Rating of the best production cutting tables for 2025

Rating of the best production cutting tables for 2025

Industrial tables for cutting should be stable, convenient design, and most importantly - safety in working with food products. Similar furniture is produced by many Russian companies. The question arises as to how to choose the right setting. Attention is presented with an overview of the best kitchen tools for cutting food for 2025 with its pros and cons.

Equipment features - selection criteria for production cutting tables

Cutting tables are neutral professional equipment. They are made of stainless steel and have a smooth working surface. Types of installations are classified according to the method of installation and purpose.

Note! A standard is a primitive structure, consisting of a table top and supports, which can be “tied” with metal corners or slats.

Classification of goods - what are the cutting tables

The production work table can be with or without boards. The first option involves wall installation. Boards can be from 1-3 pieces. If the design is without a side, then it can be placed in an island way or in any other way that is convenient for you. Popular models are products with sides and additional structural elements.

Based on the design decision, the table can perform several functions at the same time or only one. For example, if the unit is equipped with shelves, drawers, then it is operated as a work area and a cabinet for storing kitchen utensils.

The frame can be open and closed, with or without doors, with a built-in sink, with a hole for a waste container, corners or marked areas for drawers, which are purchased separately.

Selection Tips

The first thing you should pay attention to when buying a table is its parameters so that they correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. That is, if the site is small, then the frame should be compact and vice versa.

Purpose: almost all countertops are designed for cutting any food, however, there are models of tables that involve only the processing of meat or vegetables. This can be understood from the design features. Therefore, in order not to make mistakes when choosing, carefully read the description of the product.

Photo - Kitchen

An important indicator is the place of operation. If these are catering establishments, then there are no problems, any design will do. If the product is needed for large-scale production organizations (working with meat in the market, small meat processing plants), then pay attention to the permissible load.

It is recommended to buy goods in the relevant shops for the sale of production tables, as it is possible to personally check the installation for strength. If you order in an online store, then it is better to take the product with a guarantee so that you can return it later. You can read customer reviews to find a good shipping provider.

Rating of high-quality cutting tables for industrial purposes without boards for 2025

This category includes installations without boards of domestic production. The price range does not exceed 10 thousand rubles. The more primitive the design, the lower the cost. Top Producers:

  • "Mariholodmash";
  • "Alenta";
  • Atesy.

Model "SRP-0-0.6 / 1.5-2P" from the manufacturer "Mariholodmash"

Purpose: for cutting and processing food products, suitable for installing kitchen equipment in procurement and public catering enterprises, shops.

Features: shelves, adjustable feet, durable material.

Installation on three tiers, the lower two are shelves, the upper one is a cutting area. The table top is reinforced with chipboard. The shape of the frame and the legs along the entire length are rectangular, at the end of the supports there are round washers-tips (height can be adjusted).

"SRP-0-0.6 / 1.5-2P" from the manufacturer "Mariholodmash", appearance


Type of:open
Parameters (centimeters):150/60/84
Net weight:33 kg 400 g
Permissible load:135 kg
Vendor code:129684
Number of shelves:2 pcs.
Thickness (mm):15 - substrate, 0.5 - frame,
Material:stainless steel AISI 430
Guarantee period:1 year
Producing country:Russia
By price:9100 rubles
Mariholodmash SRP-0-0.6/1.5-2P
  • comfortable;
  • wide application;
  • high build quality and materials;
  • height adjustment of supports.
  • not identified.

Model "SR-2/530/600-E" from the manufacturer "Alenta"

Purpose: for cutting and slicing food, vegetables, fruits, semi-finished products, etc.

The economy-class professional cutting table belongs to the category of neutral equipment for catering, food production and trade enterprises. It is made of corrosion resistant metal. The device is equipped with adjustable round heels, a shelf for storing technological utensils and production equipment, and a solid solid worktop.

Features: can be placed anywhere, suitable for any enterprises and establishments specializing in the food industry, with the help of supports, the structure can be leveled even on defective surfaces.

"SR-2/530/600-E" from the manufacturer "Alenta" in assembled form


Vendor code:55-195-0056
Overall dimensions (centimeters):53/60/87
Net weight:15 kg 300 g
Steel thickness (mm):0.8 - substrates, 40 - countertops, legs and gratings - 1.2
Maximum load:100 kg
Material:AISI304 galvanized stainless steel
Manufacturer country:Russia
Average price:2300 rubles
Alenta SR-2/530/600-E
  • inexpensive;
  • does not take up much space;
  • reliable;
  • simple;
  • dishes can be stored.
  • not identified.

Model "VMS-1/430" from the manufacturer "Atesy"

Purpose: for defrosting raw products and washing kitchen utensils.

Features: goods with a washing bath, legs are adjustable in height, collapsible, easy to clean.

The design has a galvanized frame, equipped with a welded container for washing kitchen utensils. The model is intended for catering. At the level of the upper part of the square tub there is a tabletop. At the bottom, the frame is reinforced with four lintels, two corners are installed under the bathtub. The kit includes a jet break system. All details are made of anticorrosive metal of various thickness. Racks come with seamed edges, which increase the rigidity of the frame and reduce the degree of injury to personnel.

Note! If desired, a flat surface of the appropriate size can be adapted to the lower corners, which will serve as a shelf.

"VMS-1/430" from the manufacturer "Atesy" with a sink


Product code:1348
Size (centimeters):101/53/87
Net weight:17 kg
Bath parameters, inner part (cm):43/43/30
Thickness (mm):1,2 - jumpers, corners; 0.8 - tub
Maximum lifting of supports:up to 2 cm
Material:stainless steel
Guarantee period:12 months
Producing country:RF
What is the price:7100 rubles
Atesy Navy-1/430
  • comfortable;
  • compact;
  • safe;
  • reliable;
  • the product is affordable.
  • not identified.

Rating of the best mid-range production tables for cutting for 2025

This category includes cabinet tables, with sides and a bathtub, open / closed type, with a hole for waste. They may have additional elements (for example, shelves), various parameters and purpose. All models are produced by Russian companies. These include:

  • "Atesy";
  • "Iterma";
  • "Kamik".

Model "2128" from the manufacturer "Atesy"

Purpose: for cleaning and processing root crops and vegetables.

Features: thoughtful working area; leg height adjustment.

Products of domestic production of a rectangular shape. The table-top from 3 parties is equipped with small sides. There is a rectangular built-in bath (horizontal position), a round hole on the right in the corner on the open side, which is intended for a container that collects waste. The entire frame is made of corrosion-resistant metal (does not rust). The working surface is reinforced on the inside with a sheet of laminated chipboard (chipboard).

The legs on three sides (along the perimeters) are connected with metal slats, which provide additional table stability. Tips have a rubber lining thanks to what, the floor is not scratched.

"2128" from the manufacturer "Atesy", appearance


Vendor code:2128
Dimensions (centimeters):120/80/87
Net weight:22 kg 700 g
Number of baths:one
Sink (cm):length - 100, width - 25, depth - 20
Material:of steel
Board height:5 cm
Price segment:11900 rubles
Atesy 2128
  • thoughtful design;
  • convenient use;
  • value for money;
  • long service life.
  • not identified.

Model "SB-211/906 Sh430" from the manufacturer "Iterma"

Purpose: for catering establishments.

Features: the presence of a shelf, a thick and durable frame, a collapsible system.

Installation with a wall board for cutting meat, fish, vegetables and other foodstuffs. The legs are adjustable in height, have a gentle coating that does not harm the surface. Below is a shelf, the rigidity of which is provided by a rib. The tabletop is reinforced with double chipboard. The edges of the frame are processed, not capable of injuring workers.

"SB-211/906 Sh430" from the manufacturer "Iterma", view from an angle


Vendor code:2019-27866
Type of:open
Parameters (centimeters):90/60/85-87
The weight:37 kg
Pipe (mm):40 to 40
Board height:5 cm
Shelf and tabletop thickness:0.8mm
Compound:stainless steel AISI 430
Manufacturer country:Russia
Average cost:10700 rubles
Iterma SB-211/906 Sh430
  • volume board;
  • safe design;
  • wide application;
  • long service life;
  • does not take up much space.
  • not identified.

Model "SZ-315894" from the manufacturer "Kamik"

Purpose: for restaurants, bars and canteens.

Features: adjustable feet; shelves, small dimensions.

Non-collapsible equipment with a board on one side, which involves the installation of a table near the wall.The small size saves space in the room. The entire frame is made of high-strength steel, the surface of which is lightly polished. On three sides, the intersupport spaces are covered with metal sheets.

"SZ-315894" from the manufacturer "Kamik", table design


Type of:closed
Dimensions (centimeters):70/85/60
Number of shelves:2 pcs.
Material:anticorrosive food stainless steel AISI 430
Producing country:Russia
Price:15700 rubles
Kamik SZ-315894
  • small-sized;
  • with shelves;
  • design;
  • reliable;
  • light;
  • convenient to wash.
  • expensive.

The best premium cutting tables for 2025

This category includes cabinet tables of various design solutions. They have sliding doors, one or more shelves, and some are equipped with drawers. The best companies are:

  • "Kamik";
  • "Techno-TT";
  • "Food Technologies".

Model "SZ-4405p" from the manufacturer "Kamik"

Purpose: for raw poultry, meat, fish, vegetables and fruits.

Features: sliding doors, shelves, height-adjustable legs, large work surface.

Equipment with a worktop with a wall edge, closed on three sides with metal plates. The front frame is equipped with shelves and sliding compartment doors. On each door, along the edges, to the full height, there is a built-in handle (concave embossing - furrow). The unit can be adjusted to any surface (even, uneven) thanks to the swivel tips that are safe for the flooring.

"SZ-4405p" from the manufacturer "Kamik", with ajar doors


Type of:closed
Dimensions (centimeters):120/70/85
Number of shelves:2 pcs.
Profile parameters (mm):40 to 40
Compound:stainless steel AISI 430
Guarantee period:1 year
Producing country:Russian Federation
By cost:28900 rubles
Kamik SZ-4405p
  • unique table: for any products and storage of kitchen utensils;
  • large workspace;
  • wide application;
  • reliable;
  • convenient to operate.
  • high price.

Model "SPS-836/1200N" from the manufacturer "Techno-TT"

Purpose: work surface + storage space for inventory, dishes, cutlery.

Features: compartment doors, drawers, galvanized rear wall.

Working table for cutting raw products. It is equipped with drawers with comfortable built-in handles, shelves where you can store kitchen utensils and protective compartment doors with similar holders as in drawers. The unit is floor standing and has reinforced feet with a protective bottom layer so as not to scratch the surface on which it will stand. The table top and side panels are on the same level.

Recommendations! Indoors, it is desirable to mount equipment like an island.

"SPS-836/1200N" from the manufacturer "Techno-TT", side view


Type of:table-cabinet
Dimensions (centimeters):120/60/85
Number of boxes:4 things.
Vendor code:sc1243
Scope of use:for cafes, restaurants, canteens, food production
Material:stainless steel AISI 430, chipboard
Guarantee period:12 months
Manufacturer country:Russia
Average price:35100 rubles
Techno-TT SPS-836/1200N
  • modern design;
  • easy to clean;
  • possible adjustment of the legs;
  • reliable;
  • the table is convenient for operation (everything is at hand).
  • expensive.

Model "SRO-K-10/6SNK" from the manufacturer "Food Technologies"

Purpose: for processing meat, fish, vegetable and other products before their culinary preparation at catering establishments.

Features: simple design, easy to clean, adjustable doughs.

Table-cabinet with compartment doors, a shelf (forms a narrow and wide space) on metal legs with rubber pads that gently touch the floor. The body is steel, closed on all sides. In the lower spaces you can store kitchen utensils.

The equipment is compact, small food enterprises are happy to operate it. The installation method is floor-mounted, it involves island placement.

"SRO-K-10 / 6SNK" from the manufacturer "Food Technologies", appearance


Type of:insular
Dimensions (centimeters):106/66/101
The weight:65 kg
Frame thickness:0.8mm
Load distribution per 1 sq. meter:100 kg
Vendor code:85789
Material:galvanized + stainless steel AISI 430
Production time on order:10 business days
Sum:23300 rubles
Food technologies SRO-K-10/6SNK
  • value for money;
  • integral design;
  • the table is easy to use;
  • safe;
  • small-sized.
  • not identified.


The popularity of models of cutting tables depends on their constructiveness. All of them are made of food-grade stainless steel, but the thickness can be different, as is the fact that many of them are galvanized. Therefore, the functionality of the equipment depends on what company it is. Better installations, according to buyers, belong to domestic production. The entire list presented is various Russian companies, which company is better to buy a table - the decision remains with the buyer.

Note! All firms specialize in the production of goods in various price categories: budget, medium and expensive. For example, inexpensive installations are slightly modified (shelves, a corner, boxes, etc. are added) and the product acquires the status of a medium or premium product.

Table - "List of the best industrial tables for cutting food for 2025"

Name:Manufacturers:Type of:Dimensions (centimeters):Average price (rubles):
"SRP-0-0.6 / 1.5-2P"Mariholodmashopen with shelves150/60/84/9100
"SR-2/530/600-E""Alenta"open + separate markings for drawers53/60/872300
"VMS-1/430Atesyopen with sink101/53/877100
«2128»Atesyopen with sideboard and sink120/80/8711900
"SB-211/906 Sh430""Iterma"open, with side and shelf90/60/8510700
"SZ-315894""Kamik"closed with shelves70/85/6015700
"SZ-4405p""Kamik"cabinet with sliding doors120/70/8528900
SPS-836/1200N"Techno-TT"cabinet with drawers, sliding doors and shelves120/60/8535100
SRO-K-10/6SNK"Food Technologies"cabinet with shelf and compartment door106/66/10123300
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