Rating of the best pond films for 2025

Rating of the best pond films for 2025

Water is mesmerizing and gives a feeling of peace. Even a small pond can become a place of rest and decoration of the garden. Therefore, the owners of country houses and summer residents dream of a picturesque pond on their site. It fits well into the landscape of the garden, does not require complex care. In it you can breed fish or plant aquatic plants.

In order to create a water oasis, knowledge of materials is needed. One of them, at the initial stage, will be a film for covering the bottom. A good insulating coating will help to avoid many troubles.

Pond film - general information

For arranging a small pond, a dark green or black film is suitable. It will visually increase the depth of the pond. The material from which it is made can be different in quality and cost. Its main condition is strength. Even if you do not swim in the pond, sometimes it will have to be cleaned. Algae will form in it, stones will fall from the shore and harm the roots of nearby plants.

The most common and durable pond covers are PVC, butyl rubber and polyethylene films.

These coatings when creating a reservoir have many advantages compared to others:

  • ease of use;
  • environmentally friendly product;
  • a large selection of colors;
  • frost resistance;
  • moisture resistance.
  • do not allow water to bloom and rot;
  • facilitate the care of plants;
  • help create a reservoir of any shape;
  • maintain stable boundaries for a long time;
  • democratic price;
  • high quality;
  • applied for any reason;
  • have an anti-slip coating;
  • Reconstruction requires little effort.

Types of films


The most budgetary product is a plastic film. It is thin sheet material. Produced from polyethylene, a polymer of the gaseous hydrocarbon ethylene. It can serve as a finishing layer. But more often it is decorated with stones or pebbles. Will be applied at temperatures from -60 ° to +50 ° С.

It has a high density, without perforation, there is a reinforcing layer.Allows you to create deep and large ponds, as it stretches well. Easy to cut and fold, perfectly glued with hot welding or glue. Withstands pressure of 2kPa, thickness is 0.5-2mm. Length — 25–50 m. Warranty period — 3 years.

  • light;
  • cheap;
  • waterproof;
  • can be replaced if damaged;
  • prevents rotting.
  • affects the flowering and turbidity of water;
  • at a sufficiently low temperature becomes brittle;
  • short service life.


PVC is a soft, springy coating. Has high stretch. It has a higher density and is heavier than polyethylene.

PVC film has a number of advantages. It is resistant to temperature extremes and sub-zero temperatures. Does not deteriorate from exposure to sunlight. The main material for the manufacture is polyvinyl chloride. It is an environmentally friendly material that does not release toxic substances into the soil.

  • durable;
  • elastic;
  • high tightness;
  • eco-friendly;
  • resistant to low temperatures and the effects of plant roots;
  • good stretch;
  • does not crack.
  • Service life 15 years;
  • wet soil.

Butyl rubber

Butyl rubber is strong and durable. It is considered the leader among films for a reservoir. Its main quality is strength. The service life is almost 50 years. In composition, it resembles thin rubber.

She is easy to work with. The coating does not form cracks and is not affected by sunlight. Safe for the environment.

The flexibility of the material allows you to repeat any shape of the pond. Well suited for creating large and deep ponds. It does not tear when the soil is shifted and fits snugly against the walls of the pit. But it will also be a great option for small ponds.

Suitable for constructing a reservoir on uneven or rocky soil. The effectiveness of butyl rubber film is confirmed by world experts. Thanks to this coating, you can enjoy aquatic plants and fish.

  • high strength;
  • easy installation;
  • takes any form of a reservoir;
  • weather resistant;
  • partial repair is possible;
  • eco-friendly;
  • durable.
  • no.

EVA copolymer

EVA film is a new product on the market. It is close in characteristics to butyl rubber. But it costs less. The material stretches well. It is stronger than polyethylene and is welded with a conventional iron. Use temperature from + 60° to -80° С. Maintains integrity created by sharp or piercing objects. Diverse color range. Its service life is at least 20 years.

  • rubbery;
  • frost-resistant;
  • ideally lays down on the soil;
  • high strength;
  • not destroyed by plant roots;
  • large selection of colors.
  • more expensive than plastic film.

How to choose

There is a wide range of waterproofing products on the market. Which one to choose depends on many criteria. When buying, you need to consider not only the thickness, but also the color.

The material is selected according to the color of the soil. If you want to get the natural color of the reservoir, then the film should be black or brown. The type of soil is of great importance. The coarser the soil, the thicker the waterproofing should be.

An important criterion is the amount from which you have to start. If this is the first experience, it is better to limit yourself to polyethylene. It is suitable for a modest pond. For small bowls with a depth of 2 m, PVC is suitable. If you want to swim in a pond with a depth of more than 2 m, then you need to choose a butyl rubber coating.

When buying a film, you should correctly calculate the size. In this case, it is necessary to lay a stock of material. To do this, use a special formula.

  • Waterproofing length = pond length + 2 depths + 50 cm allowances on each edge;
  • Waterproofing width = pit width + 2 depths + allowances of 50 cm from each edge.

Before purchasing the material, you must check:

  • availability of a guarantee;
  • product quality certificate;
  • absence of defective plots;
  • availability of a delivery service.

The choice of coverage depends on the shape of the reservoir, the presence of elevation changes, waterfalls and fountains. You should consider what the pond is intended for: swimming or breeding plants and fish.

Leading manufacturers

Many companies produce film for water structures. But not everyone has a product of decent quality. Premium coatings are offered by manufacturers from Italy, the USA and Germany. Inexpensive - Russian and Polish brands.

The following companies successfully work in our conditions:

  • Renolit - a large selection of German quality film. The cost varies from 200 rubles.
  • Agrilac is an Italian company offering quality and affordable products. Her products are good quality and affordable. The main facilities are located in Germany. The cost starts from 170 rubles per sq. m.
  • Heissner - produces PVC materials. It is worth buying products from this manufacturer only if there are no other options.
  • Wtb Elbesecur - the company offers a film with a double safety factor of German quality. The price starts from 250 rubles per sq. m.
  • Izofol - a film from Poland produces high-quality and dense film. Price from 250 rubles per sq. m.
  • Epdm Pondliner is a waterproofing coating from the USA that is distinguished by its variety and high properties.Cost from 550 rubles per sq. m.
  • Anikom is a Russian company specializing in the production of polyethylene material. Cost from 150 rubles per sq. m.

Arrangement of a water structure

Before starting the construction of a reservoir, it is necessary to understand its purpose. It is impossible to swim, breed plants and fish at the same time. It is advisable to choose one.

Depending on the purpose of the water structure, 4 types are distinguished.

  • Decorative pond - deep, equipped with borders, bridges and lighting.
  • Fish - ornamental fish or suitable for fishing are launched into it. In this case, it is necessary to make a good filtration system and enrich it with oxygen.
  • A swimming pond is a kind of artificial reservoir. Allows you to swim and cool off on hot days.
  • Miniature - serves as a garden decoration and is part of the overall design.

The choice of location is of great importance. An artificial pond cannot be dug near communications, gas pipes, power cables.

Reservoirs for swimming and plant breeding are placed in an open area. For fish, on the contrary, they should be in partial shade. If the artificial reservoir is located next to the trees, leaves will fall into it. They can cause water to bloom.

How to make a pond:

  • mark the shape of the future pond;
  • dig a pit, forming ledges;
  • clean the bottom of stones, sticks and roots;
  • align the banks with the help of the "level";
  • spread the cover and spread it along the bottom;
  • fill the pit with water;
  • fix the edges of the film, cut off the excess;
  • install a pump in the pond, a filtration system on the shore;
  • put purified water into a stream or a small waterfall;
  • plant aquatic plants.

Decoration of the reservoir

After completing the arrangement of the water structure, you can begin to decorate it. The fantasy in decorating a pond is limitless. It all depends on the budget, the size of the plot and the preferences of the owners.

Stones, small trees, figurines or figurines are suitable for decoration. Additional elements turn an ordinary pond into a cozy recreation area. Depending on the size of the site and the reservoir, it is supplemented with:

  • aquatic plants;
  • backlight;
  • bridge;
  • dry river;
  • benches;
  • beautiful fences;
  • stones;
  • gazebo.

When choosing additional elements, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • a pit with sheer walls should not be dug out, it will be difficult to decorate it.
  • stones should be chosen in different sizes and colors. Such a composition will look more interesting.
  • container gardening with plants is easier and more convenient.
  • around you can plant ferns, reeds and reeds
  • among floating plants, lilies, water hyacinths and water lilies are suitable.

Preparing for winter

  • With the beginning of leaf fall, the pond is covered with a net. With the onset of cold weather, it is removed so that it does not freeze.
  • Long before the frost, they begin to take care of the artificial water structure. Filters, pumps and fixtures are cleaned and stored.
  • In small water structures, all plants are removed, as they freeze to the bottom.

Popular Film Rating


Polinen 200 microns

Polyethylene technical film is intended for vapor barrier. But it is also used for arranging water structures in the garden as the bottom layer. Products can be bought in a roll of 100 m. This makes it possible to cover a large area of ​​the reservoir. But it will not be wide, only 3 m.

The coating is dense, does not tear and withstands exposure to large volumes of water.Not dangerous for plants and fish. The film retains elasticity for a long time. Its use does not allow water to rot and bloom. It creates a barrier to harmful bacteria and facilitates easy maintenance of the water oasis.

pond film Polinen 200 mkm
  • high density;
  • not slippery;
  • transparent;
  • budgetary;
  • resistant to mechanical stress.
  • no.

Anikom black 1000 microns

The product is made on the basis of high-grade polyethylene with the addition of substances that increase the service life. Environmentally friendly material, not dangerous for fish and plants. It copes well with temperature changes, it is used at temperatures of -60° and +60° C. The coating is very elastic, has a good margin of safety and is resistant to damage. Retains aesthetic appearance for a long time.

Pond film Anikom black 1000 microns
  • large size 10x9;
  • shelf life 70 years;
  • thickness 1000 µm.
  • reliable insulating layer.
  • weight 70 kg.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

AlfaFol Oase

PVC film is suitable for arranging water structures of small and large sizes. The width of the roll is 10 m, the length is 20 m. If desired, you can choose other sizes. It is easy to install and, if necessary, glued with glue. Made from pure PVC, without the addition of other components. Has a long service life. The manufacturer offers a material of different thicknesses.

pond film AlfaFol Oase
  • strong connection;
  • does not rot;
  • resistant to UV radiation;
  • dense;
  • German quality;
  • wide model range.
  • high price.

Ergis PVC 1.0 mm

A reliable waterproofing layer is 1.0 mm. The material is suitable for deep water structures up to 4 m.High resistance to low temperatures and ultraviolet. The product meets modern safety standards. Reliable connection of seams and excellent waterproofing can last 40 years.

Pond film Ergis PVC 1.0 mm
  • eco-friendly;
  • wear resistance;
  • does not decompose
  • resistance to temperature changes.
  • specific smell.

Butyl rubber

Epdm biopond

Good combination of price and quality. It stretches well and spreads evenly over the entire area. It can be laid on the bottom of deep pools up to 9 m. The service life is up to 40 years. Wide range of sizes and high frost resistance.

pond film Epdm biopond
  • durability;
  • strength;
  • affordable price;
  • extensibility;
  • long service life;
  • no.

firestone pondgard

Safe material for fish and plants is used on different soils. It has high strength and UV resistance. The two-layer coating is suitable for water structures up to a depth of 7 m. Due to the large width, a seamless waterproofing can be created. The shelf life of the material is 50 years.

pond film Firestone pondgard
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durable;
  • universal;
  • lasting.
  • high price.

EVA copolymer

Film Svetlitsa Water

The coating stretches well and resembles rubber. Durable, withstands temperatures from -80° to +60°C. Easily welded with an iron. The item varies in width. The film is presented in rolls with a width of 3.6 to 6 m. The service life is 20 years. The material is much cheaper than butyl rubber.

Pond film Svetlitsa Vodyanoy
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high strength;
  • frost resistance;
  • attractive price;
  • tensile.
  • no.

Operating rules

The reservoir should please the residents with its picturesque view. Therefore, you should follow the recommendations for care:

  • periodically clean the surface of fallen leaves and debris with a skimmer.
  • during the season, monitor the water level, top up if necessary
  • do not add cold water, let it settle;
  • in summer, make sure that the water does not bloom, for this use a vessel with charcoal, you can plant special plants;
  • clean the bottom in autumn with a bottom vacuum cleaner, net or ordinary rake;
  • if the pond is small, it is advisable to drain the water for the winter. To prevent debris from falling to the bottom, it must be covered.

Each material for the reservoir has its pros and cons. You need to select them based on your capabilities and expectations. It all depends on which reservoir will be chosen. You can make a budget option for 3-5 years. Or approach the matter thoroughly and build a pond for swimming or for fish.

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