width - 0.65 m;
  • height - 0.295 m

The frame is coated with polymer. The diameter of the pipes used is in the range from 1.8 to 2.1 cm. The base is a spring-loaded padding made of polyvinyl chloride material. It is presented in several colors. The mass of a unit of goods is 5.5 kg. The permissible weight is 120 kg. The folding bed does not include a separate mattress. Product warranty - 1 year.

Folding bed LESET model 209
  • convenient sizes;
  • large load capacity;
  • base-mattress;
  • optimal cost.
  • not identified.

Folding bed Titan - made in Russia

The product of this brand is represented by a steel structure with a mattress base attached to the frame pipes. Metal parts, which are 1.8 cm in diameter, have a polymer coating that protects them from corrosion. The spring-loaded bedding is made of textile, which makes it easy to care for. The color range of products is presented in several options.

Unfolded bed parameters:

  • length - 1.95 cm;
  • width - 0.65 m;
  • height - 0.24 m.

The headrest has 4 fixing positions. The bed can support weight up to 130 kg. The warranty period of the product is 1 year.

Folding bed Titan
  • durable and comfortable design;
  • the presence of a base-mattress;
  • the possibility of choosing a color;
  • affordable cost.
  • not detected.

Orthopedic folding bed Harmony-2 - made in Russia

This manufacturer releases to the consumer market very comfortable, providing maximum comfort, folding beds. Sagging in the necessary places, under the influence of the load of the human body, the lamellas allow the spine not to deform, which is necessary for a full and healthy sleep. Sizes of the orthopedic bed:

  • length - 1.902 m;
  • width - 0.7 m;
  • height - 0.39 m.

Such parameters are as close as possible to those necessary for use by people suffering from pain in the joints of the legs and back. With such a height of the folding bed, it is convenient to get up and lie down.

The steel metal frame, coated with polymer paint, consists of pipes with a diameter of 2.5 cm. The permissible load for it is 120 kg. Wooden slats are covered with 8 cm bedding filled with holkon. The total weight of the bed is 10.5 kg. Warranty period of operation and maintenance - 1 year.

Orthopedic folding bed Harmony-2
  • convenience and structural strength;
  • high efficiency;
  • healthy sleep guarantee;
  • the price justifies the quality.
  • not found.

Folding structure for sleeping Uyut-2 - made in Russia

This brand is also represented by products with an orthopedic effect. The robust steel structure consists of pipes with a diameter of 2.5 cm. The central double support is equipped with wheels, which makes the structure mobile and easy to transport. Folding bed dimensions:

  • length - 1.90 m;
  • width - 0.70 m;
  • height - 0.39 m.

The kit includes a bedding with a filler made of holcon, the thickness of which is 8 cm. The total weight of a unit of the product is 11.5 kg. Permissible maximum load - 120 kg. The standard warranty period is 1 year.

Folding structure for sleeping Uyut-2
  • great quality;
  • ease of use;
  • mobility during transportation in assembled form;
  • high efficiency;
  • affordable cost.
  • not identified.

For kids

Often there is a need to buy a children's folding bed for relaxing in kindergarten, going to a school camp, or in the absence of space for a larger adult folding structure. To satisfy her, manufacturers also offer a wide range of such sleep aids.

Folding bed for children Krokha - made in Russia

This manufacturer presents two types of folding structures for children. One of them is hard (without a mattress) and soft (with a bedding). Its filler is holkon.

The dimensional grid of both options is the same:

  • length - 1.45 m;
  • width - 0.66 m;
  • height - 0.24 m.

The mass of the steel structure with a fabric base is 4.4 kg, with a mattress - 4.6 kg. Metal parts with a diameter of 1.8 cm, have a powder-polymer coating. Polypropylene coarse calico is fastened to the frame of the product from a wire 3 mm thick. The headrest contains 4 fixation levels. The permissible maximum load on the structure should not exceed 50 kg. Warranty service and repair is carried out for 1 year.

Folding bed for children
  • compactness;
  • ease of use;
  • a light weight;
  • good quality;
  • low price.
  • no hard mattress.

Children's folding bed Sovenok - made in Russia

Products of this brand are also classified in two types: hard and soft. In the first case there is no mattress, in the second case it is available.

Sleeper dimensions:

  • length - 1.524 m;
  • width - 0.64 m;
  • height - 0.248 m.

The weight of each unit, depending on the type, ranges from 4.5 to 4.7 kg. Durable steel frame with powder-polymer coating withstands loads up to 60 kg. A dense polypropylene base is attached to the pipes of the structure with galvanized metal springs. The headrest is fixed in 4 positions. The soft folding bed is completed with a bedding with a wadding filler. The warranty period is 1 year.

Children's folding bed Owlet
  • ease of use;
  • high quality;
  • choice of hard or soft type;
  • budget price.
  • The hard version does not have a mattress.

Folding bed for children Junior - production of the Republic of Belarus

Products of this brand are also presented to consumers in two versions: with and without a mattress. The building parameters are:

  • in length - 1.524 m;
  • in width - 0.617 m;
  • in height - 0.25-0.26 m.

The main parts are made of polymer-coated steel. A base made of woven polypropylene film fiber is attached to them with the help of springs made of galvanized wire. The maximum load of the goods should not exceed 60 kg. A unit of production weighs 4.5 and 4.7 kg, respectively. The headrest is adjustable in 4 levels of fixation. Warranty service is carried out within 1 year.

Folding bed for children Junior
  • fixture strength;
  • the choice of type and color;
  • ease of use;
  • budget cost.
  • The hard version does not have a mattress.

Orthopedic device for Jung's sleep - production of the Republic of Belarus

The model range of this manufacturer is represented by comfortable beds on slats. Their dimensions:

  • length - 1.524 m;
  • width - 0.617m;
  • height - 0.312 m.

The wooden frame with lamellas is covered with a bedding made of cotton fabric filled with sheet foam rubber. Its thickness is 5 cm. The metal base is made of steel. The coating is powder-polymer. The load must not exceed 60 kg. The factory warranty period is 1 year.

Jung's orthopedic sleep aid
  • strong and high-quality construction;
  • high efficiency during operation;
  • ensuring healthy and sound sleep;
  • optimal cost.
  • not detected.

Whatever the need for the purchase of products in this segment, numerous offers from manufacturers of sleep products will come to the rescue. From those presented in this article, as well as when choosing folding beds in online stores, you can buy a suitable product that meets the most preconceived requirements of consumers, from color to reasonable price.

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