Rating of the best professional screwdrivers for 2025

Rating of the best professional screwdrivers for 2025

Today, almost any construction work involves the installation of fasteners. Twisting such elements in manual mode will require a lot of time and effort from a person. However, if you use a modern tool called a screwdriver, then such a process will be greatly simplified, and all the necessary operations will be performed better and faster. The only question that a person needs to solve is which unit to choose for this and what technical characteristics should it have? Since this article is more focused on considering the technical characteristics of professional devices, household models will be mentioned in it only for comparison.

Functions that a professional screwdriver should have

The unit used by real craftsmen in everyday work must be able to perform the following operations:

  • Twisting / unscrewing fasteners of various shapes.
  • Implementation of reinforced tightening of the anchor / dowel or tie-in of the self-tapping screw.
  • Drilling in both hard and soft materials.
  • Thread cutting.
  • Stirring various mixtures to a homogeneous degree.

In principle, it is possible to learn about the capabilities of a particular unit from the instructions, where the above capabilities can be directly indicated by the manufacturer, or it is allowed to draw conclusions about them based only on technical specifications.

The main characteristics of professional screwdrivers

Depending on the intended purpose, the units in question are divided into household and professional models.The latter are distinguished by the fact that they use more complex designs of mechanisms and components, which directly affects the operational life of the permanent use of the device. However, it is impossible to visually determine whether a particular model belongs to the category of professional ones, therefore, there are a number of parameters, based on which it is easy to make a completely confident choice. These include:

  • Torque force - it is measured in Newtons per meter and for professional samples this indicator should not be less than 30 Nm (with this indicator, it is already easy and without problems to unscrew the ancient fasteners or screw in an elongated self-tapping screw).
  • Voltage (or power) – for special purpose models, this parameter must be at least 400 W. And if we talk about battery samples, then the battery voltage should be 16 V or more.
  • Type of battery - of course, nickel-cadmium options are very cheap, but they have a memory effect (the battery must be completely discharged before recharging). Therefore, these batteries are installed in household screwdrivers, because they are not suitable for frequent use and their service life is short. Lithium-ion batteries are the choice of a true professional!
  • Battery capacity – this property shows the level of possible autonomy. If there is a source of electrical power (electric socket) at the place of work, then two batteries with a volume of 1.2-2 Ampere / hour will be able to ensure continuous operation throughout the day. If there is no way to recharge, then it is better to have two charged batteries with a capacity of 3 Amp / h or more in stock.
  • Equipped with a keyless chuck - often a specialist-master has to quickly alternate drilling of material and installation of fasteners.Therefore, if the cartridge has the function of accelerated clamping, then the drill master (as an independent tool) will not be needed at all. Yes, and carrying two different tools with you is a dubious pleasure.
  • Additional accessories - this should include the presence of backlighting (by means of an LED) - it greatly simplifies work in hard-to-reach places and in low light conditions. We should also mention the bit holder, thanks to which it is possible to quickly change a flat nozzle to a cross one, and then securely fasten a couple of self-tapping screws so that it is not difficult and quick to reach them when working in places with limited space.

IMPORTANT! Before purchasing an expert-level model, it is best to hold it yourself in your hands, as it may be too heavy, which will subsequently affect the quality of the work performed.

Technical parameters of screwdrivers of the level "master-professional-expert"

Professional builders who use professional screwdrivers in their daily activities often disagree on which technical parameter should necessarily belong to the “master-professional-expert” level. Therefore, they should be considered in more detail.

Problems of choosing between network and battery samples

Depending on the power source, the devices are divided into battery and mains. The latter receive power from the mains via an electric cable and are considered more efficient, since power is permanently maintained in them, i.e. there is no need for the operator to monitor the battery charge level. However, the radius of their actual use will naturally be limited by the length of the electrical cord and, in general, by the possibility of connecting to a 220 V network.It is also worth mentioning that they are powered by a voltage level with increased danger and carry additional fire risks in case of network overload. The same cannot be said about battery devices, because they are powered by low voltage.

At the same time, battery models are particularly mobile, they can be easily used in places where there is no mains power as a given or where you carry a bulky tool (and even constantly monitor the cord so that it does not get tangled) seems possible. Samples powered by rechargeable batteries are quite small in weight and relatively small in size, however, they are very expensive and can be discharged rather quickly. Therefore, such "expert" class units must have a reliable battery type and increased capacity.

Types of batteries

The type of battery determines the most important characteristic - this is the duration of the device. This also includes the requirement for a complete discharge of the battery, the duration of its re-charge, the number of possible charge / discharge cycles, and the cost of the screwdriver itself.

The following types of batteries are used in modern devices:

  • Li-ion - they hold a charge for quite a long time, recharge quickly enough, do not require complete discharge. Today, this type of battery is considered the most effective for electrical installation and construction operations, however, its main disadvantage can be called an extremely high cost. Hence the conclusion follows - such an energy cell is suitable only for serious daily work, and for single operations, which characterize household samples, it is not economically viable.
  • Lithium polymer - such energy cells have the largest charge capacity among the "pro options", but often have a short service life. The whole reason is the need to maintain a high charge in the tank for a long time.
  • Nickel-cadmium - they are distinguished by the longest operational period (about 5 years, unlike those described above, for which it is about 3 years). In addition, these batteries are characterized by a very affordable price. Of their minuses, a long recharging period can be noted.
  • Nickel metal hydride - they have proven themselves as batteries with a good capacity, in which the cell itself has a relatively small mass. Accordingly, a device equipped with such an energy cell will weigh a little by itself, which will add comfort when working with it.

From all of the above, we can draw a definite conclusion that in models of the “pro” level it is better to use lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries.

Engine types

According to the type of motor used, the units in question are divided into brush (collector) and brushless (inverter).

Masters in the field of construction almost unanimously agree that it is preferable to use inverter models for serious work. There are several reasons for this:

  • They can easily adjust the speed of the drill, while the frequency adjustment range is large enough.
  • They perfectly tolerate short-term overloads.
  • Their efficiency is 30 percent higher than the brush version.
  • They have a longer service life.
  • They do not have the effect of sparking, so it is possible to work with them in fire hazardous environments.
  • They have an equivalent rotation speed in both directions, and the engine speed does not decrease even when the cartridge itself is pressed.

And yet they have a significant drawback - this is an extremely high price, therefore, such models are recommended only for professional activities, where the issue of saving battery charge and the absence of a decrease in performance during prolonged use will be relevant. Again, for domestic purposes, the acquisition of such a system will become economically impractical.

Productive capacity

The power level for a given building tool will directly determine its ability to drill various holes, tighten self-tapping screws, or disassemble mounted structures. By itself, the power of the screwdriver motor is the sum of the voltage value multiplied by the current value in the winding. For devices powered by the mains, the voltage is known by definition - it is 220 V. These units can perform almost any job.

Regarding battery options, they are designed for 3-6-10-15-18-36 Volts of voltage. Thus, the higher the voltage is selected, the more power the screwdriver will have.


As mentioned above, this parameter is measured in Newtons per meter. Thus, based on the magnitude of the torque, the device will be able to drill through a wood base, thin metal, or simply tighten loose fasteners. Professional samples must have the above figure of at least 130 Nm. However, a much more efficient option would be to work with a device that has a special handle for self-adjusting the torque.

Number of speeds and rotation speed

When selecting the rotation speed, it is necessary to focus on the following indicators:

  • 400-800 rpm - unscrewing screws and nothing more.
  • 800-1300 rpm - there is the possibility of drilling holes.
  • 1500-3000 rpm - a wide range of finishing works, the ability to work not only as a drill, but even as a puncher.

Types of cartridges

There are three types in total:

  • Keyless - in them you can quickly change bits, while ensuring their reliable fixation.
  • Key - have an impact mode, which allows you to securely fix the working part of the screwdriver in the chuck.
  • Hexagonal - are also characterized by the speed of changing the working part, but the reliability of fastening in the cartridge leaves much to be desired (practically not used in devices of the “pro” level).

Operating modes

Naturally, the main modes of operation for the unit in question is unscrewing / tightening fasteners. However, professional samples may have additional options:

  • Pulse mode - suitable for a sharp breakdown from the place of fastening of a dense installed or rusted screw.
  • Shock - with its help, small finishing operations are carried out as a replacement for the perforator, however, such a replacement does not fully pass. Most often, the mode is used for screwing self-tapping screws into high-density materials.
  • Drill Mode - designed to create holes of various diameters and depths, which will depend on the diameter and length of the drill.

Equipment with reverse

The presence of the reverse function on the device will allow you to rotate the screwdriver in the opposite direction. This function is necessary when working with variable thread directions and in cases where normal rotation is not effective. The reverse will also allow you to loosen / unscrew the already twisted fasteners.Such a function will be extremely useful when assembling / disassembling furniture, various large-sized appliances, etc.

Design, comfort and ergonomics

Professionals advise holding the tool you like in your hands before buying - its handle should be comfortably placed in the palm of your hand. This is especially important in relation to professional samples, because when working with an uncomfortable handle for a long time, you can easily burn your palms. You also need to pay attention to the balance - if you do not intend to use the tool with one hand, then it is desirable for such a device to have an elongated "forearm". In order to increase ergonomics, the handle can have rubberized pads, so it will slip less when working.

Brands of popular manufacturers

Today's market has many manufacturers of screwdrivers. But there are separate brands that can be trusted even without any reservations. These include:

  1. Bosch is a world-famous brand from Germany that has been producing high-quality electrical equipment and construction tools for over 70 years. This brand is slightly overpriced, but the quality provided is worth it. It is worth noting that this company was the first to introduce color differentiation of its devices - blue models mean the “pro” level segment, green models mean the household level.
  2. Makita - a well-established model from the Japanese archipelago. Their products are characterized by ergonomic properties and small dimensions. Moreover, this applies to both household and expert samples of tools.
  3. Dewalt - This manufacturer comes from North America (USA). Its products are distinguished by increased power, extended reliability, improved safety during operation.This brand does not shy away from equipping its units with additional features. So, almost any of their products is equipped with rubber handles, LED lighting, quick-release chucks. And this applies not only to expensive samples.
  4. "Black & Decker" - Another representative of the North American continent (USA). You can literally characterize their products in one sentence: "the highest quality products from the inexpensive segment."
  5. "Hyundai" - a separate division of the Asian auto giant appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, but already boasts first-class goods. “Pros” and household appliances are quite easy to distinguish between them - they are labeled “Expert” and “Home”, respectively.
  6. "Interskol" - local manufacturer. It can be said about him that at very, very affordable prices, he produces goods very little different from foreign high-quality analogues.
  7. "Bison" - another Russian representative. It is considered the best option in terms of price-quality ratio. The product line has the following markings: "Master" - home use, "Pro" - professional activity, "Expert" - works of a narrow profile.

Rating of the best professional screwdrivers for 2025

Battery type

4th place: Bosch GSR 180-LI 2.0

The sample is equipped with many additional options, its handle is made using ergonomic technology, which does not allow the hand to tire quickly during operation. Differs in high-quality assembly, overheats minimally. The set includes a convenient carrying case.

Producing countryGermany
Weight, kg1.6
Battery capacity, amp/hour2
Rotation speed, rpm1700
Price, rub8600
Bosch GSR 180-LI 2.0
  • Chuck with quick clamp;
  • Two batteries included;
  • Additional options.
  • Loud noise during operation.

3rd place: DeWalt DCD791NT

Very comfortable model for everyday work. The handle is completely covered with rubber, not one-time inserts. This sample is distinguished by an extra long service life. Equipped with an extremely efficient brushless motor. Of the additional accessories, it is worth talking about a convenient magnetic holder, where a small number of self-tapping screws / screws are perfectly attached.

Producing countryUSA
Weight, kg1.5
Battery capacity, amp/hour1.8
Rotation speed, rpm2000
Price, rub11500
DeWalt DCD791NT
  • Light weight;
  • Ergonomic design;
  • Speed ​​variability.
  • Batteries are purchased separately.

2nd place: Metabo BS 18 L

A reliable device designed specifically for professional experts. The rotation speed can be adjusted by pressing the trigger hard, the body has a step switch. It is convenient for long-term work on outstretched arms due to its ultra-light weight. The design includes a motor brake in its inverter variation.

Producing countryChina
Weight, kg1.2
Battery capacity, amp/hour1.8
Rotation speed, rpm1850
Price, rub9400
Metabo BS 18 L
  • Speed ​​control in steps;
  • A light weight;
  • Availability of LED lighting.
  • Over time, a backlash forms in the cartridge.

1st place: Makita DHP481Z

Full-weight screwdriver, specially oriented to work of increased complexity. The handle has an increased length, which gives additional comfort when drilling hard materials.The chuck is installed with a quick-clamping, allows you to integrate drills on a cylindrical shank. There are many additional features.

Producing countryJapan
Weight, kg2.7
Battery capacity, amp/hour1.8
Rotation speed, rpm2100
Price, rub15000
Makita DHP481Z
  • Rigidity of screwing;
  • Electronic motor brake;
  • Own lighting.
  • Big weight.

network type

4th place: Makita FS6300

Extremely comfortable model, with all its power having a low weight. The back side of the handle is covered with special rubber inserts that provide a comfortable grip. It has a hexagonal chuck and LED backlight. Designed for use in hard-to-reach places and for furniture assembly.

Producing countryJapan
Weight, kg1.4
Wire length, m4
Rotation speed, rpm6000
Price, rub8100
Makita FS6300
  • The presence of a limiter for adjusting the screwing depth;
  • Magnetic holder on the case;
  • Convenient design.
  • To change the brush, a complete disassembly is required.

3rd place: Hanskonner HID2145P

The screwdriver is equipped with a hardness adjustment in 23 steps, fasteners are screwed in at a rate of 45 Nm. Perfect for drywall installation and for drilling thin metal. The brushes are easily replaceable with special maintenance keys. The design has a special comfortable T-shaped model.

Producing countryGermany
Weight, kg1.9
Wire length, m4
Rotation speed, rpm1500
Price, rub4500
Hanskonner HID2145P
  • Quick change of brushes;
  • Spare brushes included;
  • Convenient design.
  • The service life of the brushes themselves is relatively small.

2nd place: Makita DF0300

This unit uses the latest innovative technologies of the country of the Rising Sun: economical power consumption, rotation adjustment occurs both smoothly and stepwise, with prolonged drilling it is possible to block the start key. A keyless chuck is installed, the unit itself can be used as a drill.

Producing countryJapan
Weight, kg1.2
Wire length, m2.5
Rotation speed, rpm1500
Price, rub5000
Makita DF0300
  • Light weight;
  • Versatility;
  • Good equipment.
  • Very short power cord.

1st place: Zubr DSh-M1

The Russian representative of the “expert-master” segment is positioned completely as a drill driver and is suitable for frequent use. Works great with delicate materials, does not expose their surface to excessive destruction. The best representative of the domestic market in the price-quality ratio class.

Producing countryRussia
Weight, kg1.24
Wire length, m3
Rotation speed, rpm2500
Price, rub3000
Zubr DSh-M1
  • Variability of speed control;
  • Belt fastening in the form of a clip;
  • Spot LED lighting.
  • There is no hit mode.

Instead of an epilogue

Based on the facts presented in this article, we can conclude that choosing a professional screwdriver is not so difficult. The most important thing is to decide for which front of work you need a tool. And then, it is already possible to choose a tool to your liking, based on functionality, quality and comfort.You need to do the same with other characteristics: type of power supply, power-voltage and battery type, torque, cartridge and manufacturer. You just have to pay attention to all the little things!

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