
  1. What are the benefits of flaxseed oil and where to use it
  2. How to choose flax seed oil that will only bring benefits
  3. The best manufacturers of liquid unrefined flaxseed oil
  4. The best manufacturers of flaxseed oil capsules

Rating of the best linseed oil producers for 2025

Rating of the best linseed oil producers for 2025

Flaxseed oil is a healthy food supplement. It is associated with the improvement of the condition of the skin, hair, nails. Including it in the diet has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and all body systems as a whole.

What are the benefits of flaxseed oil and where to use it

Flaxseed oil is a valuable product obtained from flax seeds.However, its value primarily depends on the degree of processing. With this in mind, there are 3 types:

  • unrefined.

It is obtained as a result of cold pressing (the process does not heat up above 42aboutFROM). Then defend, filter, pass through a centrifuge. It is this oil that is considered the most useful. Due to the minimal effect, it retains vitamins and minerals contained in flax seeds. It is characterized by a specific aroma, taste and color, as well as the presence of sediment.

  • hydrated.

This is an unrefined oil that has been treated with hot water. The hydration process removes phospholipids that precipitate in the process. Hydrated has fewer nutrients than unrefined, however, it does not form a precipitate.

  • refined.

Completely processed, including, in addition to the above steps, alkaline cleaning and processing with adsorbents that absorb coloring matter and brighten the product. Such oil loses almost all useful properties. It does not have a pronounced taste and smell, as well as sediment.

From the description of the processing of flax seeds, it becomes clear that the most valuable is unrefined cold-pressed oil. Due to only mechanical processing of raw materials without the influence of temperature and other substances, the unrefined product retains all the beneficial properties. Such fragrant gold is rich in micro and macro elements: magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iodine, iron, selenium, zinc, silicon. As well as vitamins: C, K, E, PP, F, group B (B1, B6, B9). In addition to the above, the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids contained in it are of particular value to linseed oil.

So rich in useful substances, flax seed oil has found application in many areas of human life. Among them:

  • the medicine.

Included in the diet for cardiovascular diseases. The use helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol, makes the vessels more elastic and flexible, reduces blood viscosity, which reduces the likelihood of blood clots. This reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, ischemia, hypertension, etc.

Flax gold is an excellent assistant for the work of the gastrointestinal tract: it helps to treat gastritis, enterocolitis, increases the functionality of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, and activates the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Also used in the field of gynecology. Daily use of the contents of flax seeds improves the hormonal background of a woman, alleviates the symptoms of PMS, helps to cure gynecological pathologies.

In addition to the positive impact on individual systems, flaxseed oil strengthens the entire body as a whole by increasing immunity.

It is important to note that in the presence of any chronic diseases and constant drug therapy, it is advisable to consult your doctor before using this dietary supplement in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

  • cosmetology.

For cosmetic purposes, it is most often used externally - in the form of masks. Based on it, masks are mixed that nourish and moisturize the skin of the face, restore its healthy color and elasticity. A wonderful effect is given by hair masks that restore shine and silkiness to them.

  • food.

The presence of such a component in the diet will not only benefit the entire body, but will also contribute to faster weight loss and maintaining it in good condition.It is most commonly used as a salad dressing or in cold sauces.

How to choose flax seed oil that will only bring benefits

In order for the result of pressing flax seeds to bring only benefits, you need to be sure of its quality. When buying, first of all, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Container.

Best of all, the result of pressing flax seeds is stored in a glass container. Glass should ideally be dark so as not to let in the sun's rays. The bottle can also be transparent, but in this case it must be additionally packed in a cardboard box. The fact is that in the light the oil oxidizes, losing its beneficial properties.

Often, to reduce the cost of the final result, manufacturers pour it into plastic containers. If the plastic bottle is transparent, then it is better not to buy this product: there is hardly anything useful left in it. A dark polymer container is a slightly better option than a transparent one, but no better than glass.

  1. Container volume.

Another important point is the volume of the container. The smaller it is, the more likely it is that you have a quality product. This is due to the fact that after opening the shelf life is not more than 1 month, it is unlikely that you will be able to use a liter of this product for such a period.

  1. Mode of production.

A useful nutritional component is obtained only by cold pressing, as we wrote about earlier. No additional actions (refining, adsorption, etc.) should be carried out with it. This information must be indicated on the label.

  1. Compound.

The composition should contain only one ingredient - linseed oil. If other components are present, then this is not what we are talking about.To reduce the cost of production, manufacturers can dilute linseed oil with corn oil or others, which does not add any benefit to it, but rather makes it useless. Often a mixed product is produced in a larger container (0.5-1 l) than a pure one (0.2 l).

  1. Shelf life.

In a hermetically sealed container made of opaque glass, the shelf life is 6-9, sometimes 12 months. All products with a longer shelf life are most likely not the ones you are looking for.

  1. Color and presence of sediment.

Of course, due to the dark glass of the container, the color can only be seen after opening it. It should be golden brown. Not too light, not too dark, not orange, but golden with a brownish tinge. In this case, a light sediment must be present.

  1. Smell and taste.

The aroma and taste may resemble fish oil. The taste should have a specific bitterness (not rancidity!), Which adds spice to the food.

Based on these simple recommendations, you can easily purchase a quality product. But that's not all, it still needs to be properly stored. Storage conditions must be specified by the manufacturer on the label. In a hermetically sealed container, away from sunlight, spruce from flax seeds can be stored for no more than a year. Opened should be stored at a temperature of 5-22aboutC in a dark place with a tightly closed lid.

As you have already seen, fragrant flaxseed gold is a very useful product and, therefore, very much in demand. It is currently available in two forms: liquid (as salad dressings) and capsules (as a dietary supplement). Consider the best manufacturers in each of these categories.

The best manufacturers of liquid unrefined flaxseed oil

Dial Export

A Russian company whose product range includes more than 25 types of edible vegetable oils. Located in the Moscow region, Stupino. Currently, the company offers customers 4 options for the product we are interested in, with volumes of 100, 250, 375 and 500 ml. All are available in glass containers of light or dark color. The annotation to the company states that they do not use any preservatives or other flavoring additives. At the same time, we note that almost all the proposed options indicate a shelf life of 24 months, which no longer meets our stated requirements. And only one has a shelf life of 1 year. Here we will consider it in more detail.

Linseed oil 100 ml

It is bottled in light glass bottles of 100 ml, which are additionally packed in cardboard boxes to protect from light. Shelf life 12 months, after opening - not known, only temperature is indicated 5aboutC. In addition, the useful properties of the liquid are painted on the box, but all this is not justified by specific figures for the content of vitamins and minerals.

Cost: from 105 rubles.

Dial-Export Linseed oil
  • cardboard packaging that protects from sunlight;
  • nice golden color.
  • neither on the label nor on the box is the method of extraction indicated;
  • the content of useful substances is not indicated;
  • The shelf life of an open bottle is not specified.

Oil king

Oil King is a Russian company (Veliky Novgorod) producing cold-pressed edible vegetable oils. The company was founded in 2003.and since then has been introducing the latest methods of gentle mining without the use of high temperatures and high pressures into production technology. All this allows you to maximize the useful properties of the product. The manufacturer offers 4 packaging options: 100, 250, 350 and 500 ml. The first three are produced in glass, the last in PET. Consider the smallest volume.

Oil King 100 ml.

The product is bottled in a 0.1 liter bottle made of light glass and additionally packaged in a cardboard box, which contains all the necessary information: extraction method, composition, storage period and conditions, address and contacts of the manufacturer. Unfortunately, there are no specific data on the content of vitamins and minerals.

Cost: from 67 rubles.

Oil King 100 ml linseed oil
  • the packaging reliably protects from sunlight;
  • rich golden color;
  • the taste is pleasantly tart with a slight bitterness.
  • there is no information on the content of minerals and vitamins.


Biokor is a Russian manufacturer (Penza) of healthy food products and dietary supplements with almost thirty years of history. Since 2002, the company has grown its own raw materials for its products. Several types of healthy food are produced from flax seeds: crispy plates, flax seeds and, of course, oil. The latter is presented in two versions: "Tsarevshchino" 250 ml and with selenium 250 ml. among buyers, the second one, which we will consider, is more in demand.

Linseed oil with selenium

Packaged in 250 ml dark plastic bottles. The lid is equipped with a protective ring to control the first opening. On the back of the bottle is a label with detailed information about the product.On it you can read recommendations for use and storage, the composition and content of useful components. Remarkably, the percentage of the daily intake of selenium, Omega-3 and Omega-6, which a person will receive when consuming 10 ml of the product, is indicated.

Cost: from 122 rubles.

Linseed oil with selenium Biocor
  • the content of polyunsaturated acids and selenium is indicated;
  • 10 ml contains the daily intake of selenium and 150% of the omega-3 norm;
  • on the label there is a warning about possible intolerance and a recommendation to consult a specialist before the first use;
  • pleasant rich aroma and taste.
  • plastic container.


Radograd is a Russian company (Novosibirsk) producing vegetable oils, flour, gum candies and other natural products. The focus is on product quality, not quantity. For more than 10 years, the company has been producing various vegetable oils by cold pressing using only hydraulic presses, which has won the trust of customers. For its products, the company uses raw materials collected in ecologically clean areas. As for linen directly, flax grown in Altai is used for its manufacture. Products from flax seeds are available in two volumes: 100 and 250 ml. The first is in a light glass bottle and cardboard packaging, the second is in a dark glass bottle. Consider the first option

Radograd 100 ml

As mentioned, the product is packaged in 0.1 liter light glass bottles and packed in cardboard boxes.The box contains the maximum amount of useful information: the method of obtaining oil, its value, tips for use, storage rules, as well as the company's website, where you can find more detailed information.

Cost: from 105 rubles.

Radograd 100 ml linseed oil
  • reliable packaging with full information about the product and the method of its manufacture;
  • nice rich golden color;
  • mild taste with a slight bitterness without an unpleasant "technical" aftertaste.
  • not found.

Health Compass

"Compass Health" is a research and production association in Novosibirsk, the main activity of which is the production of healthy edible vegetable oils. The company has been operating since 1996, and since 2003 its main direction has been the enrichment of linseed oil with extracts of medicinal plants. Many varieties of linseed oil are produced under the Compass Health brand: Slavyanka Arina, Sibirskoe, Compass Health, Vologda, Linseed oil (in a glass bottle), etc. All are made by cold pressing and contain a large amount of useful substances. Container volume: from 200 to 500 ml. Almost all bottled in dark plastic bottles, only the last of these - in glass. Let's consider it in more detail.

Linseed oil 250 ml in glass

As indicated on the label, the product is obtained by cold pressing flax seeds. Unrefined. Pleasant golden color, taste with bitterness. The manufacturer recommends using it in combination with other foods (porridge, salad, bread), and not drinking it in its pure form, so as not to burden the pancreas and liver. Bottle volume: 250 ml.Contained in 100 g of the product: Omega-3 up to 57%, Omega-6 - up to 17%, vitamin E - 6.2 ml, selenium - 2.5 mg, chromium - 4.0 mg, magnesium - 292.0 mg.

Cost: from 180 rubles.

Health Compass Linseed Oil 250 ml
  • dark glass bottle;
  • high content of trace elements;
  • convenient volume;
  • the shelf life of a closed bottle is 10 months, after opening - 30 days.
  • not found.

The best manufacturers of flaxseed oil capsules

Now Foods

Capsules with linseed oil enriched with ligans (phytoestrogens) - organic particles. Recommended for use to compensate for the lack of Omega-z. Taking the drug helps to maintain the cardiovascular system, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. In a jar of 1000 mg - 120 soft capsules in a gelatin shell.

Cost: from 740 rubles.

Now Foods Flaxseed Oil Capsules
  • with regular use, the appearance of hair, the condition of the skin and nails is noticeably improved;
  • helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • the bottle is made of dense opaque plastic, which protects the capsules from sunlight.
  • large capsules are not easy for everyone to swallow;
  • cannot be taken by children;
  • There is not a word in Russian on the label.


Another well-known manufacturer of dietary supplements offers its customers linseed oil in capsules. The bottle contains only 1250 mg of the product or 250 capsules. This drug is recommended to strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve brain nutrition, strengthen immunity. The label contains information about the composition, the content of useful substances. Unfortunately, all information is in English.

Cost: from 2220 rubles.

Solgar flaxseed oil
  • dark glass bottle;
  • a noticeable positive effect from taking the drug: the overall tone increases, the body becomes more resilient;
  • improves the appearance of skin, hair, nails.
  • information on the label in English;
  • expensive.

21st Century Healthcare

An opaque plastic bottle contains 1000 ml of linseed oil, which is sealed in 120 gelatin capsules. The drug is rich in Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9, the content of which is indicated on the label (500, 123 and 126 mg, respectively).

Cost: from 1510 rubles.

21st Century Health Care flaxseed oil
  • helps maintain estrogen levels, which is necessary for the normal hormonal background of women;
  • high content of Omega-3-6-9 fatty acids;
  • contributes to the normalization of cholesterol levels.
  • like others, there is no information in Russian;
  • large capsules.

Flax seed oil is a valuable and useful product. Someone loves it for its aroma and tart taste with a slight bitter taste and adds it to food with pleasure, someone takes it in capsules as a dietary supplement in order to improve their health. If you decide to diversify your diet with this component of a healthy diet, first of all, consult with your doctor about the possibility of using it, because each organism is unique and requires an individual approach and dosage. By following all the rules and recommendations for the use of such a unique food product, you can not only improve yourself externally, but also make your body more resilient and strong.

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