Alloy wheels on any car look very nice. But this is not the main thing. Many performance characteristics depend on their quality. It is better to purchase these products from trusted brands, but you should not chase the high price. To make it easier for consumers to make a choice, the editors of the site "" ranked the best manufacturers of alloy wheels for "iron horses".
Many people call car rims forged. This term sounds wrong. All products are made from light alloys that undergo isothermal forging. However, the expression "forged wheels" has become part of everyday life.This phrase no longer surprises anyone.
The production technology came from the aviation industry. Of course, stamped steel counterparts are much cheaper. They can withstand large deformations. This product is repairable.
A bent disc can be straightened and made a balance. After that, the product can be used for a long time, but this product has a lot of weight. In aviation, it was abandoned. Aluminum models are much lighter, but with a strong impact there was a high probability of cracking the material. Hard landings were too dangerous, so the production began to be subjected to a lot of pressure inside the red-hot matrix. After such treatment, the crystal lattice of the metal began to become very dense. Technology has shown its best side. It began to be used in the production of individual parts of aircraft.
Many innovations came to motorsport from aviation. One of these know-hows were alloy wheels. On racing cars, wheels with a thin rim came in very handy. The strength of the disks has increased significantly. The technology allowed to reduce the inertia of the wheels. Much later, lightweight products began to be used in everyday life and became widespread throughout the world.
Currently, store shelves are bursting with alloy wheels of different models and manufacturers, but the quality of products must be carefully checked. To determine the wheels of which company is better, you should deal with manufacturers supplying their products to the market.
Alloy wheels have a beautiful appearance and high strength. They are often put on cars of the executive segment. They do not bypass sports cars, and are also distinguished by a high price. This product is considered the elite among its competitors.
However, forged wheels have one drawback. When a wheel hits a large hole, it transfers all the power of the impact to the suspension. The assembly can then be damaged, so a car with such wheels must have a shock-resistant suspension. It is desirable that the driver drives carefully.
In our country, a large number of products consisting of light alloys are produced, but there is one snag arising from the economic components. Products very often do not have a normal design. At present, only imported firms can boast of really beautiful products.
Products have been produced under this logo since 1992. The company is registered in Togliatti. Previously, she carried out orders for the needs of motor sports, but later the plant changed its profile and began to produce products for different categories of cars. The manufactured products turned out with a large assortment of different designs and sizes.
Initially, the manufacturer did not have its own foundry. The plant did the processing of pre-brought blanks.
KraMZ became the main supplier. This enterprise once served the space industry. Rolling large models requires a press with a capacity of 10 kilotons. The unit with less effort will not be able to push through the workpiece.
Currently, Slik is one of the few domestic companies that has withstood the competition and stands firmly on its feet.In this case, the sale of alloy wheels helps her well. The company produces products of various modifications. This includes models of budget sizes. It should be noted that many domestic manufacturers who built a business on forged products could not stand the competition. It turned out to be very difficult to keep reasonable prices, maintain product quality and production profitability.
This company is considered a young player in the market. Manufacturer MK-Design is engaged in the development and design of wheel ramps. If you believe the advertisement, the final grinding is done in Italian factories.
As a result, the manufacturer presents a wide range of forged products. Externally, the product is attractive, it has a beautiful design. However, the presence of all kinds of bells and whistles suggests that the products are intended for the premium segment. Most likely, due to this, the company is kept afloat. You can't see cheap goods in the company's catalog. The price starts from 4000 per unit. But everyone will be surprised by the amount of goods exported.
Beautiful design does not always win over practicality. If VSMPO products can be damaged exclusively by a directed explosion, then M&K products are suitable only for driving on a flat road.
This brand supplied its products to Marchesini back in 2011. This company specializes in tuning sports cars.She also made items for MotoGP paddocks. The company supplied the market with a wide range of various models (there were even 10x22 wheels).
The company has earned trust for a reason. All "raw" for the production of alloy wheels is manufactured at KraMZ, and this enterprise processes the aviation industry. A large number of firms involved in the manufacture of aircraft have contracts with KraMZ for the supply of components. The production uses an aluminum-magnesium component, so there is no doubt about the excellent quality of products. Discs are light weight. They neutralize loads in the most stressful places.
Unfortunately, the domestic market for alloy wheels is starting to shrink little by little. Such giants as VSMPO, SMK Aviation Technologies left it. The assortment of the manufacturer Megatek has decreased beyond recognition. Most likely, these trends are associated with the presence of a large number of competitors.
An Italian manufacturer with experience and history, who made his mark in motorsport in 1971, when he became recognized for his participation in F-1 competitions, and his products were used by WRC cars. This track record can serve as a good reference for products bearing the OZ brand name in a decorative cap.
The production process of OZ Racing products takes place in several stages: the first step is the casting of blanks using low pressure. The material is an alloy of aluminum and magnesium.Low pressure allows to cancel irregularities and microscopic pores. After the ebb, isothermal stamping is performed, and then heat strengthening. An interesting fact is the purchase of parts from the Krasnodar "KRAMZ". Their quality was evaluated by specialists from Italy, who put their mark on them.
Among the advantages of the brand is affordable cost: the products of this company have been supplied to leading sports teams for more than 3 decades and are a budget option in their segment. A good example is a set of Superleggera III discs, the purchase of which in the capital costs 60,000 rubles apiece for 1 disc. The cost of the "anniversary copy", the design reminiscent of the brand's first wheels, is 19 thousand rubles. Such an amount is not exorbitant, if you take into account the "surcharge for the brand."
The company is one of the pioneers in the manufacture of light alloy wheels. Her name is Enshu Keigokin, and her products are known under the brand name Enkei. The main advantage is an acceptable cost, especially if you take into account the quality control of the goods, both in Japan and in manufacturing in other Asian countries.
For those who, on principle, need products that are present in Formula 1 competitions, the brand has a series produced only in Japan using modern technological innovations and equipment. The cost of this line is more expensive compared to other products of the brand.
If we take into account forged wheels (the company also produces cast products), the Racing line is interesting. In the manufacture of products of this series, MAT technology is used (first, the blank is poured, then the rim is rolled out). To make products in this way, presses with high power are not needed. This allows you to keep the cost value within acceptable limits, while maintaining good product characteristics.
Manufacturer of auto disks from Japan. These products are adapted for use on cars of our country. In particular, this applies to tuning cars and sports cars.
The quality of these products is evidenced by the numerous positive reviews of their owners. The reviews say that for 1 year of operation, paint, color and no scratches remain on the discs. From a strong blow, other disks could have scattered, but the Japanese quality had its say - there was only a deformation of the rim.
This manufacturer from Germany needs no introduction.More than half a century of history of a small factory that has grown to a world level and is the official manufacturer of products for many companies such as Ferrari, Maserati and the famous Rolls Royce. The engineers of this company have developed products of a mixed type, in which the middle of the discs is made by casting, and the rim by forging. After applying this solution, other manufacturers began to copy it.
The best discs, without a doubt, are the BBS Forged Series, in the manufacture of which technological innovations were used. In the production process, the pressure acting on the workpieces reaches 8 ktonne. Due to this, the products are light in weight, have high strength characteristics and have a small inertial moment. These characteristics make attractive products made by forging. An example is the weight of an FI-D rim, which is 12x20 inches. It reaches 9.2 kg, similar to the modest weight of the smaller cast disc (18-inch products).
Good characteristics and a brand with a long history have also affected the cost of products. The original products of the BBS company at the cost of a set (4 wheels) will stay in memory for a long time, because the cost of such a set is almost equal to the cost of a car.
According to advertising, the trademark from America occupies a niche of manufacturers of car disks only of the Premium class.It is not difficult to choose products for a Lexus car among the range. Another thing is the Impreza STi. Difficulties may arise here. This price segment does not imply consideration of products purely from a practical point of view. Whatever the merits of these rims, the premium category requires the appropriate design, and only then withstand the long jumps of the car.
The Vissol Forged product range is of high quality, no question about it. But the design solutions and the brand name are reminiscent of a more eminent American neighbor - a manufacturer with the famous name Vossen. The costs of brand imitation also affect the premium price category. Many of those who read this material will consider the information curious, instead of the practical use of the article: a set of Vissol products (4 discs) will cost the buyer more than 100 thousand rubles.
Despite this, it can be stated with sarcasm that the Vissol trademark is the brainchild of the international group of companies YTG Group, which was previously called YarShinTorg.
When collecting information about the most popular products that are commercially available, made by forging, it was impossible to miss the nuance that domestic models cost less than imported ones. In addition to the cost, it should be noted their quality, which is not at all lower.
Products manufactured in our country are manufactured using the same technological processes as in companies located abroad. This is evidenced by the manifestation of interest in the products of foreign manufacturers.
The Russian market has its own conditions, so the survival of specific products is difficult here. Such examples are VSMPO, which stopped production 5 years ago. They left the QMS market, there was almost no Magaltek left. A new market niche is occupied by brands from abroad, which have Asian roots. Products are able to fill the gap, but its quality is not so high.