
  1. Types of tomato juice
  2. TOP-7 producers of tomato juice
  3. How to make tomato juice at home. Recipes and step-by-step cooking instructions
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best producers of tomato juice and nectar in 2025

Rating of the best producers of tomato juice and nectar in 2025

Tomato juice is a popular and sought-after drink, it is valued for its rich pleasant taste and beneficial properties. In order to fully enjoy a good quality product and not make a mistake when choosing, you need to know what types there are, how it is produced, what to pay close attention to when buying.

Tomato juice is often used in cooking, it is the basis for soups, sauces, marinades and is added to meat and fish dishes for juiciness. Also included in popular alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

Manufacturers provide a large selection of this product, often new items appear on sale, even with unusual additives. The modern market is quite filled with these products, and there are no questions from the buyer where to buy such a product. It can be found both on the shelves in supermarkets and ordered online in an online store.

Types of tomato juice

There are three varieties: freshly squeezed (fresh), direct-pressed juice, reconstituted. The classification depends on the production technology, harvest period and many other criteria.

  • Freshly squeezed is the most useful type of production. It retains all the vitamins and beneficial qualities of the tomatoes themselves.
  • Direct-pressed juice is the closest in taste to freshly squeezed juice. For its manufacture, raw materials (tomatoes) are ground and brought to a homogeneous consistency. The product is then subjected to a sterilization process that helps protect against fermentation and spoilage. Thanks to this processing method, most of the useful qualities are preserved. If there is such a marking on the package, then it is better to give preference to this type of product. It is more difficult to find it on sale, because it is made only during the harvest period.

Refurbished is divided into:

  • Concentrated - obtained by reducing (boiling) the liquid part of the freshly squeezed product by eight times.
  • Made from tomato paste - when produced in this way, tomatoes are boiled five times.
  • Made from tomato puree - for cooking, the tomatoes are boiled three times.

Criterias of choice

To understand which juice is better to buy, you need to know the main characteristics of a good quality product. The main recommendations and advice are the following criteria:

  1. The consistency should be homogeneous, if the pulp is indicated in the composition, then the formation of sediment and stratification is allowed.
  2. When drinking the drink, you should feel the taste and aroma characteristic of fresh tomatoes. The color can be from red to light red, depending on the type of raw material. Reconstituted juice may have a brown tint.
  3. The final product should not contain any extraneous impurities or off-tastes.

The material from which the packaging is made depends on the choice of the manufacturer. Most often there is a packaged form of release (tetrapack), you can also find goods in glass, less often there are specimens in a doypack.

Benefit and harm

The undeniable advantages include a high content of vitamins and trace elements.

Beneficial features

  • It contains vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of human hair and skin. There are also vitamins of groups B, C, E, PP, H and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the human body: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine.
  • Contains beneficial lycopene (natural pigment), which is a strong antioxidant and helps prevent cancer.
  • Potassium, which is part of the drink, has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • It is worth noting the low calorie content compared to fruit juices and nectars, in addition, it is very nutritious. Those who follow their figure can safely include it in their diet for weight loss.
  • It normalizes and regulates blood sugar levels, so people with diabetes problems can safely consume this drink in reasonable doses.
  • Promotes the production of serotonin in the body, this hormone helps with nervous tension and stressful situations.
  • Use is shown when anemia is detected, after surgical interventions and operations, since it contains iron.
  • It has an antimicrobial effect and stops putrefactive processes in the intestines.
  • It can be included in the diet of hypertensive patients, due to the ability to lower blood pressure, it also reduces intracranial pressure. Regular consumption of this drink is an excellent prevention of thrombosis.

Contraindications and dangerous properties

  • Do not use in the stage of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • The use should be abandoned in case of individual intolerance or allergies;
  • In no case should you drink in case of acute poisoning, as this can seriously aggravate the situation;
  • With the appearance of neurotic spasms, it can increase pain;
  • It is not advisable to use it simultaneously with foods containing starch, this can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Tomato juice for children

It should be introduced into the children's diet gradually, starting at the age of two, one teaspoonful. If allergic reactions do not occur, the dose can be gradually increased. It is better for a child to give a natural drink that you can prepare yourself. It will not contain preservatives, flavor enhancers, flavorings, all useful substances for the growth and development of the child will be preserved.It is better to give juice in packages after three years, and only if the information that this product can be consumed by children is indicated on the package.

Consumption rates

For a healthy person, the daily intake is from one to four glasses a day. It is better to drink it half an hour before the main meal. Despite the fact that salt, when added, reveals the taste of this drink, it is worth limiting its amount. This will help to avoid the accumulation of fluid in the body and the formation of edema.

TOP-7 producers of tomato juice

On the Internet you can find many reviews and descriptions of brands that produce these products. But the information is rather contradictory, and is most often based on personal preferences. To understand which company has the best product, and who to give preference to, you need to know what to look for in the first place. Important indicators in terms of health benefits are the method of manufacture, composition, shelf life. For the average buyer, it is also important how much this product costs.

Juices without additional ingredients


The company has a full production cycle from growing fruits and vegetables to processing and packaging. Products are made from fresh tomatoes by cold pressing.

Manufacturer: CJSC "Euroterm";

Ingredients: tomato juice;

Expiration date: 18 months from the date of production;

Average price: 154 rubles;

Energy value: 15 kcal per 100 ml.

Noyan tomato juice
  • Juice of direct extraction;
  • Lots of pulp
  • Inaccurate information about the amount of carbohydrates;
  • higher cost.

"Gardens of the Don"

The company is one of the top 3 largest juice producers in Russia. It has its own gardens with an area of ​​more than 8 hectares. The product is intended for feeding children over three years of age.

Manufacturer: JSC "Gardens Pridonya";

Ingredients: tomato juice (made from concentrated tomato paste);

Shelf life: 12 months;

Average price: 75 rubles;

Energy value: 13.6 kcal per 100 ml.

tomato juice Sadi Pridonya
  • Natural composition without sugar and salt;
  • Traces of a pesticide were found (according to Roskachestvo).

Nectars and juices with added salt



The company produces tomato juice with the addition of salt, a homogenized, reconstituted product. Suitable for the diet of children of preschool and school age.

Manufacturer: LLC "Lebedyansky" (by order of PepsiCo);

Ingredients: tomato juice (produced from tomato paste), salt, ascorbic acid;

Expiration date: 12 months from the date of production;

Average price: 109 rubles;

Energy value: 20 kcal per 100 ml.

tomato juice J7
  • Preservatives and nitrates were not found;
  • Contains a large amount of pulp;
  • Not found.



The company positions itself as the southernmost of the largest producers of juice products. The drink is suitable for children aged three and over.

Manufacturer: Southern Juice Company LLC;

Ingredients: tomato juice (made from tomato paste, reconstituted), table salt;

Expiration date: 12 months from the date of production;

Average price: 79 rubles;

Energy value: 20 kcal per 100 ml.

Vico tomato juice
  • Good taste;
  • Absence of nitrates, preservatives, toxic elements;
  • The content of the pulp does not meet the standards.


One of the largest manufacturers of products in the Russian market, which produces goods in compliance with all technologies.

Manufacturer: LLC "Lebedyansky" (by order of PepsiCo);

Ingredients: tomato juice (made from tomato paste, reconstituted, homogenized), sugar, salt;

Expiration date: 12 months from the date of production;

Average price: 104 rubles;

Energy value: 20 kcal per 100g.

tomato juice Orchard
  • Rich taste;
  • No nitrates;
  • Contains traces of pesticide (according to Roskachestvo).


The company includes one of the largest factories in Eastern Europe and its own research and development center. Produces reconstituted pulped tomato juice with added salt.

Manufacturer: CJSC "Multon";

Ingredients: tomato juice (from concentrated tomato puree (tomato paste)), salt;

Expiration date: 12 months from the date of production;

Average price: 121 rubles;

Energy value: 10 kcal per 100 g.

Dobry tomato juice
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Homogeneous structure;
  • Presence of pesticide traces (according to Roskachestvo).

"Gifts of the Kuban"

A company with a full production cycle, with its own testing center.

Manufacturer: Southern Juice Company LLC;

Ingredients: tomato juice (made from tomato paste), salt, sugar;

Shelf life: 12 months;

Average price: 84 rubles;

Energy value: 20 kcal per 100 g.

tomato juice Dary Kuban
  • Thick consistency;
  • Affordable price;
  • According to Roskachestvo, traces of a pesticide were found.

How to make tomato juice at home. Recipes and step-by-step cooking instructions

In order to get a product of excellent quality that will retain all the benefits of the fruit, you can make a drink with your own hands.It will not contain artificial preservatives, dyes, thickeners, flavors. Perfect for drinking or cooking various dishes.

Traditional recipe:

Ingredients for 2 liters:

  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. First you need to wash the vegetables and remove the stalk on each tomato. Then cut the processed tomatoes into large pieces and pass through a juicer or meat grinder with a special function.
  2. If the final product is needed without pulp, then you can use a sieve and grind the resulting raw material. Otherwise, no further processing is required at this stage.
  3. Then you need to pour the liquid into the pan and put on medium heat. Bring the juice to a boil and add the right amount of salt and sugar.
  4. An important process that should not be neglected is the sterilization of jars. They can be sterilized in an oven at 180 0With about 15 minutes or hold over the steam for about the same amount of time. Lids are also important to sterilize thoroughly.
  5. The prepared product is poured into prepared containers and the lids are rolled up.
  6. It takes time to cool the juice jars, they are wrapped in a blanket and left for 1-2 days. After that, the containers are cleaned in the refrigerator or cellar.

Such juice is stored for up to 1 year, and after opening the jar, it must be used within a week.

Recipe with bell pepper

To get a good result, you need to choose fleshy and juicy specimens. Homemade tomatoes are ideal raw materials, but store-bought tomatoes of good quality are also suitable.

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • 4-4.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 4 pieces of bell pepper;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;

You can add a little spice, a few cloves of garlic, hot peppers, cloves.

Cooking steps:

  1. It is necessary to rinse well and remove the damaged areas on the tomatoes, then you need to get rid of the stalks.
  2. Process and cut the Bulgarian pepper in half, clean from seeds, partitions and stalks.
  3. Cut the pepper halves into thirds.
  4. Pass the resulting raw material through a juicer or meat grinder with a nozzle.
  5. Pour the liquid into a saucepan and put on fire. Then bring to a boil, add the required amount of salt (you should focus on your own taste sensations and add salt if necessary).
  6. Cook covered for 10 minutes until the foam disappears completely.
  7. Pour the juice into pre-sterilized jars. Cover the jars with a lid and place in a saucepan with a napkin laid on the bottom. Pour boiling water and put on fire, after boiling, sterilize for about 10 minutes.
  8. Roll up the lids, turn the jars upside down and leave to cool. You can store at room temperature, but always in a dark place, without the penetration of sunlight.

Easy tomato juice recipe

  1. Take a couple of ripe and juicy tomatoes;
  2. Blanch (pour boiling water over) vegetables, peel;
  3. Beat the tomatoes until smooth with a blender;
  4. Then it is necessary to carefully strain the resulting mass through a sieve;
  5. Add salt, sugar, citric acid or herbs to your own taste.


The above recommendations will help the buyer not make mistakes when choosing the highest quality and best product in the ranking.For people who carefully monitor their health and the health of loved ones, an important factor will be a good composition and the absence of harmful components. At the same time, it is up to the consumer to make the final decision to take inexpensive and budget options, but of lower quality, or to give preference to a more expensive product.

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