Rating of the best float switches for 2025

Rating of the best float switches for 2025

The main purpose of the float switch is to ensure correct automatic adjustment and operation of electric pumps in various systems. Practical, reliable and convenient switches are guaranteed to be used in drainage and sewerage systems, drainage systems and water supply systems, where they play the role of not only a control device, but also where they simultaneously perform the functions of a water level sensor, and also protect processing equipment from idling on " dry run."

Properly integrated into the overall system, this device will permanently monitor the functioning of all communication elements and turn on / off the pump in time when the set (or permissible) level of water (or other liquid) changes in the system nodes.Usually, the described device is placed in containers, tanks, reservoirs, and in wells.

Design features and functionality of the unit

By itself, the design of the float switch is quite elementary. Inside the case, made of high-strength heat-resistant plastic, a functioning electrical switch is placed. Nearby is a lever for moving the contacts in the switch and a steel ball responsible for the position of the lever element during the change in position of the float itself.

Devices of this type belong to a number of universal options for household / industrial devices, due to the fact that they work equally correctly both in the event of an empty storage tank and when it is overflowed.

A cable extends from the switch assembly, usually consisting of three wires - black, brown and blue.Black is the common wire, blue is from the normally open switch contact, and brown is from the normally closed switch.

Special requirements are also placed on the conductive wire and the housing itself. The first must necessarily have an increased moisture resistance limit, and the second must be completely sealed and impervious to water.

The outlet of the device is additionally fastened with a high-strength seal and equipped with a practical device that ensures the neutralization of mechanical stress in the wire.

In turn, the insulated part of the cable gland must be filled with polymer resin, which will prevent moisture (or any other liquid) from entering inside and ensure the normal operation of the equipment as a whole.

As a rule, both the body and the wire sheath have a high level of strength and heat resistance. Due to these properties, they are almost invulnerable to external elements of an aggressive environment, such as faecal liquid masses, fruit and uric acid, gasoline, as well as liquid oils, etc.

Inside the space of the body of the float-switch is filled with air, therefore, the device constantly strives to emerge and take the highest possible position in relation to the bottom of the tank. If the liquid level in the tank falls, then the float, respectively, falls closer to the bottom.

The length of the wire that is needed to move the mechanism is a parameter that controls the spread between the lower and upper positions of the float switch. The starting point, relative to which the movement will be carried out, is set by the sinker moving along the switch cable.

The body of the device usually has a non-porous and smooth surface.Fragments of human waste do not stick to it and dirt particles that find themselves in sewage channels do not stick. At the same time, paper, grains of sand, other solid objects simply slide off the unit, in no way affecting its functionality, efficiency and buoyancy.

It is worth noting that float switches are extremely functional in themselves and can be adapted to solve a wide range of tasks. Only a few modules, correctly assembled into a single system in one container, are able to provide:

  • Full functioning of the main pump of the entire communication network;
  • Efficient operation of the accessory (auxiliary) pump;
  • Fixing a sharp drop in the liquid level in the tank, acting as both an emergency controller and an overflow level sensor.

All this will significantly reduce the load on the working equipment and protect the pumping system as a whole from premature wear, transition to dry running and other technical problems and potential malfunctions.

Classification of existing devices

Modern models of float switches are conditionally divided into two types: light and heavy. The former are used in pumping complexes that carry out drainage or supply the population with running clean water for domestic purposes. The latter are used in the management of fecal pumping equipment and drainage systems.

IMPORTANT! A float switch should be purchased, clearly based on future tasks for its use. Light models attract buyers with a low price, but they are adapted to function only in clean water!!!

Heavy units are considered more versatile - they work equally well in clean and polluted environments, but it is impractical to use them in running water due to their high cost.

Functioning of float switches in various systems

The scope of the considered device is extremely wide. It is effectively used in standard water supply systems, where it quickly controls the emptying / filling of the storage tank, prevents the equipment from idling, thereby extending its service life.

Functioning of the float switch in water supply complexes

The device placed in the tank floats to the surface when the tank is filled with water to the allowable (set) limit, and at the same time turns off the working pump, thus preventing liquid from overflowing. In the case when the liquid level drops, the float drops again to the required level, at which the pump turns on to fill the tank with water. In both cases, having reached the upper or lower limits, the float signals this to the automatic water supply station. Depending on its device, this fact can be recorded in the memory of the operator panel or the signal will go directly to the central dispatching console.

The filling / emptying process itself looks something like this: when a certain mark is reached and a corresponding signal is given from the float device, an automated servo drive is activated, which will open (for filling) or close (when overflowing) the valve or valve responsible for supplying liquid.

Contact with sewerage and drainage

For fecal, drainage and sewage pumps, only the heavy type of float switches must be used. This is necessary because liquids of greater density than running water pass through these pumps. In general, the same principle of operation of the device is followed as for water systems, with the exception that one switch can be connected to two pumps. With such a scheme, the pumps will work in turn, or they will each perform their own function - one will pump the accumulated liquid when the tank is filled, and the second will supply liquid to the tank from an external system.

However, today Rosvodokanal specialists try not to use this scheme and prefer to use their own float switch for each pump. This is due to the fact that sometimes there may be fluctuations in the volumes and the rate of receipt / emptying of the tank, which leads to a distortion of the correct operation of the device.

Some features of the installation of the device

Properly mount the float switch is possible in several ways. However, first of all, you need to make sure that the current consumed by the pump is less than the maximum required and specified in the operating instructions for the float.

Standard installation of a single module

The fastest, easiest and most labor-intensive way is to install the float into the tank using a waterproof wire and a special weight, which, as a rule, are included with the purchase.

The installation procedure is as follows:

  • A load is strung on a cable cable. Then, empirically, the length of the shoulder is established, at which there is free play of the float device;
  • After measurement, the position of the load is fixed on the cable using a special practical clothespin;
  • Then the cable is attached to the outer wall of the container using special fasteners;
  • Upon completion of the previous steps, the float itself is connected to the pumping system. Here you must follow the clear instructions set out in the documentation for the equipment.

At the end of the implementation of all the necessary procedures, the equipment must pass a performance test without fail. For these purposes, the pump is started in normal mode for 2-3 hours, while it is continuously monitored by the operator. If during the testing period there were no failures, the liquid is pumped in the normal mode, this means that the installation was carried out correctly and in compliance with all instructions and recommendations.

Order of installation of two or more modules

In the case when the design and estimate documentation requires the installation of several float devices, it makes sense to use the rod mounting method. Any fragment of a strong plastic tube is perfect for the role of a fastener-rod. It is tightly and clearly fixed inside the container intended for filling.

Next, the floats themselves are attached to the bar. They should be evenly spaced along the entire length of the tube so that after the fixing and adjustment is completed, there is some free space around each device. This method provides the opportunity for each module to perform its own function and at the same time not interfere with its neighbors.

The cables coming out of the switches are attached to the rod base by means of clamps.This method allows you to mount almost any number of switches, which will ensure full control of the entire complex, even if it consists of several pumps.

In addition, if necessary, you can use more than two rods and, accordingly, mount more devices on them. Naturally, this will only be necessary when the volume of the tank is rather large, and also when several pumps must be controlled at once and signals must be sent to several control panels.

Repair and service

By itself, the float switch is a device that is quite simple and convenient in design. It functions effectively and efficiently even in aggressive environments and is not afraid of heavy loads. Subject to the operating rules that the manufacturer describes in the instructions for the device, even after working out the entire declared service life, the device can still function successfully for a long time.

It should be noted that if the module is used exclusively in water disposal or water supply systems, then it does not even require preventive maintenance, because water is not considered an aggressive environment and has the most minimal negative impact on the device. Regular maintenance is required for units operating in harsh environments where pumped liquids are rich in foreign solids, such as in drainage or faecal systems.

Plumbing experts recommend flushing the device with a hose at least once every thirty days in order to avoid sticking of the device itself to pressure pipes or pump walls during everyday work.If you rinse the device regularly with a pressure of clean water, then it will keep its performance much longer than the manufacturer claims.

The most common breakdowns of the device include the following cases:

  • Burnout of contacts in an electric cable;
  • Violation of the insulating layer;
  • Damage to the sealed housing;
  • Water penetration into the hull.

In all the cases described above, the damaged structural elements will have to be replaced with new ones, since they cannot be repaired. If the electronic filling itself has undergone a malfunction, then it should also be replaced as soon as possible - it will also not be repairable. At the same time, it is not worth buying the first floating switch that comes across (even if its price is very attractive), but it is better to apply for a similar model either to the manufacturer or to an official dealer. At the same time, a pump downtime will be much cheaper than working with an unsuitable, but cheap module.

Features of making the right purchase

Before purchasing a signaling float, you should clearly identify the scope and method of its use, as well as determine the necessary electrical characteristics, the dimensions of the device itself and the length of the wire. If a float is needed for drainage or water intake needs, then it will be quite possible to get by with a light-type budget model. It has the necessary buoyancy, clearly responds to the level of inputs in the controlled vessel and immediately transmits a signal to other parts of the system involved in the process, if any changes occur.But for drainage and fecal systems, special heavy and expensive modules will be needed (sometimes they are not even equipped with sinkers), because their design involves close interaction with an aggressive environment. It is worth noting that they should not be purchased for clean water, because their return will be equal to light, and the price is orders of magnitude higher.

Some nuances of electrical characteristics

The voltage and current of the float unit must clearly correlate with the same parameters of the pumping equipment used. The voltage is usually 220 volts, fluctuations in this indicator are permissible in the range from 5 to 10 percent (in both directions). However, the current at the circuit breaker must exceed the limits required by the pump. The instructions for floats often indicate active / reactive load. Accordingly, when connecting it to the pump, this position should be taken into account by the reactive indicator.

The temperature regime of the float devices is quite large - therefore, there is absolutely no need to take care of this. Another thing is the length of the outgoing connection cable - as a standard, it has a length of 2 to 10 meters. Devices with a short cable length are suitable for household tanks of small depth, and long cables are useful for working in water utility tanks or deep wells or wells.

Rating of the best float switches for 2025

Mechanical Models

3rd place: Aquatek 1″ 0-16-3065

Simple and reliable in operation, the unit is more designed to work at the household level. In industrial conditions, it is preferable to install the group immediately by means of a rod mount. It has all the necessary features and is easy to install.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Connection typeH1
Production materialPlastic
Working pressure, bar6
Operating temperature, degrees Celsius0 to +50
Price, rubles1300
"Aquatek" 1″ 0-16-3065
  • Easy installation;
  • High reliability;
  • Quality manufacturing material.
  • Functionality is not enough for industrial capacities.

2nd Place: "NHT" QuickStop 1

Another standard model designed for domestic use. According to customer reviews, it has a more durable design and the locking process is much clearer. Even over time, you do not have to replace the regulating arm. Mounting and integration into the vessel is simple and intuitive.

Manufacturer countryItaly
Connection typeH1
Production materialPlastic
Working pressure, bar6
Operating temperature, degrees Celsius0 to +50
Price, rubles1800
NHT QuickStop 1
  • Rugged housing;
  • Extended service life;
  • Does not need frequent maintenance.
  • Pretty high price for a mechanical model.

1st place: NHT QuickStop G3/4″

Universal unit that can be used in tanks of various depths. Its control arm can be extended by adding plug-in segments up to 7 meters. Also, the housing is specially designed to pass water at high pressure (60 MPa).

Manufacturer countryItaly
Connection typeHP ¾
Production materialPlastic/polycarbonate
Working pressure, bar15
Operating temperature, degrees Celsius0 to +50
Price, rubles2200
NNT QuickStop G3/4″
  • Increased throughput;
  • Heavy-duty housing;
  • Modified connection type;
  • The length of the controlling arm is from 60 cm to 7 meters.
  • Requires monthly supervision of the strength of the coupling of the joints of the controlling shoulder.

Electrical Models

3rd place: UNIPUMP 74528

One of the most popular models, fully justifying its functionality in the category of "price / quality ratio". The kit is well packaged, including a long cord, and is perfect for running water and moderately aggressive environments.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Load, volts and amperes220 and 8
Production materialPlastic
Operating temperature, degrees CelsiusUp to 60
Price, rubles810
  • Does not require constant prevention;
  • Ease of integration into any tanks;
  • Extra weight included.
  • Not a very strong case.

2nd place: Tecnoplastic FOX 5 m

This float switch is designed for use in wastewater/water supply systems (only for running water). Has the strengthened system of protection of the case on the European standard IP68. The warranty has been extended from six months to one year and three months. Officially produced in Russia under an Italian license.

Manufacturer countryItaly
Load, volts and amperes220 and 8
Production materialPlastic
Cable materialH05 RN-F
Maximum immersion, meters10
Operating temperature, degrees CelsiusUp to 60
Price, rubles810
Tecnoplastic FOX 5 m
  • High-quality case material;
  • Relatively long wire included (5 meters);
  • Extended warranty period.
  • Not found (for its class).

1st place: Tecnoplastic TAURUS 10 m

A classic, versatile and very expensive model of a heavy float switch.Adapted to work in any environment. The body is painted in signal yellow, which makes it more visible against the background of dark liquids. Designed for operation at ultra-great depths (up to 20 meters).

Manufacturer countryItaly
Load, volts and amperes220 and 8
Production materialPlastic
Cable materialNeoprene
Maximum immersion, meters20
Operating temperature, degrees CelsiusUp to 60
Price, rubles3700
Tecnoplastic TAURUS 10 m
  • Versatility;
  • Work at great depths;
  • Good wire insulation.
  • Extremely high price.

Instead of an epilogue

Due to the fact that the described technique is quite simple in its design, it is hardly necessary to be afraid of the use of particularly low-quality materials in its composition. You can buy it in retail chains and through Internet sites. However, this will be true only in relation to household models. To ensure the efficient operation of sewer systems and in large-capacity tanks, when the installation of several sensors is required, it is more profitable to make a purchase via the Internet. Heavy floats for drainage cost 3-5 times more than for running water, so buying online will save you a lot on the difference from the retail price.

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