
  1. What is the difference between processed cheese and cheese product
  2. How to choose
  3. Which is more useful solid or melted
  4. Rating of the best processed cheeses for 2025
Rating of the best processed cheeses for 2025

Rating of the best processed cheeses for 2025

Processed cheese is produced only by melting the milk mass at temperatures up to 90 degrees. Today it is presented in stores in large quantities. Unfortunately, some manufacturers are cunning and offer consumers a cheese product instead of processed cheese. A few tips on how to choose the right natural and healthy processed cheese will be presented below.

What is the difference between processed cheese and cheese product

The names are consonant, but the difference in composition and production technology is huge. Natural product contains:

  • rennet cheeses (sourdough);
  • milk or cream;
  • spices;
  • additives (pieces of vegetables, mushrooms, ham);
  • salt.

Of the permissible additives, potassium sorbate (E 202) may be a preservative that prevents the growth of mold fungi. The additive is harmless and approved for use in the food industry in many countries.

But the cheese product is a mixture of vegetable fats and various additives that give taste and color. Also, the composition may contain milk powder - the quality and origin (production technology, what raw materials were used) of which cannot be verified. So there is no benefit here.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the composition, the color should be uniform, of a pleasant yellowish tint, the packaging should be intact, without damage, deformation.

Processed cheese is:

  • pasty;
  • sliced ​​(without additives or with fillers - pieces of mushrooms or ham, for example);
  • sweet.

Which one to buy is a matter of taste. But the rating below will help you choose real processed cheese. When compiling, consumer assessments and the results of independent examinations were taken into account.

How to choose

To begin with, it is worth understanding what processed cheese is. Main varieties:

  1. Lomtevoy - made from sourdough (the so-called rennet raw materials), dairy products.
  2. Sausages - in the composition of the same sourdough, hard cheeses and seasonings (cumin and red pepper are often used).The aroma of smoked meats can be of natural origin (cold and hot smoking), or the merit of flavors, liquid smoke - it all depends on the manufacturer.
  3. Pasty - delicate, with a creamy aftertaste, often with a high fat content.
  4. Sweet - as the name implies, they have a sweetish taste, thanks to various additives, from ordinary sugar to honey, cocoa, and various syrups. Also in the composition you can sometimes find chicory, nuts.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the fat content of various types of cheeses. High-fat - up to 60% fat in dry matter, bold - up to 45%, low-fat - up to 25%. The name low-fat should not be misleading, in fact, in such varieties, up to 17% fat.

Composition, energy value indicating the content of proteins, fats - information that should be indicated on the package.


  1. Study the packaging. Not only the name and a beautiful picture, but also information printed in small print. A useful product is natural cheese, processed (this is the name that should be on the package).
  2. Ingredients - the shorter the better. Ideally, only natural ingredients, without the addition of soy protein and vegetable fats. If we talk about additives, then the “correct” ones are citrates and phosphates (required to comply with production technology). But artificial additives are completely useless, which means that we are looking for a product that contains as few ingredients with the letter code “E” as possible.
  3. Price - a natural product cannot be cheap, so it's not worth saving. Do not forget that the cheese product is not only high in calories, but also a source of "bad" cholesterol and trans fats.
  4. The label for food grade plastic is PP (polypropylene).These letters should be indicated on the packaging. But the letters PS - mean polystyrene, which cannot be used for product packaging.
  5. The recommended storage temperature is +3, so it is better to choose goods from the refrigerator.
  6. Check the integrity of the package. Mechanical damage is the result of improper transportation, and deformation is the violations made during the manufacturing process (perhaps the cheese was not cooled enough). Regardless of the reasons - the goods in damaged packaging should not be taken.
  7. The color is pleasant, not bright. True, this indicator can only be assessed if the packaging is transparent. Pay attention to the composition, namely which manufacturer used dyes. The safest is carotene (gives yellow color), found in carrots.
  8. Texture and appearance. Soft cheese should spread well, but not drip. Sausage cheeses should be dense and plastic, but at the same time not crumble and not leave greasy, greasy marks on the knife. If you notice that after cutting, pieces of the product remain on the blade, this means that the cheese has either deteriorated or palm oil was used for production. Sliced ​​cheese crumbles - a sign that manufacturing technology has been violated.
  9. In the supermarket, it will not be possible to evaluate the taste of cheese, but if you tried the product at home and felt an unpleasant aftertaste, that is, it is not worth it. Check the expiration date, if it has not expired, you can use the cheese to make soup or sauce, for example. If you notice a rancid taste and an unpleasant smell, it is better to throw the cheese away.

If you like a product with a filler, it is better to choose one with one.For example, with mushrooms or ham, because the richer and more varied the taste, the more artificial additives.

Which is more useful solid or melted

On the one hand, in terms of the content of useful proteins and microelements, processed cheese is not inferior to hard cheese. In terms of calories, both types are also approximately the same. But those who follow a diet should take into account that the fat from processed cheese is absorbed much better and faster.

For production (regardless of the variety), only natural raw materials should be used, without the use of vegetable fats, artificial colors, flavors. If the composition says "palm oil" or "modified vegetable fat" - this is already a cheese product. It is better to refuse such "cheese" altogether.

If we talk about safety, then processed cheeses are subjected to heat treatment. As a result, the volume of microflora decreases and, accordingly, the shelf life. It should be borne in mind that there is more sodium in processed cheese, so people with hypertension or diseases of the cardiovascular system are not recommended.

Rating of the best processed cheeses for 2025


Pasty cheese mass is a welcome guest in every home. It differs in production technology, additives. The store offers a wide range for every taste. Let's figure out which product to give preference. At the same time, we will find out which trademarks are in demand among buyers.

Pasty cheese is convenient to smear on a slice of bread. This is the best option for a quick, healthy and satisfying breakfast.

Amber. Syrobogatov

According to the enthusiastic reviews of independent experts, the first place in the ranking of popular dairy products is occupied by Yantarny cheese of the Syrobogatov trademark.The composition of the product fully complies with all the components declared in the marking, corresponds to the main characteristics of the product.

There are no vegetable fats. Soft, delicate texture, in which there are no air voids or lumps, makes it possible to evenly distribute over the bread. Consumers appreciated the purely cheesy taste, without any additives, as well as the straw-yellow uniform color. It is very rare to hear a remark from customers that the cheese is slightly oversalted.

Amber. Syrobogatov
  • pleasant aroma, delicious taste;
  • lays down gently on bread;
  • does not contain preservatives;
  • the cost corresponds to the declared quality.
  • no significant cons were found.

Ecomilk Creamy

In second place is cheese, which meets safety requirements. The buyer prefers Ekomilk Creamy for its attractive color, appropriate taste, uniform consistency, as well as convenient packaging: a dense plastic bath covered with foil. It does not apply to salty varieties, it is slightly fresh.

Experts recommend using it when preparing lavash dishes. Elastic, on any surface lays down a uniform layer.

Ekomilk Processed Cream Cheese
  • suitable for making sandwiches;
  • good taste indicators;
  • the mass is elastic.
  • inexpressive taste of the product.

Karat, Friendship

An independent examination determined the presence of herbal components in Druzhba of the Karat trademark. This is the only defect made by the manufacturer during production. No other cons have been identified.

The cheese has a pleasant, slightly salty taste, uniform color, without flavorings. Consumers unanimously declare that before the goods were much better.For women who decide to declare war on extra centimeters at the waist, Friendship is not suitable - it is quite high-calorie. The advantages of buyers include low cost and reliable packaging with protective foil. Although consumers note some disadvantages, Karat brand cheese is in demand.

Karat, Friendship
  • incomparable taste;
  • optimal price;
  • homogeneous consistency;
  • strong packaging.
  • The composition of the mass includes plant components.

Happy Milkman

Next on the list is the Cheerful Milkman brand of pasta. The brand is known for its mouth-watering sour cream. The product has received recognition from customers due to its smooth texture and appetizing aroma. Ideal for preparing snacks. The composition of the mass includes food colors and preservatives. In addition, it contains: whey, water, cottage cheese, butter. The shortcomings include the presence of an uncharacteristic aftertaste, rare voids. For a package of 400 g, you will have to pay 270 rubles.

Happy Milkman
  • vegetable fats are absent;
  • average density.
  • internal voids;
  • side taste.

In the form of slices

Great for hot sandwiches. It is very tasty, has many varieties, delicate texture.

Viola with ham 45%

The rating is headed by the Viola cheese, which has earned popularity among consumers, and has many laudatory reviews. The taste of cheese is very pleasant, delicate. Pieces of ham in it are noticeable and tasted. The product contains milk powder, eggs, butter, pork ham, as well as stabilizing and various food additives that could be dispensed with. Thin hearty slices of Viola cheese are very fond of children. They have a delicate creamy taste. Price - 95 rubles.

Viola with ham 45%
  • pleasant to the taste;
  • the presence of ham is felt;
  • soft consistency, does not crumble;
  • many positive reviews.
  • contains a lot of extraneous additives.

President Creamy 40%

A wonderful product from the famous brand "President", which has a delicate creamy taste, won the love of customers who speak positively about the quality of the product. Many share their own recipes for a quick snack using President slices. For example, you can toast bread and put a slice, a thin circle of tomato and a piece of ham or sausage on it. It can also be used as a filling for buns, as hot cheese is very tasty and becomes viscous. As part of the product, in addition to natural ingredients, there are food additives that are not harmful.

President Creamy 40%
  • natural composition;
  • excellent taste qualities;
  • The brand has a solid reputation.
  • high price.

Hochland Cheeseburger, 45%

If you plan to cook cheeseburgers, then it makes sense to pay attention to the Hochland brand product, which is based on two types of cheese - hard and cheddar, but accompanied by food additives and dyes. It does not flow, the consistency is soft, it has a delicate taste, it is convenient for making cheeseburgers. Each slice is conveniently packaged, its proportions are very popular with customers. The price ranges from 85 to 95 rubles.

Hochland Cheeseburger, 45%
  • good taste qualities;
  • suitable for sandwiches;
  • quality packaging.
  • contains many additives;
  • subject to winding.

Vitaco with mushrooms

At the end of the rating, cheese from the Lakomo brand is presented, the products of which are much cheaper than analogues from more well-known brands.Buyers like good packaging, delicate mushroom taste, good design. The composition is almost the same as other brands participating in the rating, and also contains potassium sorbate. Slices delight with a large number of pieces of mushrooms. The product receives mostly positive reviews, but there are buyers who are dissatisfied with the quality of the packaging and the bitter taste.

Vitaco with mushrooms
  • has good taste;
  • many pieces of mushrooms;
  • affordable price;
  • decent look.
  • there are negative reviews;
  • difficult to open the package due to the lack of a ribbon.

Sweet processed cheeses

This type of processed cheese is used as a filling for pies or pancakes, as the main component of sauces or as an impregnation for biscuits. Also, many use it simply as a separate dish.

White City, Omichka

The rating is opened by the well-known product of the Omichka brand, which has earned the respect of customers for its quality and low cost. The composition is quite decent: butter, milk powder, sugar, vanillin, but sorbic acid is still present. Consumers note an excellent sweet, without cloying taste, aroma and a good, fairly thick texture. He is loved by both children and adults. The reviews note that the cheese mass is collected on top of the lid, and voids form at the bottom at the bottom. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the cheese freezes upside down.

White City, Omichka melted cheese
  • taste familiar from childhood;
  • moderately sweet and thick;
  • affordable price;
  • quite often can be found on sale.
  • not detected.

Viola, Valio, French Favorite, 8 Servings, 3 Flavors

The next in the ranking is an interesting mix from the famous Viola brand, which few people know about.A variety of sweet flavors coexist in one round box: vanilla, with boiled condensed milk, white and dark chocolate. The cheese is made in the form of triangles. Customers really like its bright taste and dense texture. With good reason, this cheese can be considered a dessert that is served with tea or coffee. Some customers liked the combination of sweet platter and white wine.

Viola, Valio, French Favorite, 8 Servings, 3 Flavors
  • rich taste;
  • original idea;
  • 4 interesting options;
  • dense in texture;
  • quite affordable price.
  • not detected.

Syrobogatov walnut

The new product, presented by Syrobogatov, is sold in jars with a cheerful smiley and has already received the approval of many buyers. People liked the original bright packaging, texture and taste. It has a fairly long shelf life, although it does not contain harmful ingredients, and important food additives are used in very small doses. The manufacturer claims that the product contains vitamins A, D and E. A significant drawback is the lack of a tight transparent cover. Because of the loosely closed foil, the cheese is weathered.

Syrobogatov processed nut cheese
  • elegant packaging and pleasant taste are very popular with children;
  • no harmful compounds;
  • the composition includes vitamins;
  • thick consistency.
  • no transparent lid.

Attention! After opening the package, the cheese is stored only in the refrigerator! If the storage period is not specified by the manufacturer, it is advisable not to keep it longer than 3-5 days.

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