
  1. It is interesting
  2. Choosing a kennel and a puppy: what you need to know
  3. More about kennels for dogs in the city of Perm
  4. And in conclusion

Rating of the best dog kennels in Perm for 2025

Rating of the best dog kennels in Perm for 2025

It is often important for people to have a furry and sweet friend devoted to their owner, and when this happens, a person gets pleasure, becomes immensely happy. The dog kennel is the place to see and choose your furry friend. There are special dog kennels in Perm, we will talk about them in detail in this article.

It is interesting

World Animal Day is celebrated on October 4 every year.This holiday was established at the International Congress of Adherents of the Movement for the Protection of the Environment and the Protection of Nature, which was held in 1931 in Italy.

The date of this World Day is not chosen by chance, October 4 is the day of memory of the Catholic Saint Francis of Assisi, namely, he is considered the patron saint of all animals. In temples and churches on the territory of different camps, services are held that are dedicated to World Animal Protection Day.

The protection and protection of animals is not only important, it is also important to raise public awareness on this issue. In a number of Western European countries, animals are part of the family and need care and protection. Unfortunately, you can often come across cases of cruelty to pets and, analyzing the statistics, we can conclude that the number of such facts is growing. But let's not talk about sad things. Russian citizens love and often get pets, by the way, our country ranks second in terms of the number of pets, according to statistics, furry friends live in every third Russian family.

It is a pity that not every family has conditions for keeping a cat or dog. Rented accommodation, financial issues, the presence of allergies - there are many such reasons, but this is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhaving a friend. You can care and love even at a distance, getting out on weekends with short visits to animal shelters. Pets that live in shelters are waiting for care and love, and if desired, everyone can help the shelter and have a good time surrounded by furry and devoted friends.

Choosing a kennel and a puppy: what you need to know

Of course, it is very good when there is a desire to have a pet at home and there are all the necessary conditions for this.When deciding to choose a dog from a kennel, consider the following recommendations.

When buying a puppy in a kennel, you need to be prepared for the fact that its cost may be more expensive, since keeping animals in it is quite expensive. But if you are lucky and the kennel is chosen correctly, then you will be able to purchase a dog with a good pedigree, titled and tested for numerous parameters, tested for health reasons.

As a rule, mating in nurseries is carried out not for the health and pleasure of the animal, but in order to obtain healthy and pedigree offspring that will have good characteristics and parameters.

The selection of a pair in kennels is approached intelligently and deliberately, they take into account the requirements of the breeder, they do not follow the principle of profit in terms of the cost of mating, everything is aimed at obtaining healthy puppies. After the mating process in kennels, due attention is paid to feeding, veterinary care for dogs, the process of pregnancy, the birth itself and, of course, the rearing of offspring.

Kennels for whom reputation is important and they value it. Breeding good breeds of dogs is a matter of honor and a lifetime, and not just a way to earn money.

Of course, the choice of a puppy is a kind of lottery, and you can not always buy what you expect from the breed. Therefore, first you need to understand and determine what kind of dog you want to buy, having familiarized yourself with the character traits of the representatives of the desired breed. Analyze the catteries and calculate how many litters of this breed the cattery received. How many personal dogs of the breeder, how many offspring were bred by the dog from which you plan to buy a puppy. At the same time, ask how often the dog gave birth, how much time she had, so to speak, for her “personal” life.All these criteria are extremely important, since it has been proven that it is recommended to start knitting a large breed dog when it reaches 18 months.

In the event that you really seriously think about acquiring an affectionate and devoted puppy, then the conditions of keeping in the nursery of his mother are also important, and how the litter itself was grown.

Tips for Choosing a Healthy Puppy

  • pay attention to the physical and mental state;
  • on the development of the puppy;
  • evaluate his habits and behavior;
  • invite an experienced cynologist who will give advice and be able to assess the condition of the puppy;
  • pay attention to the mother and father of the puppies, this will allow you to understand how the dog will look like in adulthood;
  • take an interest in their character, habits and habits, specify how they can be trained, and what diseases they have suffered;
  • watch the puppy’s mother, it’s not very good if the dog is too shy or, on the contrary, too aggressive;
  • ask about the conditions of keeping, feeding the puppies, what preventive procedures they were carried out (vaccines, deworming);
  • inquire about possible genetic diseases that can be inherited;
  • The main thing when choosing a puppy is his examination. Look at how active the puppies are, whether they match their breed and how they perceive you. If the dog is not disturbed by anything, it is active, cheerful, playful, inquisitive, and also moderately well-fed.

So, the signs of a physically healthy puppy are:

  • stands confidently on his feet, his movements are free and unfettered;
  • wool has a smooth and shiny appearance, it is clean and well-groomed, there are no seals, bald spots, dandruff on the skin;
  • the skin has no changes;
  • the puppy's eyes do not have a sign of souring, they are dry and shiny with pus;
  • the puppy's ears are pale pink in color, have no foreign smell and discharge;
  • the oral cavity is pink in color of a pale shade, there is no plaque on the tongue, the bite of the puppy is correct;
  • the abdomen is pink, swelling is absent.

How does the puppy behave?

  • he is active, everything is interesting to him, he plays with pleasure;
  • the puppy is not afraid and not aggressive;
  • if the puppy has a balanced character, he reacts normally to external factors (clapping, falling sounds or other extraneous sounds).

Advice! When buying a puppy, give preference to dogs that are energetic and happy to make contact. Do not pay attention to puppies with inappropriate behavior.

Necessary things for a furry friend:

  • leash, collar, and for dogs of large breeds, a muzzle is also needed;
  • a bowl for water and food;
  • bathing facilities;
  • various toys and simulators for teeth;
  • for certain breeds of dogs, you will have to spend on clothes and shoes.

Criteria for choosing a cattery

Many people who decide to take a dog from a kennel are concerned about the reputation of the institution, pay attention to the following:

  • the owner of the nursery willingly enters into a dialogue, offers to visit the nursery and inspect everything on his own;
  • offers to inspect the territory and pets, find contact with dogs;
  • the nursery has its own history, it has all the necessary documents and certificates;
  • kennel specialists have brought up more than one generation of dogs;
  • pets - participants in competitions and exhibitions, winners and owners of awards at tournaments of various levels;
  • the owner of the nursery pays attention to the adaptation of puppies in society, takes care of their health and takes care of them as necessary;
  • puppies are vaccinated on time, there is a medical book;
  • the breeder willingly gives advice that is related to the upbringing of puppies.

Important! If the selected cattery meets the specified parameters, feel free to choose your faithful friend in it.

More about kennels for dogs in the city of Perm

Cattery Arcana Africana BASENJI

If you are looking for a dog of a rare and amazing breed, which comes from Africa, then here the staff of the kennel will help you find a faithful and reliable friend. Dogs are wonderful companions and true friends, the breed often participates in various exhibitions and competitions. The breed belongs to non-barking, quite ancient and came to us from distant Africa.

Once acquainted with the breed, the Basenji will not leave anyone indifferent, it will be love at first sight. Representatives of the breed are practically odorless, they are not sources of allergies and practically do not shed.

The nursery is located at:

Perm, st. Pushkin

☎+7 (912) 595-49-06, +7 902 801-70-87

Open from 10.00 am



Contact person - Tatiana

In social networks: in contact

  • monobreed nursery;
  • growing a rare breed of dog;
  • organization of exhibitions;
  • mating dogs;
  • carry out registration for exhibitions of dogs of the Basenji breed;
  • pre-registration for puppies;
  • Individual approach to each client;
  • the ability to place an order for a puppy on the site;
  • sale of puppies with all packages of documents;
  • accompanying a puppy and support after purchasing a puppy in a kennel;
  • sale on the website of the kennel of accessories (collars made of genuine leather) for dogs of the Basenji breed;
  • no.

Kennel Center of the Perm Territory

The center is a public organization, and its history began back in 1924. The institution is one of the oldest in the Ural region.Its status and name has been repeatedly changed, but this did not interfere with its work and the implementation of the main tasks to achieve its goals. There is a museum in the center, which will reverently and carefully tell about its history to grateful descendants.

The Kennel Center conducts courses for cynologists, specialists regularly conduct training and competitions for pets.

Located at:

Perm, st. Soviet, 64

☎ (342) 237 -48 -53

Email: ,

Opening hours: daily from 11.00 to 19.00 hours, days off - Saturday and Sunday.

  • the center has a training ground for dogs;
  • regularly holds competitions with dogs;
  • carrying out zootechnical works and exhibitions;
  • conducting training courses for specialists - cynologists;
  • dog training in small and individual groups;
  • implementation of charitable activities;
  • organization of exhibitions of purebred dogs and animals that came to the center from shelters;
  • providing fast and high-quality veterinary care to the pets of the center;
  • there is a club for young dog breeders in the center, there is a program for a child - a computer-dog;
  • there is a grooming salon where you can carry out all the necessary procedures for your pet, from haircuts to other cosmetic procedures;
  • the center is engaged in the publishing of a club magazine, the topics of which are devoted to dog breeding and issues related to it;
  • a museum, a library and a film library center operate on the territory of the center;
  • seminars and master classes on various topics (grooming, handling, training) are organized in the center on an ongoing basis.
  • no.

Yorkshire Terrier Kennel – Maesta

This kennel is founded for true lovers of Yorkshire Terrier breed dogs. Kennel specialists will answer questions about the care and conditions of dogs.

Located at:

Perm, st. Marshal Rybalko, 107-in

☎ +7 (912) 788-94-56

Contact person Elena Sableva


  • monobreed nursery;
  • groomer and handler services;
  • sale of Yorkshire Terrier dogs;
  • tailoring services for furry pets.
  • Groomer and handler services are not provided with home visits.

Nursery "Drastik"

The kennel has been breeding dog breeds such as Shelties, Belgian Shepherds, and Malinois for a long time. Date of creation of the nursery - 1998. Since 2010, he has also been breeding Border Terriers. The pets of the institution are regular participants in various competitions, performances and exhibitions. Among them are participants and winners in different categories.

Located at:

Perm, st. Oil workers, 45

☎+7 342 226-00-05, +7 908 25 23 165



Opening hours: daily, around the clock

Contact person: Rudashevskaya Evgenia Vladimirovna

  • raising and raising puppies and adult dogs of the Airedale Terrier, Malinois, Sheltie, Border Terrier breeds;
  • organization and holding of various competitions and exhibitions;
  • providing advice on breeding dogs;
  • haircut and beauty services;
  • round-the-clock work;
  • the provision of services for the maintenance of pets for the period of the owner's vacation;
  • carrying out preparatory work for the participation of dogs in exhibitions and competitions;
  • conducting agility and handling classes for children;
  • the work of the club of young dog breeders;
  • mating dogs;
  • coverage of exhibitions and competitions, photo and video filming.
  • services of hoofed cynologists.
  • not detected.

Dog breeding kennel "From the White Hundred"

Dogs of the Dogo Argentino breed do not leave anyone indifferent.

Dogo Argentino attracts attention at first sight. They are graceful, noble, strong and unusually beautiful. The breed combines a balanced character, fast, almost lightning-fast reaction and the ability to get along with other pets. In addition to these qualities, Great Danes love children, great friends, good guards and defenders. You can safely leave the child in his care, and no one will dare to approach him.

Located at:

Perm, st. Kuibysheva, 11/8



In social networks: in contact, on facebook

Puppies for sale: +79630112342 (WhatsApp or Viber)

  • monobreed nursery;
  • individual approach to raising puppies;
  • organization of exhibitions;
  • a detailed website where you can find information about nutrition and care;
  • puppies raised in a kennel undergo proper veterinary care;
  • dogs are vaccinated by age at the time of sale;
  • have a distinctive brand of the nursery and a microchip;
  • all puppies pass an official hearing test;
  • PET and BRID class puppies are being prepared for sale;
  • sale is carried out both males and females;
  • the cost of puppies is from 30 to 60 thousand rubles, it all depends on the class of the puppy.
  • show class puppies are not sold.

Kennel "Perm the Great"

The institution is engaged in the cultivation and education of puppies. The main breeds of dogs in breeding are Russian Borzoi, Greyhound and Italian Greyhound. They also work with Chihuahua and German Spitz breeds. In 2004, the first greyhound appeared in the kennel, which became a multiple winner, winner and participant in various tournaments and competitions in running and coursing.The dog is no longer alive, but the nursery staff still remembers her, besides, she managed to give a worthy offspring. Organizes exhibitions and provides dogs for thematic photo shoots.

Located at:

Perm, 2nd Novgorodskaya, 141

☎+7 902 479-28-81



Contact person: Pagina Natalya Yurievna

  • multi-breed nursery;
  • the nursery is engaged in breeding breeding of dogs;
  • sale of puppies with documents and necessary vaccinations;
  • work in the nursery is carried out with the requirements and rules of the RKF;
  • puppies have the stigma of the kennel;
  • all dogs receive due attention and veterinary care of specialists;
  • in the process of growing up and raising puppies are in close contact with people, they have a stable psyche, courageous and sociable.
  • no.


The nursery is engaged in breeding activities, grows and educates pug and Russian toy dogs. Pugs are a kind of decorative dogs. It is perhaps difficult to explain the love of people for these dogs, just as they are devoted to their master and their true companions. Speaking about the breed, we can say that these dogs come from the East, their main task is to accompany and please the owner. By observation, one can determine the common diseases of these dogs: eye diseases, in particular, corneal erosion, which is considered chronic. This should be given special attention.

If you want to take such a cute and funny "snoring" friend, welcome to the kennel.

Located at:

Perm, Highway Cosmonauts, 173 b


In social networks:


Breeder: Shipyreva

Standards - FCI

  • titled cables in the nursery;
  • high-bred puppies;
  • pets - participants and winners of competitions;
  • on the site there is an opportunity to ask a question and get an online answer;
  • in the puppies for sale section, you can fill out a questionnaire;
  • work in the nursery is carried out with the requirements and rules of the RKF;
  • puppies have the stigma of the kennel;
  • all dogs receive due attention and veterinary care of specialists.
  • no.


The kennel breeds dogs of the White Swiss Shepherd breed. These dogs are cheerful and loyal, well and easily trainable, sociable and love children. Such a furry friend will become a real member of the family, they are smart, good-natured and inquisitive.

The institution is engaged in dog training, as well as viscous, overexposure and handling.

Located at:

☎ 89194519855


  • providing advice and advice on raising dogs;
  • Puppies of the kennel receive documents and necessary vaccinations:
  • puppies have the stigma of the kennel;
  • international veterinary passport;
  • deworming is carried out according to the age of the dogs;
  • it is possible to establish a chip in agreement with the buyer;
  • an agreement is concluded between the breeder and the buyer;
  • services are provided for the delivery of puppies throughout the Russian Federation and abroad.
  • no.

And in conclusion

Which breed to choose a dog, of course, is up to the owner. A reliable guard, friend, assistant or companion, in principle, does not matter. The main thing is that the animal is loved and appreciated, taken care of, and everything is mutual, and the material in the article will help and tell you how to choose a dog and the best kennel in the city of Perm. Good luck and "friendly" choice.

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