
  1. The main requirements for food on the road
  2. Top best snacks

What to take on the road: ranking of the best nutritious snacks for 2025

What to take on the road: ranking of the best nutritious snacks for 2025

Summer is a traditional travel season. Both during the holidays and on hot weekends, everyone wants to go out into the fresh air, change the situation. Therefore, many go to nature, so as not to spend time within four walls.

A long road will seem endless if you do not refresh yourself in time. When thoughts are not distracted by the feeling of hunger, the journey is much easier. The best solution for nutrition on the road is nutritious snacks that saturate the body with energy quickly and for a long time.

The main requirements for food on the road

It is better not to transport perishable products (dairy products, fish) where it is impossible to provide a suitable temperature for their storage.

Packaging and the food itself must retain its original shape, even if they are affected by external factors. In addition, you should pay attention to weight and volume, so as not to spend most of the luggage on food.

Food should be ready to be eaten immediately. The exceptions are instant soups and cereals.
The best qualities of snack foods are naturalness, low calorie content and fat content.
Whatever the original taste of travelers, there are several categories that meet all the requirements.

Here are some recommendations from nutrition experts for healthy travel snacks:

  1. It is better to give preference to natural flavors. Some may be confused about the additive in the form of a flavor that is identical to natural. In fact, these additives are of artificial origin.
  2. The presence of monosodium glutamate or E621 in the composition should be avoided. With the help of this additive, the taste of foods is enhanced, so that a person begins to feel hungry again after a short time. Another reason to abandon harmful impurities is the theory that monosodium glutamate can lead to a decrease in brain activity. It was successfully proved by Aleksey Dushka.
  3. Those who love chips and do not want to get fat should choose a product made from potato slices. Chips made from mashed potatoes contain too much starch.
  4. Another dangerous additive in chips is called acrylamide. American scientists have found that it can provoke the development of cancer in rats. In humans, its harm has not been proven, but it is better to reduce the use of the supplement. Green vegetables can neutralize its effect. Therefore, for those who cannot refuse chips, it is better to combine them with cabbage and green vegetables.

Some people think that snacks can be stored for a long time. However, this is an illusion, and even if the packaging is sealed, the product will spoil. Therefore, you should buy chips that are made no more than a month ago.

Top best snacks

Below is a list of the most useful snacks according to experts. Thanks to their use, the feeling of hunger disappears, and the journey acquires bright colors.


Sea cabbage from Midori in sesame oil 80 g

Algae is still gaining popularity among Russian travelers. However, this product is very useful, and more and more lovers of delicious food enjoy seaweed in sesame oil.

Midori is made in South Korea. Harvesters harvest and grind seaweed, then fry it in sesame oil. Next, the plants are dried, pressed and sprinkled with sesame seeds. The manufactured product is packed in sealed bags.

Users positively evaluate the taste of kelp. It is classified as a sweet product that tastes like caramel. But in some batches, the taste of seaweed is tracked. However, this does not spoil the overall impression of the product.

Sea cabbage Midori in sesame oil 80 g
  • delicious;
  • healthy;
  • nutritionally.
  • not detected.

Siberian fiber "PP" Night snack, triplets

This product is characterized by an absolutely natural composition. In addition, this healthy snack is made up of fiber and spices. It does not contain sugar, but diabetics should pay attention to the fact that it contains fructose.
The nutritional value of snacks positively surprises many, because the small amount of triplets contains a large amount of carbohydrates.

The taste of snacks is not much different from ordinary fiber with the addition of cinnamon. Pairs well with yogurt or kefir. The balls do not have a pronounced taste.

If you evaluate the product in appearance, then it is a smooth balls of different diameters of a light chocolate shade. They smell of spices and oatmeal cookies. They are crunchy when eaten and quite hard on the teeth. Being in an open package does not harm the taste of the balls.

Users describe their taste as coarse bran with a slight smell of mint and cinnamon, slightly sweet. Against the backdrop of severe hunger, they seem tasty without additives in the form of yogurt.

Siberian fiber "PP" Night snack, triplets
  • tasty and satisfying;
  • useful.
  • not detected.

Siberian fiber Lunch, hot Nyashki with onions and carrots 110 g

This snack can be eaten both dry and as an addition to the first or second courses. Nyashki are attractive with a natural composition. On a walk, in breaks between lectures, at work and on a long journey, Nyashki is an indispensable snack with benefits for the body.

The snack is made from peeled rye flour, which is rich in B vitamins. Thanks to potassium, blood pressure returns to normal and the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves.It also contains iron, which improves blood circulation, and calcium, which strengthens bones.

Wheat bran is an equally useful ingredient. Thanks to them, the stomach and intestines receive fiber, vitamins A, B and E, and many useful trace elements.

By eating wheat sprouts, immunity is strengthened, metabolism improves, immunity to infections increases.

Corn grits also contain vitamins necessary for the body, as well as trace elements - iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium and others.

Whey contains vitamins of groups B, A, E and C. It also helps to reduce appetite.

Siberian fiber Lunch, hot Nyashki with onions and carrots 110 g
  • improving bowel function;
  • weight loss and normalization of metabolism;
  • expansion of the diet due to plant fibers;
  • prevention of diseases associated with malnutrition;
  • cleansing the digestive tract;
  • result in the idea of ​​lightness and good mood.
  • not detected.

Tako samurai Japanese rice crackers Tokyo Kurakka 120 g

Rice crackers from Tako Samurai attract customers with their original spicy taste. They crunch pleasantly on the teeth, and the seasoning, consisting of wasabi, garlic and cheese, allows you to feast on them in the company of beer, wine or other drinks, even non-alcoholic ones.

They are less harmful than potato chips due to the fact that they contain a large amount of vegetable protein. Eating Japanese crackers benefits the body. Contains no GMOs or artificial colors. All ingredients are natural.

Original Japanese snacks quickly became popular due to their unique taste, unusual appearance and health benefits.They are taken with them not only by people who are fond of travel, but also by athletes leading an active lifestyle.

Tako samurai Japanese rice crackers Tokyo Kurakka 120 g
  • unique taste;
  • unusual appearance;
  • benefit.
  • not detected.

Dried rabbit, 50 gr

Rabbit meat is dried according to a special technology, thanks to which useful vitamins and microelements are preserved in full. A delicious snack made from whole muscle rabbit meat grown without the use of GMOs. The packaging is produced in a gas-filled environment, so the snack stays fresh for a long time.

According to this technology, the air entering the pack is displaced by inert gases, which preserves the freshness and aroma of the product. A small amount of oxygen remains, it is not enough for the development of fungus and bacteria. Inert gas packaging is successfully used in the food industry.

Dried rabbit, 50 g
  • special drying technology;
  • meat of rabbits grown without the use of GMOs.
  • not detected.


T.M. Snacker. Dried meat snacks

Meat products are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, made from natural raw materials. To prepare a hearty healthy product, whole-muscle high-quality meat is taken without artificial flavors, dyes, GMOs. Snacks are low in carbohydrates and fats. In the process of cooking, natural spices and flavorings are used.

Finished products are subject to quality control. The shelf life of dried meat snacks is 12 months.

T.M. Snacker. Dried meat snacks
  • products are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals;
  • made from natural raw materials.
  • not detected.

Dried Meat Rancho Meatsouri "Reindeer Slices"

For the preparation of dried slices, selective meat products are taken. They are prepared at a low temperature, while retaining the taste and benefits.

Salt and natural seasonings are used to marinate Rancho Myassouri snacks. Meat slices are ideal for a light snack, as the percentage of protein in the product is high.

Dried Meat Rancho Meatsouri "Reindeer Slices"
  • selected meat;
  • while cooking, the taste and useful components are preserved.
  • not detected.

Dried catfish straws

From appetizing, tasty catfish meat, various culinary masterpieces are obtained. Even from the large representatives of the catfish family, whose weight exceeds 10-20 kg, and the meat gives off algae and mud, they got used to preparing an exquisite snack for beer. Various methods of processing freshwater fish are used: small catfish are dried whole, large fish are put on salmon. Unusual cooking recipes: straws or dried steak.

6 out of 10 buyers surveyed note the amazing taste of straw-dried catfish. The fillet undergoes high-quality processing, undergoes a unique cooking technology. As a result, the perfect meat is obtained, which is suitable for gatherings over a glass of beer or for a light snack. In addition, dried straws can be served for dinner.

Along with other fish snacks, catfish is rich not only in useful trace elements. Consumers of different ages note the taste of the snack.

Dried catfish straws are a hearty, fragrant snack. Gourmets know that the flesh of fish is tender and satisfying.During the drying process, the fillet is saturated with fat, the product becomes transparent, and the meat acquires a delicate taste.

Dried catfish straws
  • the presence of proteins, vitamins and minerals in the product, make the fish much tastier;
  • hearty, flavorful snack.
  • not detected.

Dried bream, straws, 40 gr

High-quality raw materials are used for straw production. At the first stage of production, the fish is subjected to strict veterinary and sanitary control. As a result, we have a snack with a delicate unique taste. The dried fillet is cut into thin strips, packed in sealed airtight bags.

Dried bream, straws, 40 gr
  • high quality raw materials;
  • gentle unique taste.
  • not detected.


Novgorod Bacon Pork ears

The main advantage of the snack is that the product is not just smoked, but also subjected to heat treatment. Thanks to this, cutting from pig ears just melts in your mouth. Buyers note a rather delicate smoked unsalted taste of the snack, which has a delicate garlic aroma, in which there is no excess of spices.

The second plus is that pork ear cuts are sold in convenient packaging. This is a deep container in which it is handy to store the product.

Novgorod Bacon Pork ears
  • the product is not just smoked, but also subjected to heat treatment;
  • delicate taste;
  • no overabundance of spices.
  • not detected.

Smoked cheese "Serdtseedy" 46 g x14

Such a combination of useful qualities is rarely found in one product. "Serdtseedy" is a snack, a light snack, and natural cheese. This is the first company to introduce cheese in the form of a light snack on the domestic market. Over the years, the brand has not lost its leading position in its segment.Smoked cheese "Serdtseedy" is a tasty and healthy delicacy.

Smoked cheese "Serdtseedy" 46 g x14
  • natural product;
  • useful and satisfying.
  • not detected.

Crispy natural smoked cheese "CRAFT SNACK", with ginger extract CHEECORN, 6x40 g

A unique quality product, for the production of which semi-hard varieties of noble cheeses are used. The appetizer is smoked on alder chips, due to which it acquires a rich taste and natural smoked aroma. The natural smoked product is suitable for a light snack during the journey, and is also recommended for use with dark and light beers produced by small companies using non-industrial recipes.

Crispy natural smoked cheese "CRAFT SNACK", with ginger extract CHEECORN, 6x40 g
  • natural smoked product;
  • combination of benefits.
  • not detected.


Frustiki "Banana and parsley" Marc & Fisa

Most parents are dissatisfied with the fact that sugar and a large amount of oil are used in the cooking process of corn sticks. Yes, the product is tasty, but harmful. Guided by their wishes, the manufacturer has created a hearty, crispy snack for children. It does not contain oil and sugar, it has a clean composition: several healthy cereals, flax, vegetables and fruits. Parents are delighted with the composition, and the younger generation likes the taste of the product.

A healthy and crunchy snack with banana and parsley can be given to children over 1 year old.

Frustiki "Banana and parsley" Marc & Fisa
  • hearty, crunchy snack for children;
  • does not contain oil and sugar.
  • not detected.

ZABUKA Fruit snacks: Grapefruit 250 g

Fruit snacks "ZABUKA" is a completely natural product that has undergone gentle drying. For its production, only fresh raw materials are used, without sugar, oxidizing agents, sweeteners, emulsifiers, preservatives and other harmful additives. First, the grapefruit passes through different cut fractions, then the slices are dried at a temperature of 38-40˚C. This allows you to keep glucose, trace elements and vitamins in the same state as in fresh fruit.

Snacks "ZABUKA" are loved by both children and adults. They are not only tasty, but also healthy. Dried grapefruit slices are a great alternative to sweets and candies, especially for those on a diet.

ZABUKA Fruit snacks: Grapefruit 250 g
  • completely natural product;
  • only fresh raw materials are used, without sugar, oxidizing agents, sweeteners, emulsifiers, preservatives.
  • not detected.

Sesame biscuits Live snacks "Dried apricots and raisins" 60 gr

Cookies are made without sugar, from sprouted flax. The technology used by the manufacturer allows you to save vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances. Live snacks are small biscuits with a slight sour taste, abundantly sprinkled with sesame seeds. Consumers choose the product because it does not contain sugar.

Sesame biscuits Live snacks "Dried apricots and raisins" 60 gr
  • does not contain dyes and preservatives;
  • flax germination is carried out in "living" water;
  • produced from natural raw materials;
  • gentle drying is carried out at a temperature of 40˚С;
  • The product does not contain sugar or sweeteners.
  • not detected.

Peanut Butter "Peanut Joe" 220 gr

Peanut butter is loved by children and adults all over the planet. When you travel, you want to take it with you.Its only drawback is that pasta does not belong to long-term storage dishes, it cools quickly. For a snack on the road, cold Peanut Joe paste is suitable.

Prepared according to the classical technology, without the addition of salt, sugar, harmful impurities. The paste contains fiber, vitamins B and E, arginine, magnesium. The product is rich in proteins and antioxidants, saturates the body with calories, gives strength.

Peanut Butter "Peanut Joe" 220 gr
  • prepared according to classical technology, without adding salt, sugar, harmful impurities;
  • contains beneficial ingredients.
  • not detected.

After studying this rating, you can prepare an excellent snack for the road, both meat and sweet for dessert.

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