
  1. When to See a Doctor
  2. The best psychiatric clinics in Nizhny Novgorod

The best psychiatric clinics in Nizhny Novgorod in 2025

The best psychiatric clinics in Nizhny Novgorod in 2025

Our lives move at an ever-accelerating pace. An extremely large number of stressful situations cannot but affect the mental health of our fellow citizens, and the number of mental illnesses is growing at a tremendous speed.

When to See a Doctor

As practice shows, not all mental problems are amenable to independent solution. In some cases, it is impossible to do without the help of highly qualified specialists. Appeal to doctors may be associated with mild mental disorders:

  • State of anxiety and unreasonable fears;
  • Excessive irritability and/or depressed mood;
  • Apathy;
  • Sleep disturbances.

Also, the treatment of mental disorders can be associated with more serious problems:

  • hallucinations;
  • Suicidal thoughts;
  • Aggression towards others;
  • Inappropriate behaviour.

Like other Russian cities, Nizhny Novgorod is no exception and various psychiatric clinics and centers also receive patients in it. To compare the conditions of treatment, we bring to your attention the rating of the best psychiatric clinics in Nizhny Novgorod in 2025. With its help, you can more accurately determine how to choose the most suitable medical institution. Someone chooses by price, someone compares the advantages and disadvantages of various institutions. So, the best psychiatric hospitals in the city.

The best psychiatric clinics in Nizhny Novgorod

Psychiatric center TONUS LIFE

Psychiatric center TONUS LIFE is located at the address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Rodionova 190 D, phone number ☎ 8(831)411 11 31.

The center employs professional specialists in the following areas:

  • Psychiatrists;
  • Psychotherapists;
  • Psychologists;
  • clinical psychologists.

All of them are united by a common noble goal - to help people with mental disorders. The popularity of the Center is largely due to the wide range of services provided. Here they treat:

  • Anxiety disorders, phobias, panic attacks;
  • depression;
  • Disorders of food reactions (bulimia, anorexia nervosa);
  • Obsessive states (obsessive-compulsive disorders);
  • Disorders of conduct and personality;
  • Mental disorders associated with organic lesions of brain functions;
  • Mental disorders associated with the use of psychoactive substances;
  • Schizotypal disorders and delusional states;
  • Schizophrenia;
  • Disorders of a psychosomatic nature;
  • Treat hereditary disorders
  • Diseases in the field of functional neurology

In addition, the Center can count on highly qualified assistance and patients with:

  • psychological trauma;
  • Living in a stressful situation;
  • Overcoming psychological barriers;
  • Being in a depressed state.

Acquired mental health disorders are also treated at the medical center. There are also specialists in the Center who can help to improve relations in the family, resolve conflicts that have arisen and come to a common compromise. More than 15 years of work of the Center's specialists helped him gain the absolute trust of Novgorodians. Confidentiality and anonymity are guaranteed here, and the consultation of any physician of the Center is not a basis for either hospitalization or registration.

Before proceeding with the treatment of the patient, specialists take into account the following factors:

  • gender of the patient;
  • Age;
  • Accompanying illnesses;
  • Compatibility of various medications.

For therapy, only modern high-quality medicines and practice-proven methods of psychotherapeutic influence are used. A strong diagnostic base helps to correctly diagnose the disease and carry out effective treatment of neurological and somatic disorders.

It is the fact that the approach to the disease at the stage of its diagnosis is carried out interdisciplinary and comprehensively, which contributes to the improvement of the level of life priorities of patients and their cure. Equally important is the excellent attitude towards patients on the part of the clinic staff. People with psychological and psychiatric illnesses feel this very subtly.In the treatment of diseases, a good attitude is very important.

  • Broad specialization of the staff of the Center;
  • Possibility of anonymous treatment;
  • Multidisciplinary psychotherapy;
  • Providing psychiatric consultation at home.
  • The high cost of modern drugs.

Clinical Psychiatric Hospital No. 1, Nizhny Novgorod

State Psychiatric Hospital No. 1 is a budgetary healthcare institution in the Nizhny Novgorod region. It is located in Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanova street 41. The hospital has its own email address AND a website where you can get more information.

To make an appointment or get an exhaustive preliminary consultation on how much diagnostics and treatment costs, please call ☎ 8 (831) 436-01-08. Working hours from 8.00 to 19.00. At the same time, the hospital's emergency room phone is available around the clock ☎8 (831) 436-00-22. The institution also has its own helpline 8 (831) 419-50-00 and a hotline 419-24-74.

In addition to professional treatment of mental illnesses, Clinical Psychiatric Hospital No. 1 offers a professional examination for employment, a certificate for obtaining a driver's license or a permit to carry a weapon. An appointment is made from 9.00 to 15.00 on weekdays by calling 8(831) 436-01-08. Periodically, the hospital holds promotions and provides its patients with budget discounts.

This hospital treats all forms of mental disorders. Treatment in the psychiatric hospital No. 1 in Nizhny Novgorod is free of charge, depending on the need and the degree of complexity of the patient's health condition, it can take place in one of the following departments:

  • polyclinic;
  • Hospital;
  • Day department.

In them, both patients with neurosis and borderline conditions, and people suffering from serious mental illnesses can receive the necessary medical care.

  • Highly qualified workers;
  • Possibility of free treatment.
  • Lack of repairs in the premises;
  • The need for a long wait for an appointment with specialists.

Premium Mental Health Clinic

The mental health clinic "Premium" specializes in highly effective professional medical care to combat mental disorders from the field of "minor psychiatry". We are talking about:

  • Neuroses (neurotic states) of various types;
  • Phobias;
  • Depressions;
  • states of anxiety;
  • Manias;
  • Fears.

A complete list of mental illnesses that negatively affect human life, which can be cured in the clinic, can be found by contact phone ☎ (831) 429-13-94. The Premium Psychiatric Clinic is located at 29 Mineeva Street.

Disorders from the field of "minor" psychiatry almost never develop to a critically dangerous degree that requires mandatory placement in a psychiatric hospital. This is what distinguishes them from the diseases dealt with by “big” psychiatry:

  • Malignant and acute schizophrenia;
  • Manic states;
  • severe depression;
  • Suicidal states;
  • Acute psychoses.

Treatment of these diseases is carried out exclusively in stationary conditions. But, despite the fact that the field of "minor" psychiatry deals with less dangerous disorders, they still require long-term professional treatment in a psychiatric clinic.Properly selected treatment, which is provided by the professionals of the Premium Psychiatric Health Clinic, will not only help prevent the transition of the disease to the chronic stage, but will also completely get rid of it. It should be noted that without medical treatment by highly qualified specialists, a mild mental disorder can develop into a serious mental illness.

Private neuropsychiatric clinic "Premium" provides its patients with excellent conditions for treatment. True, it is carried out for a fee. The combination of a comfortable inpatient and outpatient department with the professionalism of highly qualified psychiatrists provides an opportunity to completely cure mental disorders and return to a full life. For this, here are used:

  • Advanced treatment methods;
  • Innovative medicines;
  • Prevention of exacerbations.

The clinic also provides therapy services for relatives of patients, where specialists teach the right behavior with people being treated for mental disorders, and in the subsequent rehabilitation period. There are group therapy sessions and social worker consultations.

In their work, psychiatrists of the clinic use the following methods of treatment:

  • Pharmacotherapy;
  • Psychotherapy;
  • Self-development training.

This allows you to effectively deal with irascibility, unreasonable fears, persistent sleep disturbances, apathy and depression.

  • Highly qualified personnel;
  • Comfortable rooms;
  • Possibility of anonymous treatment.
  • High cost of treatment.

"Family Practice"

Clinic for adult and child psychotherapy "Family Practice" is located at 17B Novaya Street, Nizhny Novgorod.The professionalism of its employees is confirmed by the fact that the institution is a nominee for the "Best Psychotherapeutic Clinic" award in Nizhny Novgorod.

For twenty years of work, the Family Practice clinic has helped many thousands of patients cope with the difficulties associated with mental illness. An integrated approach to treatment is ensured by the presence in the staff of the clinic of doctors of the following specializations:

  • Psychiatrists;
  • Psychotherapists;
  • Narcologists;
  • neurologists;
  • Endocrinologists;
  • Gastroenterologists;
  • Oncologists.

All doctors of the clinic are professionals in their field. Among them there are candidates of medical sciences and doctors of the highest category. Accept patients and doctors of the department of the Volga Research Medical University. The extensive experience of the specialists allows them to find the right approach to the treatment of any mental illness and, accordingly, achieve a positive result.

The clinic "Family Practice" has a base of its own author's methods of treatment and unique programs for the psychotherapeutic treatment of patients. In the implementation of complex treatment, doctors are significantly helped by equipping with modern equipment for complex psychiatric diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

To date, the psychotherapeutic clinic "Family Practice" is the only institution that uses the method of Systemic Family Psychotherapy. This technique helps to achieve positive results in the treatment of psychotherapeutic and somatic pathological conditions.

The clinic operates around the clock, there is a day hospital, where patients can be treated in cozy comfortable conditions.Separately, the institution offers its patients a program of body rejuvenation, a complex for cleaning the body of toxins and psychological assistance.

  • professional treatment;
  • Individual approach;
  • caring attitude towards patients;
  • Good transport interchange.
  • High cost of diagnosis and treatment.

You can make an appointment with doctors by calling ☎ 8(831) 266-03-06.

Psychiatric hospital No. 2 of Nizhny Novgorod Psychiatric clinic on the street of the 50th anniversary of Victory

Medical treatment in the 2nd psychiatric hospital of Nizhny Novgorod guarantees a positive result, consultation and treatment from real professionals who will help you find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation.

The institution is distinguished by comfortable conditions and a good attitude towards patients. The institution offers diagnostics, taking into account the necessary laboratory tests and subsequent treatment by highly qualified specialists. Patients are admitted to the hospital by:

  • Psychiatrists;
  • Psychotherapists;
  • Psychologists.

The address of the psychiatric hospital No. 2, Nizhny Novgorod, 50th Anniversary of Victory Street, 34. You can make an appointment by calling ☎ 78312823324. On the same territory there is a dispensary department No. 3 of the narcological hospital, where people suffering from alcohol or drug addiction can receive highly qualified assistance.

  • Highly qualified personnel;
  • Friendly attitude towards patients.
  • Limited number of places.

Clinic "Althea"

One of the areas of activity of the multidisciplinary medical center "Alteya" is the provision of psychiatric and drug treatment to the population, there is also a department for children in the clinic.Altea has long been associated with a sign of the high quality of medical services provided. This is exactly the clinic that many patients trust the most important thing that they have - health.

A visit to the clinic specialists guarantees:

  • Cozy home atmosphere;
  • Individual approach to treatment;
  • Professionals of the highest categories.

The clinic has innovative diagnostic equipment, which allows doctors to avoid mistakes even at the stage of diagnosing the disease. Here, all patients receive guarantees of effective treatment in private, complete anonymity and medical ethics. The medical center also has its own laboratory, which can significantly reduce the waiting time for test results.

As for the cost of treatment, here the management of the medical center took care of their patients and their relatives. A special cumulative discount system has been introduced for regular customers.

Convenient transport interchange allows you to easily get to the institution, and it is convenient for relatives to visit patients who are in the hospital.

Additional services provided at the medical center "Althea" include:

  • Implantation of the drug "Esperal" (practiced in chronic alcoholism);
  • Reception of a narcologist;
  • One hour appointment with a psychotherapist.

The appointment of a narcologist who correctly diagnoses and then cures this or that addiction includes certain preventive measures for these diseases.

An hour-long consultation with a highly qualified psychotherapist will help a person to take a completely different look at his problem, find high-quality and effective ways to solve it.

The medical center "Althea" is located in Nizhny Novgorod, along Dolgopolova street 17 (near the Republican shopping center and the Tsum shopping center). You can make an appointment by calling ☎ 8 (831) 217-30-03.

  • High-quality and effective treatment;
  • Highly qualified personnel;
  • Cozy and comfortable environment.
  • High cost of medical services.

Of course, everyone has their own criteria for choosing a medical institution. Almost every clinic and medical center has an official website that provides more extensive information. Here you can also see the reviews of patients and their relatives, read the advice of people who have already been treated in one of these clinics.

Also on the site are:

  • Operating mode;
  • List of services provided;
  • Prices;
  • Treatment options.

Thus, having familiarized with the information presented, everyone will be able to choose for themselves the ideal value for money.

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