
  1. Criteria for selecting psychiatric clinics: types of institutions
  2. List of the best psychiatric institutions in Kazan
  3. Conclusion
Rating of the best psychiatric clinics in Kazan in 2025

Rating of the best psychiatric clinics in Kazan in 2025

Mental disorders are a serious illness, and if timely assistance is not provided, this will lead to disastrous consequences. Unfortunately, diseases of the nervous system are observed in both children and adults. Special establishments help to restore balance in the soul. Clinics may specialize in a narrow or broad field of medicine. For people with a serious mental illness, a hospital is provided. Attention is drawn to popular psychiatric clinics for 2025 in the city of Kazan with their positive and negative sides.

Criteria for selecting psychiatric clinics: types of institutions

How to choose the right clinic? To begin with, you should familiarize yourself with the classification of psychiatric institutions and understand what is the peculiarity of each of them. The table shows the main types of clinics.

Picture - "Upset Child"

Table - "Types of psychiatric clinics and their features"

According to accessories:statemay be on a paid basis, but in most cases they provide free treatment
privateonly paid services, free consultation is possible
By specialization:narrowdeals with the solution of a specific disorder: addiction, mental condition, neurological (after injuries), preventive research or diagnosis with treatment prescription
multidisciplinaryincludes not only the treatment of disorders of the nervous system and the state of mind, but may have surgical, orthopedic, gynecological, etc. departments.
By appointment:universalassistance to children and adults
adultproviding assistance to adolescents and adults or only the second
For medical conditions:hospitalsfor seriously ill or hopeless patients
without hospitalsare preventive in nature, are engaged in treatment at the first stages of disorders
with the possibility of home treatmentfor people addicted to alcohol
According to the degree of disease:for the seriously illprivate institutions (effective treatments)
preventivemost often, ordinary clinics
rehabilitationany clinic, people go there after a heart attack or spinal injuries, etc.

Selection Tips:

  • The more expensive the clinic is to maintain, the more likely it is to get a 100% positive result from the treatment;
  • Budget institutions can provide primary or preventive care;
  • It is safest to leave seriously ill patients in stationary clinics;
  • A good psychiatric clinic rejects the transparency of client-doctor contracts: all information is strictly confidential;
  • The patient himself must have the desire to overcome his illness, otherwise the treatment will not give the desired result. Therefore, for “neglected clients”, psychological and psychiatric assistance is provided in hospitals, and then doctors move on to practice.
  • Children's disorders must be treated immediately, even the most insignificant ones, the character and development of the child in the future depends on this. Neurologists deal with babies, older children visit a speech therapist and a psychologist, you can see a psychiatrist, but on the recommendation of a pediatrician or the specialists listed earlier.

List of the best psychiatric institutions in Kazan

Categories of clinics were:

  • Multidisciplinary clinic of the state type;
  • Inpatient hospital for criminals;
  • Private multidisciplinary clinic;
  • Psychoneurological clinic without medical intervention;
  • Therapeutic and diagnostic center of a wide profile;
  • Clinic - psychotherapy for adults;
  • Clinic for children's psychological assistance and getting rid of various adult addictions;
  • Rehabilitation Center for Mental Disorders: addiction treatment;
  • Medical and diagnostic center for the whole family;
  • Clinic with world standards.

Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital. acad. M.V. Bekhtereva»

Specializes in providing all types of medical care.

Address: st. Nikolai Ershov, 49, Sovetsky district.

☎: +7 (843) 222-57-00

Working hours: 08:00-19:00, weekdays


The psychiatric hospital is considered one of the largest in the city.It includes branches. The task of doctors is to provide psychological assistance to the patient, while maintaining confidentiality. All laboratories, a functional diagnostics room, a physiotherapy department with massage and exercise therapy (LFK), have good equipment.

The building of the Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital. acad. M.V. Bekhtereva»

As for the departments, there are tuberculosis, geriatric, children's, dental, forensic psychological examinations, where ordinary citizens and persons in custody are admitted, a department for compulsory treatment of general and specialized types in a psychiatric hospital.

The dispensary and polyclinic department accepts free of charge at four addresses, two of which are an outpatient clinic and a children's department. The hospital is divided into categories: male, female, specialized, day and others.

General information about the clinic:

Type of:state
Number of branches:4
Beds in the hospital:1459
In other branches of beds:621
Stationary departments:40
All employees:2264
Customer protection:government guarantee program, personal data protection, virtual reception
Consultation of a psychiatrist at a price (rubles):children's - 600-760; adult - 600-870
  • There is a section for children;
  • Wide profile clinic;
  • Highly qualified workers;
  • Several branches;
  • The latest equipment;
  • Infrastructure;
  • Accept paid and free;
  • Protection of personal data of clients;
  • There is a children's department;
  • Treat all forms of mental disorders;
  • Acceptable prices for services.
  • Not identified.

"Psychiatric hospital of a specialized type with intensive supervision"

Specialization: treatment and rehabilitation of mental patients who have committed acts dangerous to society in a state of insanity and released, by court order, from criminal liability.

Address: Nikolai Ershov, 49 "a", building 1, Sovetsky district

☎: +7 (843) 272–03–94

Opening hours: 24/7, no visits on weekends and holidays


The institution of federal subordination is one of the 8 that exist in the country. Here, on the second floor, there is a church, in honor of which the hospital "District hospital in the name of the Mother of God of All Sorrows" was named. The institution of the clinic is equipped with the most modern equipment, reliable medical equipment, which allows doctors to diagnose and successfully treat various diseases.

Building "Psychiatric hospital of a specialized type with intensive observation"

Patients are monitored by medical workers together with employees of the security unit of the psychiatric hospital.

What's in the departments:

  • medical (male and female);
  • diagnostic (reception for men and treatment);
  • somatopsychiatric for men;
  • male rehabilitation;
  • with a differentiated maintenance regime for women;
  • occupational therapy and training.

General information about the clinic:

Clinic type:hospital
Date of construction:1969
Transmission time:08:00-16:00
Visiting patients:09:00-15:00
Terms of treatment:not installed
Recertification:every 6 months
How much does the treatment cost:is free
  • Treatment of any mental disorders;
  • Extract only after full recovery;
  • Modern equipment;
  • The presence of a church;
  • Attitude towards patients: special control;
  • Longstanding reputation;
  • It is possible to transfer products to hospital patients;
  • Under special state control.
  • Not for everyone: narrow specialization.

"Our business"

Specialization: providing assistance in various medical areas.

Address: st. Khadi Atlasi, 26, Vakhitovsky district

☎: +7 (843) 216-83-66

Working hours: 08:00-20:00 - weekdays, 09:00-18:00 - Saturday, Sunday and public holidays - day off

Official site:

Psychiatry. In the clinic, the staff treats a variety of patients with mild and severe disorders. Here you can get any advice: from a psychiatrist and an expert in this field. Assistance is provided to children and adults. Counseling clinic services can be obtained by making an appointment or calling a doctor at home.

One of the rooms of the clinic "Our business"

The hospital conducts psychotherapeutic classes: group, individual, family counseling. You can also get a medical opinion from a psychologist for children in various educational institutions.

There is a specialist in the field of neurosurgery, which helps to recover from various injuries, most often, damage to the spine.

General information about the clinic:

Clinic type:private
Specialists:psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychologist, neurosurgeon
Average price per consultation (rubles):children - from 500, adults - 2000, neurology - 800
  • Treat acquired mental health disorders;
  • Ability to call a specialist at home;
  • For everyone: adults and children;
  • With a day hospital;
  • Conducting psychotherapeutic classes of any form: family, group, according to an individual program;
  • Specialists of various levels of training;
  • Effective system of work with patients;
  • Modern equipment;
  • Wide profile of activity;
  • Lots of positive feedback;
  • Interior: calm, comfortable environment.
  • Expensive services.

"Good Hands"

Specialization: non-drug rehabilitation of children and adults from various disorders of everyday life.

Address: st. Gastello, 7, Sovietsky district

☎: +7 (843) 207-18-53

Working hours: 09:00-18:00, weekdays


People come here for help to restore health from stress, psychological and physical stress, external environmental influences. Assistance is provided to people after a stroke, injury or surgery. Social rehabilitation is considered the most effective, so the clinic actively practices this technique.

Children's rehabilitation room in the clinic "Good Hands"

The premises are thought out to the smallest detail so that each client feels comfortable and peaceful. The management of the clinic conducts regular promotions and sets discounts for the list of services. For example, 50% for a consultation with a rehabilitation specialist.

General information about the clinic:

Year of foundation:2014
Services:functional diagnostics, general and restorative medicine, medicine for children
Course duration on average:12 days
Directions:defectology, speech therapy, neurology, orthopedics, psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychology
What is:AFK, exercise therapy, EEG, massage, prevention, LHC Synchro-S and much more
Prices for consultation of doctors (rubles):neurologist - 1300, psychotherapist - 1500
  • Professionals work;
  • For all;
  • No drug treatment is used;
  • Individual approach to each patient;
  • Huge list of services;
  • There are promotions and discounts;
  • Value for money;
  • Fast recovery;
  • The interior of the premises;
  • Effective rehabilitation after serious injuries.
  • Not identified.


Specialization: medical and diagnostic assistance in all areas of medicine.

Address: st. Academician Gubkina, 37, room 1, Sovetsky district

☎:+7 (843) 216-82-46

Working hours: 07:00-20:00 - Monday-Friday, 07:30-15:00 - Saturday


The main type of detailing of the center is in the field of functional neurology. The clinic has a huge number of patients undergoing rehabilitation after myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass grafting and stenting. Effective and timely treatment helps to prescribe the latest landing equipment. There is a children's medicine.

The center has a psychotherapy department that deals with various addictions.

Hall of the clinic "Artmed"

The management of the center carries out many different actions. The most popular program for the residents of the city was the program “Sickly Children” (15 thousand rubles). The complex of procedures includes 4 main stages. During rehabilitation, the child improves immunity, metabolism, restores the functional parameters of the body, and increases resistance to various viruses. The program is designed for children from 4 years old.

General information about the clinic:

Institution category:medical centers
Names of analyzes available in the center:over 800
Directions for assistance:24 pcs.
Services:issuance of certificates and medical examinations
Consultation of a psychotherapist (narcologist):is free
The cost of a neurologist consultation:900 rubles
  • Qualified workers;
  • Recognition of diseases at an early stage;
  • Effective treatment;
  • Comfortable atmosphere;
  • Safe treatment;
  • For all;
  • Effective individual methods for treatment by clinic workers have been developed;
  • High level of service;
  • Wide format of operation;
  • Innovative methods;
  • Promotion offers;
  • Good location.
  • Not detected.

"Our Clinic"

Specialization: providing medical services to adults in various fields, including in the field of psychotherapy.

Address: st. Marshal Chuikov, 13, Novo-Savinovsky district

☎:+7 (843) 205-09-12

Working hours: 08:00-20:00 - Mon.-Fri., 08:30-14:30 - Sat.


Equipment in one of the rooms of the clinic "Our Clinic"

The clinic helps adults cope with disorders of a different nature. The consultation and prescription is prescribed by a highly qualified psychotherapist. Here you can get a preventive examination. Individual approach and confidentiality are the credo of the clinic, therefore it occupies one of the leading positions in the city.

General information about the clinic:

Year of foundation:2013
Services:psychiatry, surgery, face and body care, dental services, rehabilitation, diagnostics, general medicine, issuance of certificates for the pool and disability
  • Anonymity is maintained;
  • Individual work with the client;
  • Many other services;
  • The effectiveness of treatment;
  • Location of the clinic;
  • Lots of positive feedback;
  • Promotions for services are carried out;
  • Friendly staff;
  • Cozy environment;
  • Democratic prices.
  • Children's disorders are not treated.

Daily Farm

Specialization: multidisciplinary.

Address: st. Pushkin, d. 52

☎:+7 (843) 207-15-59

Working hours: 08:00-20:00 - Mon.-Fri., until 15:00 - Sat.


The institution treats hereditary mental disorders and acquired ones. Help to cope with addiction: smoking, alcohol, drugs. Each doctor of the clinic has a scientific degree, professionally approaches the problem of each patient, and has vast practical experience.All equipment of the institution works accurately, without interruptions, medical equipment is constantly updated. The center specializes in work in different areas. It has its own laboratory, a polyclinic for adult residents of the city and many diagnostic programs.

Hall of the clinic "Daily-Pharm"

General information about the clinic:

Year of foundation:2011
Age restrictions:0+
Doctors:neurologist, psychologist, psychiatrist
Diagnostic studies:hundreds
Prices for consultation (rubles):pediatric neurologist - 700-2500, psychotherapist - 2000
  • Effective treatment result in a short time;
  • Professional approach to each patient;
  • Any age category;
  • Highly qualified doctors;
  • Personal information about clients is not disclosed;
  • Paid and free reception;
  • General clinic;
  • Availability of permanent and temporary shares;
  • Own laboratory.
  • Not identified.

"Lotus Honey"

Specialization: treatment and getting rid of addictions, rehabilitation.

Address: st. Guards, 33

☎:+7 (843) 295-90-03, +7 (843) 233-47-47

Working hours: around the clock

Website: lotus-med.rf

Picture - "Alcohol addiction"

The institution helps people with various addictions: drug, alcohol, food, gambling, etc. a special approach in the institution to each patient - he himself chooses where to be treated and cope with his illness: at home, in a clinic or hospital. Over the long years of their work, the doctors of the center have helped many hopeless people get out of hard drinking, quit smoking, and use drugs. Professional doctors with diplomas of narcologists and psychiatrists work with each patient, the clinic has its own psychologist.

General information about the clinic:

Start of activity:2007
Clinic type:private
Services:home visits, hospital stay, treatment in the clinic
For whom:adults
Withdrawal from drinking:1500 rubles
Primary appointment:free
  • Highly efficient;
  • Certified clinic;
  • Patents for own methods;
  • Excellent professionals;
  • One of the best clinics in the Russian Federation;
  • Round the clock work;
  • Getting rid of any addiction;
  • Treatment of all types of addiction;
  • Possibility of home treatment;
  • Free consultation.
  • Not identified.

"Ars Medica"

Specialization: treatment of various disorders profile.

Address: st. Nikolai Ershov, 8, Vakhitovsky district

☎:+7 (965) 599-75-07; +7 (843) 236-29-81

Working hours: 09:00-18:00 - weekdays, until 16:00 on Saturday.


Patients are admitted strictly by appointment. The center is designed for the whole family: there is children's medicine, restorative medicine, general medicine, functional diagnostics and various comprehensive examination programs. It will help children with congenital and acquired disorders.

Picture - "Happy family"

General information about the clinic:

Start of activity:year 2013
Institution type:center for diagnostics, health and beauty, family medicine
Services:home visit
Age restrictions:0+
Consultation (primary) with a specialist (rubles):neurologist - 3000-4000, psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist - 3000
  • Multidisciplinary;
  • medicine for children;
  • Only positive feedback;
  • You can call a doctor at home without an appointment;
  • Excellent and sincere specialists;
  • Cozy atmosphere;
  • For any age;
  • If you get to the action, then you will need to pay only 700 rubles for a consultation;
  • Positive result of treatment;
  • Possibility of preventive examination.
  • Expensive.


Specialization: addiction treatment, psychological assistance, rehabilitation.

Address: st. Suleymanova, d. 3, Kirovsky district

☎:+7 (800) 700-91-71; +7 (843) 212-23-20

Working hours: 09:00-21:00, daily, seven days a week


The clinic specializes in helping people who are addicted to alcohol, drugs, games and toxic substances. Group and individual classes are held, families of patients are consulted (how to help the patient return to a normal lifestyle). All specialists are highly qualified, regularly improve their skills and gain new knowledge in courses. The center has the latest equipment, the interior is thought out (the wards resemble apartment rooms), so that each patient feels comfortable and as free as possible. Patients can be seen by appointment or by appointment.

Picture - "Successful signing of the contract"

General information about the clinic:

Activity:over 7 years
Receiving calls:around the clock
Program:12 steps
Treatment effectiveness:0.91
Number of people cured:over 800
What is:kitchen, billiards, swimming pool, sauna
Treatment and rehabilitation (rubles per day):1170
  • Qualified Doctors;
  • Work mode;
  • Assistance at home;
  • Interior;
  • Inexpensive services;
  • High level of employee performance;
  • Use of new and personal techniques;
  • Individual approach to the client;
  • Anonymity;
  • Free consultation by phone and in the office;
  • own hospital;
  • Various activities;
  • Treatment for all types of addiction.
  • Not identified.


Choosing a psychiatric clinic is not an easy task. Any person wants to receive a 100% guarantee for a successful outcome, so that the money was not spent in vain. Attention is drawn to the list of the best clinics in Kazan for the provision of psychiatric care for 2025, which are rated by the highest score of clients.In terms of popularity, indicators were taken: conditions of stay, services provided, the cost of procedures and the interior of institutions (equipment). The table shows the main characteristics of each of the institutions.

The order in the list of clinics does not play any role, all institutions are already considered leaders.

Picture - "Doctor and Patient"

Table - "Rating of the best psychiatric clinics in Kazan for 2025 with a brief overview"

Name:Type of:For whom:Specialization:Hospital availability:The cost of the initial consultation from a certain amount (rubles):
"Hospital. acad. M.V. Bekhtereva»statechildren and adultsmultidisciplinarythere is600
"Specialized Type Hospital with Intensive Care"federal subordinationadulttreatment and rehabilitation of mental patients who have committed dangerous actsthere isis free
"Our business"privateeveryonewide profilethere is500
"Good Hands"everyonetreatment of daily life disorders without medical interventionthere is1300
"Our Clinic"adultsNois free
Daily FarmeveryoneNo700
"Lotus Honey"teenagers and adultsaddiction treatmentthere isis free
"Ars Medica"everyonemultidisciplinaryNo3000
"Development"teenagers and adultsaddiction treatmentthere isis free



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