
  1. General information and principle of operation
  2. Device
  3. Varieties
  4. Advantages of equipment with recuperation
  5. Criterias of choice
  6. Where could I buy
  7. The best air handling units with heat recovery

Rating of the best air handling units with heat recovery for 2025

Rating of the best air handling units with heat recovery for 2025

In the cold season, ventilation of the premises is a serious problem due to the significant temperature difference between the air inside and outside. The cold stream rushing down creates an unfavorable microclimate in production, in offices, residential apartments and houses, and also creates an unacceptable vertical temperature gradient in warehouses.

A common solution is to include in the supply ventilation a device for heating the incoming flow, the operation of which requires significant energy consumption. However, when using the technology of transferring heat to the incoming air from the outgoing air using a special device called a heat exchanger, electricity consumption can be significantly reduced. In the summer season, when the outside temperature is significantly higher than the room temperature, it effectively cools the incoming flow.

General information and principle of operation

A heat exchanger is a device for ventilation of a room that uses the heat of the outgoing air for continuous heat exchange through the dividing surface with the incoming flow.

The technology ensures the preservation and return of "internal" heat, which is designed to be blown out into the street at the same time as the hood. In the process of constant circulation, the flows move in two directions. The exhausted warm air is removed from the room through the heat exchanger, and the incoming cold stream is heated and disinfected due to heat exchange. At the same time, the temperature regime can be adjusted if it is possible to maintain not only heat, but also coolness.

Main steps:

  • air collection;
  • feeding it with a fan into the system;
  • passing through the recuperator;
  • exhaust and removal outside the ventilated room;
  • intake of outside air with passing through the heat exchanger;
  • partial transfer of heat from the exhaust to the incoming flow.


The design of the ventilation unit with recuperation is quite simple and includes:

  • housing made of sheet steel, aluminum profile and sandwich panels. Equipped with sound insulation, heat insulation and vibration protection;
  • air ducts with valves and dampers for flow distribution;
  • output and input gratings;
  • fan for exhaust and supply;
  • filter system to prevent the ingress of foreign objects, dirt and dust;
  • recovery unit;
  • electronic control unit;
  • additional systems for humidification, ionization, CO2 sensors, cold plasma generator.


Various variants of constructive solutions for heat exchange between cold and heated air are produced with distinctive features that determine their main purpose.


Operates on the basis of the rotational element of the heat exchanger. Inside the structure there are several layers of corrugated metal with a high heat capacity. When extracting, heat is accumulated with transfer to the flow from the street. The change in heat transfer power is set by the number of revolutions.

Types of rotary units:

  • hygroscopic (enthalpy) with absorbing (sorbing) coating capabilities capable of utilizing condensate and latent heat;
  • sorption based on an innovative material - silica gel, with good moisture-absorbing properties;
  • condensing with an aluminum rotor that transfers only heat;
  • with an epoxy layer to protect against the effects of chemical elements or salts in chemical production, in the pool, etc.;
  • with antibacterial coating.

  • maintaining a comfortable level of humidity;
  • immunity to frost without the need for defrosting with condensate removal;
  • low energy consumption;
  • full automation of the process;
  • high efficiency up to 87%.
  • more complex design with constant maintenance of the electric motor, drum and drive;
  • the possibility of mixing streams;
  • the need to connect to a power source;
  • increased noise level;
  • the need for constant monitoring of the condition of the filters.

It is usually used in ventilation systems of enterprises, in shopping centers and boiler rooms. It has not been widely used in cottages and country houses.


The heat exchanger is based on thin-walled panels with curved edges and joints sealed with polyester resin. The sequence of passing air flows is provided by certain bending angles. For the manufacture of plates are used:

  • aluminum alloys, copper or brass with good thermal conductivity and anti-corrosion properties;
  • polymer plastics with low weight, high thermal conductivity and moisture resistance;
  • cellulose.

  • small dimensions and weight;
  • high reliability;
  • long service life;
  • good maintainability;
  • simple maintenance;
  • small price.
  • possible formation of condensate with the risk of ice formation between the plates during frost.

As a rule, it is installed in office and residential premises, as well as in some technological processes.


It is a type of plate device that uses built-in plates (membranes) made of a special polymer material.

  • transfer of moisture from exhaust air to supply air;
  • preventing the formation of condensate;
  • preventing the formation of ice.

Vapor compression

The heat transfer in the low-boiling refrigerant is carried out by a heat pump integrated in the ventilation equipment. Finned heat exchangers connected by a freon line to the compressor are placed in the supply and exhaust ducts. In this case, additional electricity costs are not required, but it only works for heating at large temperature differences.

  • ability to extract latent heat.
  • low efficiency;
  • large dimensions;
  • the need for an additional pump;
  • increased noise;
  • high price.


The flows meet in a common chamber separated by a damper. Over time, one half of the chamber heats up, the adjusting element unfolds, and the direction of flow changes. Then the process is repeated. Equipment efficiency reaches 80%.

  • small dimensions;
  • simple design;
  • long service life.
  • the possibility of mixing streams;
  • contamination of the incoming air;
  • transmission of external odors.

Advantages of equipment with recuperation

  1. High efficiency associated with a significant reduction in costs for ventilation, air conditioning and heating of the facility.
  2. High-quality heating of the incoming flow in cold weather.
  3. Affordable price, which is not much more than classic ventilation equipment.
  4. Transferring moisture to the supply airflow to maintain a comfortable humidity level.
  5. Convenient control that can be performed remotely using mobile devices or a computer.
  6. High degree of electrical protection with automatic shutdown in case of power surges, work blockages, overheating of devices and phase loss.
  7. Low noise level thanks to special devices made of materials that are resistant to vibration and suppress the noise of running fans.
  8. Long service life.

Criterias of choice

In order to avoid mistakes when choosing, you should pay attention to the recommendations and advice of specialists, including:

  1. The presence of an additional source of heating to protect against freezing and maintain efficiency in the cold season. As a rule, up to -10⁰С the equipment works stably, but failures are possible in severe frosts.
  2. Casing thickness and frame material with cold bridges, which must withstand drops in outside temperature without additional insulation.
  3. Weight and dimensions must correspond to the installation room.
  4. Accounting for the free pressure of the fan, corresponding to the volume of the ventilated room.
  5. Equipment with automation systems and the ability to connect additional options, which, with an increase in comfort during the operation of the equipment, reduce costs.
  6. The volume of air entering the room in one hour is taken as the main design parameter of productivity. According to sanitary standards, the value should correspond to one multiple of the total volume of the served premises (kitchen, bedroom, living room) or 60 sq. for an adult.
  7. The pressure of the fan should ensure that the entire ventilation system of the house is pumped.
  8. The noise level cannot disturb the comfort of staying in the room and depends on the material of manufacture and thickness of the case, fan power and other parameters.

Thus, when choosing a supply and exhaust system with recuperation, it should be considered as a climatic complex for maintaining air flow, temperature and humidity in a given mode.At the same time, equipping with additional heaters, coolers, humidifiers and other dehumidifiers becomes an objective necessity. All this should minimize human participation in the management process and improve the quality of the microclimate in the room.

Where could I buy

Popular models of various types can be found in branded departments of stores offering ventilation equipment. The device can be checked and viewed, and the sellers will give valuable recommendations and advice: how the product differs from each other, which company is better to buy, how to choose and how much it costs.

In the absence of a normal choice at the place of residence, a suitable unit can be ordered online from the online store of the manufacturer or dealer of ventilation equipment. There are various models with photos, technical specifications, as well as customer reviews.

Offers of air handling units in Moscow:

  • with a plate heat exchanger at a price of 1,790 rubles (MMotors 4) to 4,424,800 rubles (Breezart 16000 Pool Pro);
  • membrane type - from 131,566 rubles. (Blauberg FRESHBOX 100 ERV) up to 242,000 (Blauberg KOMFORT EC SB 350-E S21);
  • rotary type - from 132,000 rubles (GlobalVent Climate-R300) to 2,744,300 rubles. (Shuft UniMAX-R 6800SE EC).

The best air handling units with heat recovery

The rating of high-quality models was developed according to the opinions of buyers who left reviews in online stores. Popularity is due to the parameters of the units, functionality, reliability, service life and price.

The review presents ratings among plate and rotary types of air handling units with recuperation.

TOP-4 of the best air handling units of lamellar type

Electrolux EPVS-1100

Brand - Electrolux (Sweden).
Producing countries - China, Latvia.

Monoblock unit for removing exhaust air from the room and supplying fresh air to it. Easily and simply mounted in the free space between the false ceiling or false wall. Low noise level and prevention of vibration are achieved by laying outside and inside insulating layers. Efficiency is increased by equipping the structure with internal elements made of expanded polystyrene, compactly placed inside the case.

Warranty period - 24 months. The price is from 110,800 rubles.

Electrolux EPVS-1100
  • high efficiency with efficiency up to 90%;
  • internal and external insulation;
  • low noise level;
  • two-speed fans equipped with bearings;
  • the hexagonal shape of the heat exchanger increases the working area by 30%;
  • automation system;
  • hidden installation;
  • the ability to set different modes using a timer;
  • frost protection;
  • simple control via remote control.
  • high price;
  • no heater included.

Overview of EPVS-1100:

Mitsubishi Electric Lossnay VL-50SR2-E

Brand - Mitsubishi Electric (Japan).
Country of origin - Japan.

A simple model for maintaining a comfortable and healthy microclimate in a small living space at any time of the year. In winter, the inflow is heated and moistened by a warm exhaust, and in summer, on the contrary, the inflow is partially dried and cooled. It is possible to switch on a low or high flow rate. With the help of the built-in damper, it is possible to block the supply / exhaust channels in severe frosts. Placed vertically or horizontally on the wall. The exhaust filter is easy to clean with a vacuum cleaner and wipe with a damp cloth.

Warranty - 3 years. The average price is 30,990 rubles.

Mitsubishi Electric Lossnay VL-50SR2-E
  • extract and inflow through one hole in the wall with a diameter of 12 cm;
  • balanced and adjustable flow;
  • simple control via remote control;
  • fast installation;
  • saving electricity;
  • great price.
  • users pay attention to the noise at full power.

Video review Lossnay VL-50:

Shuft UniMAX-P 1500SW-A

Brand - Shuft (Denmark).
The country of origin is China.

Compact unit for ventilation in medium-sized administrative or residential premises. It has an ergonomic design with the placement of components in a steel case with a thick layer of insulation. Depending on the model, the branch pipe can be on the left or on the right, and the heater can be water or electric.

The price is from 241,770 rubles.

Shuft UniMAX-P 1500SW-A
  • economy of electricity consumption;
  • high efficiency;
  • easy installation on the floor or wall;
  • drainage route for condensate removal;
  • connection of a water or electric heater;
  • frost protection;
  • low noise fan;
  • reliable thermal protection;
  • fine filters for supply and exhaust with replacement every six months;
  • remote control.
  • the inconvenience of condensate drainage is noted.

Unimax installation overview:

Royal Clima Soffio RCS 950 2.0

Brand - Royal Clima (Italy).
The country of origin is China.

A compact model with built-in automation for efficient ventilation of rooms, placed on a wall or in a false ceiling. The special membrane structure allows, along with heat exchange, to transfer moisture to prevent the formation of condensate. Equipped with an intelligent control system.The unit is able to operate with supply air with a temperature of up to -20⁰С without the use of a heater due to heating from the exhaust heat, when the heater is connected - up to -28⁰С. During operation, two-stage frost protection is provided. There are reusable built-in filters with the possibility of cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. Equipment management is very simple due to the full automation of the system. In addition, a timer is provided.

The warranty period is 1 year. The price is from 70,615 rubles.

Royal Clima Soffio RCS 950 2.0
  • high profitability;
  • successful solution of the problem of condensate drainage;
  • intelligent control system;
  • wired remote control;
  • two-level timer;
  • fan with three speeds;
  • independent speed control of exhaust and supply fans;
  • the ability to work in extended ventilation networks;
  • long service life due to "summer bypass";
  • the possibility of mounting in a vertical position;
  • compact dimensions.
  • not detected.

Video review of the Royal Clima SOFFIO RCS 950 2.0 unit:

comparison table

 Electrolux EPVS-1100Mitsubishi Electric Lossnay VL-50SR2-EShuft UniMAX-P 1500SW-ARoyal Clima Soffio RCS 950 2.0
Air exchange, cub. m/hourup to 110015 - 51up to 1500613 - 950
Voltage, V220220220220
Power consumption, kW0.320.0190.560.23
Connected air duct, mmround, 250round, 100, 120round, 315round, 200
Mountingsuspensionsuspensionfloor, suspendedsuspension
Sensorstemperaturetemperaturehumidity, temperaturetemperature
Remote controlYesYesYesYes
Noise level, dB3614 - 36,55531
Dimensions (WxHxD), mm995x395x1485522x168x245645x975x1500960x270x962
Weight, kg66.56.215443

TOP-4 best air handling units of rotary type

Lessar LV-RACU 400VER

Brand - Lessar (China).
Producing countries - China, Lithuania, Czech Republic.

Model with a rotary heat exchanger for use in supply ventilation systems of administrative, industrial or public buildings. In the process of work, cleaning, heating and supply of fresh air to the premises, as well as the exhaust of the exhaust air takes place. The heating of the inlet flow is carried out by using the heat removed. It is equipped with low-noise and efficient German fans with EC electrically commutated motors and energy costs reduced by 60%. Restart thermal contacts are built into the motor windings. The heat transfer efficiency of a Swedish-made rotary heat exchanger reaches 75%. Adjustment is carried out using multifunctional push-button and touch panels. The main insulating material is mineral wool 5 cm thick.

Warranty period - 3 years. The price is from 203,869 rubles.

Lessar LV-RACU 400VER
  • high performance and efficiency;
  • low noise level;
  • robust housing made of galvanized steel;
  • reliable closing of the service door with special handles;
  • long service life;
  • convenient service.
  • not identified.

Breezart 2700 Aqua RR

Brand - Breezart (Russia).
Country of origin - Russia.

A high-tech model of ventilation equipment from a domestic manufacturer, equipped with a rotary heat exchanger. The insulation of the compact housing protects against heat loss and noise. Comfort of operation is provided by digital automatic equipment.

Price - from 1,044,200 rubles.

Breezart 2700 Aqua RR
  • rotary heat exchanger;
  • the use of coarse filters G4 on the supply and exhaust;
  • valves for supply and exhaust;
  • built-in automation;
  • monitoring the condition of the air filter;
  • control panel with monitor;
  • connection to the "smart home" system;
  • the possibility of remote control via smartphone or computer;
  • inclusion of weekly work scenarios;
  • "Restart" and "Comfort" functions;
  • durable housing with heat and sound insulation.
  • high price.

Systemair Topvex SR06 L-CAV

Brand - Systemair (Sweden).
The country of origin is China.

A highly efficient unit for organizing comfortable air exchange and creating the desired climatic conditions with minimal energy consumption in medium and large rooms, country houses and cottages. A well-thought-out design provides reliable protection of the case with high-quality components placed inside.

The price is from 1,424,717 rubles.

Systemair Topvex SR06 L-CAV
  • small power consumption;
  • equipment with energy-saving electric motors;
  • high efficiency of the rotary heat exchanger;
  • without the need for condensate drainage;
  • operation in summer mode;
  • maintaining a constant pressure or air flow in the system;
  • easy access through large doors;
  • built-in automation system with programmable control.
  • high price.

Systemair recovery system:

Blauberg Comfort Roto EC LE1000-4.5

Brand - Blauberg (Germany).
The country of origin is China.

An advanced novelty model with an electric heater of a well-known German brand to create an efficient ventilation system in office, commercial or other industrial and public places. Contributes to a significant reduction in heat loss due to heat recovery. It creates the necessary comfortable microclimate due to the high-quality regulation of air exchange.The built-in heater provides operation at strong frosts.

The average price is 457,000 rubles.

Blauberg Comfort Roto EC LE1000-4.5
  • high work efficiency and efficiency;
  • small power consumption;
  • electronic control;
  • low noise level;
  • minimal heat loss;
  • accident alarm;
  • speed control and fan settings;
  • filter status indication
  • high protection class.
  • not detected.

Installation of the Blauberg Comfort Roto EC:

comparison table

 Lessar LV-RACU 400VERBreezart 2700 Aqua RRSystemair Topvex SR06 L-CAVBlauberg Comfort Roto EC S2E 400S
Air exchange, cub. m/hourup to 500up to 2700828 - 2808180 - 440
Static pressure, Paup to 500up to 1010140 - 990150 - 1050
Heater typeelectricwaterelectricelectric
Fan power, kW0.191.10.890.2
Voltage, V220220380220
Power consumption, kW1.581.11.781.6
coarse cleaning (inflow)-G4 (EU4)-G4 (EU4)
fine cleaning (inflow)F5 (EU5)-F7 (EU7)F7 (EU7)
fine cleaning (hood)F5 (EU5)-F5 (EU5)-
coarse cleaning (hood)-G4 (EU4)-G4 (EU4)
Air duct, mmround, 160rectangular 600x300 mmrectangular 600x300 mmround, 160
Locationvertical installationhorizontal installationhorizontal installationvertical installation
Mountingfloor, suspendedfloorfloorfloor
Remote controlYesYesYesNo
Noise level, dB6141-706333
Dimensions (WxHxD), mm900x920x553999x1201x24931000x1228x1660528x755x740
Weight, kg7925327782

Thus, industrial and domestic ventilation systems with built-in heat exchangers have demonstrated energy efficiency in preserving heat inside the premises. Now on the market there are many offers of such units of serial models or custom-made. In addition, you can calculate the necessary parameters and carry out the installation yourself.

DIY rotary heat exchanger:

Enjoy the shopping. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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