
  1. float device
  2. Various shapes of floats
  3. Differences in the method of attachment
  4. Important characteristics for a float
  5. Rating of the best fishing floats for 2025
  6. Instead of an epilogue

Rating of the best fishing floats for 2025

Rating of the best fishing floats for 2025

A float (or "buoy-pointer" - a term used among professional fishermen-athletes) is one of the most ancient and common fishing devices. Its main purpose is to notify the fisherman about the bite in time. Therefore, it should be freely observed on the water surface in all weather conditions and at any time of the day. Additional functions of the float include holding the nozzle at a set depth for fishing and the ability to deliver it (the nozzle) to the desired distance.

The standard basis for the manufacture of floats are lightweight and non-absorbent materials. In ancient times, floats were generally made from dry reeds, goose feathers, cork, kuga, cattail, and even porcupine quills (however, such samples did not differ in durability). Today there is a wide variety of shapes and colors of floats.Such circumstances are explained by the fact that at the moment a universal type of this device has not been invented that would be suitable for all types of fishing (for example, one type of floats is suitable for stagnant water bodies and calm weather, and completely different for a stormy river and windy weather).

float device

Usually this device consists of three parts:

  • signaling antenna;
  • Actually the body itself;
  • Keel responsible for stability.

Antenna is a visible element with which the fisherman learns about the bite. Antennas are different in length, thickness and color (multi-colored coloring is most often used).Professionals advise choosing an antenna so that it is perfectly visible at the required distance and at the same time provides as little resistance as possible when biting. Today, this element is in most cases removable, respectively, it can be adapted to various conditions.

Frame float is responsible for its carrying capacity, i.e. what mass of body kits can be used on it (meaning swivels, hooks, nozzles, weights). Accordingly, the more load-bearing the body, the more equipment it is possible to hang on it and the float will be able to fully function.

Keel is the element that is responsible for the stability of the device on the water surface. Its length can vary and it is made of plastic/metal.

Various shapes of floats

Depending on the conditions under which fishing will be carried out, you need to choose the right float. According to their form, they can be divided into several types.

Spindle shape

One of the very common forms, in which the keel and antenna are almost comparable in thickness to the hull itself. Ancient floats based on goose feathers can also be attributed to this form. The shape of the spindle allows the device to have an increased sensitivity, which means that it signals not just a bite, but even that the fish has touched the bait. These marker buoys are great for lake fishing (in still water) and in calm weather. Their main disadvantage is that even with a light wind they begin to “lay down” on the water surface or even “dive” - all this will make it difficult to signal a bite. Their other minus can be called a reduced carrying capacity (only 2-3 grams). And in general, with such devices it will be difficult to throw a fishing rod far.Most of all they are suitable for fishing near the shore.

olive shape olives

This form is considered more universal. Buoys-indicators having such a shape can be used not only on lakes / ponds, but also on rivers with a gentle current. They are weakly inclined to react to a slight wind causing small ripples in the water. Their distinctive feature is that they very clearly signal a bite (however, in order to do this, it is necessary to correctly place / balance sinkers and bait). The main scope of application is fly fishing at shallow depths (up to three meters).

teardrop shape

Such a buoy can be called a modernized version of the "olive". Such devices are distinguished by maximum stability on reservoirs with a course of medium strength. Stability is achieved due to the thickening of the hull at the keel attachment point, therefore, their center of gravity shifts down. Their versatility suggests that it is possible to fit almost any type of equipment on them, however, it is advisable to fish with them at a depth of up to one and a half meters.

ball shape

One can directly call such an index buoy a logical continuation of the “olive” shape. They differ slightly in form, but they have the same scope. It is worth noting that the spherical type is slightly inferior to the "olive" in terms of sensitivity.

Inverted (inverted) drop

Specially designed option for catching fish in strong currents. They have the greatest resistance potential, unlike all described above. It is convenient to use such a buoy when it is necessary to hold the float during free swimming (for example, fishing from a moving boat). Often such devices are used in Bolognese fishing rods.

flat shape

These floats are made in the form of a flattened disk, and the keel and antenna are attached to it at the same level (however, a small angle is set between the keel and the antenna). These buoys are the most effective when fishing in strong currents. Moreover, special rings can be used to “stick” the float in the structure (they are installed either directly on the hull or on the keel - a little closer to the antenna).

In some cases, the ring can be replaced with a special tube passing through the body. This is done so that the fishing line cannot damage the body when making long casts, or when making a sharp cut of the fish. It is worth noting that clockwork rings can be made of metal or plastic (it is used mainly in Chinese models), however, as practice shows, it is better to refuse the latter, because they are easily cut by fishing line after even a dozen long-distance casts.

Differences in the method of attachment

According to this criterion, floats can be divided into two categories: fixed (they are deaf) and sliding. The former may not have a winding ring for the keel at all, and a single and unchanging permanent method of fastening is used on them. However, this method of fastening is considered more reliable and is used in most floats produced today, since it provides the greatest sensitivity. The essence of the fastening is that the fishing line is passed through the winding ring (or directly) on the body of the buoy, and is held on the keel by at least two clamps (in this case, the lower clamp should slightly go onto the fishing line over the edge of the keel).

There is a peculiarity of the fixed method of fastening when displacers with a lower winding ring are used - in this case, a fastening assembly is used instead of clamps. It is made of metal wire, and after passing through the winding ring, it is simply twisted.

The sliding method of fastening is used only when the depth of fishing will exceed the length of the rod itself. To do this, use a mast rod or a Bolognese rod, while the line is threaded through the lower winding ring. However, professionals believe that the best option would be to use a special sliding equipment, coupled with a swivel.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the sliding floats for "wagler" type rods. They are intended for ultra-long casts and therefore they have their own shipment in the lower segment of the body. Most often, it is made in the form of twisting washers, the number of which can be varied - all this is needed more for sport fishing, where exact compliance with the specified conditions is extremely important for the result. As a rule, such devices have a special marking, for example "4 + 2", where "4" is the float's own shipment in grams, and "2" is the weight of the load that can be attached additionally. So you can distinguish sports / professional tackle from amateur.

Important characteristics for a float

For calm and confident fishing, in order to do without unnecessary problems and at the same time hope for a good catch, it is necessary that the indicator buoy used meets all the required characteristics. There are three main ones:

  • Sensitivity;
  • sustainability;
  • Load capacity.

Sensitivity call the ability of a buoy to respond in a timely manner to a bite (to float or sink), i.e.notify the fisherman that the fish have started tasting the bait.

This parameter can be set to drowning (“drowning bite”) - the fish grabs the bait and tries to pull it to the bottom or pulls it sharply to the side. At the same time, the float sinks, and its body resists drowning, which will be a signal for the angler.

Sensitivity can also be set to rise (“bite to the rise”) - the fish picks up the bait from the bottom and specifically pulls it up. Thus, the float, which in a calm state should be under water, begins to float. So, for example, they catch bottom fish (burbot, catfish, etc.)

Sensitivity will be greatly influenced by the volume of the body (body) of the buoy. The thinner its upper part, the more sensitive it is and less need for third-party shipment.

Sustainability called the quality of the buoy, in which it is able to stay afloat in a vertical position when exposed to external factors (strong current, gusty wind, etc.). Spherical floats are especially stable, in which the center of gravity is specially shifted, and the keel, on the contrary, is made in an elongated shape. Most of all, the stability parameter is clearly manifested when fishing on calm water and in calm weather conditions. Here, a needle-shaped keel indicator buoy, which is considered the most stable, is ideal. In other cases, you should choose something in between in terms of characteristics, but avid anglers in most cases prefer to combine the “needle” with a spherical body.

IMPORTANT! It should be remembered that in bad weather conditions, an ultra-sensitive float, configured to bite on a utop, will be absolutely useless, because. when there is excitement on the pond, he will constantly get out of the water, thereby misleading the fisherman about the moment the bite started.

load capacity - this is the parameter that makes it clear to what depth the float can be drowned. It also defines the working limit. You need to know this parameter in order to:

  • Correctly calculate the casting distance of the fishing rod;
  • For fishing at great depths, approximately navigate in time when the float reaches the bottom;
  • Control the strength of the swing so that the baited hook does not fly the other way.

The load capacity option has its pros and cons. A plus can be called the fact that with a heavy float, the fishing rod is thrown farther and more accurately. The disadvantages include the fact that a very heavy float becomes less sensitive. Therefore, the shipment of the pointer buoy itself must be varied depending on the weight of the fish being hunted. The larger the intended production should be, the heavier the weight of the float can be made. The same will apply to the speed of the current - in fast rivers, it is simply impractical to use light floats.

Rating of the best fishing floats for 2025


2nd place: Artax AX 1000

This device has a traditional drop shape and is intended for fishing in slow-moving or still water conditions. The hull is made of balsa, while the keel is made of composite materials.

Manufacturer countryItaly
Case height in millimeters300
Diameter in millimeters130
Antenna height in millimeters200
Keel length in mm950
Price, rubles85
float Artax AX 1000
  • High-quality manufacturing material;
  • Democratic price;
  • Ease of installation.
  • The elongated keel indicates a narrow specialization.

1st place: Mochkov 16-04

This sample of fishing tackle has a classic shape, recommended for use on slow-flowing rivers or for fishing on lakes. The body is made of ordinary plastic, although the buoy itself belongs to sports equipment.

Manufacturer countryUkraine
Case height in millimeters280
Diameter in millimeters150
Antenna height in millimeters180
Keel length in mm850
Price, rubles110
float Mochkov 16-04
  • Sports option;
  • Easy to replace;
  • Inexpensive price.
  • The body is made of ordinary plastic.

Spindle shape

2nd place: "DoR" series "Profi" EVA EP-003-2

This float is exceptionally lightweight. Designed for fishing in medium-strength waters. A small body suggests effective fishing at a depth of no more than 1.5 meters.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Case height in millimeters150
Diameter in millimeters180
Antenna height in millimeters200
Keel length in mm750
Price, rubles100
float "DoR" series "Profi" EVA EP-003-
  • The body and elements are made of composite materials;
  • It is possible to install a winding ring;
  • Bright coloring.
  • Light weight - 2.5 grams (without the possibility of weighting).

1st place: "DoR" series "Expert" EVA EE-004

Professional type of equipment, it can be used in various competitions. Perfect for fishing in slow water. The elongated body suggests a slight increase in the effective fishing depth - up to 2 meters.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Case height in millimeters200
Diameter in millimeters120
Antenna height in millimeters200
Keel length in mm650
Price, rubles75
float "DoR" series "Expert" EVA EE-004
  • The body material is made up of composites;
  • The presence of a two-tone bright color;
  • Clockwork ring included.
  • Light weight limits the scope.

flat shape

2nd place: Cralusso Bubble

The main purpose of this device is fishing with a plug rod. Among other things, the speed of the float can vary. It is a model of professional equipment and was awarded a special prize at the European Sport Fishing Championship "Medunits-2005". Despite its flat shape, it successfully combines the qualities of flat and oval floats.

Manufacturer countryItaly
Housing materialPolyurethane
Completeness in pieces5 interchangeable antennas
Weight in grams5
Price, rubles420
float Cralusso Bubble
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Changing the antenna does not require complete disassembly of the device itself;
  • Good equipment.
  • Not found (for its segment).

1st place: Flagman FCS08

An expensive and reliable model designed for fishing in fast and ultra-fast water with a rig. This pointer buoy is an extremely interesting sample, the constituent elements of which are made of completely different materials: the body is balsa, the keel is metal, and the antenna is plastic. All parts are properly balanced to achieve the best results.

Manufacturer countryGreat Britain
Housing materialBalsa
Completeness in pieces2 floats
Weight in grams20
Price, rubles670
Flagman FCS0 float
  • 2 units per set;
  • The variability of the materials used in the entire structure;
  • Ease of assembly / disassembly.
  • Not found (for its segment).

spherical shape

2nd place: NAKAJIMA 2

Model from a well-known Japanese manufacturer. It is intended both for sports fishing, and it can be useful to an amateur. Due to its spherical shape, it almost does not react to slight gusts of wind, however, it is recommended for use in still water.

Manufacturer countryJapan
Housing materialPlastic
Completeness in pieces2 floats
Weight in grams2
Price, rubles300
float NAKAJIMA 2
  • Calmly tolerates weak ripples;
  • Model from a well-known Japanese manufacturer guarantees quality;
  • 2 floats included.
  • Plastic light body (suitable for catching small fish).

1st place: Moonchain-12

A common spherical model from a Chinese manufacturer. Gained popularity due to low cost and a very extended set (12 pieces of different sizes in a set). Extremely easy to install. The body is plastic. These buoys are able to withstand small ripples.

Manufacturer countryChina
Housing materialPlastic
Completeness in pieces12 floats
Weight in grams2
Price, rubles250
float Moonchain-12
  • Various sizes in a set;
  • Successfully resists small ripples;
  • Budget price.
  • Lightweight body.

Straight Models

2nd place: Namazu Pro NP102

This buoy is directly recommended for fishing at great depths and far from the coast. The composite body and bright coloring will be an excellent bite signal. Fishing from a moving boat is also possible.

Manufacturer countryChina
Housing materialBalsa
Completeness in pieces1 float
Weight in grams3
Price, rubles50
float Namazu Pro NP102
  • Rugged housing;
  • budget cost;
  • Ease of installation.
  • Short service life;
  • Limited scope (mainly sea fishing).

1st place: "Expert-21" (201-06-035)

It has a variable body design (bamboo or balsa), designed for traditional fishing with a reel (fast current). The model can be attached either directly to the fishing line using a sliding knot, or using a swivel attachment. Dismantling for transportation purposes is quick and easy.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Housing materialBalsa
Completeness in pieces1 float
Weight in grams3.5
Price, rubles90
float "Expert-21" (201-06-035
  • Case design variability;
  • Possibility of use on spinning;
  • Ease of disassembly.
  • Narrow specialization.

Inverted drop shape

2nd place: Artax AX 1038

This device has the shape of an inverted drop and is intended for use in water bodies with low / medium current. Able to endure small waves and fairly windy weather. The case is made of balsa, there is a winding ring for fastening in the upper part of the case.

Manufacturer countryItaly
Case height in millimeters530
Diameter in millimeters110
Antenna height in millimeters330
Keel length in mm1070
Price, rubles100
float Artax AX 103
  • Durable body material;
  • Budget price;
  • Installation reliability.
  • The winding ring is located on top.

1st place: "DoR" series "Expert" EVA EE-002

This float has an elongated keel, which allows it to be used effectively at medium speeds. Steadily behaves on small waves. The winding ring is attached to the bottom of the case.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Case height in millimeters530
Diameter in millimeters120
Antenna height in millimeters230
Keel length in mm970
Price, rubles80
float "DoR" series "Expert" EVA EE-002
  • Democratic price;
  • Reliability and efficiency in the recommended conditions of use;
  • Multicolor coloring.
  • Short-lived body.

Bilateral cone shape

2nd place: Rizov RF-56

The model belongs to professional sports equipment. It has excellent stability in low / medium currents. Perfect for canal fishing. The float antenna is made of fiberglass, and the multi-color coloring makes the buoy highly visible in different weather conditions.

Manufacturer countryUkraine
Housing materialFiberglass
Completeness in pieces1 float
Weight in grams3,5-5
Price, rubles120
float Rizov RF-56
  • professional sample;
  • Low price;
  • Increased weight.
  • Short-lived performance material.

1st place: DEER ZX-67

Another representative of the professional line of Western production. Demonstrates excellent responsiveness in the middle course and below. All structural elements are made of fiberglass. Has the ability to weight.

Manufacturer countryGermany
Housing materialFiberglass
Completeness in pieces1 float
Weight in grams4,5-5
Price, rubles160
float DEER ZX-67
  • Homogeneous material applied;
  • Variable weight;
  • Inexpensive cost.
  • Bad coloring.

Instead of an epilogue

Nowadays, finding any professional fishing tackle is not difficult. In any more or less large city there will always be a hunting / fishing store, the assortment of which is able to satisfy any customer - from a beginner to a professional athlete. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that it is not worth saving on floats (due to their extremely affordable price) - after all, they are the key to successful fishing. Therefore, the purchase of such devices on Asian Internet sites will not be the best option, due to the fact that not only fragile materials, but sometimes environmentally hazardous ones, can be used in their manufacture.

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