
  1. The use of black cumin
  2. Oil Recommendations
  3. Top Producers
  4. Outcome

Rating of the best producers of black cumin oil for 2025

Rating of the best producers of black cumin oil for 2025

A useful tool for improving human health is black cumin oil, produced from a plant of the umbrella family. It blooms in summer. Seeds can be obtained in the second year of life. Cumin was respected by the ancient Egyptians: a bottle with its oil was found in the tomb of the pharaoh. The article will tell about the best brands of black cumin oil.

The use of black cumin

Black seed, also known as black cumin, has long been considered the "seed of blessing" - a well-deserved title as it has proven to be one of the safest herbal extracts for human consumption for over 2,500 years. Seeds are used as spices and dietary supplements. The composition of the product includes phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and fatty acids. Cumin strengthens the immune system.This property was familiar to the ancient healers and confirmed by modern doctors. The oil has a bactericidal effect, effectively fights against intestinal parasites and fungal diseases.

Tincture of cumin has a mild laxative, immunomodulatory and expectorant effect. Due to these properties, the drug is used for colds and constipation to enhance intestinal motility. Aromatherapy is an effective way. This method treats bronchitis, calms the nerves. The plant reduces the tendency to stress and improves the digestive process. Often black cumin is used in cosmetology. Essential oil relieves skin inflammation, stimulates hair growth.

Thanks to its spicy aroma, black cumin has become a favorite among cooks. It is often used for baking, desserts, added to main dishes and marinades. The oil can be used as a salad dressing.


The list of situations in which black cumin oil not only does not bring benefits, but can also be harmful, is not so wide, but it is necessary to mention it:

  • Individual intolerance to cumin;
  • A tendency to allergies, in this case it is necessary to introduce oil into the diet gradually, strictly following the reaction of the body, in case of any reactions from the body (rashes, itching), the intake is stopped;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Children's age up to three years, later oil is given, starting with half a teaspoon;
  • If a person has undergone an internal organ transplant.

Oil Recommendations

A quality product must be determined by the most important criteria. When buying, first of all, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • production technology (cold pressed is the best option)
  • type of seeds (naturalness and environmental friendliness are important);
  • composition (some oils sometimes contain olive, coconut or sesame oil);
  • packaging (dark glass bottles are more suitable)
  • expiration date (no more than 2 years).

When choosing a product, it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer and buy only proven brands. Egypt is the leader in the production of high-quality natural oils. In Russia, saturated natural oils from the El-Baraka factory have proven themselves well. Among Russian firms, Altai and Bashkir manufacturers of medicinal and biologically active additives have a good reputation.

It is believed that in hot climates, black cumin seeds ripen much faster. At the same time, more useful substances accumulate. The most tart oil is obtained from Ethiopian raw materials.

Cold-pressed oils are usually light in color. If the oily liquid is dark, then this is already evidence that the seeds were heated during processing. And this means that some of the useful properties have already been lost.

Top Producers

A natural product must be made in such a way that essential oils do not evaporate during the extraction. This can only be achieved using the cold pressing method. The process takes place at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius. In this case, all useful properties are preserved. Manufacturers who have proven themselves on the positive side work precisely on such technologies.

It can be difficult to find a really good quality product. Some manufacturers add sunflower and other vegetable oils in order to reduce the cost.

According to customer reviews, it was possible to rank the best manufacturers.

Shams natural oils

The unrefined oil, made by cold pressing raw black cumin seed, has received Ecocert environmental certification. The Egyptian manufacturer (El Jasmine) has international quality certificates (ISO and OHSAS). The bottling is produced in Russia, this form makes it possible to make the product more accessible, as it can be delivered to the consumer at the lowest cost.

There is nothing superfluous in the composition - only a 100% extract of seeds, where there are: polyunsaturated acids omega-3, -6, -9, beta-carotene, many trace elements, amino acids, vitamins of all groups (A, B, C, D, E ), 6 natural antibiotics.

Due to the regular consumption of oil, the efficiency of the brain increases, the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves. The level of cholesterol in the blood and blood pressure decreases just a few days after the start of use. A diuretic effect has been proven, it helps to remove toxins from the body.

Black cumin oil can be used internally for more than a month. Regular use has a positive effect on the skin: it becomes smoother, velvety, reduces acne. Due to the content of a large number of phytosterols, the oil has pronounced regenerating, choleretic and wound healing properties.

The positive effect of the components in the composition on the work of the thymus gland and bone marrow has also been proven. The product is used as a means to prevent blood cancer and restore immunity.

black cumin oil Shams Natural oils
  • good quality;
  • 100% natural composition.
  • high price.

Organic Life

The company "Specialist" has preserved all the unique natural components contained in the seeds of black cumin grown in Altai.

Russian-made unrefined cold-pressed oil has a 100% natural composition. The energy value in 100 grams is 900 kcal. The presence of essential oils in the composition allows the product to be used as a natural antiseptic. There is a positive impact, which is:

  • increased immunity;
  • reducing the risk of developing respiratory diseases;
  • beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • weight loss and blood cholesterol levels;
  • antifungal and antiviral activity, etc.

Cosmetologists recommend the drug as an excellent tool for preserving the skin, eliminating swelling, giving a healthy shine, as well as for hair care. Regular use helps to accelerate their growth and prevent the appearance of gray hair.

black cumin oil Organik Life
  • good quality;
  • nice composition.
  • specific taste.

Doctor Cumin

The Bashkir company Makemi appeared on the market in 2014. During this time, she has successfully established herself and found her customers. "Doctor Cumin" is a proven brand, quality, confirmed by dozens of real reviews on the network.

Raw materials for the production of oil are brought from Ethiopia, thanks to the cold-pressed technology, the products retain their healing qualities and do not lose their usefulness. The company's capacity is 2000 cans of oil per month.

Doctor Cumin oil is a 100% natural remedy with antiviral, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. The product is necessary for seasonal prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.

Guaranteed product quality is achieved due to the fact that all processes are controlled at all stages. Production stages:

  1. Import of seeds from Ethiopia under the state contract.
  2. Production of butter in their workshops.
  3. Obtaining a product using cold pressing technology, which allows you to save useful properties.
  4. Certification.

black cumin oil Makemi Doctor Cumin
  • great quality;
  • low price;
  • natural composition.
  • no.


The products of the Pakistani company are time-tested. The company has been known for a long time and supplies the market with a wide range of various health products. - A guarantee of high quality is one of the main features of the manufacturer. The competent composition of the oil allows you to see the effect of the application almost immediately after purchase and use. Many buyers choose these products due to the manufacturer's many years of experience.

Hemani black cumin oil
  • high quality, time-tested;
  • profitable price.
  • no.

El Baraka

One of the largest producers of Egyptian natural oils in Egypt supplies products from black cumin seeds. Numerous positive reviews testify to good quality. One hundred percent natural composition is the best that the company can imagine. The main products are made from seeds grown on special plantations, there are Bio and Organic certificates. Quality control is carried out at every stage of production. The glass bottle with useful liquid is packed into a convenient cardboard box. The products of a large Egyptian company have long earned the trust of customers. This is evidenced by many positive reviews. The oil is obtained using cold-pressed technology from natural raw materials. Product without preservatives.

This is not only a bioactive supplement, but also a good cosmetic product. It has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also improves the condition of the skin and hair.

El Baraka black cumin oil
  • great quality;
  • natural and safe composition.
  • high price.

golden camel

The product is produced in the city of Jida. Raw materials are grown in Saudi Arabia. Cold-pressed products using high-tech filters give the oil a pleasant and mild taste. Gentle aroma will be pleasant even to the most refined buyers. The substance thymoquinone, which is present in the composition, lowers the level of glucose in the blood. Regular use helps to strengthen the immune system. Essential oils have a bactericidal and antiseptic effect. The 125 mg bottles are packaged in branded cardboard boxes for easy transport.

black cumin oil golden camel
  • 100% natural composition;
  • affordable price.
  • no.


Black seed oils are not medicines. But the healing effect attracts the attention of many people who care about their health. When taken orally, many colds and inflammations can be treated. How is the supplement useful for diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder and liver. Doctors recommend cumin oils for people with bacterial gastritis. Mild antibacterial properties help cleanse the stomach and intestines of unnecessary pathogenic bacteria.

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