Since ancient times, a dog has been living next to a person; it is not only a pet, but also a devoted friend and protector. Any pet has its own character, let alone a dog that is far superior to other pets in terms of mental development. From what reasons a person decided to get a dog (someone needs the protection of a country house, someone is looking for a companion for walking), it also depends on what it will be.
To date, according to the classification of the International Cynological Federation, more than 48 breeds are represented, each of which has its own character and external features (from size to length and density of wool). Moreover, if it is not difficult to figure out which particular dog is needed by nature (for this it is enough to open the classifier, which contains the main breeds and their description), then it is already more difficult to understand its compliance with the breed. In this case, kennels that breed and sell dogs come to the rescue.
Let's find out in more detail what kind of institution it is and how to choose the best dog kennel in Kazan in 2025.
Criterias of choice
A kennel is an organization that sells and breeds dogs, has its own specialization (for example, shepherd dogs, decorative dogs, watchdogs) and is registered with the International Cynological Federation (FCI).
In addition to breeding, breeders are also involved in pet validation (a thorough examination of the animal to obtain the necessary documents, during which the health of the animal is checked, its compliance with breed standards), paperwork, vaccination, and much more.

When choosing a nursery, you should pay attention to the following points:
- Breed of dog. Each organization specializes in certain types of dogs, so the first step is to decide on the breed of the dog, or at least its purpose (hunting, guard, companion).
- Registration of an institution. In order to participate in exhibitions, and just to make sure that the animal is healthy and has no hidden defects, you should make sure that the selected kennel is registered with the International Cynological Federation (FCI).
- The breeder has dogs of different classes.All dogs can be divided into the following classes: show (the most “high-quality” animals that can take part in exhibitions), pet (animals for breeding), breed (pets that are not a breed standard, but at the same time no worse and are well suited to as pets). Depending on the purpose for which the animal is purchased, its class will be selected. It should be noted that the higher the class, the more expensive the cost.
- Additional services (delivery of an animal around the country, consulting on problematic issues related to health or upbringing).
Top 10 dog kennels in Kazan in 2025
Taking into account the above points, we will rank the nurseries of Kazan in 2025. The kennels presented below are engaged in breeding different breeds of dogs, but at the same time they all have the necessary documents, and the animals contained in them are healthy and meet all the requirements for the breed.
10th place - "El Bulgarville"

Address: Khusain Yamashev Ave., 28, ☎contact phone 8 (843) 523-55-77.
"El Bulgarville" is engaged in breeding Kerry - this is a guard and hunting dog, which has a playful, but at the same time very loyal character, developed intelligence and obedience.
- the breeder is breeding a fairly rare breed - Kerry;
- full compliance with the breed standard;
- availability of a complete set of documents for the animal.
9th place - Nursery "With a twist of Yuliana"
☎ Contact phones 89600324452, 8-843-2-778666.
The kennel specializes in breeding poodles and Yorkshire terriers.
All animals offered for sale have all the necessary documents and fully comply with breed standards.
- the breeder has a large selection of decorative dog breeds that can easily be kept even in a small city apartment;
- the breeder is always in touch and ready to help with the solution of issues related to the training and socialization of animals.
8th place - SINGER ROTHWAL
Address: Pestrechinsky district, Kuyuki village, st. Tsentralnaya, 1 (10 minutes drive from the city of Kazan),
☎ contact numbers 8 906 111 30 32; 8 917 912 72 37.
The kennel specializes in dogs of the breed German Shepherd, Tibetan Mastiff, registered in the International Cynological Federation (FCI-RKF) certificate No. 6919.
All dogs presented in the kennel are kept in ideal conditions, professional specialists work with them, each puppy has a brand and is listed in the database of the Russian Cynological Federation, they have all the necessary examinations and vaccinations.
- a large selection of animals;
- Each dog presented by the breeder has a complete set of documents.
7th place - Lorevi
Address: st. Raduzhnaya, 41, ☎ contact numbers 8 (987) 2908173 - Nikolay, 8 9172 60 64 69 - Anna.
The establishment specializes in retriever dogs and its varieties (Golden Retriever, New Scottish Duck Retriever, and Irish Red Setter).
The Retriever is an intelligent and very obedient breed of dog, has a good memory and flair. Well suited as a "hunting" dog, as well as a companion for the elderly and children. In order for the New Scots duck luring retriever to appear in the kennel, the breeders had to fly to Canada for it, and now the Kazan kennel is the first owner of this rare breed in the country.
- the only kennel in Kazan that breeds retriever dogs and its varieties;
- All animals are documented and conform to the breed standard.
6th place - "Mystic Ranger"

☎ Contact phone +79625626151.
The kennel specializes in the following dog breeds:
- The Tibetan Mastiff is a large and well-built, hardy dog whose height at the withers is at least 66 centimeters. Possesses good health and endurance, well transfers change of a climate and seasons. This dog has a stable psyche and independent temperament, but at the same time it is very devoted to its family and home, it is a good protector.
- American Akita - has a balanced character and a stable psyche, perfectly combines the qualities of both a protector (due to his strength and endurance) and a companion (due to his goodwill and devotion).
- Papillon - refers to the breed of indoor-decorative dogs, their height at the withers is about 28 centimeters. This is a playful, friendly and socialized animal that loves to learn and perform tricks and is easy to train.
- The Japanese Spitz is a fluffy, pretty dog, which, due to its size (height at the withers about 35 centimeters, weight about 7 kilograms), is well suited for living in a city apartment. By nature, she is a companion - affectionate, devoted, smart, but she will not work as a protector.
The organization is registered with the International Cynological Federation (FCI) No. 16659. All animals in the institution have a good pedigree, a full package of documents from the Russian Cynological Federation, vaccinations and a veterinary passport.The parents of the puppies are titled champions in their class and are successfully exhibited not only in Russia but also abroad.
- all animals represented in the organization have a complete set of documents and clearly meet the requirements of the breed;
- assistance in the delivery of animals both in Kazan and in other cities is possible;
- free consultations on the selection and subsequent education of the animal;
- installment purchase is possible.
5th place - "Pearl of Kazan"
Breeder Vasyanina Olga Gennadievna, ☎ contact numbers +7 917 296 3639, +7 952 046 7277.
The organization is registered with the International Cynological Federation (FCI-RKF) No. 12246, is engaged in the sale and breeding of decorative dogs, namely:
- the Russian toy terrier is a miniature animal ideal for a city apartment (height is about 24 centimeters, weight 3 kilograms), it is distinguished by high intelligence, good memory, devotion to the owners and mobility;
- chihuahua - considered the smallest dog in the world, distinguished by good health, complaisant character, tirelessness and energy (it is worth noting that aggressiveness or shyness are considered breed defects);
- Pekingese - has an independent character, loves attention, the height at the withers reaches 25 centimeters, weight - about 5 kilograms;
- The Yorkshire Terrier is today one of the most popular decorative dogs in our country (height at the withers is about 20 centimeters, weight 3 kilograms), a restless, mobile, freedom-loving and inquisitive breed, but at the same time very faithful to its owner.
- Pomeranian Spitz - this breed is one of the best representatives of the class of miniature dogs (height at the withers - about 25 centimeters), has a playful character, loves walks and games, lends itself well to training, easily gets along with other animals and children.
All animals offered for sale have all the necessary documents, have been certified and fully comply with breed standards.
- the organization has the largest selection of decorative dog breeds that can easily be kept even in a small city apartment;
- the breeder is always in touch and ready to help with the solution of issues related to the training and socialization of animals.
4th place - "Dominus Cordis"
Breeder Julia Lang, ☎ contact phone +7 (950) 946-84-14.
The institution specializes in the so-called "shepherd" and cattle dogs:
- Commander (often called a “dog with dreadlocks”) is a type of shepherd dog, however, due to the fact that the bones of this breed are lighter than those of their brethren, it weighs only about 50 kilograms (for comparison, the weight of a St. Bernard is 80 kilograms, a mastiff is 100 kilograms) , is an excellent defender, has an accommodating character, lends itself well to training. Due to its shepherd instinct (initially these dogs were used by shepherds to protect livestock in the pasture), it is ideal for families with children (on a walk, she will follow them, preventing them from running far), unpretentious care.
- bullets are both externally and in character similar to the commander, but differ in smaller size (height 45 centimeters, weight 15 kilograms), easy to train, has a high level of intelligence, calm and balanced disposition, well suited as a defender or as a hunter.It is worth noting that as a "family dog" for people who do not lead an active lifestyle, the bullet will feel uncomfortable, as it needs a lot of movement. The breed is very devoted to the owners (most often to one), it will not offend the rest of the household, but all love will belong to only one person.
Animals owned by this breeder have a good pedigree and all the necessary documents.
- a large selection of "shepherd" dogs;
- full compliance with the breed standard;
- availability of a complete set of documents for the animal.
3rd place - "MonBonAmi"

Address: st. Siberian Trakt, 41, ☎ contact phone +7-917-267-21-02, +7(843)265-14-99.
The kennel breeds dogs of the following breeds:
- Griffon - a decorative dog (height 28 centimeters, weight 5 kilograms) is one of the most contact breeds, these animals love to be stroked and pampered, they get along well with all family members and children. Despite their small size, these dogs are very brave and in the event of a threat of attack on the owner, they will instantly rush to his aid;
- shih tzu - also belongs to the breed of decorative companion dogs who like to be in the spotlight, but do not particularly like long runs and do not need active walking;
- Samoyed dog (Samoyed) is one of the hardiest dogs, has a cheerful and sociable character, but at the same time it is prone to unauthorized actions, it needs tough training. The Samoyed was originally bred as a riding dog, therefore it requires active walks, and is not suitable for people who do not lead an active lifestyle.
- a large selection of animals;
- Each dog presented by the breeder has a complete set of documents.
2nd place - «RED EAST»

Address: Kazan, st. Rubizhnaya, d.9, ☎ contact phone 8 (960) 041-36-52.
The organization is registered with the International Cynological Federation No. 6166 dated 02.07.2004.
The kennel specializes in Siberian Huskies.
Huskies are sled dogs (height about 55 centimeters, weight 27 kilograms), which have a “live” mobile character, love movement and games, sociable and friendly, sometimes unrestrained and wayward, tolerate physical activity well, have excellent health, but will not fit as a guard dog.
Each buyer will be provided with:
- certificate of origin of the dog (puppy card);
- international certificate of vaccination (veterinary passport);
- contract of sale for an animal.
- possible paid delivery of a puppy throughout the country (train or car);
- for sale there are animals of all classes (show, pet, breed);
- complete set of documents;
- consultation of the owner on all issues related to the upbringing and health of the dog.
1st place - "Lucky Star"

Address: st. Okolnaya, 25, 1st floor, ☎ contact numbers 8 903 307 3468, 8 9534 06 66 90
The main priority breeds in breeding are schnauzers (Giant Schnauzer, Medium Schnauzer, Miniature Schnauzer), German Shepherd Dog, Chinese Shar-Pei, Dachshund, St. Bernard, German Boxer, Doberman.
Almost all dogs released from the kennel are Champions of Russia in their class. In addition to selling dogs, the organization offers the following services:
- handling - presentation of a dog at an exhibition, demonstration of its judging team with an emphasis on the strengths of the animal.
- animal care - haircut, trimming (thinning wool), grooming (brushing teeth, ears, processing claws);
- overexposure;
- training;
- professional photography.
- a wide range of services offered by the nursery;
- a large selection of animals;
- Each dog presented by the breeder has a complete set of documents.
Let's compile a summary table of the best nurseries in Kazan in 2025 with a description of their features.
Rating | Name | Dog breeds for sale |
1 | "Happy Star" | The main priority breeds in breeding are schnauzers (giant schnauzer, medium schnauzer, miniature schnauzer), german shepherd, chinese shar pei, dachshund, st bernard, german boxer, dobermann |
2 | RED EAST | The kennel specializes in Siberian Huskies of all classes (show, pet, breed) |
3 | "MonBonAmi" | The kennel breeds dogs of the following breeds:
griffon, shih tzu, samoyed dog (samoyed) |
4 | "Dominus Cordis" | The institution specializes in the so-called "shepherd" and cattle dogs: komondor and puli |
5 | "Pearl of Kazan" | They are engaged in the sale and breeding of decorative dogs, namely:
Russian Toy Terrier, Chihuahua, Pekingese, Yorkshire Terrier,
Pomeranian |
6 | SINGER ROTHWAL | The kennel specializes in dogs of the breed German Shepherd, Tibetan Mastiff |
7 | Lorevi | The establishment specializes in retriever breeds and its varieties (Golden Retriever, New Scotch Retriever, Duck Retriever and Irish Red Setter). |
8 | "Mystic Ranger" | The kennel specializes in the following dog breeds: Tibetan Mastiff, American Akita, Papillon, Japanese Spitz |
9 | Nursery "With a twist of Yuliana" | The kennel specializes in breeding poodles and Yorkshire terriers. |
10 | "El Bulgarville" | Kerry is a guard and hunting dog that has a playful, but very loyal character, developed intelligence and obedience. |

Kazan has a large number of kennels that breed dogs of various breeds, ranging from decorative to guard and hunting breeds. Most of the kennels are registered with the federation of cynologists and are fully responsible for the health of the animals sold.