
  1. What is an ozonator and how does it work?
  2. Types of ozonators
  3. What is the difference between a household ozonizer and an industrial one?
  4. What to look for when choosing a device
  5. Rating of the best industrial ozonizers for 2025
  6. Cons of the device

Review of the best industrial ozonizers for 2025

Review of the best industrial ozonizers for 2025

Oxygen is necessary for the human body, without it a full existence is impossible. Its allotropic change is ozone. Unlike oxygen, ozone is considered to be a more powerful oxidizing agent and at the same time has disinfectant properties, therefore it is widely used in various areas of life. In order to make it possible to receive ozone in everyday life, a device called an ozonizer was developed. The features of the device and the best industrial ozonizers will be discussed below.

What is an ozonator and how does it work?

An ozonator is a device designed for the synthesis of ozone. And the ozonation process is the treatment of various surfaces, water and air with ozone in order to disinfect, deodorize and clean them from chemical and microbiological contaminants.

Since ozone has powerful oxidizing properties, it has a detrimental effect on all microorganisms, and thus, after treatment with ozone, viruses, bacteria, and various fungi die, and harmful organic and inorganic impurities decompose.

The operation of the device is to reproduce the natural mechanism by which ozone is formed. In the natural environment, ozone is produced during a thunderstorm, or rather after lightning discharges. The device has a small hole through which the device draws air into a special compartment, where high-voltage discharges act on it. The gas turns out to be quite concentrated and toxic, so you need to be very careful when using the device. The structure of the device may have some differences, but each of them has an ozone generator, a fan, and a mains voltage converter.

The use of an air ozonizer in various industries

Industrial ozonizers are quite popular in enterprises and are used in various areas of industrial activity:

  • pharmacology;
  • heavy industrial activity;
  • in factories engaged in the production of food;
  • at enterprises engaged in the extraction of minerals;
  • in the production of chemical products.

Ozonizers have a fairly wide list of goals and objectives, including:

  • getting rid of small pests and rodents;
  • purification of water from bacteria and microbes, various impurities;
  • complex disinfection of the premises in which people work;
  • disinfection in rooms where animals are located or food products are stored;
  • also suitable for cleaning the premises in which repair, construction work was carried out.

The units themselves differ from each other, in size, when choosing power, they take into account how dirty the room is and what size it is.

Types of ozonators

There are different models of ozonizers on the market, all of them are divided into several types:

  • industrial, such are designed for processing large areas, they are also actively used to clean sewers;
  • medical, used for disinfection of hospital premises;
  • automobile devices of this type differ from those listed above in that they have a built-in humidifier, work from a conventional cigarette lighter and save drivers from exhaust gases entering the passenger compartment;
  • household, a similar type is divided into room ozonizers and those that are used in refrigerators in order to eliminate unpleasant odors and disinfect the air.

Each of the types has quite significant differences, and therefore, when choosing, one should take into account not only the dimensions, but also study the technical characteristics of the ozonator.

What is the difference between a household ozonizer and an industrial one?

The most common ozonizers are household and industrial, there are significant differences between them, which plays a role when choosing a device:

  • dimensions;
  • significantly differ in power;
  • differ also in the amount of ozone produced;
  • the period during which the device can operate;
  • the ability to control remotely;
  • price.

Considering household ozonizers in more detail, it can be noted that such devices are not designed for short-term continuous operation and have a rather short service life; the case is often made of low-quality plastic. Control of such devices is carried out by buttons or through the touch screen. The amount of ozone produced by households, as a rule, does not exceed 1000 mg/hour. The positive aspects include compact size and modern design.

As for industrial devices, they have completely different characteristics. There are models that are designed for long continuous operation, such devices are perfect for use in hotels, medical institutions and other large premises. Ozone production is several times higher than the capabilities of a household appliance, which makes it easy to treat large areas. The power of industrial ozonizers is much greater than that of household ones, the case is made of high-quality metal, which reliably protects the mechanism from external damage. Management of industrial devices is carried out mechanically, the guarantee for the period of operation of this equipment is significantly increased by manufacturers.

Prices for appliances differ from each other, household appliances are much cheaper than industrial ones, which also speaks of the quality of the result of the products used. For example, industrial ones allow 100% to get rid of unnecessary microbes and bacteria, extraneous odors.

What to look for when choosing a device

If you are going to purchase an industrial or any other type of ozonizer, you should pay attention to some points that will be important in its further use:

  • Make sure you have certificates for the selected model.Since all units are designed to destroy bacteria and microbes, the document must confirm the hygienic safety of the device, the standards of which are established and prescribed in GNЗ1З-0. The certificate must be issued on the territory of the Russian Federation and have a corresponding mark, which will avoid the purchase of low-quality products.
  • Carefully read the technical characteristics of the device, in particular, pay attention to how much gas the device produces, that is, whether the output will correspond to the size of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which it will be used.
  • Study the list of precautions, such units are always accompanied by a list with situations in which it should never be used. Also in the list indicate the limit period during which the unit can be used.
  • The maximum time of continuous operation, some ozonizers are equipped with a timer or have a margin of time before switching on, these moments are important because it is impossible to enter the room while the device is operating. The ozonizer processes about one meter per minute, which means that the operating time will be calculated based on the size of the room.

The presence of additional functions also plays a role, since many people prefer to purchase ozonizers with a humidifier function, which additionally purify water for steam from bacteria.

Rating of the best industrial ozonizers for 2025

There are as many models of industrial ozonizers as there are household ones. All of them have a number of differences, but, as a rule, are intended for use in large rooms. Among the most popular are the following models:

  • OZ-A30 (OZ-A30);
  • Thunderstorm-40;
  • Ozonbox air-15.

The list includes devices that are most popular among users, some of them are even used in apartments of the corresponding area. Every year the market is expanding, devices are being improved, which makes it possible to choose more suitable ones not only in terms of characteristics, but also in terms of cost.

OZ-A30 (OZ-A30)

The industrial ozone gun is designed for air purification and disinfection, it can be used in offices, vehicles, residential and industrial premises. The device works in several modes and produces from 20 to 40 gr. gas per hour, which allows you to process areas up to 1000 square meters. meters. Its use does not require any additional knowledge, and its compact size does not require much space for placement. The main functions include: deodorization (removal of extraneous odors), disinfection, treatment of the premises from the fungus and its spores, getting rid of unnecessary insects and rodents, as well as getting rid of mercury vapor.

OZ-A30 (OZ-A30)
  • compact dimensions;
  • light weight;
  • ease of operation;
  • allows you to process decent areas;
  • device resources are designed for 10,000 hours.
  • not detected.


Another model of an industrial ozonizer, designed for processing refrigerators and freezers, car dealerships, car washes, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 60 square meters. meters. The device is equipped with a timer that turns the device on and off on its own, which is convenient, since the user can leave the room by setting the switch on at a convenient time and setting the duration. The device is designed to remove various unpleasant odors, such as burning, tobacco smoke and others.Also suitable for the treatment of premises and products from harmful bacteria, germs, fungi. Another positive function is the destruction of insects and the breeding of rodents.

  • affordable price;
  • quality processing;
  • the presence of a timer;
  • wide range of functions.
  • not intended for large areas.


This industrial ozonation device is equipped with a timer that regulates the process of turning on, off and the duration of continuous operation, allows you to process areas up to 100 square meters. meters producing 40 gr. gas per hour. The device is suitable for use in residential premises, as well as in public places of the appropriate area. The oversized device, made of high-quality material and having a small weight, allows you to easily place it in the room. The service life set by manufacturers varies from 5 to 10 years. The functions of the ozonator are standards, the device disinfects, deodorizes, repels rodents and destroys harmful insects in the room.

ozone generator Groza-40
  • price;
  • the quality of the device and the result;
  • the presence of a timer;
  • wide range of functions.
  • not detected.


The device allows you to use it on areas the size of which reaches 120 square meters. meters, in vehicles, agricultural, medical, food, as well as in the chemical industry. Often used in residential areas, this device will help get rid of unpleasant odors of any complexity, purify air and food from bacteria and microbes that have been subjected to chemical treatment. It also kills the fungus with its spores.

  • affordable price;
  • a wide range of applications;
  • the presence of a timer;
  • not noisy;
  • qualitative.
  • users note the lack of a remote control to be able to control from a distance.


The device model STORMHOLD-7G is suitable for small rooms up to 60 square meters. meters and is used in the agricultural, food, medical industries. Suitable for use in hotels, cafes and many other public areas. Among the possibilities are the destruction of various types of bacteria, viruses, cleansing of unpleasant odors, mold and fungal spores, the destruction of harmful insects, including fleas and cockroaches. Also, the device repels unwanted rodents, which makes the model suitable for use in agriculture and food warehouses. The generator is small in size, the contents are enclosed in a metal case, which ensures reliability and safety. As for management, it does not require any specific skills, everything is quite easy and simple.

  • affordable price;
  • the quality of the device and the gas that it produces;
  • the presence of a timer;
  • long service life;
  • varied range of uses.
  • suitable for small spaces.

Ozonbox air-15

Ozonbox air-15 is a model that is considered one of the most productive and efficient, and at the same time with an affordable price. The dimensions of the device are small, which makes it easy to move, a feature of this model is that it allows you to supply clean air from the street. The device easily cleans rooms and is suitable for use in the food and chemical industries.Eliminates not only from various bacteria, fungi, but also from foreign smells, drives away rodents and kills insects.

Ozonbox air-15
  • allows you to adjust the power;
  • safety;
  • the quality of the apparatus and the ozone produced;
  • an extensive list of features.
  • the cost of the device is much higher than other listed models.

Cons of the device

Despite all the advantages of using the device, it still has some negative sides that are taken into account when using:

  • when using the device, you should be extremely careful, since when interacting with certain chemicals, compounds are formed that are harmful to human health;
  • with an increased concentration of ozone formed in the air, it is contraindicated to be indoors, since the gas adversely affects the human respiratory system;
  • ozonizers have a detrimental effect on plants, so if there are flowers in the rooms, they should be taken out before turning them on.

It should also be remembered that the devices do not purify the air of pollen and also do not remove carbon monoxide molecules from the air.

Industrial ozonizers are devices that can be used not only in public places, industry, but also as household ones, taking into account the area of ​​​​the object. Such devices do an excellent job of destroying all harmful viruses and bacteria and in some cases are simply irreplaceable. Choosing a device is not difficult, you should take into account the place of use and carefully read the documentation that comes with the ozonizer.

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