
  1. How to choose the right breed
  2. Features of choosing a nursery
  3. The best nurseries in Krasnoyarsk in 2025

Rating of the best dog kennels in Krasnoyarsk for 2025

Rating of the best dog kennels in Krasnoyarsk for 2025

Dogs are the kindest and most loyal animals, according to people. This is confirmed by the proverb: "A dog is a man's best friend." How to choose a breed? Is it possible to find this breed in Krasnoyarsk? If yes, where exactly? The answers to these questions are included in this article.

The choice of a four-legged friend should be taken seriously, because the animal is the second child. This child also needs to be monitored, educated, fed and cared for. If you make a mistake, there will be unpleasant consequences. For example, if a person with a calm character takes a playful dog, then they simply will not get along in character. What happens if a person takes a large pet, but lives in a one-room apartment?

How to choose the right breed

To begin with, several selection criteria should be considered:

  • value;
  • Character traits;
  • Purpose.

Pet sizes

The size of the animal plays no small role. Dogs are small, medium and large.

The smallest, indoor animals include such breeds of animals as:

  • Spitz;
  • Beagle;
  • Papillon;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • Chihuahua;
  • Pug;
  • Chinese crested dogs and others. The weight of babies is from 8-10 kg.

Medium sizes include:

  • Boxer;
  • Laika
  • Dalmatian;
  • Husky;
  • Collies and others. Their weight will range from 8-30 kg.

Large animals include:

  • Sheepdog (German, Central Asian and others);
  • Labrador;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Akita Inu;
  • Wolfhound. The weight of a large four-legged comrade is from 30 kg or more.

The character of a dog is a very important trait that you should pay attention to.

Any animal, like people, forms its own, special temperament, which can greatly affect their character.

A dog with a stable sanguine temperament is considered the best and most comfortable to keep. Such an animal easily adapts to the environment, has a rather restrained character, and this allows it to find a common language with other animals and easily get along with children.

A breed with a phlegmatic temperament is very balanced and extremely calm. Such animals are excellent nannies for children, but are difficult to train.

With a melancholic temperament, they do not get used to the external environment well, feel insecure and act indecisively.

Cholerics are easily excitable, show high activity and react too actively to external stimuli.Therefore, training is difficult, they have too much energy and it is difficult for them to concentrate. A dog with a choleric temperament is great for active people.

The purpose of the dog is very important

There are breeds:

  • Watchdogs;
  • Companions;
  • Service;
  • Riding.

Companion and guard dogs require special attention.

Watch dogs. The purpose of such a pet is already clear from the name. For them, the characters are such special qualities as: activity, stress resistance, easy learning, endurance. Sentry have a large size, developed intelligence, good adaptation. An example is the German Shepherd, English Mastiff, Alabai. It should be emphasized that, due to their size, watchdogs cannot live in a small apartment because they are too active. If this is not taken into account, then there is a possibility that one day the apartment will be destroyed.

Companion dog for children. Companions are bred to get along easily with children and become their best friend. They are especially dominated by: patience, complaisant character, kindness, stress resistance, activity. Basically, these qualities are developed in medium-sized pets: American Cocker Spaniel, Golden Retriever, Collie. Small breeds are not desirable, they are mostly overly active, jealous and aggressive.

Companion dog for people who are single. Such companions can perfectly understand and feel their master and even positively influence his condition. When choosing, one should take into account the level of emotionality and temperament of a person, choosing a similar four-legged friend for him. Lonely pugs, English Cocker Spaniel, German Spitz can come up.

After a person decides on the breed of a dog, he, as a rule, asks himself the question, where can I buy it? The animal can be taken in a nursery, a shelter, a pet store. The best option is a nursery, it is safe and guarantees quality. Several factors contribute to this:

  • Each dog is vaccinated strictly and on time, the proof is the medical book that each pet of the establishment has;
  • All pets are available. Each person can come to the nursery, look at the animal, check the medical book and appearance (well-groomed or not);
  • All animals are socialized from an early age.

There are many dog ​​kennels in Krasnoyarsk that are quite popular. Mostly purebred dogs are kept here, but there are also a few in which there are also homeless ones. In nurseries, they can give away a beloved friend for free, and for some you will have to pay money.

Features of choosing a nursery

But in order to adopt a baby, you must first choose a good nursery. To do this, you should take into account some points:

  • The owner of the establishment must show his animals without hesitation;
  • It is desirable that the institution be certified;
  • Among the pets there must be winners of exhibitions;
  • The kennel should not receive too many puppies every year;
  • Puppies should be socialized from an early age;
  • Pets must look well-groomed, be vaccinated on time and have a medical book;
  • The owner calmly answers questions, advises on the care of dogs.

The best nurseries in Krasnoyarsk in 2025

There are several best kennels in the city, about which it is impossible to remain silent.

Krasnoyarsk pearl

Contact details:

Address: Sadovaya st. 8 office 11

☎: 8-902-940-54-93

The establishment specializes in breeding the Yorkshire Terrier. There are many champions.

The site displays ads for the sale of puppies with a specified price. Highly qualified workers work in the nursery itself. You can use the provided additional services, such as a haircut. Opening hours: daily from 12:00-18:00. According to the reviews, we can say that the price corresponds to the quality.

The institution has many achievements. For example, a dog named Gagarin has earned such awards as: the young champion of many countries - Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine and Bulgaria, Kazakhstan and Germany, and many others.

Another, nicknamed Crokuzula, earned the title of international beauty champion, became the champion of the Baltic countries, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Croatia, Russia, etc.

A dog named Courage became a candidate for international beauty champions, became the champion of Russia and twice the champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Numerous customer reviews are only positive.

Description of the breed Yorkshire Terrier

Name: Yorkshire Terrier

Average height: 20-23 cm.

Average weight: 3 kg.

Average price: 15-60 thousand rubles.

This breed of dog belongs to the decorative, but despite this they have great courage and fearlessness. These dogs are ready to defend their owner. Thanks to their keen sense of smell and hearing, they catch the approach of a stranger and immediately begin to bark and jump on their short legs. Also, dogs of this breed have pride, good nature, intelligence and sociability. Yorkshire terriers are famous for their beautiful, long coat, which, of course, should be carefully looked after.

Advantages of the nursery:
  • Reviews are positive;
  • The price is acceptable;
  • Animals are well cared for and vaccinated.
  • Not identified.

Fieri Crystal

Contact details:

Address: Yasnaya st. eight

☎: 8-967-605-36-77

The nursery specializes in breeding Husky, German Spitz, Yorkshire Terrier.


A dog named Murka (Husky) has earned awards: Krasnoyarsk Gold, Krasny Yar Star Show, Khakassia Championship, Autumn calendar.

All buyers were extremely satisfied with their pets.

Description of the breeds bred in the nursery

Name: Siberian Husky

Average height: 51-61 cm.

Average weight: 16-27 kg.

Average price: 5-45 thousand rubles.

Husky is a sled dog, but can sometimes be found as a companion or show dog. The Siberian Husky has positive traits, namely: intelligence, courage, poise, good nature, confidence, sincerity. An animal of this breed is active and loves long walks. It also easily adapts to the external environment, perfectly tolerates cold. Doesn't like to stay indoors for a long time. The coat of such a pet does not require special care.

Name: German Spitz

Average height: 18-35 cm.

Average weight: 4-6 kg.

Average price: 15-50 thousand rubles.

The German Spitz is considered a companion. The German Spitz is characterized by the following qualities: good health, poise, intelligence, easy to train. This breed is considered to be very smart, so you should be careful, because Spitz love to beg. Fortunately, they are not prone to obesity.

Advantages of the nursery:
  • The nursery is certified;
  • Animals are well-groomed and vaccinated;
  • The price is acceptable.
  • One breed predominates - the Siberian Husky.

Beauty Standard

Contact details:

☎: 8-983-612-97-77

Specializes in breeding English and French Bulldogs.Only these breeds are professionally bred, free online consultations with a veterinarian, information on crossing and how to care for, feed and train puppies of this breed are available on the official website.


A dog named Magnat (English Bulldog) earned the following awards: Junior of Russia, became a candidate for Champions of Russia. Purebred.

Reviews: buyers are satisfied, feedback is positive

Description of the breeds bred by the nursery

Name: English Bulldog

Average height: 30-36 cm.

Average weight: 23-25 ​​kg.

Average price: 6-60 thousand rubles.

These dogs can be classified as companions and watchdogs. They have the following qualities: calm character, endurance, activity, masculinity and intelligence. Despite their stamina, it is not worth giving a bulldog a big load, because. they have a weak heart. But they can take part in games and fun. They are devoted to their owners and love children. In an emergency, they can show their fighting skills. English Bulldogs can't stand cats, so it's worth walking where there aren't any. Also, bulldogs are sociable and attached to their owner, but they are neutral towards the owner, I can not even pay attention to her. Training and training puppies should start at an early age.

Name: French Bulldog

Average height: 28-33 cm.

Average weight: 13kg.

Average price: 7-35 thousand rubles.

French Bulldogs are classified as watchdogs and companions. The main qualities of these animals are: kind, sociable, pleasant, hospitable, active and healthy. Bulldogs get along well with children and take an active part in games. These pets are always ready to protect the owner, if necessary.They do not require much maintenance, as well as a large area for life. French Bulldogs are very obedient, regardless of where they are, at home or on the street. On a walk, they can run after cats and other dogs, but they are easily controlled, so do not worry. Dogs of this breed are very fond of affection and do not forget to praise them.

Advantages of the nursery:
  • Positive reviews;
  • Acceptable price;
  • well-groomed appearance;
  • All animals are trained.
  • Puppies are not enough for everyone;
  • There is no exact address on the site.

Taiga talisman

Contact details:

Address: Krasnoyarsk Territory. Zheleznogorsk.

☎: 8-913-557-78-38

Specializes in breeding Central Asian Shepherd Dogs (Alabai). She has many beauty champions among her pets.


Shepherd named Jafar earned the JCAC award.

An animal named Zhubar became the Grand Champion of Russia, Champion of Kazakhstan and Russia, CCC, won the title of champion of the national club of the breed, is a multiple winner and prize-winner of BEST in SHOU.

A boy named Potap also has many awards from junior (junior champion of Russia and the national breed club) to such as the champion of Russia and Khakassia.

A shepherd named Ella has earned the title of champion of Asia, junior champion of Russia and champion of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, has the champion title of Macedonia, Montenegro and Cyprus.

Customer reviews are positive, all owners are satisfied with the purchase.

Description of the breed Alabai

Name: Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Alabai

Average height: 61-81 cm.

Average weight: 40-80 kg.

Average price: 3-25 thousand rubles.

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are strong, independent, friendly dogs. Their large size, physical strength, fearlessness help protect the owner.Shepherd dogs unquestioningly obey their owners, but do not forget that this breed also respects itself, so they should be treated especially. Alabai do not require special care, but it is advisable to follow a diet. Raising these dogs will take a lot of time and patience, they love to walk for a long time and communicate with other dogs of their own breed. These animals are very proud and in order to find a common language with her, you first need to gain trust.

Advantages of the nursery:
  • Animals are well-groomed and brought up;
  • The price is acceptable;
  • Reviews are all positive;
  • Skills of communication with people are inculcated.
  • Not identified.

Unique Style

Contact details:

Address: No specific data

☎: 8-913-534-16-25

Specializes in breeding the Shih Tzu breed. There are many beauty champions.

A dog named Michael at the shows has earned the following awards: Interchampion, junior of Russia, champion of Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, became the champion of the beauty of the breed in the Balkan countries.

A girl named Natakha has earned many awards in Russia, and also became the champion of the national breed club.

Customers are happy with their four-legged friends and reviews are mostly positive

Description of the breed

Name: Shih Tzu

Average height: 13-27 cm.

Average weight: 4-7 kg.

Average price: 15-25 thousand rubles.

Shih Tzu is a clear confirmation of the proverb: "Don't judge a book by its cover." Despite their beautiful, toy-like appearance, Shih Tzus are companion dogs. Shih Tzu are incredibly devoted to their owners and know how to distribute their love among all family members. It should be remembered that Shih Tzu cannot be alone for a long time. These kids have a strong physique and are beautiful, soft in nature, easy to train. Often people say that Shih Tzus are silent dogs, but they are not.Puppies of this breed begin to bark loudly from an early age. They are extremely active and love to play. The care required is not very large, but a lot of attention is needed.

Advantages of the nursery:
  • Work flawlessly;
  • Good prices;
  • The kennel is clean, the dogs always look great.
  • Not detected.

What breed of dog to choose is up to the buyer. Love for the animal, the desire to get not only a prestigious breed, but also a true friend for yourself and your family, will help you make the right choice. And dog kennels in Krasnoyarsk will help you find a healthy furry friend.

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