
  1. Manifestations of weakness
  2. The best drugs for fatigue and loss of energy
  3. Conclusion

Rating of the best drugs for fatigue and loss of energy for 2025

Rating of the best drugs for fatigue and loss of energy for 2025

The rapid age, stress, emotional and physical stress, an abundance of information can lead the human body to an imbalance. In the early stages of insufficient replenishment of energy, you can recover by walking in the fresh air, staying in nature, traveling to the sea, changing the environment, and giving up bad habits. Restoration of the daily routine. But what to do if all methods are tested, but relief does not come? The body needs urgent help and maintenance of energy. The article discusses the causes of exhaustion and the best ways to restore them through special groups of drugs.

Manifestations of weakness

The human psyche is irrational, it easily copes with overwork, goes into overexertion for a long time without any special alarming signs. The inability to cope with growing fatigue exacerbates the abundance of stressful situations and leads to the depletion of vital energy.
Among the first problems due to exhaustion are:

  • reduced immunity;
  • initial stages of depression;
  • signs of chronic diseases;
  • weakening of the protective barrier against viral infections;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • anemia;
  • distraction;
  • decreased memory function.

How to choose the right drug

It is important to remember that only a specialist is able to deal with the processes occurring in the body correctly. Self-medication can be ineffective and have dangerous consequences.

The recommendations of the attending physician are critical. It is desirable for the patient to understand modern drugs, to determine personal preferences, so that when visiting a doctor, they will jointly come to the best choice of treatment.
Features of the female and male body suggest different approaches to recovery. A qualified assessment of the anamnesis provides the fundamental basis for the correct selection of a therapeutic agent. What medicinal substances are

natural remedies

At the initial stage of imbalance, weak remedies of plant origin are more often used.
It can be:

  • decoctions;
  • potions;
  • extracts;
  • natural syrups.

Such compositions are also good as complex elements that support the components of a single recovery program.


This category includes a group of over-the-counter drugs containing alkaloids. Coffee and tea can also be included in this group, but their abuse just provokes chronic fatigue syndrome. But tinctures and extracts from ginseng root, pink radiola, leuzea, echinacea purpurea, wild rose, Chinese magnolia vine give vigor, non-specific stimulation of the immune system.


Medicines should be taken as prescribed by a doctor in compliance with the indicated dosage. The category distinguishes between capsules, injection solutions or tablet preparations.


Complexes of important microelements are capable of providing a tangible result in a fairly short period, provided that the patient contacts them in a timely manner. The reason for the reduced performance helps to determine the appointment of one or another biologically active additive, to fill the missing resource.
Representatives of the strong half of humanity often require vitamins A, C, E. The balance of these elements keeps a man in good shape.

Women are often prescribed iron-containing complexes with folic acid. Vitamin B9 stabilizes the hormonal background, restores the nervous system.


Domestic drugs are moderately priced, European medicines and vitamins are much more expensive. It is important to remember about generics, some patients are loyal to them, while others overpay for the quality of the composition.

Where could I buy

The availability of online pharmacies has significantly changed the level of consumer safety.You should be wary of remote offers at a low price, because the reliability of the license in this case is difficult to determine.

Errors when choosing

Often people do not seek help in time, considering fatigue to be a temporary phenomenon, they ignore dangerous symptoms. The situation is aggravated imperceptibly, turning into irreversible processes.
You should not be guided by the principle "a friend helped, and I'll try", the individuality of each organism is unique.
Adverse reactions may result from intolerance to a particular substance. It is important to remember the effect of the accumulation of a critical dose for allergy sufferers, which manifests itself after a certain period of admission. Experiments with such symptoms are unacceptable.
Fatigue and loss of strength are the result of not one, but a number of negative effects on the body. Any specialist knows that only a set of measures can pull the patient out of the danger of an impending depressive state that has opened its mouth.

Mandatory components of a shaken tone are:

  • full outdoor recreation with sufficient physical activity;
  • prolonged sleep at night to produce melatonin in the required amount;
  • exercise, yoga, dancing, running, walking with a positive attitude and emotions;
  • a healthy diet with a predominance of vegetables, light foods, greens, fiber, without overeating, with the exception of spicy, fatty, high-calorie foods;
  • parting with smoking, alcohol consumption, coffee addiction;
  • the presence of wellness procedures - from massage to a contrast shower, mud therapy;
  • accepting negative life events as an episode, with an optimistic attitude and philosophical approach, changing the pole of perception;
  • creative communication without gossip and foul language, being in a circle of people that can provide an emotional charge and support;
  • sufficient consumption of clean water, juices, fruit drinks.

The best drugs for fatigue and loss of energy

The pharmacological industry has developed a number of modern drugs that meet safety standards, while maintaining the required therapeutic effect.

Vitamin complexes

The balanced content of vitamin groups improves the mental state, normalizes body functions.

Doppelhertz Energotonic N

The world brand is represented by an active dietary supplement containing a group of vitamins B and C, with folic acid, iron, niacin.

Doppelhertz Energotonic N
  • tones;
  • rejuvenates;
  • works as an antioxidant;
  • recovers after illness;
  • develops resistance to stress;
  • strengthens;
  • contains manganese sulfate;
  • with extracts of lemon balm, hawthorn;
  • high efficiency;
  • 1 spoon is taken several times a day.
  • prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


A food supplement from a domestic manufacturer with a wide spectrum of action not only has an anti-stress effect, but also regulates immunity functions, promotes the exchange of neurotransmitters, relieves fatigue, as a result of restoring metabolic processes.

  • indicated for chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • belongs to the group of dietary supplements;
  • with sea buckthorn fruits in the composition;
  • 1 tablet is taken with meals;
  • convenient to carry,
  • the package contains the amount of the drug for 2 courses of administration with a break as prescribed;
  • can be taken from the age of 18;
  • long shelf life;
  • democratic price;
  • available online.
  • possible individual intolerance to the components.

Vit2Life VitaMax

The universal composition of minerals, vitamins improves tone, speeds up metabolism, removes fatigue. It has no indications for the duration of the course, it can be taken on an ongoing basis.

Vit2Life VitaMax
  • safe composition;
  • affordable price;
  • suitable as a supportive agent during the period of illness;
  • recommended for the prevention of fatigue;
  • contains D3, E;
  • with calcium and copper sulfates;
  • only positive feedback;
  • high efficiency;
  • promotes vigor.
  • not always available in online stores.

Solgar multi-i

The best position in the category "Customers' choice" is distinguished by the convenience of packaging, is a rich source of minerals, vitamins. An exceptional option for vegetarians, allergy sufferers, due to the absence of animal components.

Solgar multi-i
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • protein saturation and reduced need for high-calorie food;
  • restoration of skin and hair quality;
  • without preservatives and dyes;
  • the presence of an antioxidant effect;
  • with citrus bioflavonoids, rosehip, parsley, acerola.
  • only from the age of 18.

TOP adaptogens

Plant adaptogens can affect the body's adaptation to adverse conditions, reduce the risk of stress when the environmental impact changes. They neutralize the chemical, biological aggressive load, in the form of viral attacks, the harmful effects of toxins, heavy metals. A natural modulator corrects the response of a person in conditions of overload.

The actions of adaptogens are manifested:

  1. in increasing ATP as an energy potential;
  2. as an additional barrier for cell membranes and DNA;
  3. as a restoration of the cardiovascular system with improved oxygen supply to tissues;
  4. as a powerful stimulator of protein synthesis.

Rhodiola rosea, rhizomes and roots, "Gifts of Nature" series

An ideal remedy during the period of recuperation after illness, with an asthenic condition.

Rhodiola rosea, rhizomes and roots, "Gifts of Nature" series
  • stimulating properties with a decrease in performance;
  • elimination of fatigue syndrome after viral lesions and intoxication;
  • to restore the function of the nervous system;
  • 20 drops are taken before meals only in the morning;
  • economical consumption;
  • 100% natural product;
  • helps with postoperative recovery;
  • for patients with characteristic increased fatigue and low vitality;
  • long shelf life of 5 years.
  • possible side effects in the form of insomnia and migraine;
  • reduces the manifestation of the effect when taking neuroleptics;
  • takes time to prepare the tincture.


The high rating of the therapeutic composition is due to the natural origin and the spectrum of action from prevention to therapeutic effects.

  • with raspberry flavor;
  • restoration at the cellular level;
  • recommended for chronic fatigue;
  • increased resistance to viral infection;
  • 3 times a day with meals;
  • packaging is enough for several courses;
  • the basis is the blood of the Altai deer;
  • complete digestibility;
  • refers to an ancient Chinese recipe;
  • affects the tone.
  • breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women are not allowed to take.

MACA Peruvian

Despite the Peruvian origin of the root crop, a powerful positive effect on the body is confirmed in most cases.

MACA Peruvian
  • source of vital energy;
  • easily digestible;
  • in the form of ground powder - it is convenient to add to the garnish;
  • low calorie 353 kcal;
  • long warranty period 2 years;
  • a drink is allowed;
  • in a package of 100 grams;
  • with an additional aphrodisiac effect;
  • reduces anxiety;
  • without side effects;
  • eliminates anemia.
  • perhaps individual intolerance.

Ginseng root tincture

One of the most effective herbal infusions known for its healing properties since ancient times. The rich natural composition and method of preparation rejuvenates, fills with vivacity, cheerfulness.

Ginseng root tincture
  • replenishment of immunodeficiency;
  • postoperative stimulant;
  • recommended for cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • for the correction of the central nervous system;
  • recovery after psycho-emotional stress;
  • beneficial effect on the skin and hair;
  • improving endurance;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes.
  • an incorrectly selected dosage can contribute to the appearance of the opposite effect due to a direct effect on the central nervous system.

The best immunostimulants

The whole range of immunostimulants can be divided into the following classes:

  1. homeopathic line;
  2. natural remedies;
  3. drugs with an interferon base;
  4. vitamins;
  5. thymus preparations.

Correction of the immune system with an increase in the protective barriers of the body is a powerful effect on the body. For this reason, it is important to remember to consult a specialist so as not to harm yourself.


A prescription drug is used for exacerbation of chronic diseases provoked by past viral infections, injuries, with a general reduced vitality, after chemotherapy.

In fact, the substance is a stimulant for the formation of leukocytes that fight microbes, and a tissue regenerator.

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • immunomodulation at the cellular level;
  • correction of nucleic metabolism;
  • anabolic;
  • restoration of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • promotes tissue repair;
  • course up to 40 days;
  • taken 3-4 times a day;
  • activates the exchange of nucleic acids for the synthesis of cells of rapid division;
  • 50 tablets per pack.
  • carefully with an increased allergophone;
  • from the age of 3;
  • possible headaches.


Domestic medication for intramuscular injections has a powerful immunostimulating effect.

  • in a package of 10 ampoules per course;
  • to improve hematopoiesis, regeneration through a specific provocation of the growth of phagocytosis;
  • made from thymus extract;
  • recommended for chronic fatigue syndrome with manifestations of enlarged lymph nodes and immunodeficiency symptoms;
  • used as a prophylactic agent for radiation, chemo-therapies;
  • high efficiency;
  • long-term use confirms the expected result.
  • genetic engineering is actively replacing the compositions of animal origin, transferring them to the status of "obsolete".


Tablets are obtained by isolation from yeast, carry a double action as:

  1. detoxifier;
  2. active immunomodulator.

  • you can buy pills without a prescription;
  • stimulation of the leukocyte response;
  • improvement of metabolic processes of nucleins;
  • the formation of plasma cells by regulating the balance of T-lymphocytes and interaction with B-lymphocytes;
  • we can talk about combining the effects of the above drugs Methyluracil and Timalin in one powerful effect;
  • indicated for immunodeficiency, severe fatigue;
  • for prevention in people with chronic diseases and after viral diseases;
  • with a decrease in age-related viability;
  • prevention of seasonal exacerbations and the risk of infection;
  • good tolerance by patients;
  • take up to 8 tablets per day after meals, a course of up to one and a half months;
  • produced by the domestic company "Biosintez".
  • the price of the course can cross the bar of 5,000 rubles;
  • an allergic response is possible.

The best drugs for fatigue and loss of energy    
1.Vitamin complexes
drug, nameConsistencyReception period, daysPrice. Rub.
Doppelhertz Energotonic Nsolution30450
Solgar multi-i−”−−”−1500
Vit2Life VitaMaxcapsules-1100
2.TOP adaptogens
PANTOHEMATOGEN Biostimulusbalm30500
Rhodiola roseatea briquette for decoctions or tinctures14-21300
MACA Peruvianpowder-400
Ginseng root tincture30400
3.The best immunostimulants
Timalin solution for injection50400


Accelerated rhythms of life, stress, powerful flows of information can harm a person if he does not know how to recover properly. Daily stress, insufficient sleep and disturbed daily routine undermine the reserves of vital energy and lead to a breakdown. A comprehensive solution to the problem is the best way to quickly help with chronic fatigue syndrome.The choice of the drug is best left to a specialist, but a competent approach and understanding of the essence of rehabilitation will restore health in the shortest possible time, with minimal losses.

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