
  1. How to choose
  2. What about efficiency
  3. Where to order
  4. Rating of the best additives for automatic transmission for 2025

Rating of the best additives for automatic transmission for 2025

Rating of the best additives for automatic transmission for 2025

Disputes about the effectiveness of additives have been going on for a long time, probably since the advent of special compounds to extend the life of automatic transmissions. Some argue that no liquids can replace a scheduled inspection and timely replacement of damaged elements. Others say that they constantly use additives and save a lot on repairs.

Be that as it may, but since brands bring new products to the market with improved formulas, it means that there is still a demand for them (and benefits, respectively).

How to choose

If, without exaggeration, a great variety of additives are sold for mechanical gearboxes, then there are not so many compositions for automatic transmissions. The reason is the principle of the transmission.Types, physical and chemical properties of compositions for such aggregates are strictly regulated. For example, additives that change the frictional properties of the transmission fluid are prohibited.

Everything is simple here - if you increase the coefficient of friction, there will be noticeable jerks during the operation of the car, if you lower it, then the car simply will not start due to slipping of the friction discs (they perform the clutch function).
Therefore, the choice of formulations for pouring into a box should, firstly, pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations, and secondly, strictly follow the instructions for use and dosage, as well as:


It is better to choose proven, well-known. An incomprehensible liquid with Chinese characters on the packaging can not only extend the resource, but reduce it significantly. Plus, well-known brands give the most detailed instructions - how to calculate the amount of the composition, how often to fill it, under what conditions.

Method of use and frequency of use

Standard - after a scheduled oil change, with a heated unit. Some brands complicate the task - to achieve the promised effect, you will have to shift gears, press the gas brake.

Typically, manufacturers recommend adding additives:

  • at every scheduled oil change;
  • every three replacements;
  • once - these are the so-called revitalizants, which form a protective layer on the metal surface, filling small voids, shells.

The effectiveness of the first, second, third is approximately the same. The difference is only in price.


It is difficult to find the full composition, either on the packaging itself or on the manufacturer's website. The maximum information that companies indicate is the base synthetic oil, its class and some mysterious components.And no, it's not that brands are cheating by selling something completely useless. It's a trade secret.

But you can still understand how effective the additive will be. If there is a mention of high molecular weight polymers on the package, then the liquid will prevent dry friction due to the formation of a temporary thin film on the parts. It's kind of like a metal conditioner.

If the bottle contains organo-metallic compounds, ceramics, esters, then this is a revitalizant that can partially restore damage to the surface of the box elements. Or even restore the correct geometry of the same gears. Both types of additives do not dissolve in the oil, but are partially washed out with each oil change, which, of course, reduces protection (hence the recommendation to fill in additives with new oil).


You can read, but make a choice based only on them - no. After all, car owners usually do not indicate either the make of the car or the degree of wear of the automatic transmission. Therefore, the standard "did not see the effect" does not mean anything.
Plus, the maximum effect of use is usually achieved not immediately, but after 40-50 hours of car operation.

What about efficiency

It should be said right away that worn out units by 70-90 percent cannot be restored by chemical compositions. There were cases that it was the additive that finished off the transmission. Therefore, the owner of heavily used cars should consider all the pros and cons.

The second point, partially confirming the uselessness of additives, is that when passing a scheduled maintenance in a dealer service, the craftsmen categorically refuse to fill in something other than the oil recommended by the car manufacturer. Or they fill it, but with the proviso that the guarantee is cancelled.

Now to the pluses - when using high-quality oils, adding additives to automatic transmissions (with moderate wear) can really extend the service life and reduce noise. This effect is achieved by reducing friction and removing debris, such as waste products, seal residues.

As for the reduction of shocks, kicks, the smoothness of gear shifting is ensured by a decrease in gaps. Partial restoration of damaged surfaces, and, as a result, normalization of pressure, reduction of oil temperature under extreme loads.

Where to order

Better on the websites of manufacturers or large marketplaces. In the first case, the risk of buying a fake is completely excluded, in the second - much less than if you buy in small car dealerships.

Now to the question of how to distinguish a fake from the original:

  1. Suprotec - packaging with silver embossing (it's expensive to fake, so no one will do it), branded printing on the lid of the jar. Well, the contents of the vial with a gray-green sediment.
  2. Liquid Moli - there are no branded identification marks, the quality of the packaging can also be different (it is reused), so it is better to buy additives in stores that are official dealers of the company. A complete list, with contacts, website addresses, is listed at
  3. RVS - the same situation as with the previous option. No embossing, holograms or other distinctive signs. In order not to run into a fake, it’s easier to buy on the official website, at points of sale or through NM (just check the seller in advance). If you are going to order on the manufacturer's resource, then the cost of delivery will be 365 rubles.

In general, if you don’t want to waste money, you should check the seller in advance, request certificates and, of course, do not take the goods at a clearly underestimated cost at times. Savings in this case can result in significant expenses for repairs.

Rating of the best additives for automatic transmission for 2025


Suprotec Active Regular

Designed to extend the resource, restore the operating parameters of automatic transmissions, variators. Eliminates jerks when shifting gears, helps to restore the operation of oil pumps.
Recommended for use after every oil change. Safe, does not change the composition of the oil. It can be used for any transport, from cars, trucks, to passenger buses and construction equipment.
Reviews are mostly good. True, some users noted that they did not notice any special effect.

Price - 1765 rubles per package (80 ml bottle).

Suprotec Active Regular
  • trusted brand;
  • efficiency - judging by the reviews, most car owners noticed the difference "before" and "after" the application;
  • safety.
  • price.


From the Russian manufacturer - the Motor Resurs group of companies. The composition includes organometallics (compounds whose molecules include metal and hydrogen atoms), just organics, ceramics and modifiers.
Promises are standard - extending the life of the unit by half, protection, elimination of kicks and restoration of pressure in the hydraulic system. But the description of the work of the additive is much more interesting, according to the manufacturer, the composition, getting into the friction zone, first cleans the surfaces from carbon deposits.After alloying, and ceramic components fill the damage, protect against abrasion. With regular use (again, according to the brand's promises), a "self-regulating" living "system" is formed, in which the processes of converting kinetic energy into potential energy (and vice versa) are supplemented by mass transfer.

One bottle is designed for automatic transmission of a car, for SUVs you will have to take 2 packs. Of the features - a sophisticated instruction with gear shifting, holding each for 15 seconds. The switching cycle must be repeated 3 times and only after that you can operate the car in normal mode.
Reviews are different. Someone notes that the miracle from the application did not happen, the kicks, as they were, have remained. But on the other hand, the manufacturer does not recommend using the composition instead of repair and regular inspection with the elimination of the causes of incorrect operation of the unit.

Price - 1817 rubles per 100 ml.

RESTART additive
  • a detailed description of how the composition works, and not just a listing of the effects of the application;
  • price - it costs like Suprotec, but the volume is still larger;
  • good reviews.
  • complexity of application.

XADO Revitalizant

In the form of a gel, aerosol. Does not enter into a chemical reaction with fluids for automatic transmissions, does not change their physical, physico-chemical properties. Compatible with all types of automatic transmissions.

It is produced in 3 types, differing in the concentration of active components (the composition is unknown, since it is a trade secret) - classic, enhanced and 3rd generation revitalizant.

From the manufacturer's claims:

  • restoration, protection against friction of parts, due to the formation of a ceramic-metal coating on the surface;
  • fuel economy;
  • noise reduction;
  • long, up to 1000 km operation of the transmission in case of an emergency oil leak (so that you can accurately get to the nearest service).

Can be applied once. The consumption depends on the volume of the oil system. Instructions for use are standard - introduce the composition into the transmission fluid (the automatic transmission is preheated) and that's it. You can use the car right away. The effect of use is achieved after 50 hours of operation of the unit, which is approximately 1500 km.
As for the reviews, the additive does not work on heavily worn units. But here it seems that it should be clear that no composition can replace the repair of worn parts.

Price - 1160 rubles per pack (syringe 8 ml).

XADO Revitalizant
  • one-time processing is needed;
  • concentrated composition;
  • ease of use.
  • there is no detailed explanation of what the miracle additive includes and how it all works.


Rather, prolonging the life of the unit. Such products protect the oil from overheating, have cleaning properties, prevent


From a Russian manufacturer, consisting of a base synthetic oil and PTFE (a substance with a difficult-to-pronounce name polytetrafluoroethylene). According to information on the official website of the brand, this is the development of the Russian Academy of Sciences (test results can also be viewed on the same website).

What they promise:

  • protection of parts from wear;
  • resource increase;
  • reduction of oil heating during strong overloads;
    and the standard improvement in acceleration dynamics, combined with an increase in the smoothness of gear changes.

Compatible with any oils, types of automatic transmissions. Can be used for motorcycles. The agent does not dissolve in oil, it is activated gradually.The effect lasts up to 3 oil changes (you can not pour it every time), however, it gradually decreases.

Price - 900 rubles for 250 ml (an amount sufficient for a car).

Forum additive
  • judging by the reviews, the additive really works;
  • price-quality ratio;
  • a description of the components, the principle of operation, and not just loud promises;
  • the manufacturer recommends the Form not instead of repair, but as a wear prevention – at least honestly.
  • no.

Liqui Moly

From a German manufacturer designed for automatic transmissions. Compatible with ATF Dexron II/III fluids. Contains a Seal Sweller component that prolongs the life of the rubber elements, preventing them from hardening.

In addition, the product has a cleansing effect, protects the oil from oxidation (and therefore extends its service life). As a bonus - the extension of the operation of the unit in case of oil leakage. That is, it will be possible to get to the nearest service station without critical problems.

The effect of use, judging by the reviews, is noticeable on worn-out units. And almost immediately. If the car is new, then it is almost impossible to understand the difference between “before and after the additive bay”.
As for consumption, the manufacturer recommends using the composition with each oil change. Consumption - packaging in 250 ml per 8 liters.

Price - 2000 rubles per tube.

Liqui Moly additive
  • ease of use;
  • cleansing properties;
  • no extra promises.
  • price.

RVS Transmission Atr7

A tool that has passed the test on real equipment, received certificates according to EU standards, which guarantees the safety of its use in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.Designed for automatic transmissions and CVTs.

The additive includes magnesium silicates, plasma-expanded graphite, forsterite, amphibole. It helps to restore the geometry of the gears, reduces the rumble, noise level, levels slip, eliminates kicks. Plus restoration of compression and reduction of oil consumption by a third. It can be used as a prophylactic to extend the life of gearbox elements.

The method of application is standard - pour the solution into a preheated engine, leave for 15 minutes (the engine is idling at this time). After turning off the car, wait a couple of minutes, then restart it, but for an hour, at the same idle speed. The tool can not be used in the case of diagnosing an oil leak - there will be no sense in processing, since the composition will not have time to seize.
Reviews on RVS are only positive. Car owners note an improvement in starting the engine in winter, the elimination of jerks when shifting gears, and a noticeable reduction in vibration. The only negative is perhaps the cost and a decent expense. The bottle is designed for 7 liters of oil.

Price - 2164 rubles per 100 ml (on the official website).

RVS Transmission Atr7
  • efficiency - the product meets the manufacturer's promises;
  • honestly indicated composition - in percent;
  • only positive feedback.
  • cost - but then again, if you save on changing the oil, then in the end it turns out not so expensive.

Additives can extend the life of the automatic transmission. But they are not a panacea and a “non-repairable” (this is often written in advertising by the brands themselves) way to restore a worn box.Therefore, in addition to protective compounds, do not forget about the planned passage of maintenance and, if defects are found, change the elements, and not rely on miracle supplements.

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