
  1. How does a condom work
  2. What are
  3. Selection Tips
  4. The best condoms of 2025

Ranking of the best condoms for 2025

Ranking of the best condoms for 2025

To protect against mistimed pregnancy, most people use barrier methods of contraception, the most affordable of which is a condom. It provides 99% protection, including against sexually transmitted infections. It is best to use quality condoms from well-known brands.

How does a condom work

Most people opt for latex protection. The history of condoms dates back several centuries, and has come a long way from products made from animal intestines to modern ones - latex and polyurethane.The first industrial products were produced from rubber by vulcanization as early as the 19th century, and in the 20th century they began to use latex, which made it possible to significantly improve the properties of this useful product.

The tool physically protects the body of a woman from the penetration of a man's sperm into her during intercourse. For additional protection against sexually transmitted diseases and HIV, a special lubricant containing antiseptic substances is applied to the outer surface. Artificial lubrication helps reduce friction during friction, protecting the condom from damage.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many effective protection against pregnancy and STDs for women: an intrauterine device, vaginal suppositories and sponges, various combined oral contraceptives.

But the men were given only two means to choose from: either a vasectomy or the use of condoms. The latter is definitely more convenient as protection because it is easy to buy, put on or take off at any time. Then, as the operation does not protect against the danger of contracting diseases, but makes it impossible to have offspring. Significant advantages include:

  1. High protection. It is believed that this product protects against sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy by 99%. Of course, only if it is properly stored and used. If the condom has expired, or it accidentally slipped during intercourse, you need to understand that in this case the protection is reduced.
  2. Available for purchase. They are sold everywhere - from pharmacies to shops. The price is quite democratic, and the package can contain from 1 to 12 pieces.
  3. Convenient application. To use the product for its intended purpose, you do not need to specially prepare, you just need to open the individual packaging and put it on a penis in a state of erection.
  4. Safety.Latex and polyurethane protection products are safe for the body of a man and a woman, so they are preferable to any hormonal pills. Also, their use does not harm the vaginal microflora in women.

The condom is comfortable and versatile, easy to carry in your pocket or handbag.

Unfortunately, there are also downsides. Latex products can cause allergic reactions in people who are especially sensitive to this material.


  1. Decreased sensitivity. Some men report that rubber protection prevents them from fully enjoying the sensations of sex. Fortunately, manufacturers also produce ultra-thin condoms, which preserve the entire spectrum of sensations much better.
  2. An extra hindrance at a crucial moment. It may take a few minutes for beginners to put on a condom, which is a serious distraction from the process. Yes, and experienced users, this moment can be annoying.
  3. The protection may not work. In about 1% of cases of use, pregnancy may occur. This happens if the "rubber protector" slipped imperceptibly, or was damaged during intercourse.

What are

In order to choose the right reliable condom, you need to think carefully about its choice. The differences lie in the following nuances:

  • compound;
  • correctly selected size;
  • Wall thickness;
  • the presence of a special lubricant;
  • flavor and color.

During sexual intercourse with unfamiliar partners, condoms with spermicidal lubricants containing special antiseptics are best protected. True, it should be borne in mind that such substances in the composition can cause various disorders of the bacterial flora of the vagina in a woman.

Size chart

Rubber protection of all manufacturers is produced according to different dimensional standards: American, Asian and European. Russian manufacturers label their products according to European sizes. Their usual length is 18 cm.

Kinds of sizes:

  • Small (S) - small base with a diameter of 3-4 cm;
  • Medium (M) - medium with a diameter of 5 cm;
  • Large (L) - large with a diameter of more than 5 cm;
  • Extra Large (XXXL) - diameter over 6 cm.

The diameter of the male member from the base to the head has a different size. The average girth is about 4 cm. Medium sized condoms fit most men.

If the manhood has non-standard sizes - the penis is larger than average, or too small, then it is better to choose the size individually so that the product does not slip at the right time, or does not squeeze the man's organ.

Most men have an erect penis size between 13.5 cm and 18 cm. Diameter is the arithmetic average of the main indicators: the diameter of the head, middle part and base.

Materials for condoms

The rubber, super-thin base of the condoms is made on modern industrial equipment and is of the highest quality, thanks to the main substances in the composition. Products can be:

  • latex;
  • polyurethane;
  • latex, with a low content of vegetable proteins;
  • polyisoprene;
  • from elastomer;
  • from lambskin.

Recently, a novelty has appeared on sale - the so-called liquid condom from an aerosol can. A special mixture of liquid latex and stimulant substances must be sprayed directly on the male genital organ and wait for complete solidification for about 2 minutes.This interesting condom is able to support a man's sexual desire. There are also options based on artificial materials that do not cause allergic reactions. These condoms are popular with vegans.

Additional effects

At the dawn of industrial production, condoms were not treated with lubricants, it was replaced by ordinary talc. This helped the condoms not stick together into a ball. And now the range of these necessary products is amazing: you can find options of different sizes, shapes, with flavors and even with different reliefs:

  1. Grease. There are remedies with both a small amount of lubrication and a higher dosage for those women who have vaginal dryness. Such condoms are labeled as super hydrating.
  2. antiseptic additives. Such substances are introduced for better protection against various diseases. An antiseptic reduces the possibility of microbial growth and protects the body of both women and men from infection. Also, a solution of lidocaine can be added to the lubricant, which reduces the intensity of the sensations of a man and helps to greatly prolong the sexual act. On the product in this case there is a mark “freezing effect”.
  3. Aromatization and flavoring additives. Devices with the aroma and taste of strawberries, bananas, raspberries, mint and other amenities are created specifically for connoisseurs of oral pleasure. This certainly diversifies sex, and allows you to make the process even more exciting for both partners.
  4. Spermicidal supplements. The use of such condoms reduces the chances of an accidental pregnancy if they are damaged. Most often they contain nonoxynol 9, which inhibits the activity of individual spermatozoa. True, if such condoms are used frequently, it can damage the reproductive health of women.
  5. Luminous additives.It is very interesting to observe the glowing green or reddish light of the condom. It is believed that such supplements are safe, but in-depth studies have not been conducted.

If a man leads a too intense sex life with unfamiliar partners, then it is better to choose condoms with antiseptic additives. This will reduce the risk of contracting and transmitting sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. Condoms with different flavors and aromas will delight those who love unusual sensations in sex.

If the soul asks for experiments that go beyond ordinary sex, then there are models for sale with an unusual relief surface: ribbed, with antennae and protrusions. True, sex with such condoms can also bring painful sensations.
The range also includes options with nozzles that improve the feeling of a man during an act. They also keep the penis erect for a long time, which helps make sex more enjoyable. But such models can slip during sex.

Selection Tips

Young people often use protective contraceptives indiscriminately, buying what is currently available. Incorrectly selected condom sometimes causes inconvenience during sex. For the right choice, you should know some subtleties. These rules are especially useful for the first application. What you should pay attention to:

  1. Appearance of the package. The pack must be packed in a strong polyethylene film. Each pack can contain from three pieces. Do not buy opened packages.
  2. Expiration dates. This is not a medicine, but nevertheless, the elasticity of the material has its own expiration dates, each manufacturer has their own and is indicated on the package.Some brands retain their qualities up to three years, others up to five.
  3. Appropriate size. A condom selected according to individual parameters will give comfortable sex and will not slip off at the most crucial moment. There are one-size-fits-all condoms for when a guy doesn't know what size is right for him.
  4. Choice of supplements. On the packaging of a reliable manufacturer, additives are indicated that allow the use of a contraceptive for different types of sex: oral, anal, vaginal.
  5. Additional protection using antiseptic supplements is recommended for casual sex. Continuous use of spermicides is contraindicated.

When making love to a woman in the postpartum period, condoms with an additional lubricant coating should be used, due to insufficient natural lubrication.

The best condoms of 2025

Each manufacturer is responsible for the quality of the product. Condoms of proven and reliable brands are popular. Durex, Contex, VIZIT, LifeStyles brand condoms are recognized as the best and most purchased in 2025.

Durex Extra Sensation

For over a hundred years, the Durex brand has been producing condoms and is the most famous among other manufacturers. All Durex products are electronically tested. Today it is the most reliable condoms. The range of Durex products is quite large: classic options, with multiple additives and different textures. Many consumers note one drawback - the smell leaves much to be desired. But even with this small minus, Durex models occupy a leading position among other analogues.

Durex Extra Sensitive condoms are available from pharmacies and almost all supermarkets.The country of origin is Great Britain, but in our country both women and men like this brand. They have a smooth surface, thin transparent walls, spermicidal lubricant. This model tightly fits the penis. All these properties make sex quality and do not affect sensitivity.

Durex Extra Sensation
  • smooth surface;
  • thin transparent walls;
  • spermicidal lubricant.
  • no.

Durex Invisible

This model was appreciated by both boys and girls. Men especially like them - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head of the penis they are wider than other analogues. Another advantage is the absence of an unpleasant odor when opening the package. Women like this brand because the surface of the Durex Invisible condom is coated with additional lubrication - this allows them to get an orgasm faster.

Durex Invisible
  • wide in the head of the penis;
  • thin.
  • no.

Contex Romantic Love

Condoms of this brand can be found in every supermarket. The transparent product is coated with a special lubricant with an admixture of fruity aroma.

They deserve a huge demand in the market, thanks to an affordable price combined with good quality. Also, many users prefer to purchase large packages. There are 12 of them in Contex. Each box includes a napkin, thanks to which you can make love even in extreme conditions. Most often in the reviews it is mentioned that the smell is much more pleasant than that of products from other brands. There are many other positive comments as well. However, there are also negative reviews. Most often, they indicate the fragility of condoms - they were torn by users.

Contex Romantic Love
  • the box includes a napkin;
  • nice smell.
  • fragility of condoms.

Vizit Classic

The company is registered in the Russian Federation, and condoms are produced at factories in Germany. Many users prefer products of this particular brand because of the affordable price and reliability. In addition to classic condoms, the manufacturer also produces other series - textured, colored, flavored. However, it is the models of the Classic line that are the sales leader.

Judging by the reviews, the brand's models have practically no flaws. There are only mentions by a few users that the condoms are covered with a small amount of lube. Products of the Classic series are colorless and odorless. These are standard size condoms with lubrication and strong walls. In rare cases, they can slip or tear. Many users have consistently used this model exclusively for many years. Therefore, they are always present in the TOP of the best condoms.

Vizit Classic condoms
  • are colorless and odorless.
  • no.

Ritex Lust

Contraceptive products have a huge number of rave reviews. Of the many comments, it can be noted that condoms are easy to put on and do not reduce sensitivity in men. At the same time, the walls of the condoms are very durable. The huge demand in the market is primarily due to the high quality of products. The smooth, odorless surface is coated with L-arginine. Dyes are also absent here.

A huge advantage of the products of this brand is that both the outer and the inner side are covered with grease. Therefore, during intercourse, even a man does not feel his presence. Thanks to this, both partners get pleasure.However, it is worth noting that finding this model is not easy. Often it is not available in pharmacies and hypermarkets.

Ritex Lust condoms
  • easy to put on and do not reduce sensitivity.
  • no.

Maxus Sensitive

When unfolded, the condom has the shape of a light bulb, so it fits the male sexual organ perfectly. The walls of the product are highly durable, while they are very thin and are not felt during intercourse.

Men like these models, first of all, because they do not reduce sensitivity, and also have high strength and quality. The condom does not press, does not slip or tear, which is why many couples choose it.

Maxus Sensitive condoms
  • does not press, does not slip and does not tear.
  • no.


This is one of the best condoms in its price segment. Beyond Seven is a classic, while Crown Skin Less is ultra-thin. Their main advantage is the preservation of sensitivity, and even more than that of similar products from other brands. At the same time, they have high strength, so that the products do not tear.

Condoms have a standard cylindrical shape with a small semen reservoir. Condoms are made of high quality shirlon latex, which is coated with silicone grease on the outside. Despite the fact that condoms have an ultra-thin thickness, they are not inferior in strength and reliability to their "thick-walled" counterparts. Products are made in Japan, and in addition to the classic version, you can also find others on the shelves - colored, flavored, with nozzles.

Okamoto condoms
  • Made from high quality shirlon latex.
  • have ultra-thin thickness.
  • no.


Creative products for contraception are produced by Luxe. This is evidenced not only by a wide variety of different lines, but also by their unusual names. Models with balls are referred to as the Yellow Devil, with a mustache - Angry Cowboy, with a ring - Depth Charge. Despite the wild imagination, the price is affordable. For lovers of classic models, the Horoscope model is perfect. A feature of this line is an erotic horoscope in each pack, while the product itself has a standard size and thickness.

Luxe condoms
  • erotic horoscope in each pack;
  • has a standard size and thickness.
  • no.


This is the best solution for men whose penis is significantly different from standard sizes. Owners of very large and very small members can choose for themselves the appropriate option. The strength and quality of German products, as always, are on top. However, it is worth noting that the cost of the product is very expensive.

My.Size condoms
  • durable;
  • quality;
  • thin.
  • no.

Masculan Classic Sensitive

The German manufacturer noted that these condoms increase sensitivity in both partners. Flavored products. According to the creator, an unobtrusive fruity aroma will definitely add its share of romance to an intimate date.

Products have a standard shape, and the pimply surface is coated with a water-based lubricant. Condoms are made of latex shirlon, which is characterized by both strength and ultra-thin thickness. In the contraceptive market, they have long taken a leading position and are not going to give them up to competitors.First of all, they owe their popularity to high quality and affordable price. The pimply texture of the products allows you to achieve unprecedented pleasure for both partners. Due to the tight fit of the male organ, the condom does not slip.

Masculan Classic Sensitive
  • high quality;
  • affordable price.
  • no.

Viva Classic

The manufacturer produces a wide variety of condoms. Here you can find classic models, and with pimples, and embossed. You can choose the size for yourself. If you want to give your partner maximum pleasure, you should stop at textured models. Sensitivity in men with condoms of this brand practically does not suffer, as they are made of durable thin material.

Viva Classic condoms
  • made of durable thin material;
  • quality;
  • reliable.
  • no.

When choosing condoms, you should pay attention to their quality and brand awareness. The too low price of contraceptives should be alarming, most likely these are low-quality products.

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