
  1. Pros and cons of such a neighborhood
  2. Basic requirements for choosing
  3. Popular small dogs for 2025
  4. Common Medium Breeds
  5. Large dog breeds
  6. What did they come to

Ranking of the best dog breeds for children for 2025

Ranking of the best dog breeds for children for 2025

There comes a moment when a beloved baby begins to ask to buy a four-legged friend. And if the parents do not mind, then they face a dilemma, how to choose the best representative, as well as "what class" he should be. After all, you have to find not just a pet, but a family member - a full-fledged companion for growth. This is where it is worth carefully studying the suitable dog breeds for children, and then determine which one is the best, how much it costs, and where to buy a puppy. More about this in the presented rating.

Pros and cons of such a neighborhood

Quite often, the older generation does not share the enthusiasm of their child, since there are such disadvantages when keeping a dog.

  1. Dirty or gnawed furniture.
  2. The ubiquitous fur.
  3. Bad smell.
  4. A dog that is too big can cause accidental harm.

Meanwhile, the positive effect of pets on a growing organism has been proven more than once by science, such advantages are distinguished.

  1. A small person living next to a dog often grows up benevolent and less selfish.
  2. The puppy will teach the future personality to responsibility, discipline, respect for the feelings of others.
  3. The dog affects the harmonious development not only in terms of physical indicators, but also in intellectual and aesthetic terms.
  4. The dog will allow his young companion to feel more confident, as he is ready to stand up for a friend. And the fact that the dog willingly executes commands will help raise self-confidence.

In the event that a little man grows closed, a pet will become an excellent assistant for him, accustoming him to the world around him. The dog does an excellent job with the role of a child psychologist, and large representatives of the breed will even help in finding a common language with peers whom he is shy about.

For special children, neurologists even advise frequent communication with an animal, which has a fruitful effect on the psyche.

When to get a dog

The number of years of a child is perhaps the most important thing to consider when choosing a four-legged.At the same time, not only the age parameter is important, but also the weight of the little fidget, the degree of responsibility. It will be difficult for a very young man to cope with many responsibilities in relation to a pet. Parents should remember that the real authority for the dog will be the person who will be engaged in education and training. Therefore, young children, with rare exceptions, are not recognized as pets as owners, for them they are more like friends or playmates. This nuance is typical for dogs of different stripes, regardless of size.

2 -4 The period when you can already give a puppy. It is at this stage that the moment of role-playing behavior falls. But remember, most of the worries will fall on the shoulders of the parents.
4-8 The little man begins to get acquainted with society and its rules. At such moments, the company of a four-legged friend will be in place. However, such an item as joint walks is not yet possible, but it is already possible to feed or wipe the dog's paws after a walk.
8 yearsThe most relevant age to get a dog. Now the young agent is able to perform most caregiving duties, even walking a friend on his own.
11 to 15The child can already cope with the dog of medium or large dimensions.

Basic requirements for choosing

  1. The first step is to decide for what purpose you are acquiring a quadruped. Do you plan to find a reliable defender or just a companion in games.
  2. Character. The main requirements here are the complete absence of aggression, as well as goodwill + good endurance.
  3. Gender identity. There is an opinion that females have a docile and gentle character, which is partly true. But these qualities can disappear at the time of estrus.
  4. Allergic reactions.This reason, although considered weighty, is not a full-fledged reason for refusing to have a four-legged establishment. Among the favorites recognized by the International Cynological Federation as the most suitable for families with children, there are special types that are safe for allergy sufferers. They do not create prerequisites for the development of the disease, contacts are practically harmless.
  5. Weight indicators. It is desirable that the four-legged friend is not heavier than the baby.
  6. Dimensions. It is generally accepted that the best dogs for children are small and even dwarf breeds. However, this belief is incorrect for a number of objective reasons.
  • Miniature representatives do not always have a meek disposition, and often they themselves are not averse to being in the role of a beloved baby.
  • Mini dogs are characterized by a weak immune system, therefore, parents will have to deal with treatment and prevention.
  • Active games for such dogs are not always safe. Small individuals have a rather fragile physique, by chance a child can simply hurt them.

But larger representatives, on the contrary, are able to inadvertently harm themselves, carried away by pampering. For very small dogs, a medium-sized dog is better suited. Which will become equal partners for games.

About Precautions

  1. Whoever the choice falls on, it is worth remembering that at some point even the cutest dog can do harm. And the concern for safety lies entirely on the shoulders of the parents.
  2. The growing little man needs to be explained as clearly as possible that the dog does not like to be touched while eating or sleeping.
  3. The dog will show aggression if he is tired and does not want to play anymore, you do not need to pester him at such moments.
  4. Do not allow the little fidget to punish the animal or raise his voice at him.Not every pet perceives this calmly, but it can even react aggressively to a small person.
  5. Although you can find a lot of photos or videos on the net where the baby sleeps hugging a giant dog, this is not a reason for tenderness. Unconsciously, the child can touch the dog's pain point, which can lead to conflict.
  6. Children should remember that a growl or grin is the last warning that the dog does not like it.
  7. There is a difference in the relationship of a puppy that grew up with a child and a dog that already lived with you before he was born. If for the first case everything goes well, then in the second case the probability of conflict is much greater.
  8. The main thing is that a baby that has just been born should absolutely not be left alone with a four-legged pet, no matter how good it may be.

Popular small dogs for 2025

French Bulldog

Representatives are distinguished by a small physique, a powerful skeleton and strong muscles. However, for all their impressiveness, the dogs have a sharp mind and affectionate character. And funny big ears give an eternally interested, but cute appearance. These dogs are good with people, but most importantly, they love children. Being quite cheerful, good-natured, as well as playful creatures, they will become excellent companions in pranks, they will be able to provide moral support in a difficult situation or cheer up a little friend.

  • The French Bulldog is considered the most easily trainable representative of decorative dogs;
  • suitable for keeping in a city apartment;
  • have a wonderful character;
  • always positive;
  • unpretentious;
  • feel the mood of the owner;
  • able to intercede for the owner;
  • bark only on business;
  • can be a great help for people with disabilities.
  • Sensitive to temperature conditions;
  • drooling;
  • you need to watch your diet.
Height30 cm
The weight13 kg
ColorWhite, black, sand - their combinations
Years of life10 – 13

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Dogs of this species have a balanced kind nature, they are ideal for families. Dogs are very mobile and can easily adapt to different living conditions. The four-legged perfectly converges with all family members, and most importantly, it will become a wonderful friend for the child. They are patient with children's pranks, happily connecting to any game.

  • Have a cheerful spontaneous character;
  • contact;
  • accepts training well;
  • affectionate;
  • calm;
  • real companion.
  • She is not very active;
  • recommended for phlegmatic - withdrawn children;
  • requires constant attention;
  • prone to frequent diseases of the ears and eyes.
Height33 cm
The weight8 kg
ColorTri-haired, black, white with spots
Years of life10-12


A four-legged friend, also known as a butterfly dog ​​because of its unusual ears, is perfect even for a small apartment. These are sociable, friendly dogs, they will easily establish contact with every member of the family. Energetic pets soon find a common language with children, becoming true friends for them.

  • Representatives of this branch are pleasant for tactile perception;
  • well tolerate temperature changes;
  • smart;
  • cleanliness;
  • they are considered hypoallergenic dogs;
  • good health;
  • very active, require frequent games, coupled with peppy walks.
  • For a very small dog, it is very fragile.
  • freezing.
Height28 cm
The weight5 kg
ColorCan be different, but with a white background
Years of lifeAlmost 15 years

Yorkshire Terrier

A small shaggy lump is able to please not only the child, but also any member of the family. The composition of the dog's coat is close to human hair, and also does not suffer from dandruff. Due to this quality, it does not cause allergies. There are several varieties:

  1. Beaver Yorkshire. Differ in light or spotted color.
  2. Terrier - mini. It has a softer character, weighs about 2 kilograms. A short coat makes it easier to care for them.

They are good and fun to play with, but they have a rather fragile physique with a demanding nature, which is why they are best suited for children over 7 years old.

  • playful;
  • mobile;
  • susceptible to the peculiarities of training;
  • very faithful;
  • loves children;
  • clever.
  • Not too clean;
  • suffers from the "Napoleonic complex";
  • seeks to suppress smaller competitors;
  • requires grooming;
  • susceptible to genetic diseases.
Height28 cm
The weight8 kg
Colorsilver, beige, black, mix of sand and pink
Years of life14-16 but, there are cases when Yorks turned 20 years old


This is a very calm balanced pug. Doggies will be delighted not only with games, but also with a movie show or just sleeping next to a companion. A funny grumbler will be a great companion for both a baby and an adult or elderly person. He gets along well with other animals, and his compact size makes it possible to keep him even in a city apartment.

  • Can walk in the tray;
  • well perceives and loves training;
  • distinguished by cheerfulness and friendliness;
  • pugs are unpretentious in everyday life.
  • They snore in their sleep;
  • there is a tendency to obesity;
  • do not tolerate loneliness;
  • must be protected from sudden changes in temperature;
  • are in poor health.

Bichon Frize

The charming descendant of French lapdogs almost does not shed, and also gets along equally well with children and parents. This cheerful, active pug has courage, but is completely non-aggressive. A playful cloud quickly becomes attached to the people around her, therefore she is very sad if she is left alone. These energetic dogs can play for a long time, they will not get tired even after an active walk.

  • He is extremely intelligent and follows commands without difficulty;
  • devoted;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • despite the description, the breed is hypoallergenic;
  • compact dimensions;
  • go to the tray;
  • you can often play;
  • good health;
  • love the children's company.
  • Need regular grooming;
  • experiences result in hooligan acts;
  • have a rather fragile body.
Height30 cm
The weight3-5 kg
Years of life12-15

Jack Russell Terrier

The representative of this branch is unlikely to sit still, a kind of perpetual motion machine of the canine squad. Fidgets need active games, so you should not buy such a clockwork fidget for quiet, passive children. Terriers are strong dogs, so for kids under the age of seven, you should not start it. Jack Russell is a hunting breed, it requires proper upbringing.

  • Dogs are very smart;
  • there is a desire for leadership;
  • learn quickly;
  • can exist without special maintenance and care;
  • protect members of their family;
  • suitable for living in an apartment;
  • his optimism is enough for everyone.
  • Stubborn;
  • noisy;
  • can gnaw on furniture;
  • cunning.
Height25-30 cm
The weight7 kg
ColorWhite with red or black
Years of life13-14

Common Medium Breeds

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

Distinguished by curiosity, cheerfulness, she is extremely devoted to her friend, as well as to the family around him. Doggies love to be the center of attention, they quickly learn new commands, but at the same time they are very responsive. Affectionate creature will be a great companion for your child. They are not shy, hardy, quick-witted enough, they work excellently in a team.

  • They have a fairly developed intellect;
  • easy learning;
  • unpretentious;
  • get along well with new animals or people;
  • can boast of excellent health,
  • Dogs are very compact, making them perfect for living in a small apartment.
  • Requires activity;
  • bark a lot;
  • gluttons.
Height22 cm
The weight10-12 kg
ColorRed, sable, fawn, black, with or without characteristic white markings.
Years of life12-14


This representative is distinguished by great curiosity, they have a rather light, cheerful character. The dog will be happy to explore everything, so you can only walk him on a leash, otherwise he will go on an independent journey. Most babies are suitable for active children over 11 years old.

  • Good contact with other pets;
  • the dog is unpretentious in care, but prefers open space;
  • has a good immune system;
  • good health;
  • minimum wool;
  • clean;
  • contact.
  • Requires active training;
  • prone to fullness;
  • stubborn;
  • bad watchman.
Height41 cm
The weight11 kg
ColorA combination of 2 or more shades is possible. White, tan, black, sometimes gray prevail.
Years of life11-14


They are distinguished by goodwill, they are happy to make contact. Great option for a family with children. Moreover, we are talking about all representatives of the poodle family:

  1. large - royal;
  2. average;
  3. dwarf;
  4. or toy - the smallest of them.

The dog will be an excellent playmate, will help development, as well as the formation of useful qualities. They have a great mind, instantly remember the rules of training.

  • Good with children;
  • high intelligence;
  • sociability;
  • good nature;
  • feel the mood of the owner;
  • the best option for school-age children;
  • belong to hypoallergenic breeds.
  • They have great physical potential, require regular exercise;
  • need frequent grooming;
  • love to bark loudly.
Height25 to 60 cm
The weightfrom 3 to 30
ColorThey have 1 shade. The color may be different
Years of life12-15

Border Collie

An animal that will be the best friend of a little man, especially if she grew up with him. With proper, but timely training, it can become an excellent nanny, as the dog has a strong shepherd instinct. However, they are more suitable for those who are older, it will be difficult for kids to cope with it, since the dog is mobile.

  • They accept training well;
  • has a docile nature;
  • happy;
  • suitable for living in the house;
  • a true friend for a little fidget;
  • devotion;
  • modest;
  • reliable protector.
  • hyperactive;
  • long wool;
  • can run away while walking.
Height56 cm
The weight20 kg
Years of life12-15

Cocker Spaniel

Such darlings at least have the glory of hunting, but successfully fulfill the duties of a therapy dog. There are branches of this species, which differ in nature:

  • English has an active, cheerful demeanor;
  • American has a calm, independent disposition.

Spending time in their company is recommended for those who have deviations in social skills or people with disabilities.Spaniels have a sharp mind, capable of caring, even tenderness.

  • They can understand the mood of a person, adapt to it;
  • due to their qualities, they are equally well suited for both active and calm children;
  • have a very soft, silky coat;
  • easy to train;
  • kind;
  • faithful;
  • pronounced hunting instincts;
  • good health;
  • mobility.
  • Sometimes they are intrusive;
  • stubborn;
  • require careful grooming;
  • may show nervousness.
  • there is a desire to dominate.
Height35-42 cm
The weight10-15 kg
ColorIt is possible both monophonic and spotted, tricolor or speckled.
Years of life13-16


The fact that this is the best choice for a family is assured not only by parents, but even by the children themselves, as well as by professional breeders. The four-legged creature will bestow its boundless love on everyone around:

  • be it children;
  • adults;
  • other animals.

The dog will be good-natured and sociable to everyone. But his loyalty to his family will come first. The Labrador will be an excellent companion for an active cheerful child, as he loves to walk or have fun. He is picky in content, but he will feel much more comfortable in a spacious apartment.

  • Good sports data;
  • kind;
  • susceptible to training;
  • positive disposition;
  • hardy;
  • contact;
  • loyal;
  • ability to swim;
  • no tendency to run away;
  • short wool.
  • Requires frequent physical activity;
  • does not cope well with loneliness;
  • illegible in food;
  • prone to obesity;
  • lose their heads at the sight of a pond.
Height63 cm
The weight35 kg
ColorBlack, brown or fawn with possible shades.
Years of life13-14

golden retriever

These representatives have the same character traits as a simple Labrador, they are also friendly, active in life. Golden Retrievers can play with kids for hours, willingly supporting any undertaking. Balanced dogs easily find contact even with the youngest members of the family. Golden retrievers can often be found in children's health centers among children with behavioral disorders.

  • The anger gene is missing;
  • calm;
  • faithful dog;
  • sharp mind;
  • loves a person;
  • susceptible to training;
  • good contact with other pets;
  • undemanding in care.
  • Bad guard;
  • too mobile;
  • hereditary diseases may appear;
  • and is drawn to the water.
Height54-57 cm
The weightfrom 25 to 35 kg
ColorBlack, sand, chocolate, red, silver, fawn.
Years of life13-14

Large dog breeds

Bernese Mountain Dog

A very large, but phlegmatic individual will be a good option for a city apartment. These dogs have a good heart. They easily find mutual understanding with other inhabitants of the house, but do not have a soul in children, steadfastly enduring even the pranks of babies.

  • Very patient, good-natured character.
  • incredible devotion;
  • contact;
  • smart;
  • neat;
  • non-aggressive;
  • good health;
  • beautiful soft wool;
  • love children.
  • Too big for a small living space;
  • requires frequent combing;
  • mature for a long time;
  • lazy;
  • slow;
  • stubborn.
Height58-70 cm
The weight36-50 kg
Years of life8—10

German Shepherd

An animal of this breed is known to almost everyone. Representatives from among them have great potential for training, as well as a fairly powerful intellect.It is common for Germans to think about their actions, this quality makes them wonderful nannies. They will treat the little fidget with care, and for older children they will become reliable friends.

When choosing a shepherd, it is better to prefer a female. She will be more lenient with pranks.

  • Independent character;
  • good physical performance;
  • very smart animals;
  • industrious;
  • protect the child;
  • balanced and non-aggressive;
  • sociable.
  • Requires training;
  • large release of energy;
  • regular physical activity is necessary;
  • copes poorly with loneliness and idleness.
Height55-65 cm
The weight22-40 kg
ColorCombination of black and brown
Years of life10—13

st bernard

Children of different ages will be comfortable with them, they will never harm their younger friend, even if he decides to climb on him like a pony. This species is not conflict, he gets along well with other animals. St. Bernards belong to the rescue dogs, have a calm character, and also cope well with loneliness.

  • Patient to squeeze;
  • balanced;
  • very faithful;
  • reliable friends;
  • smart.
  • They like frequent walks;
  • large dimensions;
  • it will not be easy for the little owner to cope with it;
  • not suitable for an apartment;
  • weak heart.
Height65-90 cm
The weight54-82 kg
ColorWhite - brown
Years of life9—11

irish setter

Having settled this fiery dog, you will receive not only aesthetic pleasure. And walking with him, the teenager will happily brag about his new wards. The amazingly beautiful coat of a pet is a real reason for pride, and a light elegant step emphasizes its noble origin.The favorite has a good-natured character, he will become an excellent companion for fussy first-graders, as well as teenagers.

  • Friendliness towards others;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • gets along well with children of different ages;
  • contact with other pets;
  • just look after him;
  • outstanding mind.
  • A hunting dog that needs spacious conditions;
  • poorly perceives training;
  • loves attention to his person;
  • does not tolerate loneliness;
  • needs physical activity.
Height55-67 cm
The weight27-32 kg
Years of life12-15

What did they come to

Of the miniature pets in 2025, the Yorkshire Terrier can be called the undisputed leader. This bold representative is equally suitable for boys or girls. However, it is worth remembering that the dogs of the Schnauzer or Terrier detachment do not like cats. Among the representatives of medium-sized dogs, the Labrador with the Golden Retriever took the lead - they will become ideal companions not only for teenagers, but even for adults. No less popular are Irish Setters, Beagles, and Poodles. But among the large species, the German Shepherd with St. Bernard stands out with great love, coupled with care. Who will not only love children with all their hearts, but will be able to protect if necessary.

However, it is worth remembering that if the pet has already learned the skills of a watchdog, then it will no longer be a meek companion. The characteristics of the child itself are of great importance, it must be remembered that for a grown-up baby it is important how they will look in the eyes of their peers. If a girl walking with a mini dog can look pretty impressive and even make her girlfriends jealous, then for a guy of 10-13 years old this can be a complete failure.In this connection, representatives of the Russian Cynological Federation came to the conclusion that the best breeds for a teenager are French Bulldogs, Labradors or Golden Retrievers, Border Collies.

It is impossible to say unequivocally who is the best friend, companion or protector. Each variety has fans who will certainly defend their case. Therefore, before buying a cute puppy, you need to consult a cynologist. The main thing - do not rush to buy a pug on the market or from your hands, even if it has a good price, it is better to do it from experienced breeders.

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