
  1. Appearance, taste and smell of the sauce
  2. The classic composition of "black gold"
  3. Pitfalls of fast production?
  4. Chinese or Japanese? Sharp or light?
  5. How to choose a quality BIO product?
  6. Top 10 Popular Soy Sauce Brands

Rating of the best manufacturers of soy sauces for 2025

Rating of the best manufacturers of soy sauces for 2025

Chinese or Japanese soy sauce is one of the most famous condiments in Asian cuisine. Universal in its application, the mixture can be added to various meat and fish dishes, fresh or prepared vegetables, as well as side dishes. The sauce was invented in the 7th century BC. in China. The monks prepared soybeans and fish by long-term fermentation in an oxygen-free environment with the participation of fungi. In Europe, the seasoning was very popular, and was called "black gold".

Appearance, taste and smell of the sauce

Classic dressing dark reddish-brown dense color with a glossy sheen. A color that is too dark indicates a hydrolyzed non-natural liquid. The characteristic aroma is sweetish and strong, but pleasant, without the admixture of a yeasty fermentative hue. Strong or unpleasant odors indicate chemicals added to improve the performance of the seasoning.

Soft and neat aftertaste without excessive salinity, burning and tingling in the mouth. Spicy and sweet notes are added to the spicy salty aftertaste. What you should pay attention to additionally is the fluidity and density of the liquid. An excessively liquid consistency is a sign of dilution with water, and a too thick consistency contains a large amount of stabilizers. The correct density of dressing is medium density, evenly enveloping pieces of food.

The classic composition of "black gold"

The seasoning is made from water, soybeans, salt and wheat, without foreign inclusions and additives. Wheat and legumes are roasted to a dark color, a special fungus is added to them. Three days later, together with salt, the dry extract is placed in fermentation tanks. The process of slow natural fermentation begins, lasting from 5 to 12 months.

The finished mass is filtered and bottled. Glass containers well preserve the rich taste and characteristic aroma of the sauce for a long time. This type of product is expensive, but has a high-quality ECO composition.

Pitfalls of fast production?

Dressings prepared by chemical hydrolysis of soy proteins for a month are cheaper. During the decomposition of amino acids, carcinogenic chloropropanol is released, which remains in the composition of the product. To give the desired smell and taste, the manufacturer “improves” the composition with amplifiers, dyes and special fragrances.

Sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate cause gene mutations in the cells of the human body. Dyes provoke allergic reactions even in adults. Artificial flavor enhancers and stabilizers adversely affect the functioning of the stomach and intestinal tract, liver and pancreas.

Chinese or Japanese? Sharp or light?

Manufacturers of products are gradually transforming and transforming the recipe, adjusting it to a variety of criteria for choosing their consumer. Sauce in Asian cuisine has many variations:

  • Japanese - made only from soybeans;
  • hot - with red or black pepper;
  • sweet - dark, with the addition of caramel;
  • gluten-free - for people with intolerance to cereals.

Natural seasoning is low-calorie, contains essential amino acids, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, a small amount of sugar, as well as mineral components:

  • antioxidants;
  • flavonoids;
  • zinc;
  • vitamins of groups B and C.
Vitamin B10.03
Vitamin B20.17
Vitamin B618.3
Vitamin PP2.2
Copper (µg)43
Sodium 5493

How to choose a quality BIO product?

Of course, a single consumption of a "chemical" product is not dangerous, but the constant filling of food with such a mixture can adversely affect health. The shorter the list of ingredients, the better the soy sauce. Read the label carefully before buying.Small secrets will help to avoid mistakes when choosing a quality product:

  • glass packaging extends the shelf life of the sauce;
  • perfect recipe - 4 ingredients;
  • product of natural fermentation;
  • protein content - not less than 7%;
  • shelf life - at least 24 months.

Sauces from the best manufacturers have their own zest of taste, appearance and price category. Additional studies by Rospotrebnadzor and Rostest revealed the positive and negative qualities of the product, as well as its safety. An overview of ten popular types of soy dressings will help you decide on the choice of the right and right product.

Top 10 Popular Soy Sauce Brands

10. Sauce Sempio

The Sempio brand has been one of the largest manufacturers in South Korea since 1946. The company has its own research center, and its products occupy more than half of the market. The dressing has a classic set of ingredients, but the peculiarities of the national recipe give it a slightly specific “Korean” taste. Mild soy seasoning is suitable for fried, stewed and fresh vegetables, seafood, rolls and fish dishes, has a bright but very salty aftertaste.

According to the recommendations of buyers, it is better to use a spicy mixture with heat treatment or dilute it a little with water.

Average price/quantity127 rubles/300 ml
Energy value (kcal)60
Protein (g)7
Carbs (g)7
Compound:- water;
- defatted soybeans;
- wheat;
- fructose;
- salt;
- yeast extract.
Sempio soy sauce
  • no sugar;
  • natural raw materials;
  • low price.
  • fishy taste.

9. YAMASA Sauce

For about 400 years, the brand has been famous for its products made from natural ingredients.The Japanese imperial court supplier's dressing is distinguished by its amber color and wonderful aroma. Cooked, without the use of chemicals, the impeccable taste of the marinade is combined with vegetable salads, seafood and game. A sweet and spicy seasoning with a reduced salt content is suitable for people who are limited in the use of sodium chloride.

Customers like the correct natural fermentation recipe and the low sodium chloride content. Rostest confirmed the classic and safe composition. The content of protein and carbohydrates correspond to the declared norm.

Average price/quantity150 ml
Energy value (kcal)85
Protein (g)8.8
Carbs (g)9.7
Compound:- water;
- soya beans;
- salt;
- wheat;
- vinegar.
soy sauce YAMASA
  • a small amount of salt;
  • natural ingredients;
  • handy bottle with dispenser.
  • high price;
  • contains vinegar.

8. Azifood sauce

The Russian brand produces many different products of Chinese, Vietnamese and Japanese cuisine. It is known to customers for its inexpensive assortment and seasonings of varying degrees of spiciness. Liquid oriental dressing with garlic and pepper adds spice to meat and fish dishes, as well as vegetable salads. The description lists many chemical components.

Consumers note the burning-spicy taste of an inexpensive seasoning with a peculiar garlic aroma.

Average price/quantity49 rubles / 200 g
Energy value (kcal)76
Protein (g)1.3
Carbs (g)14.5
Compound:- water;
- soya beans;
- peanut kernel;
- sugar;
- salt;
- starch;
- flavor enhancers;
- glutamate;
- preservatives;
- lemon acid;
- natural dyes.
soy sauce Azifud
  • as part of dyes of natural origin;
  • low price;
  • bottle with a convenient dispenser.
  • a lot of sugar;
  • a lot of salt;
  • chemical additives for taste and smell;
  • preservatives.

7. AMOY Sauce

A well-known brand from China has its fans in Russia. High quality products are always successful and popular. Rarely found in a retail store, but can be ordered online. The combination of light and dark dense filling from selected raw materials gives the dishes a spicy-spicy taste and aroma. They marinate meat and fish with it, and also use it as an independent spicy dressing for salads and vegetables. Suitable for long term heat treatment.

Average price/quantity170 rubles/550 ml
Energy value (kcal)70
Protein (g)4
Carbs (g)7
Compound:- water;
- defatted soybeans;
- Wheat flour;
- bran;
- dye;
- flavor enhancer;
- preservatives;
- sweetener;
- salt.
AMOY soy sauce
  • low price;
  • no sugar.
  • dyes;
  • flavor enhancers - glutamate, E 635;
  • preservatives - potassium sorbate;
  • sweeteners.

6. Pearl River Bridge Sauce

The firm from China was founded in 1958 and still remains a favorite in the national market. The premium supplier is constantly expanding its selection, releasing not only an authentic type of Chinese dressing, but also other Asian seasonings, allowing you to appreciate all facets of oriental cuisine. A Chinese-made product can be used for stewing, frying and marinating, as well as used as an independent seasoning for fish, meat dishes, cooked and raw vegetables, and poultry.The dark glass bottle retains the quality of the product and spicy aroma for 24 months.

Buyers support the dressing with positive feedback about the balanced recipe, pleasant aroma and natural composition.

Average price/quantity152 rubles/500 ml
Energy value (kcal)58
Protein (g)6.4
Carbs (g)7.9
Compound:- water;
- soy;
- salt;
- wheat flour;
- preservative potassium sorbate.
Pearl River Bridge Soy Sauce
  • high protein content;
  • low calorie;
  • budget price.
  • contains a preservative.

5. Kikkoman Light Sauce

Natural marinade with reduced salt content. It is prepared according to a special technology and has a classic taste. Suitable for people with a low salt diet. A convenient dispenser of the novelty allows you to measure the right amount of liquid. Mild dressing in a glass bottle is ideal with seafood and sea fish.

In customer reviews, an original soft bouquet and a reduced amount of salt are noted, which do not impair the quality composition.

Average price/quantity248 rubles/150 ml
Energy value (kcal)110
Protein (g)9.5
Carbs (g)7
Compound:- water;
- soya beans;
- wheat;
- salt;
- ethanol;
- sugar.
Kikkoman soy sauce
  • convenient container;
  • reduced amount of salt;
  • no preservatives;
  • natural ingredients.
  • high price;
  • contains ethanol.

4. Heinz Sauce

An American food company that has been producing ketchup since 1869 came to Russia in 1993 and gained popularity thanks to its legendary recipe.It occupies a leading position in the market and constantly expands the range of high-quality products. Pan-Asian dressing made in the Netherlands, cooked according to a traditional recipe, perfectly complements meat, seafood, pizza, salads, boiled and fried vegetables. Sterile glass packaging allows you to keep the quality of the product up to 30 months. Spice lovers note the “original” sweet taste “for an amateur” and a liquid consistency.

According to the "Test Purchase" version, the microbiological parameters were normal. There is an excess of carbohydrates twice as compared to what is stated on the label, but, in general, the components of the dressing are safe and natural.

Average price/quantity129 rubles/150 ml
Energy value (kcal)246
Protein (g)2.8
Carbs (g)58
Compound:- water;
- sugar;
- molasses;
- glucose-fructose syrup;
- soya beans;
- yeast extract;
- lactic acid;
- acidity regulator;
- dye - sugar color;
- Wheat flour;
- herbs;
- spices.
Heinz soy sauce
  • Glass bottle;
  • does not contain synthetic dyes;
  • no preservatives.
  • high price;
  • high calorie;
  • a large amount of sugar and sugar-containing substances.

3. CHIN-SU sauce

The Vietnamese brand, which produces premium products, is included in the ranking of the best manufacturers in the country. High-quality dressings are loved by ordinary customers and are chosen by the chefs of famous restaurants. Mild marinade with a liquid consistency is combined with the main types of meat and fish. Several ingredients are chemical in nature. There is no wheat in the recipe, so the seasoning is gluten-free.Suitable for people with cereal intolerance. A plastic bottle keeps the product fresh for 12 months.

Consumers note the bright taste that opens up with fish dishes and rice, and they also recommend using the dressing for marinating meat and vegetables.

Average price/quantity67 rubles / 270 g
Energy value (kcal)22
Protein (g)1.7
Carbs (g)3.8
Compound:- water;
- salt;
- peanut kernel;
- soy;
- dyes;
- acidity regulators;
- fragrance;
- flavor enhancers;
- stabilizer;
- sweeteners.
soy sauce CHIN-SU
  • low price.
  • non-natural additives in the recipe;
  • a lot of salt;
  • a lot of sugar.

2. Kikkoman Sauce

Japanese brand products Kikkoman have been produced since 1630 and are considered one of the best in Japan. It has a classic recipe and composition. Natural fermentation and long aging make the sauce versatile for a variety of Asian and European dishes. A balanced and unobtrusive smell gives the food piquancy and originality. The average density and transparency of the sauce, with the right recipe and a pleasant taste, is suitable for meat, barbecue, pizza, fish, stewed and fried vegetables.

Customers like the pure taste without additives and dyes, as well as consistently high quality and consistent composition.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, the amount of carbohydrates exceeds the declared value by 2 times. Additionally, the safe characteristics of the mixture and the amount of protein corresponding to the norm were noted.

Average price/quantity165 rubles/150 ml
Energy value (kcal)75
Protein (g)10
Carbs (g)3
Compound:- soya beans;
- water;
- wheat;
- salt.
Kikkoman soy sauce
  • natural composition;
  • sugarless;
  • high protein content;
  • long shelf life - 36 months.
  • high price;
  • a lot of salt.

1. Sauce Sen Soy

Sen Soy products of the Sostra company are Russian-made. It is produced at the only plant in our country by the method of natural fermentation. Developers are constantly expanding the range, which is in great demand and popularity. Mild soy dressing with added grains is suitable for meat, poultry and roasted vegetables. The liquid consistency allows you to evenly distribute it in pieces. The natural and healthy ingredients of the mixture are selected in the best Chinese traditions.

According to buyers, the products have a balanced composition of natural fermentation and moderately salty flavor.

Research by Rospotrebnadzor confirmed the safety of the product components and compliance with the classic recipe. The protein content was found to be low compared to what was stated on the label. The failure may have occurred due to dilution of the product with water.

Average price/quantity37 rubles/250 ml
Energy value (kcal)60
Protein (g)2.5
Carbs (g)13
Compound:- soya beans;
- water;
- wheat;
- sugar;
- salt.
Sen Soy soy sauce
  • Glass bottle;
  • natural product;
  • no preservatives.
  • little protein;
  • contains added sugar;
  • monosodium glutamate.

For lovers of oriental cuisine, choosing a marinade with the right natural fermentation recipe is an important necessity. A wide range of products in a supermarket or online store is confusing. A careful reading of the label will help you understand which brand of gas station is better.The four dressing ingredients will not only make your meal tastier, but will also help you cut down on salt and extra calories.

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