The cat is considered one of the most popular pets for a number of reasons: it rids the house of rats and mice, has a playful friendly disposition, and calms the nervous system with a melodic purr. Some representatives of the cat family are a real decoration and pride of the owners due to their unusually beautiful color, elegant appearance, and pedigree features. Based on world statistics, it was revealed that about 13 million cats live in Russia, this is the third largest in the world. The best breeders offer from 40 to 90 types of purebred pets. We offer a rating of the best cat breeds for 2025.
When choosing a kitten for the home, it is advisable to proceed from the characteristics and interests of the family, the presence of other pets, small children, and allergy sufferers. Ratcatchers are required for a rustic or country house. In an animal for an apartment, first of all, communicative qualities, the ability to get along with a person, and a calm disposition are important.
The main criteria for choosing a cat breed:
Owner's lifestyle. Busy working people, single pensioners, families with children should choose different purebred pets, based on their usual lifestyle, time for a tailed pet.
The complexity of care and maintenance. Depending on the characteristics, each cat breed requires more or less attention and time for care, is simple or difficult to maintain.
Character. Each breed of cats leaves its mark on the character of the animal, its temperament and disposition.
Unusual. If the main thing for you in a cat is an unusual appearance, and you are ready to overpay for this, since the average price is quite high, then it is advisable to study the list of the most exotic breeds that are found in catteries:
To avoid mistakes when choosing a thoroughbred pet, be sure to require the seller to provide the following important points:
Some felinological clubs issue a certificate stating that the baby does not have hereditary genetic diseases that may be characteristic of the breed.
If you want to get a healthy thoroughbred pet, it is advisable to follow a few tips from experienced cat lovers:
The popularity of the breed is determined by the distinctive features of its representatives. Some breeds are ideal for children, great friends with dogs and other pets, others are calm and lazy, and others are suitable for allergy sufferers. We offer an overview of the most popular cat breeds, which one is better to buy, what to look for, according to buyers.
A representative of this breed, aristocratic and independent in character, must have his own place, which no one should touch. The animal does not like excessive familiarity, it does not always allow itself to be stroked and not for everyone. Usually he chooses one member of the family, whom he perceives as the owner, and simply tolerates the rest. She gets along well with children, but does not like being squeezed. With pleasure it will rush around the rooms with a child or another cat, knocking down everything in its path. After active games, he rests for a long time. He cannot stand closed doors, tries to open them with his paws, but does not lose his temper. Very smart, reacts to a change in the mood of the owner, not capricious, unpretentious in food and care. Has a good hunting instinct, great for catching mice. For a Scottish fold kitten, you will have to pay from 15 to 90 thousand rubles.
Even in the expression of the muzzle, the main feature of the breed is read - phlegm. A sedate, balanced animal that does not know how to lose his temper even with overly playful children or obsessive adults. With pleasure she accepts the caresses of the owner, loves to be looked at and hugged. With the rest, he behaves somewhat arrogantly.She loves children, endures squeezing and squeezing in her hands. The only clear manifestation of discontent is arrogance and indifference. With pleasure transfers water procedures. Long hair requires constant care, otherwise it quickly gets into tangles that will have to be cut, causing damage to the psyche and appearance of the pet. To care for a chic, up to 15 cm long coat, you need a whole arsenal: special shampoos, conditioners, powders, brushes. The price for a kitten ranges from 10,000 (for a house) to 100,000 rubles (for exhibitions). Breeders sell a pet without documents for a nominal fee of 1,500 to 5,000 rubles.
Representatives of this breed have a resemblance to cute plush toys, which makes them favorites of children and adults. In addition, this is the only cat breed in the world that can smile. This happens due to plump cheeks and an elongated tongue, which creates the effect of a smile on the cat's face. These are true Englishmen - silent and restrained. A gentle kind disposition makes it easy to get along with a person, make friends with dogs and other cats. The “British” are smart, aristocratic, independent, they can be left alone for several days: they will calmly endure it if there is food, they will always find something to do. They are considered long-lived among cats - life expectancy is an average of 20 years, perhaps due to good sleep and rest. These cats sleep 14-16 hours a day. Animals are not aggressive, they will never rush with claws and hiss at a person, but they are not too affectionate either.The best attitude of the owner is attentive, polite, without familiarity or rudeness.
For experienced breeders, this breed is the personification of intelligence and self-esteem. Not too mobile and active, unobtrusive and balanced, this cat will become a wonderful partner for the owner. The animal is distinguished by natural sociability and curiosity, it is happy to meet new people who have come to the house, it is not at all cowardly. Excellent friends with dogs, not afraid of them, does not attack, does not show signs of aggression. In games with children, he never releases his claws: if he doesn’t like something, he simply steps aside. He does not like high surfaces, which are best avoided (wardrobes, shelves), prefers low beds, sofas, chairs, as he does not know how to land at all. The downside is thick long fur, the care of which takes a lot of time and patience. A kitten costs from 10 to 65 thousand rubles.
Differs in independent character, almost never allow to be picked up, stroked. They are sociable with people, but they easily experience loneliness if the owner is away for a long time. Smart, active, playful. It is good if the pet has its own toys. He easily remembers their location, if he wants to play, he approaches this place and waits. The hunting instinct is well developed, therefore it easily catches mice and rats.They are wary of small children who squeeze them, carry them in their arms. A kitten costs from 5,000 to 25,000 rubles.
A trusting playful animal with short smooth hair, adoring the owner, perfectly understands his mood, always enjoys games and caresses. He likes to be in the center of attention, moves vigorously all day long, plays, calming down only in the evening with obligatory hugs and conversations. It is recognized as hypoallergenic, because allergenic protein is not produced in saliva, and short hair without undercoat almost does not shed. This also explains the minimum care required for this breed. The cost of a kitten is from 10 to 80 thousand rubles.
A long-haired breed with thin flowing fur, which allergy sufferers can start without fear: its saliva contains the minimum amount of allergenic protein that does not affect a person. It has a fluffy tail, elongated limbs, a wedge-shaped elongated muzzle. By nature, she is sociable and smart: she can easily learn to open boxes with toys, the refrigerator door. She is very attached to a person, misses her owner, plays with pleasure, loves to sit on her knees, needs attention, loves being stroked. Great companion for kids, always join in outdoor games, pranks. Talkative, constantly purring or meowing. A kitten costs 10-25 thousand rubles.
A popular breed of exotic hairless cats with an alien appearance without whiskers. Due to the lack of hairline, it does not carry allergens around the apartment. They are not in the saliva of the animal. The downside is that it requires frequent washing of the pet and thorough cleaning of the ears. It is also important to control that the cat does not overheat or freeze due to completely bare skin. A human-oriented animal requires constant attention, loves to watch everything that happens in the house, often talks with the owner, loves to be caressed and stroked. Gets along well with other cats and dogs. The cost of a kitten is 10-50 thousand rubles.
Due to the lack of an undercoat, it never sheds without causing unpleasant symptoms in allergy sufferers. Curly short hair needs periodic bathing, followed by combing with a rubber mitten. She is not afraid of water, bathes with pleasure. He loves a person, does not belong to independent breeds, gets along with children, dogs and his own kind. With some effort, it can be trained. A kitten costs 5-10 thousand rubles.
Despite the long thick fur, this feline is safe for allergy sufferers, since the saliva does not contain an allergenic protein.Non-conflict, calm, friendly to people and animals. Steadfastly endures children's games, up to pulling the tail without releasing its claws. Attachment to the owner does not turn into obsession and constant demand for affection. Does not cause trouble in maintenance, does not require special care. He has excellent health, strong immunity, rarely gets sick. Well exterminates rodents. A kitten costs 5000-30000 rubles.
Sociable, talkative pet. A deep attachment to the owner lasts a lifetime. He loves water, he can safely climb under the stream from the tap, into the shower or bath. Another addiction is to sit in the arms of the owner. He spends most of his time in outdoor games, surveying the territory, pranks, he loves to play together with the owner or children. For a kitten with a pedigree, you will have to pay from 20 to 300 thousand rubles. Without a pedigree, a baby will cost 8-20 thousand rubles.
A graceful animal of strong build with a characteristic color that manifests itself by 6-10 months of life: from beige-cream to dark brown and black. Feels a strong attachment to only one person, others may experience hostility and arrogance. Very smart, trainable, but in the process of training, in no case should you shout at her. He likes to play, run, communicate, has a loud and shrill raspy voice.Hates loneliness: if you leave her alone for a long time, returning home, you can find tattered wallpaper and furniture upholstery, ripped curtains, overturned chairs and other signs of discontent. The owner may show jealousy due to insufficient attention. It does not get along well with other pets, with the exception of fellow breeders. Indulgent and friendly to children, they like to join in games and pranks. They have a hunting instinct, have good health, and are prone to longevity.
Friendly creatures follow a person everywhere, participate in all activities. Generously endowed with curiosity, energy, playfulness. Very active pets, they will always find something to their liking, they never sit in one place. If the owner leads a measured lifestyle, the cat can get bored and even get sick. The cost of a kitten: from 10 to 100 thousand rubles.
Behind the harsh appearance of a huge cat with a fluffy tail and tassels on the ears lies an incredible charm and a kind soul: love for people, especially children, a desire to play, frolic. A sense of dignity makes the animal unobtrusive, not recognizing familiarities. The resemblance to a dog gives a large size, love for outdoor games and jogging, the ability to walk on a leash, the pleasure of bathing and swimming in a suitable pond.The cost of a kitten: from 15,000 to 90,000 rubles.
A variety of Siamese with a round head, small ears, bright blue eyes, a characteristic Siamese color. Energetic, curious cheerful animal. Despite its independent nature, it is very attached to the owner for life, all the time of wakefulness follows him on the heels, is nearby in any business. The peculiarity of the breed is that these cats never release their claws, so they can be safely left with children. Sociable, talking with the help of a variety of published sounds. Forgiving and tolerant, very quick-witted. They cannot stand to be alone, they can become depressed. Kitten price: from 7 to 25 thousand rubles.
The above rating will tell you which breed is better to choose for home keeping, what are the advantages and disadvantages, breed characteristics. However, even a purebred kitten can become a favorite pet if it falls into loving caring hands.