
  1. Vitamin B 12 - what is it and why is it needed
  2. Rating of the best preparations with vitamin B12 for 2025

Rating of the best drugs with vitamin B12 for 2025

Rating of the best drugs with vitamin B12 for 2025

Vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the body. You can get them directly from food or in pill form. For example, conenzymes improve metabolism, antioxidants fight negative factors, slow down aging. But what if you can’t eat right and balanced? It remains to take vitamin complexes.

Vitamin B 12 - what is it and why is it needed

In general, B 12 refers to conferments, contains cobalt.Participates in the synthesis of DNA components, reduces the level of homocysteine ​​- an amino acid, an excess of which leads to the formation of blood clots, osteoporosis, and contributes to the development of strokes.

Important: for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, it is worth choosing combined preparations with folic acid in the composition.

It also participates in the synthesis of myelin (the sheath of nerve fibers). Necessary for muscle growth and for the "building" of osteoblasts - the basis of bone tissue. Therefore, it is prescribed for the elderly, especially women in the postmenopausal period. When the absorption of calcium slows down (is disturbed), as a result of which the prerequisites for the development of osteoporosis arise.

How is vitamin deficiency manifested in the body

Anemia is one of the first signs of a possible lack of vitamin B 12 in the body. Symptoms may also include:

  • increased irritability - it is with a lack of B 12 that the so-called age-related changes in character are associated;
  • depressive states;
  • memory impairment;
  • drowsiness, apathy, which is often attributed to laziness;
  • constant fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • hypertension - goosebumps, hand tremors;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system - in severe cases, it provokes the development of strokes, heart attacks.

Since the lack of the vitamin "masquerades" as a variety of different diseases, you need to be regularly checked by a doctor. Especially since now there are special test systems that record the level of active vitamin B 12 in the blood.

Important: studies have not confirmed the ability of B 12 to accumulate in the body, respectively, and the boundary level of exceeding the maximum allowable dose has not been established. But, before buying a drug in a pharmacy, you should first consult with your doctor.

The fact is that the individual dosage is selected taking into account the blood test - for the prevention of one drug, for the treatment of an existing deficiency - another.

What products contain

Vitamin B 12 is found exclusively in animal products - beef liver, seafood, sea fish (sardine, salmon, cod), dairy products (cheese, yogurt).

"Pseudovitamin B 12" has been found in spirulina. The substance is similar in chemical composition, but it does not have vitamin activity (does not participate and does not affect the course of vital processes in the body).

Studies have shown that a small amount of the vitamin was also found in some plant products (flaxseed milk, cereal shells). But this is clearly not enough. Therefore, vegans and raw foodists simply need to periodically take pharmacy vitamin complexes.


Modern synthetic drugs are divided into:

  1. Cyanocobalamin - is available in the form of ampoules for subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous injections, as well as in tablets. It is used in the complex treatment of anemia, cirrhosis of the liver.
  2. Hydroxocobalamin for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. It is used to treat anemia associated with vitamin B 12 deficiency, with atrophy of the optic nerve (Leber's disease). When used for the first time, a feeling of nausea, dizziness is possible. In rare cases, cardiac arrhythmias. If the symptoms persist over time, a smaller dose of the drug per injection is selected.
  3. Cobamamide - ampoules or tablets are used in newborns with hypoxia and anemia. In adults - for the treatment of anorexia nervosa, diseases of the peripheral nervous system. And also in the complex therapy of chronic diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract.

B 12 is also part of multivitamin complexes, dietary supplements to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Daily dose

Usually indicated on the packaging. But, since the data are averaged (do not take into account weight, age, existing diseases), it is often lower than the daily requirement. For example, taking medications (antibiotics aimed at treating the gastrointestinal tract) can reduce the effectiveness of vitamin preparations. As well as smoking, alcohol, constant stress.

The daily dose recommended by doctors is 1-3 mcg. Individual need is determined after clinical tests.

When appointed

In the dosage form B 12 is prescribed in the presence of the following diseases:

  • with age-related eye diseases;
  • with a deficiency of vitamin B 12;
  • with anemia;
  • when the levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood are exceeded - in combination with folic acid and vitamin B6;
  • with shingles - in addition to relieving symptoms of a viral infection, it supposedly relieves itching.

And also to patients who for some reason have excluded animal products from the diet.


Since B12 has an extremely low toxicity, it does not accumulate in the human body, and the excess is excreted naturally, there are practically no contraindications to taking drugs. Exceptions are mainly related to hematological side effects. For example, cases of peripheral vascular thrombosis associated with vitamin overdose are known. It is also worth using B 12 with caution in the treatment of megablast anemia - gout may develop.

In general, there are no serious contraindications. Even isolated cases of allergic reactions are mainly a reaction to cobalamin, cobalt or other components of vitamin preparations.

Which form is better - tablets or injections

According to doctors, the effect of injections and tablets is almost the same. Injections are usually prescribed to patients in old age. This is explained by age-related changes that are associated with bowel function. Insufficient absorption prevents the full absorption of the vitamin from tablets.
If there is no such problem, then preparations in the form of tablets or capsules are quite suitable.

Important: vitamins in ampoules for injection use are a drug, so you won’t be able to buy them at a pharmacy without a prescription.

How to choose vitamins

When choosing, pay attention to the composition. For example, taking a single drug is practically useless, since B12 only works in conjunction with folic acid (if we are talking about a drug in the form of tablets). The calcium content increases digestibility. Ideally, a complex preparation should contain vitamins B1 and B6.

Tip: A large amount of vitamin C reduces the absorption of B12. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the ratio of the components included in the composition.

Application in cosmetology

B12 is used for hair and skin care. In the first case, it gives softness and shine, in the second, it fights the first signs of aging, fights wrinkles, and protects against negative factors.

In order to get a therapeutic effect, it is enough to add the contents of 2 ampoules to your usual care, such as face cream, shampoo or hair mask. To enhance the effectiveness of cosmetics, you can additionally add an ampoule of vitamin A to the base.

Rating of the best preparations with vitamin B12 for 2025

The rating includes drugs that can be freely bought at a pharmacy without a prescription or ordered online.

Folic acid with B12 and B6

From Evalar.It is recommended as a dietary supplement to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as a general tonic. Suitable for use during pregnancy planning, since folic acid affects the formation and development of the fetus. The drug can be taken during pregnancy, including in the early stages and while breastfeeding (as agreed with the doctor).

The combination of folic acid and vitamins B12 and B6 normalizes the amount of homocysteine ​​in the blood, improves well-being, helps to relieve chronic fatigue syndrome.

Auxiliary substances - microcellulose, dyes, anti-caking components. Packaging - a standard Evalar cardboard box with blisters. Yellow coated tablets, easy to swallow.
Directions: Adults take one tablet daily with meals. The duration of the course is from 4 to 6 weeks.
Judging by customer reviews, the drug really works. Many noticed an improvement in their general condition - fatigue and irritability disappeared.

Country of origin - Russia;
Quantity in the package - 40 tablets;
Price - within 120 rubles;
Customer rating - 4.5.

Folic acid with B12 and B6 evalar
  • reasonable price - even with a long reception, it will turn out to be budgetary;
  • composition with folic acid and B6 provides a good result;
  • can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • there are no contraindications (except for individual intolerance).
  • no.

Blagomin B 12

From a Russian manufacturer. This is a monopreparation - capsules contain cyanocobalamin.It is used with a lack of vitamin B 12, in the complex treatment of anemia, liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis). Can be used in children from 14 years of age.

The release form is a plastic jar with a screw cap. The contents of the package are protected by a membrane. Capsules - white, odorless and tasteless.

How to take - 1 capsule daily with food. The recommended course of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, the drug can be continued.

Blagomin should not be taken by pregnant and lactating mothers.

Country of origin - Russia;
Quantity in the package - 90 capsules;
Price - about 250 rubles;
Customer rating - 4.5.

Blagomin B 12
  • one package is enough for a course of treatment;
  • convenient reception - 1 tablet per day;
  • incomplete information on the label - only the dosage and contraindications are indicated;
  • should not be taken by children under 14 years of age, as well as during pregnancy.

Vitamin B 12 from Now Foods

Recommended for sleep disorders, diabetes of various types. In complex therapy and in the treatment of infertility in men and women, with low blood pressure. With developing senile dementia and disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system.
The composition, in addition to B 12, includes folic acid and strawberry powder. The packaging is a plastic jar. Tablets have a pleasant fruity taste, do not require drinking. They should be taken after meals, holding in the mouth until completely dissolved. Course - 1 month (1 tablet per day).

Contraindicated in pregnancy and in children under 18 years of age.

Country of origin - USA;
Quantity in the package - 100 tablets;
Price - from 900 rubles;
Customer rating - 5.0.

Vitamin B 12 from Now Foods
  • convenient reception;
  • pleasant taste;
  • folic acid in the composition;
  • many positive reviews;
  • BAD is certified.
  • no.

Sublingual Methylcobalamin by Solgar

Available in the form of capsules. The peculiarity of the drug is that B12 is contained in the form of methylcobalamin - active, ready for absorption by the intestines, which is suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Indications for use: migraines, skin diseases, radiation sickness, polyneuritis, sclerosis. Suitable for vegans, as raw materials of plant origin are used for production.

Reception - sublingual, means that before swallowing the tablet must be held under the tongue for 30 seconds. Take one tablet per day for a course of 1 month.

Side effects: dizziness, nausea, increased blood pressure, anxiety. If such symptoms appear, the use should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted.

The packaging is a plastic jar with a screw cap. Tablets are pinkish in color with the smell and taste of cherries.
Important: store dietary supplements out of the reach of children. There is no stopper on the lid.

Country of origin - USA;
Quantity in the package - 100 pieces;
Price - from 1000 rubles;
Customer rating - 4.3.

Sublingual Methylcobalamin by Solgar
  • pleasant taste;
  • one package is enough for a course of treatment;
  • shelf life of the package after opening - 2 years;
  • suitable for vegans.
  • possible side effects;
  • contraindicated in pregnancy.

Multi B-complex

From the manufacturer of vitamins Quadrat-C. Multi B is a complex of B vitamins. It is recommended to improve the condition of the skin and hair, with chronic fatigue syndrome. Included in:

  1. Thiamine (B1) - is responsible for almost all metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Ribovlafin (B2) - necessary for the absorption of iron, controls the production of hormones by the adrenal glands, reduces the risk of heart disease. It has a positive effect on the condition of nails and hair, prevents early skin aging.
  3. Folic acid (B9) - enhances the action of B12.

Packaging - a cardboard box with instructions for using the drug. There are 30 tablets in blister packs - enough for a course of treatment. Tablets are small with a neutral taste.

Judging by the reviews, many buyers noted an improvement in their general condition after taking Multi-B - improved sleep quality, reduced fatigue and nervousness.

Country of origin - Russia;
Quantity in the package - 30 pieces;
Price - from 150 rubles;
Customer rating - 4.8.

]Multi B-Complex
  • an effective drug at an affordable cost;
  • packaging is designed for the course of admission.
  • possible allergy;
  • not suitable for pregnant women.

Doppelgerz active Folic acid + Vitamins B6 + B12 + C + E

The drug was created for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Folic acid in the composition is involved in the synthesis of amino acids, is necessary for cell growth. In combination with B 12, it normalizes the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack.

Vitamins C and E are antioxidants that protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals and reduce the risk of developing cancer.

The drug is packed in a cardboard box. Release form - depot capsules. This means that thanks to the special shell, the active ingredients are gradually released over several hours, ensuring maximum absorption by the body.

The package is enough for a course of treatment. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Country of origin - Germany;
Quantity in the package - 30 capsules;
Price - from 450 rubles;
Customer rating - 4.8.

Doppelgerz active Folic acid + Vitamins B6 + B12 + C + E
  • efficiency;
  • convenient reception;
  • easily digestible;
  • packaging is enough for a course of treatment;
  • directional action
  • depending on the characteristics of the body, gastrointestinal problems are possible.

Doctor's Best Fully Active B12

The active form - methylcobalamin is quickly absorbed by the body. Suitable for vegans - recommended for regular use to replenish vitamin B 12. Does not contain gluten, does not cause side effects. Suitable for children and pregnant women.

Judging by the reviews, the effect of the drug is. Doctor's Best is especially popular with people who have excluded animal protein from their diet. Some noted that the drug is quite capable of replacing B12 injections.

Release form - capsules or chewable tablets with chocolate and mint flavor. The packaging is a plastic bottle.
It is recommended to take an hour after a meal, hold in your mouth until the capsule (tablet) is completely dissolved. It is fashionable for children to dissolve the contents in a small amount of tea or juice.

Country of origin - USA;
Quantity in the package - 60 tablets (capsules);
Price - from 350 rubles;
Customer rating - 4.9.

Doctor's Best Fully Active B12
  • active form;
  • inexpensive and effective drug;
  • suitable for vegans;
  • can be taken by pregnant women, as well as during lactation;
  • possible use in children;
  • no side effects;
  • Small capsules are easy to take.
  • you can only buy online.

country life

Recommended for vegans. Does not contain gluten, soy, dairy products. Suitable for long term use.The special formula of the tablets allows the release of the vitamin for a long time after ingestion. It is recommended to compensate for B12 deficiency, with sleep disorders, high mental and physical stress.
Buyers noted an improvement in overall well-being after taking the drug - vivacity, removal of symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Important: the manufacturer recommends a mandatory consultation with a doctor before taking the drug. Especially if you are taking medication (antibiotics, for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract). Also, consultation is mandatory for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Reception standard - 1 tablet per day with meals.

Country of origin - USA;
Quantity in the package - 60 pieces;
Price - from 1300 rubles;
Customer rating - 4.9.

Country Life B12
  • the product is certified (including as a vegan product);
  • without preservatives and artificial colors.
  • there are no significant ones.

Well, in conclusion  Before taking any vitamin complex, you should consult your doctor. It is he who will select the optimal dosage and form of release. Taking into account the available indications, diseases and the results of blood test tests.

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