
  1. How to choose a parrot breed
  2. Ranking of the best breeds for 2025

Rating of the best parrot breeds for home keeping in 2025

Rating of the best parrot breeds for home keeping in 2025

Birds bring a positive variety to the ordinary boring life of a person. Parrots occupy a special place among feathered pets. This is due to sociability, curiosity, extreme activity and fun of this species of birds. Pet shops and breeders offer a wide range of parrots, but it is worth considering that not all of them are domestic species and are suitable for human habitation. In order for the pet to be a joy to all family members and feel comfortable, it is appropriate to consider the selection criteria and an overview of the best parrot breeds for 2025 that can be kept at home.

How to choose a parrot breed

There are several places where you can buy a feathered pet: you can buy it at a pet supply store, from a breeder of a certain breed, in a nursery, from hands on the market or on the Avito website. The choice is up to the buyer, however, before making a purchase, it is important to choose a breed that is ideal for a particular individual or family.

Criterias of choice

Housing area - a parameter that is relevant for those who have a desire to purchase a large parrot. In this case, you will have to allocate part of the room or purchase a large aviary that does not restrict the movements and wingspan of the bird. And this will be possible only if the family lives in a spacious apartment or cottage. For those who cannot boast of luxurious apartments, it is better to stay with a small or medium-sized parrot, which does not need a lot of space or a large cage, but there will be no less joy and fun communication.

Price birds will depend on the size and availability of documents, this is especially true for exotic breeds: confirmation of payment of customs duties, veterinary health certificates and test results from the sending and receiving countries. The larger the bird, the higher the price. The ability to speak also affects pricing: for an actively speaking parrot, you will have to pay a third more than the regular price.

Appearance can help to preliminarily assess the state of health and well-being of the feathered:

  • good uniform plumage;
  • lack of bald spots on the body;
  • mobility, energy;
  • clean eyes and beak;
  • shiny eyes.

If the bird is disheveled, depressed, lethargic, and discharge is observed from the beak or eyes, it is better to refuse to acquire such a pet, since all these signs indicate the presence of some kind of hidden disease.

Availability of free time. When getting a pet, it is logical to take into account that you will have to set aside time for communication with him, care and trips to the veterinarian. Many parrots, regardless of size, with the exception of the pink-bellied breed, are in dire need of a certain amount of attention and care from a person. They are sociable and mobile by nature, so if there is not enough time for a bird, it is better not to start it, so that later you will not get health problems caused by a lack of communication with the owner.

What is needed to keep a parrot

After choosing the breed of a feathered friend, it is advisable to learn how to maintain and care for how to feed the bird.

The cage for the parrot should be spacious, in accordance with the size of the bird, and durable - made of metal rods or mesh (stainless, not galvanized and unpainted). It is not recommended to use wooden elements inside (beams, rings, swings). To ensure comfortable cleaning conditions, it is desirable to equip the cage with a retractable tray. Given the innate high intelligence of parrots, it is better to use a padlock as a constipation, which the bird cannot open and escape.

Accessories play an important role in creating an overall picture of a pet's life support and leisure activities. In addition to the basic household items - feeders, drinkers, clamps for large feed, perches and toys such as mirrors, ropes, rings, bells, swings, plastic parrots, additional accessories will be required:

  • net - it is convenient and safe to catch a bird in it without causing injury and damage;
  • taming stick - a plastic object with a metal fork at the end, allows, gradually shortening the length, to offer your pet your favorite treats, teaching him to take food from the owner's hands;
  • leather gloves - to protect hands from bites and claws, especially when dealing with a large parrot.

Feed. The question of how to feed a feathered friend should be resolved even before he moves into the house. Among the main components of healthy parrot food, grain mixtures, nuts, seeds, raw fruits and vegetables are considered the main ones. Also, from time to time, cereals, sour-milk products, mineral and vitamin supplements must be present in the pet’s menu. Water and greens are given without restrictions.

Health control. Parrots are long-lived, but this is possible only if they are in good health. Therefore, how long these birds live depends on the person: the owner must follow the recommendations of the veterinarian on the conditions of keeping, feeding and care. Care should be taken to ensure that the bird does not inadvertently injure itself during planned or unforeseen walks around the human occupant. Carefully protect against all sorts of dangers, especially in the kitchen, where there are constantly hot dishes, boiling water, hot steam, perhaps even open fire when using gas stoves. It is strictly forbidden to contact with small objects, as well as those containing lead and zinc, which are deadly for birds. If a foreign body enters the stomach of a parrot, intestinal obstruction, poisoning or damage to the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract may occur, which will lead to the death of the bird.The abuse of household chemicals and perfumes can lead to an allergic reaction from the respiratory system.


Experienced poultry farmers who breed parrots at home give beginners some useful tips when choosing a pet:

  1. Carefully study the description of the breed before choosing one of them.
  2. If possible, do not purchase in the markets and from the hands, as there is a risk of getting a sick or mentally unstable individual with a spoiled character.
  3. When buying an individual of an exotic breed imported from abroad, confirmation of the passed 30-day quarantine is required.
  4. Immediately after the purchase, show to contact an ornithologist veterinarian for a professional examination, to exclude the presence of diseases and to identify the state of health.
  5. Analyze all the features of living together with a feathered friend, weighing the pros and cons in order to avoid a situation where, after a few days after the acquisition, the parrot has become unnecessary.
  6. Communicate on forums and in groups of owners of this species of birds, find out possible pitfalls in the content.
  7. Be prepared for regular trips to the veterinarian in order to monitor the health of the bird.

Ranking of the best breeds for 2025

In 2025, several breeds of parrots of different sizes, ideal for home keeping, are the most popular among bird lovers, as described below.


Jaco (grey parrot)

A magnificent bird, which is distinguished by a fairly developed innate intelligence. Perfectly reproduce not only individual words, but also whole phrases. Easily trained. The disposition is affectionate, but independent. The birds of this breed are self-sufficient, unobtrusive in demanding attention to their own person.However, the owner should not save time for communication with the pet, as it makes him happy and contented. When buying a bird, it is also important to provide a decent habitat - a huge cage, or rather an aviary and a place for walking. Jaco is an expensive purchase, but maintenance and care costs are low, and emotions and impressions from contact with such a wonderful bird are priceless.

Average price: 10,000 - 100,000 rubles

  • trainable;
  • unobtrusive;
  • speaks well;
  • unpretentious.
  • expensive;
  • requires a lot of space.


A beautiful large parrot, up to 40 cm in size, which gets used to a new owner and place in a relatively short time. Intellectually developed, with a rich vocabulary. Quickly mastered in an unfamiliar environment, not shy, but not aggressive. Minus - only in the requirement of increased attention to themselves from the owner, otherwise it becomes jealous and vindictive, prone to neuroses due to lack of attention. The ideal habitat of the Amazon, whose dimensions reach 45 cm, is an aviary or part of a room that does not constrain the span of its chic wings.

Average price: 15,000 - 60,000 rubles

  • quickly tamed;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • affectionate;
  • adequate cost.
  • vulnerable and vindictive;
  • prone to neuroses.


Proud wayward bird, up to 60 cm in size, with bright colors of plumage and a huge crest. Demanding and jealous of the owner, so it is not advisable to keep him in families with small children. Otherwise, the bird may see a competitor in the child and even injure him, fighting for the attention of the owner.In everyday life, noisy, mobile and restless, he shows affection and tenderness to the owner, including physical ones: he likes to rub against a person, touch his head, touch with his paw. He memorizes words well, vocabulary can reach up to several tens, but sentences reproduce only consisting of two words.

Average price: 35,000 - 100,000 rubles

  • ease of care and feeding;
  • affectionate;
  • quickly gets used;
  • mobile and funny;
  • talks a lot.
  • requires increased attention;
  • expensive.



The most common type of medium-sized cockatoo. Equally well suited for experienced owners and for beginner poultry farmers. Gets along well with people, including children, will become a favorite of the whole family. It is distinguished by a beautiful iridescent plumage, an intelligent understanding look and exceptional talkativeness. Among the advantages of the breed, one can also note the affectionate disposition and non-conflict, as well as low cost. In everyday life unpretentious, loves to imitate the movements and sounds of people. He learns quickly, but the vocabulary is very poor. More likely to reproduce all sorts of individual sounds: meowing cats, barking dogs, the whistle of a kettle, the trill of a doorbell or telephone, household appliances and car horns outside the window.

Average price: 1,500 - 8,000 rubles

  • contact and affectionate;
  • undemanding;
  • simple care;
  • cheerful.
  • poor vocabulary.


Interesting for the scaly coloration of the bright plumage of contrasting shades: red, blue, yellow, green, black. The size of an adult individual ranges from 25-35 cm.Several species are popular among amateur poultry farmers: black-headed, pale-headed, red and green. In everyday life it is undemanding, it causes little noise and trouble. It is attached not only to the owner, but to all family members. This parrot can memorize words with a C grade, within 5-10, but he is a master in reproducing any natural sounds and those that other birds make. It is unpretentious in nutrition and care, like a delicacy it loves small insects and larvae, as well as germinated grain.

Average price: 8,000 - 20,000 rubles

  • beautiful colors;
  • affectionate, kind;
  • simple care;
  • almost does not get sick;
  • perfectly repeats the sounds of nature and birds;
  • not noisy.
  • poorly teachable.



The most popular bird of small size and all kinds of variegated colors of plumage. It is most often purchased as a pet for both adults and children. An energetic, sociable feathered one will quickly become a universal favorite in the family due to its playfulness and cheerful, cheerful disposition. Gentle, not vindictive, not jealous. He treats all the people around him with the same kindness and affection. Many people like the cheerful chirping of this small bird, restless and funny, which can be watched tirelessly. He loves different toys, which the owners will have to spare no expense in order to maintain the pet's cheerful pastime. Remembers and repeats all kinds of sounds and melodies and individual words. Can live alone, in pairs or in flocks. However, only loners can speak.

Average price: 500 - 3,000 rubles

  • suitable for everyone;
  • perfect pet for a child;
  • you can keep one, a couple or a whole flock;
  • affordable price;
  • many places for sale;
  • funny;
  • unpretentious;
  • quickly tamed;
  • playful.
  • no.


An exception from the general mass of restless, talkative, chirping and flickering parrots. Suitable for people who lead a calm measured life or are often absent from home. A pet that quickly gets used to captivity, with a light character, will be a lively beautiful picture, patiently waiting for the attention of the owner. Can't copy human speech. In everyday life, he is not picky, he eats everything. Loves the food that people eat. However, it should not be given in large quantities in order to avoid problems with the digestive organs. It does not take up much space, because it does not like to fly, it is content with a small cage in which it can jump on perches and ropes, swing on a swing, play with toys.

Average price: 2,000 - 8,000 rubles

  • calm;
  • not demanding;
  • beautiful;
  • affordable price;
  • simple care;
  • little space.


  • does not speak.


An unpretentious bird of very small size, no larger than a sparrow, does not take up much space and does not require special conditions for care. It is almost not susceptible to diseases and neuroses, has a good-natured disposition, quickly gets used to people, takes food from the hands with pleasure. Fills the house with cheerful chirping and bright colors of plumage. It can only be kept in a pair, does not tolerate loneliness, is in dire need of the neighborhood of a relative. In the case of a solitary residence, a pet can get sick and even die, languishing from boredom.

Average price: 1,200 - 4,000 rubles

  • not demanding;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • funny and moving;
  • chirping all day;
  • inexpensive;
  • playful.
  • keep only a couple.

The above rating will allow you to easily determine the breed of parrots suitable for home keeping and get an idea of ​​​​everything necessary for the bird to become a true friend, a family favorite, pleasing with its presence for more than a dozen years.

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