Pedigree purebred puppies will always be popular. Therefore, not for the first year or even a decade, there have already been various nurseries that are engaged in breeding thoroughbred pets. Only in Rostov-on-Don and the region for 2025 there are more than 20 dog kennels.
Dog kennel (in English)language - kennel) is a company registered in the RKF (Russian Cynological Federation) system, whose activities are aimed at growing and breeding thoroughbred dogs. One organization may specialize in one or more breeds. Leader requirements:
If an organization is registered with the RKF, then each puppy born within its walls automatically receives a “prefix” in the form of a brand (company name) to its nickname. The same name has a meaning in the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale - International Association of Cynological Federations).
Also, all animals in the organization receive a stigma from the combination of letters. It confirms the puppy's place of birth and his involvement in the organization. The mark must also be registered with the RKF and the FCI. However, membership is not free, annual fees are required. Therefore, the average price of puppies from such a “house” is 15-50 thousand rubles.
Organizations fall into two groups:
In the first case, a good leader should regularly monitor and take part in the processes:
Some confuse nurseries and animal shelters. The first ones independently breed purebred puppies with pedigrees. Their buyers book before birth or at an early age. In the second case, the animals enter the shelter from the street or if the owners themselves abandoned them. There can be both thoroughbred and yard dogs.
There is a third type - independent breeders. They are not affiliated with any kennel or club. They just love this or that breed, they know how to take good care of it and breed it most often at home.
It is not recommended to take a puppy from the advertisement, focusing only on price or from someone else. Such pets do not have a pedigree, which means that it is impossible to predict its character, health and future. It is important to understand how to choose the right future friend.
When purchasing a puppy from a kennel, it is important to check all the characteristics:
Rostov-on-Don has every right to be proud of the wide variety of the best and high-quality pet houses. All these organizations have registration in the RKF, a full history, a sufficient number of reviews and their own zest.
344041 Rostov-on-Don, Blagorodnaya st., 17
☎: +7 (918) 593 9024 (in Russian)
☎ +7 (928) 227 4727
One of the best kennels in Rostov is Elvare Saga. He is breeding a Great Dane. There are individuals of different colors: black, raincoat and marble. The work is based on several postulates:
Representatives of the organization appreciate their wards and customers. They are provided with all kinds of support, they are ready to answer any question of interest and give detailed advice on growing this breed.
Great Danes are loyal and reliable pets. Their population appeared in ancient times. Great history is confirmed by the image of dogs on coins from ancient Greece. Great Danes have a lot of advantages: a kind and sympathetic disposition, impressive gigantic dimensions, they lend themselves well to training, are devoted to the owner, but have a positive attitude towards all family members, even the youngest ones. However, we must not forget about education from an early age, as for any thoroughbred individual. The only drawback is the possible aggressive attitude towards other animals. The organization has many champions.
Rostov-on-Don, Aksai district, Stepnoy village
☎: +7(951) 538 0739 (in Russian)
Another worthy representative of nurseries is "Redzenaki". They develop the Shiba and American Akita dog populations. RKF documents are provided for each puppy.
The organization sells puppies of a unique, beautiful and cheerful breed - Shiba Inu. They are excellent hunters and companions. The standard color is sandy, and the coat is short, but thick. In addition, triangular small eyes and a funny, thick tail in the shape of a ball add charm to the appearance. Shiba Inu are not whimsical and can feel comfortable even in the city. These pets have a balanced and independent temperament.
☎: +7(918)540 0572 (in Russian)
Black Waltz breeds four breeds at once: Doberman, Akita, Akita Inu, Schipperke. Their puppies meet all standards, and adults regularly take part in exhibitions.
The most popular species is Dobermans. They are muscular and strong, medium in size:
They have a long history, during which they have changed significantly. Today they are strong with magnificent and straight silhouette lines. Very often, Dobermans are used in the service of the army or the police, due to their sharp instincts.At the same time, they note the temperament of a choleric-sanguine person, but they remain very friendly and peaceful. Popular colors: black and brown (in some places there are rusty-red tan marks). Doberman quickly becomes attached to his master and his family.
☎: +7(904)503 8926 (in Russian)
Azov-City sells well-groomed and vaccinated dogs of aristocratic bloodlines. These include the Russian Tsvetnye puppet lapdogs and the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs (from an old-blooded genus of Turkmen dogs).
Only chic lapdogs easily win the hearts of customers. Their advantages are not only in their charming and sweet appearance, but also in their affectionate nature and low requirements for care. They will ideally fit into the conditions of the city and family life with young children. An interesting fact: in order to get this breed, breeders from Leningrad had to cross several species at once: dwarf poodles, Lhasa Apso mestizos, small outbred dogs with long hair, Pekingese and Shih Tzu, French lapdogs. It is also interesting that Russian lapdogs can be of any color, but not white.
Ave. 40th Anniversary of Victory, 53, Rostov-on-Don
☎: +7 (961) 304 9495 (in Russian)
Rostov kennel Zvezda Dona breeds exclusively dogs of small breeds: Russian Toy Terrier, Great Dane, Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier.
The little stars of the kennel are toy terriers.They are very mobile and loving, the amount of their tenderness is comparable to the manifestations of 5 adult dogs at once. However, the growth reaches only 28 cm. Because of which, it is completely unpretentious in living conditions, requires a minimum of food, does not need trimming or haircuts. There are different colors, but the coat is either smooth-haired or long-haired. Girls have a more accommodating character, they become attached to one owner and constantly stay close to him. Males prefer an active lifestyle. They have a slight cockiness and are more difficult to train. This is where the vivid expressions of gender differences end, since morphological differences are weak.
☎: +7(903)462 5471(in Russian)
"Children from the beau monde" offers a choice of small dogs of the Russian toy terrier breed. Puppies are bred only from the best representatives of this species. The cattery also offers a temporary overexposure service while the owner is on vacation or a business trip. Highly qualified employees will always support and provide professional advice on the upbringing and care of the dog.
st. Lenina, 4A, Wet Chaltyr Farm, Rostov-on-Don
☎: +7 (908) 178 4973(in Russian)
This organization is a monobreed, that is, it breeds exclusively Chihuahuas.Their livestock is famous for its balanced and obedient character, excellent health and high performance at exhibitions. They achieved their results with a high-quality and careful selection of animals in pairs for breeding.
The work of the organization strictly meets all standards. Their puppies from birth have club registration, pedigree, medical documents and a brand. Delivery of puppies to any region of the country is also possible.
☎: +7 (905) 457 76 00,
☎:+7 (928) 954 09 56
"Iz doma Miralin" offers high-producing puppies. They are exceptionally healthy. The organizers place great emphasis on the dog's nervous system. The stable psyche of animals allows you to grow a faithful, trained and balanced companion for life.
☎: +7 (928) 108 9220
The "House of Leon" is home to the Leonberger, St. Bernard and German Spitz. The emphasis is not only on puppies - dogs of any age are on sale. For breeding offspring, the best representatives of both Russian and foreign dogs are used. To win the buyer's trust, all documents confirming the status and condition of the livestock are provided. The nursery cares not only about its customers, but also about the wards. Dogs live outside the city and have a spacious territory for active games and walks. However, this does not mean that in order to make a true other friend, you have to go far. Delivery to any region of the country is organized, even export abroad is possible.
☎: +7 (988) 89 89 809
This monobreed nursery breeds only standard size Xoloitzcuintle pedigrees. Another name for this breed is the Mexican hairless dog. Its history is considered the most ancient and is more than 3 thousand years old. This fact is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
Today, the Xoloitzcuintle is an animal up to 60 cm in height of different colors, but with no hair. The organizers of RND HAIRLESS literally dedicated their lives to the wards, because they are supported by the family type of kennels. Their pets dine with them in the same kitchen, watch TV from the sofa, walk and swim in the ponds. All animals live outside the city, where there is no active traffic of cars and stuffy apartments. Only fresh air and boundless space for walking. However, due to the incredible amount of time each individual spends, puppies are rare in RND HAIRLESS. For that, they are treated with all responsibility and love.
Each animal has a stamp, a list of RKF/FCI documents and all required vaccinations, taking into account age. Xolos are very kind, sympathetic and cheerful animals, which makes them ideal companions. Due to the fact that they have practically no hair (some individuals have separate hairs on their heads or tails), even allergy sufferers and asthmatics can easily become best friends.
Representatives of RND HAIRLESS are always ready to meet you, answer any question and hold master classes in pet care.They sell their pets only in good hands.
The list of dog kennels in Rostov-on-Don for 2025 does not end there. Above is the top of only the best organizations. On the Internet, you can find their official round-the-clock websites and contact details (address, phone, email) for communication.