
  1. How does a bottle warmer help?
  2. The best baby warmer manufacturers
  3. The best classic bottle warmers
  4. The best heaters with sterilization function (2 in 1)

Ranking the best bottle warmers of 2025

Ranking the best bottle warmers of 2025

A caring mother will always find a reason to worry about the health of the baby, especially if he suddenly drank cold juice or ate puree from the refrigerator. Food needs to be warmed up, but methods such as microwave heating or warm tap water are not very convenient.

How does a bottle warmer help?

It takes many precious minutes to heat up with warm water, and with the help of microwave rays, you can get too hot a product, and you have to spend time cooling it. Also, these methods are only available at home, and mom faces the problem of unheated food if she goes on a trip. The solution to the problem of heating food will be the purchase of a bottle warmer, you just need to choose the best suitable device.

Bottle warmers are:

  1. Automotive, they work from the cigarette lighter, often they can also be connected to the network;
  2. The heater in the form of a thermos retains heat due to hot water;
  3. The mains powered food warmer can also be used as a bottle and nipple sterilizer.

What is the best bottle warmer

With an electric food warmer, the life of parents and their baby becomes more comfortable. They always have the opportunity to quickly heat milk or baby food to the desired temperature. The heater is also good in that it increases the temperature gently, avoiding overheating, which allows you to save all the nutrients in the food for the baby. Baby food warmers often have a keep-warm function that keeps food from getting cold for a long time.

The device for heaters in the form of a thermos is simple - they are a plastic container with a heating element built into the walls. To adjust the temperature, buttons or relays are usually installed on the base of the heater. In order to start heating, it is enough to pour water and turn on the device - the water will give up its heat to a bottle of milk or juice.

To determine the specific type and model of the device, you should study a few points:

  1. Heater type. When traveling by car, a car heater is indispensable, and a thermos is suitable for a walk in the park. At home, the best option would be a universal device with a sterilizer function that allows you to comply with the hygiene requirements for baby dishes.
  2. Volume. Warmers are usually designed for one bottle, the capacity of which can vary from 180 to 600 ml.
  3. The temperature regime also does not change much in different models. However, there are devices in which the thermometer provides a temperature for quickly heating frozen milk.
  4. The automatic switch-off when the desired temperature is reached will help to avoid dangerous overheating of food.
  5. The keep warm function with a temperature sensor will not allow the milk to cool down.
  6. Readiness indicators are often light, but there are also sound ones.
  7. Work speed. The average time to heat food is 5 minutes, so you should not choose warmers with a shorter time range.
  8. The weight. The usual weight of the heater is 500 grams, however, devices with a sterilization function will be slightly heavier.
  9. Functions. Preference should be given to universal models in which you can warm up not only a bottle of milk, but also mashed potatoes and cereals for a grown baby.
  10. heating order. There are two types of heating - with or without water. Appliances that do not require water are more attractive in terms of time.

Having tried the bottle warmer once, mom will not be able to refuse it.

What other heaters are

There are various heaters that have simple and intuitive controls, they can be characterized by rapid and gradual heating, having a lot of protective functions so as not to overheat the mixture or milk.

If it was decided to purchase a bottle warmer, then when choosing it is important to know:

There are models of the type 2 in 1 - this is a heater and a sterilizer in one device. They can heat up to 100 degrees. Also, such models have an elevator lift and a cover.

Also an important criterion for selection is an affordable price. The heater is needed for a small amount of time, in connection with this, you do not want to overpay.

The best baby warmer manufacturers

Heater manufacturers can be divided into two groups: budget (that is, inexpensive options) and branded (more expensive and high-quality).

  1. Budget - it can be Balio, kitfort, Maman and others. Such options more often cause breakdowns, overheating, and the presence of low-quality plastic and material is also possible. Such models have a small number of functions, but, in principle, cope with their direct duty.
  2. Well-known brand models such as: Dr.Brown's, Pigeon, Philips Avent and so on. Of course, such models look better and are distinguished by good quality materials, a large number of functions and modes. But their price is, of course, high. There is such a well-known brand Bauer, it is no worse and has a price that is more pleasant for the wallet.

Finding the best 100% option is difficult because everyone's requirements are different. Although there are many high-quality heaters with good parameters, some of them can be found in our rating.

The best classic bottle warmers

Beurer BY52

This model is one of the best functional digital bottle warmers at a cost corresponding to the quality presented. Modern control with the help of modeling buttons, the availability of all necessary functions allow placing this particular heater in the first place in the rating. The heating temperature is adjustable from 37 ° C to 85 ° C, when the indicator reaches the set value, a function is activated to help maintain the thermal regime. A pleasant addition was the presence of a lift, a cup, a lid, which helps to speed up the heating of the food.

Model price: 2350 rubles.

Beurer BY52
  • beautiful design in modern execution;
  • heats up perfectly
  • automatically turns off;
  • function of maintaining the required temperature;
  • the presence of a lift;
  • suitable for various bottle diameters;
  • the price matches the functionality.
  • small in height;
  • buttons are hard to turn on.

B.Well WK-133

The representative of the classics, which includes the minimum set of necessary functions. The heater is mechanically controlled, automatically turns off, and is able to maintain the required temperature. The temperature regime of the model, consisting of three positions - 40 ° C, 70 ° C and 100 ° C, allows you to heat liquids, thicker food and sterilize. When choosing this sterilizer, pay attention to the diameter of the bottles used.

Model price: 1900 rubles.

B.Well WK-133
  • made of quality materials;
  • prevents overheating;
  • automatic shutdown function;
  • keeps temperature;
  • equipped with a container for food, a lid;
  • low cost.
  • short;
  • designed for a certain diameter of the bottles;
  • poor stability.

Philips AVENT SCF356/00

The heater features an original heating system. The heating elements are alternately placed in the device, which allows you to heat up the food gradually and evenly. Overheating of food is excluded by equipping the model with sensors and an indicator with a scale that allows you to control the heating procedure. Five operating modes allow you to defrost, heat liquid food in three modes, warm up porridge or mashed potatoes. It will become a real assistant for adherents of feeding according to the regimen. Convenient for heating baby food in jars. The average time required to heat up a serving of food is about 10 minutes.

Model price: 5400 rubles.

Philips AVENT SCF356/00
  • modern execution;
  • compact size;
  • equipped with indicator lights;
  • maintains temperature;
  • turns off automatically;
  • safe to use;
  • more modes.
  • high price;
  • long heating time;
  • the temperature corresponding to the mode is not indicated.

The best heaters with sterilization function (2 in 1)

Kitfort KT-2302

The heater allows you to heat two bottles at once, which is very convenient if you need to heat up two types of food at the same time. The use of this type of model is also practical for families with several small children. Light and sound modes informing about the completion of heating, auto-off, maintaining the temperature regime for a long time, the presence of three modes are the main characteristics of Kitfort KT-2302. The price for a double heater with the listed features is very reasonable. In addition, the model is equipped with a sterilization mode, which, according to consumer reviews, is one of the best and most effective.

Model price: 1800 rubles.

Kitfort KT-2302
  • equipped with all necessary functions;
  • light and sound signals about the completion of heating;
  • powerful;
  • designed for two bottles;
  • attractive price;
  • sterilization mode;
  • keeps the temperature up to eight hours.
  • non-compact size, in comparison with other models designed for heating one portion.

Dr. Brown's 851

The Japanese manufacturer guarantees high quality of work and performance of all necessary functions. The water in the heater can be controlled and topped up even in operating mode, since the tank is located on the side and the level is clearly visible. Using the table in the instructions, the timer is controlled, it works in the countdown mode, which is reflected on the device display. The last warm-up time is memorized. Dr. Brown's 851 will help you quickly heat food and sterilize bottles efficiently.

Model price: 4300 rubles.

Dr. Brown's 851
  • quality assurance;
  • timer with digital control;
  • turns off automatically;
  • light and sound indication;
  • backlight on the display;
  • Comes with a glass that allows you to adjust the depth.
  • there is no function of keeping the temperature;
  • temperature values ​​are not indicated;
  • designed for a certain diameter of bottles (mostly from the same company - Dr. Brown's).

Balio LS-B07

The model is suitable for lovers of a device that is easy to use, without unnecessary bells and whistles with the necessary set of functions. The Balio LS-B07 heater works in three modes: heating of milk and other liquids; heating cereals and mashed potatoes; sterilization. Automatic shutdown is provided. Food can be heated both in jars and in a special glass included in the device.A special lid will help to avoid pouring water during boiling. The device is equipped with an on / off button and protection. For added convenience, a light indicator for notifying the completion of heating.

Model price: 1200 rubles.

Balio LS-B07
  • suitable for different bottles;
  • not bulky;
  • turns itself off;
  • inexpensive;
  • the presence of sterilization.
  • overheating of food within 10 ° C is possible due to the imperfection of the control system.

Maman BY-01

Inexpensive, compact and practical to use, a heater from a Chinese manufacturer is equipped with all the necessary inherent functions, including sterilization. Mechanical control will allow you to independently adjust the temperature from 40 to 100 ° C using a special knob. The device is protected from overheating, turns off automatically, is able to maintain the desired temperature. A handy addition is a lift-style holder that helps you remove the containers. The package includes a glass for heating food and two lids: for sterilization and to prevent water from boiling away.

Model price: 1100 rubles.

Maman BY-01
  • ease of use;
  • sterilizes;
  • heats up quickly;
  • equipped with everything necessary;
  • low cost.
  • fuzzy image of the scale on the temperature control knob;
  • low quality plastic;
  • low overheating protection.


This heater is considered one of the best among analogues for those who like to travel by car. The manufacturer guarantees uniform, fast heating of food, excluding overheating. The heater is connected to the on-board system of the car, thanks to which the baby will be fully fed even on the road.It will take 20 minutes to warm up the food. Bottles of any shape and diameter can be heated. When the desired temperature is reached, the device signals and turns off automatically. Equipped with an additional accessory - a thermal bag, thanks to which the food temperature is maintained for three hours.

Model price: 1350 rubles.

Heater CS Medica KIDS CS-21
  • convenient when traveling in a car over long distances;
  • thermo bag included;
  • does not overheat;
  • automatic shutdown.
  • designed for vehicle use only.


This heater is universal for use both in the car and in the house. You can warm up food and drink for a child in just two to three minutes, while maintaining the beneficial properties of the products. Designed for heating bottles of various shapes and food jars. It is very convenient that the heater works from the electrical network and from the car cigarette lighter, consuming very little power. In addition, it is very light (weight is about 600 grams). Overheating of food does not threaten, since the device is equipped with a function that allows you to automatically maintain the temperature regime.

Model price: 2100 rubles.

  • quickly warms up food and liquid;
  • preserves the beneficial properties of food;
  • Suitable for use on the go and at home;
  • understandable management.
  • a little bulky;
  • in the car slowly heats up;
  • It is produced only in white, which quickly loses its appearance.


The powerful heater is equally good for use at home and in the car. Not a small cost corresponds to the high quality and functionality of the Miniland Warmy plus.Fast heating time - only 3-4 minutes, high-quality sterilization in 10 minutes, sound and light indication informing about the end of heating, avoiding food overheating are the main criteria when choosing this model. The only feature worth considering is the standard volume of containers used (360 ml).

Model price: 3590 rubles.

  • works equally well in the car and at home;
  • light and sound indication;
  • heats up quickly.
  • designed for 360 ml bottles only;
  • consumes a lot of power.


One of the best heaters due to its versatility. An additional property of the food heater is its use in the form of a thermos that retains heat for up to two hours. The device is made of metal with thick walls, has impact resistance. The package includes a plastic container for heating food. You can use any bottles, which compensates for the bulkiness of the device.

The cost of the model: an average of 1700 rubles.

  • maintains temperature for a long time;
  • impact resistant;
  • light;
  • equipped with a container for heating food.
  • not suitable for heating food jars.

The rating of practical, multifunctional bottle warmers and baby food provided to your attention is far from complete. Thanks to the description of the main functions, features of use, shortcomings in the work, the consumer can choose for himself a device that can make feeding his baby more convenient and useful, save time.

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