
  1. Common Mental Disorders
  2. Signs that indicate the need for help from a psychologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist
  3. Review of the best psychiatric institutions
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best psychiatric clinics in Chelyabinsk in 2025

Rating of the best psychiatric clinics in Chelyabinsk in 2025

A mental disorder is an inability to adapt to living conditions and the resolution of life problems, as well as a change in behavior, feelings and thinking. According to the World Health Organization, every 4-5 people have a behavioral or mental disorder. Until now, it is not completely clear what causes a mental disorder. In psychiatry, there are three main criteria for mental illness:

  1. The biological factor is due to the presence of bodily pathology.
  2. The medical factor is the poor quality of life and its possible threat.
  3. The social factor is a violation of social functioning.

The combination of psychology and medicine gives a highly effective result in treatment. At the moment, there are many effective methods of psychological and medical treatment.

A mental disorder is not something to be ashamed of and turn a blind eye to. This is a disease that requires professional treatment. Turning to specialists in time, you will ensure yourself a quick and effective treatment.

The review presents the institutions of Chelyabinsk that will help restore the mental health of children, adolescents and adults. Also in the article you will learn about common mental illnesses and signs for which you need to seek help from specialists.

Common Mental Disorders

  • Drug and alcohol addiction, which entails psychosis and dementia;
  • Eating disorder. A mental disorder in which eating disorders occur includes such diseases as psychogenic overeating, bulimia nervosa, anorexia and others;
  • Phobias. Phobias are fears that relate to a situation or person. This disorder entails depression, panic attacks, sweating, tachycardia, etc.;
  • Personality disorder, which is caused by unbalanced behavior when interacting with other people;
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Caused by constant compulsions and unwanted thoughts;
  • Intellectual disorder - congenital mental retardation or acquired dementia (Pick, Wilson, Alzheimer, Parkinson);
  • Adjustment disorder and reaction to stress, have an inadequate reaction, decreased attention, impaired consciousness and narrowing of the field of consciousness, due to tragic experiences, sudden life changes or risk to life;
  • Neurasthenia is a neurosis caused by prolonged mental or physical stress. The signs of neurasthenia include indigestion, irritability, headache, weakness, fatigue, etc.;
  • Bipolar disorder - manifests itself in depressive, manic and hypomanic states. Signs: excessive motor and speech activity and elevated mood, abruptly replaced by a decrease in mood and vigorous activity;
  • Schizophrenia. It can be either acquired or congenital. There are different forms of schizophrenia, but with similar symptoms: apathy, negativism, hallucinations and withdrawal;
  • Paraphilia - sexual deviations (sadism, voyeurism, transvestism, masochism, etc.).

Signs that indicate the need for help from a psychologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist

You should seek professional help for the following symptoms:

  • causeless feeling of anxiety, fear, sadness and other emotions:
  • sleep disturbance frequent pain and suicidal tendencies;
  • impaired memory, clarity of thinking;
  • aggressiveness, frequent use of psychoactive substances;
  • hallucinations, strange behavior that goes beyond cultural norms;
  • sudden mood swings and excessive worry and anxiety.

Review of the best psychiatric institutions

Unfortunately, there are not many psychiatric institutions in Chelyabinsk. The review presents:

  • the best psychological center for children;
  • private psychological center for children and adults;
  • Clinical Specialized Psychoneurological Hospital.

Children's psychological center "Harmony"

AddressShagolskaya street, 6/1
Phone number☎ 7 351 777 73 95
☎ 7 951 788 88 22
Schedule:from Monday to Friday: from 10.00 to 19.00
Saturday and Sunday: from 9.00 to 14.00
lunch break: from 12.00 to 13.00

The activities of the psychological center are aimed at the full development, as well as the stable mental and psychological state of children with developmental disabilities, including those with mental and psychological disorders.

All employees of the center have higher education in such areas as special correctional development and clinical psychology, and also have an international certificate. Employees own their own developed methods that will help normalize cognitive processes, as well as when working with the development of speech.

Interaction with children is an individual approach to everyone, taking into account all the features and possibilities.

Center services:

  • complex diagnostics, formation and development of speech;
  • defectologist assistance and early development;
  • creative studio and preparing children for schooling;
  • assistance to children with special needs;
  • psychological help.

The provision of psychological assistance uses a combination of innovative and traditional methods of work. Mainly used in treatment art therapy, namely:

  • musical and sand;
  • isotherapy and play therapy;
  • fairy tale therapy and phytotherapy.

Art therapy has shown high efficiency in the treatment of:

  • delays in speech and mental development;
  • low self-esteem, increased anxiety and communication disorders;
  • neuroses and neurosis-like states, psychosomatic diseases;
  • psychological childhood fears and traumas;
  • age crises and hyperdynamic syndrome;
  • autism spectrum disorder.

For the development of thinking, as well as attention, memory and skills, information and computer technologies are used.

  • high quality equipment;
  • the staff of the center are professionals in their field;
  • individual approach to each child.
  • not found.

Medical and psychological center "Psychotherapeutic office of Dr. Nikolin"

Locationstreet Molodogvardeytsev, 70
Telephone☎ 7 909 070 80 00
Working mode:from Monday to Friday: from 9.00 to 19.00
Saturday: from 9.00 to 15.00

The head of the psychological center is a doctor with twenty years of experience, Vladimir Vladimirovich Nikolin. Vladimir Vladimirovich has the highest qualification category in the specialty of psychotherapy, narcology and psychiatry. The center provides counseling and treatment for minor disorders, so there are no inpatient departments.

Institution specialization:

  • group psychotherapy (trainings, family psychotherapy, psychotherapy for addictions and emotional disorders);
  • forensic psychological examination;
  • alcohol, gaming, food, drug and tobacco addiction;
  • neurological disorders and mental trauma;
  • correction and treatment of relations between children and adults, as well as the crisis of relations in the family;
  • emotional and adjustment disorders in adults and children;
  • depressive conditions rehabilitation of codependents and dependents;
    personal and mental development.

All services are provided for a fee. The table lists the main services:

ServicePrices (in rubles)
Consultation1 000/1 200
Psychotherapy1 200 per appointment
Treatment of anxiety disorders, panic attacksfrom 8 500 per course
Treatment for depressionfrom 1 200 per session
Expert in narcology:
Anti-relapse therapyfrom 3 400
Alcoholism treatmentfrom 9 000
Treatment: nicotine addictionfrom 4 500
alcohol dependence on the course "Trust"from 12 000 per course
alcohol dependence on the course "Point of sobriety"from 25 000
Psychological assistance (psychological trauma, depression, adjustment disorders)from 600
Consultation, diagnosis and treatment1000
  • qualified specialists providing a good result of treatment;
  • excellent attitude towards patients;
  • full transparency in treatment;
  • guaranteed anonymity;
  • average price for services.
  • providing assistance only for minor illnesses;
  • lack of a hospital.

Regional Clinical Specialized Psychoneurological Hospital No. 1

Address (adult reception):Phone numberSchedule
Cherkasskaya street, 2 ☎ 8 351 721 82 32
Gagarina street, 2☎ 8351 256 29 40
Kuznetsova street, 2а/№1☎ 8 351 242 02 18Monday to Friday - from 9.00 to 17.00, Saturday - from 9.00 to 13.00
Kuznetsova street, 2а/№4☎ 8 351 262 67 36
Address (reception of children):
Kuznetsova street, 2a/№6☎ 8 351 242 02 18from Monday to Friday: from 8.00 to 16.00
Official sitehttp://xn--174-bdd8bsfjr.xn--p1ai/
Clinic typestate
Chief PhysicianAnatoly Mikhailovich Kosov

In 1932, a psychiatric isolation ward was opened in the city hospital, designed to accommodate 3-4 people. At that time, patients were not being treated, the isolation ward worked in the form of overexposure to especially restless patients, who were observed by neuropathologists. In 1937, there was a reorganization, the isolation ward became a psychiatric department, with a capacity of 50 people.Four years later, the Kyiv and Chelyabinsk Medical Institute founded the clinical bases of the Department of Psychiatry in the departments of the hospital.

Great changes in the level of psycho-neurological care occurred in 1966, after the opening of the regional clinical neuro-psychiatric hospital, which accommodated 600 patients. In the future, the hospital expanded its diagnostic and treatment base, and also increased the number of medical buildings.

Now the hospital has 1,420 beds: these are inpatient departments for children and adults, as well as a day hospital. There are also 28 departments that can accommodate another 610 beds:

  • dispensaries for adults and children;
  • departments for teenagers and children;
  • gerontological and observational;
  • for compulsory treatment and for the treatment of borderline conditions;
  • physiotherapy, reception and self-supporting;
  • outpatient and inpatient department of forensic psychiatric medicine;
  • laboratories of clinical psychology, bacteriology and biochemistry.

Special attention is paid to the treatment of adolescents and children: for residents of the city and the region there is a Mental Health Center for Children and Adolescents, which includes the following departments:

  • an outpatient clinic and 4 inpatients;
  • preschool and school psychiatric;
  • neurological and psychological;
  • physiotherapy and neurophysiological.

The Center works closely with:

  • with social security;
  • Department of Internal Affairs and various educational institutions.

There are classes for recovery, rehabilitation and training, with a correctional and general education program.

The institution treats all forms of childhood and adult mental and psychological disorders, including borderline neuropsychiatric disorders, drug problems, neurosis, hereditary disorders and acquired mental health disorders, as well as problems in the field of functional neurology.

The hospital is also engaged in expert activities. Here you can get such examinations:

  • 6 types of labor, disability;
  • military, for conscripts;
  • forensic psychiatric, civil and criminal cases.

The hospital treats not only mental disorders. Here you can also contact an ophthalmologist, dentist, urologist, dermatovenereologist and speech therapist. On the basis of the psycho-neurological institution, there are 3 educational departments that provide training and advanced training for doctors of various specializations, interns and paramedical personnel.

Assistance to patients is provided by highly qualified workers who have all the necessary diplomas and certificates. Of the 700 employees, 42 received government awards, 29 - the badge of excellence in health care, 4 - orders. In addition to the main work, employees write dissertations, speak at regional, all-Russian and international symposiums, engage in scientific research, and also defend doctoral and candidate dissertations.

Hospital staff are always ready to share their experience and knowledge, as well as learn from others. That is why a close relationship is maintained with the psychiatric clinics of the region and the region. Regular seminars, meetings and conferences are also held.

Cost of basic services:

ServicesWhat is the price? (in rubles)
Seeing a psychiatrist or narcologist250
Appointment-consultation of a psychiatrist or narcologist500
Psychiatric examinationfrom 400 to 5 500
Expertisefrom 1,000 to 20,800
Microbiological researchfrom 250 to 660
Clinical and biochemical studiesfrom 65 to 330
X-ray studiesfrom 275 to 720
Urologist servicesfrom 50 to 720
Services of a dermatovenereologistfrom 55 to 720
Ultrasound diagnosticsfrom 520 to 900
Alcohol addiction treatmentfrom 950 to 1,180 per day of treatment
Drug addiction treatment from 1,870 to 3,200 per day of treatment
Neuropsychological examination for childrenfrom 450 to 3 300
psychologistfrom 550 to 1200
psychotherapistfrom 880/1 100
speech therapistfrom 660 to 1 100
narcologistfrom 550 to 9 900
dentistfrom 65 to 2 250
ophthalmologistfrom 150 to 550
Therapeutic exercise and physiotherapyfrom 50 to 280
  • highly effective and multidisciplinary care;
  • years of experience;
  • good value for money;
  • the presence in the staff of doctors of different directions;
  • confidentiality in treatment;
  • special attention to the treatment of childhood and adolescent mental and psychological disorders.
  • not found.


Mental stability is the key to a fulfilling and happy life. But, unfortunately, no one is immune from the destabilization of the mental state. The reason for this can be both an endogenous factor due to internal processes, and an exogenous factor due to external processes. Specialists in the field of neurology, psychology and psychotherapy will help to identify the root cause and cure the disorder that interferes with life. The main thing is not to close your eyes to the changes and problems, as the treatment started on time guarantees a quick result and high efficiency.

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