
  1. A bit of history
  2. Primary requirements
  3. Key qualities
  4. Raw material requirements
  5. Classification
  6. Production technology
  7. Cooking at home
  8. Criterias of choice
  9. Where could I buy
  10. TOP of the best producers of condensed milk
  11. Conclusion

Rating of the best condensed milk producers for 2025

Rating of the best condensed milk producers for 2025

Today it is difficult to imagine cooking without the use of condensed milk. Creams for cakes are prepared on its basis, tea or coffee is easily sweetened with it, it will perfectly pass for a delicacy or go well with cheesecakes or pancakes. Moderate portions are not harmful to health and are a good addition to healthy food.

Unfortunately, sometimes there are unscrupulous manufacturers who add various concentrates and surrogates, minimizing the benefits of condensed milk. As a result, heaviness and indigestion can occur. This review provides detailed information about the product and manufacturers, what to look for in order not to make mistakes when choosing and prevent harm to the body.Here you can find popular models and new items, read the description and characteristics, clarify which company’s condensed milk is better, how much it costs and how to choose.

A bit of history

Condensed milk is a milk product with a condensed consistency obtained after partial evaporation of moisture from cow's milk and intended for consumption.

The process of thickening dairy products began to be actively dealt with at the beginning of the 19th century in France. However, the first patent for the technology of making condensed milk in 1856 was received by an American inventor Gail Borden, who was studying ways to preserve food for a long time. Industrial production began two years later, when the first enterprise for the production of condensed milk was launched. Then the network of enterprises expanded and gradually the new product won worldwide recognition.

The first Russian factory for the production of condensed milk was launched in 1881 in Orenburg. Production was widely developed in the Soviet Union.

Primary requirements

In Russia, products are manufactured in accordance with GOST 34254-2017 “Canned milk. Sterilized condensed milk. Specification (as amended)."

According to organoleptic indicators

  • homogeneous, moderately viscous liquid, slight sedimentation is possible inside;
  • uniform white color or light cream shade;
  • a peculiar sweetish-salty taste.

According to physical and chemical indicators

Standard rates are given in the table.

The inclusion of any fat other than milk fat is not allowed. The presence of preservatives is prohibited!

Key qualities

Beneficial features

  • good absorption by the body;
  • enrichment with nutrients and vitamins for:
    • improving brain function;
    • strengthening bones and teeth;
    • beneficial effect on metabolism;
    • blood restoration;
    • increase immunity;
    • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • raising the tone;
  • supply of energy.

Negative qualities

  • high calorie;
  • the possibility of developing obesity;
  • contributes to the occurrence of caries;
  • individual individual lactose intolerance.

Abuse can harm the body. No need to eat condensed milk with jars and large spoons!

Raw material requirements

The raw materials used should not contradict the current technical regulations, as well as other regulatory documents.

Milk and dairy products are used as raw materials:

  • raw cow

  • pasteurized cow

  • fat-free

  • condensed

  • dry

  • cream

  • stabilizers (citrates, phosphates, pyrophosphates, triphosphates, polyphosphates);
  • acidity regulators (carbonates);
  • drinking water.


By fat content

  1. Whole is a classic product used in cooking. In common parlance it is called "condensed milk". Contains more than 7.5% fat, 25.0% solids with a protein content of more than 34.0%.
  2. Partially skimmed - contains from 1.5% to 7.5% fat and 20.0% solids with a protein content of more than 34.0%.
  3. Fat-free - contains less than 1.5% fat and 20.0% solids with a protein content of more than 34.0%.

By consistency

  1. Normal - a product of a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Boiled is a popular type of product with a thick, caramel-flavored texture and a brownish color resulting from additional heat treatment.


  1. With sugar - a familiar product that meets the standard.
  2. Sugar-free - otherwise called concentrated milk.
  3. With additives - the composition of the traditional product includes additional natural components of cocoa, coffee or chicory.

Production technology

Typical stages of industrial production:

  1. Receiving and cleaning raw materials - checking, cleaning and cooling.
  2. Normalization - bringing the norm of fat and solids to the requirements of GOST. The fat content can be reduced with skim milk or increased with cream.
  3. Pasteurization - heating to a temperature of 90-95⁰С to stabilize the physico-chemical properties, destroy microorganisms, and also ensure thickening.
  4. Cooling - lowering the temperature to 75⁰С.
  5. Storage until thickened.
  6. Sugarization - the introduction of additional solid sugar or 70% syrup.
  7. Thickening - the mixture is mixed in the evaporator, boils, and the water evaporates.
  8. Cooling - The hot product is cooled down to 20⁰C in 20 minutes of constant stirring to maintain uniformity.
  9. Seed - lactose is added to prevent the formation of crystallization.
  10. Packing - bottling the finished product into packages.
  11. Storage - in plastic containers or cans at a storage temperature of 0-10⁰С.

Cooking at home

You can find many simple recipes for self-made condensed milk, which is sometimes even tastier than industrial ones. However, you will definitely need to use natural cow's milk from the village.

Main Ingredients:

  • one liter of milk;
  • one glass of granulated sugar.

Simple preparation:

  1. Pour raw materials into enameled dishes and heat.
  2. Pour in the sugar, mixing well.
  3. Continue to cook, stirring constantly, until two-thirds of the original volume is boiled away.
  4. After thickening and acquiring a creamy mass, remove the product from heat.

The condensed product is ready - eat to your health!

Criterias of choice

When buying condensed milk, you need to pay attention to:

  • the type and condition of the packaging - in a doypack, plastic container or can so that there is no damage or deformation

  • marking, squeezed out on the lid of the jar, in the form of:

Top row:

  • M - dairy products;
  • two or three numbers - the number of the manufacturer;
  • two numbers - the number of the type of product:
    • whole condensed with sugar - 76;
    • condensed with sugar and cocoa - 78;
    • condensed with sugar and coffee - 79;
    • condensed cream with sugar - 87;
    • partially skimmed - 50;
  • o one number – shift number;

Bottom row:

  • o date, month and year of packaging;
  • compliance with GOST 34254-2017, effective from September 1, 2018;

There is no "GOST RESERVE" or "GOST 9001-2009"!

  • best before date:
    • in iron cans at t = 0 - 10⁰С - 12-15 months, t = 11 - 20⁰С - 6-10 months;
    • in plastic packaging at t = 0 - 10⁰С - 12 months, t = 11 - 22⁰С - 8 months, t> 23⁰С - no more than six months;
    • in doypacks - up to one year.

  • fat content and composition according to the standard.

In summer, milk quality is better because the cows are fed fresh feed.

Choose condensed milk with a production date that coincides with the summer months.

Where could I buy

Condensed milk is sold in almost all grocery stores and supermarkets. On the shelves there are different types of products from numerous manufacturers - at a price inexpensive and budget. A variety of offers can lead the buyer to a state that does not allow him to choose a natural and high-quality product, which one is better to buy.

Now also any products can be ordered online in the online store of the manufacturer or the official distributor. The Yandex.Market Internet aggregator is of great help, providing advice and direct links to offers published by both suppliers and stores.

TOP of the best producers of condensed milk

The review includes the best manufacturers, whose rating is based on the popularity of products in the opinion of buyers in the Yandex.Market aggregator, the results of examinations according to Roskachestvo, Roskontrol and Test Purchase. Much attention is paid to the reviews of real buyers.The popularity of the models also determines the functionality of the packaging - opening keys and plastic lids.

The best brands of classic condensed milk


Manufacturer - UPP "Glubokoe Milk Canning Plant" (Glubokoe, Vitebsk region, Republic of Belarus).

The rating of high-quality dairy products opens the dairy product of Belarusian production for direct consumption. Used in the manufacture of hot chocolate, confectionery, as well as an additive in coffee, tea, cocoa.

Throughout the mass of white with a creamy tint, it has a uniform consistency. Pronounced taste of pasteurized milk.

condensed milk
  • high quality with excellent taste;
  • microbiological and physico-chemical indicators comply with safety requirements;
  • natural composition without vegetable fats;
  • high proportion of protein;
  • convenient jar with key opening function and lid for closing.
  • blue font on a blue background is difficult to read;
  • expiration date exceeds the norm for iron cans;
  • the old GOST 2012 is indicated.

"Dairy Country"

Producer - Promkonservy LLC (Smolensk, Russia).

Universal nutritious dairy product of domestic production, obtained from whole cow's milk, for the preparation of various dishes from desserts to milk porridge.

The best and most useful properties are preserved in full, despite the heat treatment. Thick viscous mass with a delicate creamy tint.

condensed milk Dairy country
  • microbiological and physico-chemical indicators verified according to the Roskontrol version comply with safety requirements;
  • natural composition without vegetable fats;
  • sweetness is not cloying;
  • readable font throughout the bank;
  • convenient opening of the jar with a built-in key;
  • stylish design and decoration.
  • tests according to Roskontrol did not reveal any shortcomings;
  • the label shows the old standard of 2012.


The manufacturer is Belmolprodukt JSC (Belgorod, Russia).

A dairy product in a plastic transparent jar with a foil membrane and a plastic lid - a clasp. The stylish packaging, designed by Italian industrial designers, is 2.5 times lighter than a conventional can. Produced on the most modern Japanese equipment.

Not thick, yellowish white. Taste is not very greasy without an unpleasant aftertaste. It is well suited to make cream for baking and goes well with pancakes.

condensed milk Volokonovskoe
  • microbiological and physico-chemical indicators comply with safety requirements;
  • unreliability of marking as a result of tests according to Roskontrol was not revealed;
  • without vegetable fat;
  • interesting plastic packaging.
  • high price;
  • the old GOST 2012 is indicated on the label.

Video opinions of those who have tried the product:


Producer - JSC "Rogachevsky MKK" (Rogachev, Gomel region, Republic of Belarus).

A natural dairy product of Belarusian production, made according to a traditional recipe from cow's milk. It has a thick homogeneous texture with a pronounced sweet taste. Color can vary from cream to light beige.

It goes well with pancakes and pancakes and as an addition to tea or coffee, as well as for use in the preparation of glazes and creams.

condensed milk Rogachev
  • excellent taste;
  • according to Roskontrol, microbiological and physico-chemical indicators comply with safety requirements;
  • natural composition without vegetable fat and starch;
  • excellent value for money.
  • the label indicates the old standard of 2012;
  • expiration date exceeds the norm for iron cans;
  • no built-in key to open;
  • popular brand for fakes.


The manufacturer is CJSC Alekseevsky Milk Canning Plant (Alekseevka, Belgorod Region, Russia).

A dairy product having a homogeneous mass consistency with a light white-cream color. The thick composition has a pleasant aroma and taste of natural condensed milk. It mixes well with the dough, harmonizing perfectly with all the ingredients. It is widely used as a dessert, sweet sauce or in the manufacture of homemade pastries.

Alekseevskoe condensed milk
  • classic taste of condensed milk;
  • the list of microbiological and physico-chemical indicators according to the version of Roskontrol complies with safety requirements;
  • natural composition without vegetable fat, antibiotics and dyes;
  • convenient packing with a plastic cover and a key for opening;
  • well-known manufacturer brand.
  • the old GOST 2012 is indicated on the label;
  • expiration date exceeds the norm for iron cans.

comparison table

Options"Scoop""Dairy Country""Volokonovskoe""Rogachev""Alekseevskoye"
Fat content, %
StandardGOST 31688-2012GOST 31688-2012GOST 31688-2012GOST 31688-2012GOST 31688-2012
Weight, g380380380380380
Energy value, kcal330329298330330
Proteins, g7.27.26.9787
Best before date18 months12 months12 months18 months18 months
price, rub.9486-139115-14472-11082-150

The best producers of concentrated condensed milk


Manufacturer - UPP "Glubokoe MKK" (Glubokoe, Vitebsk region, Republic of Belarus).

Concentrated sterilized whole milk of Belarusian production without sugar with a high proportion of fat content. The color is a pleasant cream shade, reminiscent of a baked product. Rich creamy taste. The consistency is not very liquid, not thick. Enough high-calorie product. Good as an addition to coffee or cocoa.

This is not the usual condensed milk, but a completely different product!

condensed milk Deep Concentrated sterilized
  • natural composition;
  • informative marking;
  • good taste for the amateur.
  • key missing:
  • indicated on the GOST 1923-78 marking on the territory of Russia is not valid from 1.01.2013.


Producer - JSC "Rogachevsky MKK" (Rogachev, Republic of Belarus).

Sterilized dairy product of Belarusian production without sugar. It has a pleasant creamy shade, slightly salty taste. Consists of normalized milk using sodium phosphate as a stabilizer. Suitable for direct use. It can be used in the manufacture of hot chocolate, confectionery, as well as adding to taste in coffee, cocoa or tea.

This is not the usual condensed milk, but a completely different product!

condensed milk Rogachev sterilized
  • natural composition;
  • high quality;
  • excellent taste;
  • a complete replacement for cream when added to coffee or cocoa.
  • the label indicates the invalid standard of 2011;
  • there is no key to open.

"Dairy Country"

The manufacturer is Promkonservy LLC (Smolensk, Russia).

Condensed dairy product of domestic production, not containing sugar. Manufactured in accordance with the current standard. Pleasant sweet-salty.Visually resembles a cream-colored ghee, but a little thicker. It is used as an additive in tea or coffee, as well as for the preparation of milk porridges. Can act as a substitute for cream.

This is not the usual condensed milk, but a completely different product!

condensed milk Dairy country without sugar
  • natural composition;
  • specific taste of condensed milk, but not sweet;
  • not too greasy.
  • there is no key to open;
  • an iron can holds up to 300 grams.

comparison table

Optionsdairy countryRogachevDeep
Fat content, %
StandardGOST 34254-2017GOST R 54666-2011GOST 1923-78
Weight, g300320300
Energy value, kcal133141150
Proteins, g66.47.9
Best before date12 months12 months12 months
price, rub.57-1076559-85

The best producers of partially skimmed condensed milk

"Condensed Slavyanka"

Producer - JSC "Belmolprodukt" (Belgorod, Russia).

Milk-containing product of domestic production. The list of components contained is very large, it consists of skimmed reconstituted milk, sugar, reconstituted whey, whey protein concentrate, butter, milk fat replacer, thickeners, incl. xanthan gum, lactose, stabilizer E339, carrageenan, locust bean gum. Suitable as an additive to coffee or cocoa, as well as for the preparation of culinary products.

condensed milk Sgushenka Slavyanka
  • thick consistency;
  • compliance with the standard;
  • the aroma is pleasant;
  • the taste is sweet.
  • there is no opening key;
  • the composition contains vegetable fats.

"Condensed milk Belgorod milk with sugar 7%"

Producer - JSC "Belmolprodukt" (Belgorod, Russia).

Russian-made branded product, manufactured in accordance with GOST for milk-containing condensed canned food. The composition includes reconstituted skimmed milk, reconstituted whey, sugar, butter, milk fat substitute (refined mixture of sunflower, palm oils), as well as stabilizers.

Packed in a plastic bottle, easy to open and store. It has a milky-creamy hue. A convenient bottle allows you to take condensed milk on trips instead of a perishable natural product.

condensed milk Sgushenka Belgorod milk with sugar 7%
  • thick texture with good taste;
  • large volume;
  • handy plastic bottle.
  • contains vegetable fats.

"Rogachev partially skimmed"

The manufacturer is JSC "Rogachevsky MKK" (Rogachev, Republic of Belarus).

A dairy product of a Belarusian manufacturer with excellent taste. A distinctive feature is the number "50" in the marking on the lid of the jar. Consists of normalized milk and sugar, with a reduced fat content of 2.5%. Ready for direct consumption. Used in the manufacture of hot chocolate, confectionery, as an additive to coffee, cocoa or tea.

condensed milk Rogachev partially skimmed
  • pronounced milky taste;
  • lower fat content without sacrificing quality;
  • good consistency;
  • natural composition without vegetable fat;
  • recognized trademark of the manufacturer.
    • manufactured according to specifications for the Republic of Belarus;
    • there is no key to open;
    • high price;
    • difficult to find on sale;
    • often faked.

Video tutorial on how to distinguish fake condensed milk:

comparison table

Options"Condensed Belgorod Milk""Condensed Slavyanka""Rogachev partially skimmed"
Fat content, %772.5
StandardGOST 31703-2012GOST 31703-2012TU RB 100098867.122
Weight, g1000370380
Energy value, kcal270270290
Proteins, g3.53.59.1
Best before date12 months12 months12 months
price, rub.12865-80129

The best producers of condensed milk with additives

"Rogachev with cocoa"

The manufacturer is JSC "Rogachevsky MKK" (Rogachev, Republic of Belarus).

Dairy product with the addition of cocoa, suitable for direct consumption. It is used in the manufacture of hot chocolate, confectionery, and also as an additive to boiled water.

Consists of normalized milk, sugar, cocoa powder, sodium bicarbonate as an acidity regulator. The taste of cocoa without starch impurities is felt. Strong aftertaste. Manufactured in accordance with the specifications of the Republic of Belarus.

condensed milk Rogachev with cocoa
  • natural composition;
  • detailed marking;
  • pleasant aftertaste of cocoa;
  • thick consistency.
  • no key to open.

"Alekseevskoye with cocoa"

Producer - CJSC "Alekseevsky MKK" (Alekseevka, Belgorod region, Russia).

Natural dairy product of domestic production of the highest quality, made according to traditional technology. Contains whole and skimmed milk, edible sugar, cocoa powder. The taste is sweet, typical for condensed milk with cocoa. Homogeneous viscous mass of brown or light brown color. The smell of thick hot chocolate.

Alekseevskoe condensed milk with cocoa
  • natural composition without extraneous additives;
  • excellent aroma;
  • wonderful taste of hot chocolate;
  • good workmanship.
  • no key to open;
  • ends quickly.

"Volokonovskoe with coffee"

The manufacturer is Belmolprodukt JSC (Belgorod, Russia).

Russian-made dairy product in convenient plastic packaging. Foil is hermetically rolled up on the neck, covered with a lid. It consists of normalized milk, sugar, natural instant coffee, as well as stabilizer E339. Intense dark brown color. Liquid consistency.

condensed milk "Volokonovskoe with coffee"
  • natural composition without vegetable fats;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • sweet coffee taste;
  • convenient packaging for transportation and storage;
  • The label is informative and easy to read.
  • a little bitter;
  • liquid consistency.

comparison table

Options"Rogachev with sugar and cocoa""Alekseevskoye with cocoa""Volokonovskoe with sugar and coffee"
Fat content, %7.557.5
StandardTU RB 100098867.122-2001TU 9227-010-00417266-2011GOST 33923-2016
Weight, g380380380
Energy value, kcal320280280
Proteins, g7.46.55
Best before date10 months12 months12 months
price, rub.113119-135145

The best producers of boiled condensed milk

"Boiled Condensed Milk" "Dairy Country"

The manufacturer is Promkonservy LLC (Smolensk, Russia).

Sweet milk-containing product of a homogeneous mass with a taste of Russian-made caramel. Plastic even color can vary from brown to light brown. Intended for direct consumption. Well suited as a filler for wafer rolls or confectionery nuts.

Consists of whole cow's and skimmed milk, sugar, milk fat replacer, incl. palm and sunflower oils, as well as drinking water.

Condensed milk "Boiled condensed milk" "Dairy country"
  • pleasant delicate taste and aftertaste;
  • beautiful design of the jar;
  • informative label.
  • non-natural composition with vegetable oils;
  • there is no key to open.

"Egorka" Rogachevskoe boiled

Producer - JSC "Rogachevsky MKK" (Rogachev, Republic of Belarus).

High-quality dairy product of Belarusian production. It consists of normalized milk, sugar, lactase - an enzyme preparation of microbial origin as a technological aid. Thick texture rich caramel color.

condensed milk "Egorka" Rogachevskoe boiled
  • not cloying and moderately sweet;
  • good creamy caramel taste;
  • natural composition without impurities and vegetable oils.
  • no key to open.

"Varenka" Alekseevskoye with sugar

The manufacturer is CJSC Alekseevsky MKK (Alekseevka, Belgorod Region, Russia).

Milk condensed product of domestic production. Made according to traditional technology in compliance with the standard. Contains whole milk, sugar, cream. It has a characteristic taste of boiled condensed milk. Dense homogeneous mass of light brown color. Minor inclusions of milk sugar crystals are allowed.

condensed milk "Varenka" Alekseevskoye with sugar
  • natural composition without vegetable oils;
  • manufactured according to GOST;
  • moderately sweet, not cloying;
  • convenient packaging with a key for opening and a plastic lid.
  • high price;
  • hard to find for sale.

comparison table

Options"Dairy Country" Boiled "Egorka" Rogachev "Varyonka" Alekseevskoye
Fat content, %
StandardTHAT TU RB 100098867.153GOST 33921-2016
Weight, g380360370
Energy value, kcal312330320
Proteins, g57.76.5
Best before date12 months8 months12 months
price, rub.61-11476-100145


This classic condensed product is made from cow's milk and a minimum of additives. The presented manufacturers are engaged in the production of these products in ecologically clean places where animal husbandry is developed and there are always high-quality and tasty raw materials. In addition, many of them were given the best recommendations based on the results of examinations according to the Control Purchase or Roskontrol, which confirms the high quality of the products.

However, each person has individual preferences. Therefore, in order to find the golden mean, it is necessary to study and evaluate what products are available from different manufacturers in order to choose the most suitable option. The presented rating is not an advertising publication and cannot serve as a guide to action.

Happy shopping and stay healthy!

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