
  1. What it is
  2. Types and classification
  3. Design features
  4. Criterias of choice
  5. Where could I buy
  6. The best pellet boilers for heating
  7. How to install

Rating of the best pellet boilers for heating in 2025

Rating of the best pellet boilers for heating in 2025

For owners of country houses or cottages that are not connected to central heating, maintaining a comfortable microclimate in the harsh Russian reality becomes a serious issue. In a conventional boiler, you have to constantly load fuel, which burns quickly and requires a lot of space to store coal or firewood. The solution may be the widespread use of a novelty that has recently appeared on the market - a pellet boiler. The operation of this device is characterized by high efficiency, high efficiency up to 95%, good economy, as well as a long service life of over 20 years.

Now you can find many models that differ in size, shape, additional features and, of course, price. In the review, you can get acquainted with such boilers, their device, selection criteria, the rating of the best products for the middle class and premium class devices.

What it is

A pellet boiler is a type of solid fuel heating device, where pellets are used as fuel - cylindrical granules from the waste of an agro-complex or woodworking industry, compressed on a granulator (special press).

The main types of pellets:

  • white - from high quality wood, low ash content up to 0.5%, but expensive;

  • agropellets - waste from agricultural crops (straw, sunflower husks) with a high ash content, as well as the need for regular cleaning of the boiler from slag;

  • industrial - gray-brown in color with a high content of bark, ash content of more than 0.7%, not recommended for domestic use.

Advantages of pellet boilers

  • high degree of automation with programming of operating modes, as well as long-term operation without operator intervention;
  • equipment with remote sensors;
  • simple maintenance;
  • remote control from mobile applications or via a GSM module;
  • high efficiency;
  • economical consumption of pellets compared to diesel fuel, liquefied gas or electricity;
  • long service life;
  • minimal emissions of harmful substances.


  • high cost of pellets;
  • sensitivity to their quality;
  • the need for dry storage;
  • dependence on electricity supply;
  • impressive dimensions.

Types and classification

By fuel

1. Pellet - only compressed granules are used.

2. Combined - the use of other raw materials as a reserve fuel (wood, coal).

By type of burner

1. Retort - feeding pellets into the bowl "from the bottom up", where air is injected and where combustion occurs.

2. Flare - dosed feed into a horizontal tray, where the fire is blown up by forced air to form a powerful torch.

According to the material of the heat exchanger

1. Cast iron - with a long service life and resistance to overheating, but heavy weight and poor impact resistance.

2. Steel - with a shorter service life, but more durable.

By loading

  1. Automatic - loading of pellets is regulated by programming by specialists;
  2. Semi-automatic - with manual adjustment;
  3. Mechanical - manual backfilling of the bunker.

By the number of circuits

1. Single-circuit - only for operation in heating mode.

2. Double-circuit - the possibility of additional production of hot water.

Design features

Main components:

  1. Furnace - a combustion chamber with an installed burner, as well as two doors (inspection, cleaning).
  2. Convective - a built-in heat exchanger in the form of pipes or plates with a vertical, horizontal or combined arrangement for heating water (heat carrier) with hot air released during combustion.
  3. An ash pan is a container for collecting ashes.
  4. Bunker - a container for storing pellets before feeding into the furnace.
  5. Auger - for batch feeding into the furnace;
  6. Fan - for pumping air in the absence of natural draft and maintaining the combustion process.
  7. Control unit - for setting operating modes, combustion parameters, maintaining temperature.

Criterias of choice

Before buying, experts advise to pay attention to:

  • power - the simplest calculation is the ratio per 1 sq. meter 100 W, for example, for a room of 150 sq. meters, a floor-standing solid fuel pellet boiler with a power of 15 kW (100 W x 150 sq. M = 15000 W) is suitable;
  • Efficiency - as a rule, values ​​in the range of 85-95% with a direct dependence on the quality of the pellets;
  • type of heat exchanger - steel or cast iron;
  • the number of circuits - single-circuit or double-circuit, if necessary, hot water supply;
  • the volume of the bunker - depending on the needs of the user, as well as the features of use;
  • fuel supply - using an auger or vacuum with a low noise level, but more expensive;
  • additional functions: auto-ignition, self-cleaning, temperature sensors, GSM-module.

Where could I buy

It is better to buy popular models of pellet boilers in specialized stores for heating equipment for the home, as well as in representative offices of manufacturers of such equipment or their dealers. The best units offered by the best manufacturers, there you can not only visually inspect, but twist or listen to good advice and recommendations - which company is better to buy, which ones are, how much it costs, how to choose, what to look for in order to avoid mistakes when choosing .

In addition, budget novelties can be ordered online at an online store specializing in the sale of such goods.In this case, popular aggregators, such as E-catalog or Yandex.Market, will provide assistance, where product cards with the necessary information are placed - description, parameters and their comparison, photos.

The best pellet boilers for heating

The rating of quality products is based on popularity in aggregators, as well as according to the opinions of buyers who left reviews on the pages of Russian marketplaces selling heating equipment. The popularity of models was determined by their technical characteristics, functionality, ease of maintenance, reliability, warranty, service life.

The review presents the ratings of units in the middle price segment up to 200 thousand rubles, as well as boilers priced over 200 thousand rubles.

TOP 5 best pellet boilers at a price of up to 200,000 rubles

Wirbel ECO SM 25

Brand - Wirbel (Austria).
The country of origin is Austria.

Compact monoblock model with a power of up to 28 kW, providing space heating up to 200 sq. meters. The small case contains the main strapping components, the control automation and the container. This design facilitates installation - it is enough to bring the supply and return of the coolant.

Dimensions make it easy to carry the product through a standard door to install it indoors after repair. The boiler is equipped with an expansion tank, circulation pump, safety valve, which reduces the installation cost. The removal of flue gases is controlled by a smoke exhauster mounted in front of the chimney.

Safety is ensured by insulation of the combustion chamber, equipped with a safety valve that reduces pressure above 2.5 bar, regulation of the pellet flow rate by a screw conveyor.

The manufacturer offers at a price of 163,300 rubles.

Wirbel ECO SM 25
  • compactness;
  • can be installed in any premises, observing the requirements for ventilation, distances to walls and ceilings;
  • high efficiency (efficiency up to 93%);
  • automatic control of the supply of pellets and supply air, as well as smoke removal with the setting of the operating mode for any day;
  • large heat exchange area of ​​the combustion chamber with a water jacket;
  • simple control from the display;
  • it is enough to clean once a week;
  • environmental cleanliness according to the 5th class of the European standard.
  • not detected.

Video review of Wirbel ECO SM:

Sime Solida 5PL

Brand - Sime (Italy).
Country of origin - Italy.

Model with cast iron heat exchanger and universal burner for space heating up to 192 sq. meters. The basic kit includes a fuel supply system, as well as an 80 kg container. The use of pellets automates the supply, significantly reducing storage volumes. You can install a hopper with a capacity of 500, 300 or 200 liters.

Balanced combustion with a small emission of gases is provided by the structure of the cast-iron sections of the heat exchanger. An increase in their number affects the power. According to the owners, the control system guarantees reliable operation in various conditions.

Offered at a price of 116451 rubles.

Sime Solida 5PL
  • automation of the heating process;
  • low gas output;
  • easy maintenance of the combustion chamber;
  • simple installation and maintenance;
  • the ability to connect an indirect heating boiler;
  • the presence of a thermostatic regulator "Regulus";
  • high reliability;
  • long service life.
  • not very high efficiency (76%).

Sime Solida 5PL video review:

FACI Base 26

Brand - FACI (Italy).
Country of origin - (Russia).

Automatic basic model of Russian production without additional options for space heating up to 260 sq. meters.The unit is made of high quality heat-resistant steel. Cast iron (retort) burner installed. The combustion process is fully controlled by automation. Equipped with a three-row type heat exchanger for economical consumption. The design provides placement of the bunker from any side or behind a copper. You can increase the battery life due to more capacious bunkers of one or two thousand liters, which are installed instead of the standard one. The use of twin screw feed guarantees protection against flame penetration.

Additional installation of a GSM module will provide remote control of the heating system. With the help of SMS messages, remote start or shutdown of the boiler is carried out, as well as monitoring the state of the system. In addition, it can be equipped with a room thermostat that will control the boiler according to the set temperature.

The average price is 143,000 rubles.

FACI Base 26
  • burner with self-cleaning function;
  • high efficiency (92%);
  • profitability;
  • preventing the penetration of fire into the bunker;
  • the possibility of using low quality pellets, as well as firewood or briquettes as a backup;
  • a large bunker for autonomous work within a week from one bookmark;
  • flue gas sensor;
  • long service life;
  • simple cleaning and maintenance;
  • stylish design;
  • 5 year warranty.
  • dependence of automation on power supply.

Video review of FACI Base 26:

ZOTA Pellet 15S

Brand - ZOTA (Russia).
Country of origin - Russia.

Domestic model for space heating up to 150 sq. meters. Designed for operation in Russian conditions with possible voltage drops, unstable quality of pellets, its storage, temperature conditions.In the event of a temporary power outage, the boiler can be fired with firewood, for which it is necessary to install the grate, which is included in the delivery, and remove the tubes to turn off the secondary air supply. In the event of a long absence of residents, heating elements are used to maintain the set temperature.

The bunker with a modified geometry can be placed on either side of the boiler with the possibility of installing additional sections.

You can buy at a price of 149310 to 167900 rubles.

ZOTA Pellet 15S
  • high degree of automation;
  • remote control on the front panel;
  • good performance;
  • increased efficiency;
  • auto ignition;
  • outdoor sensor for setting the optimum temperature with weather-dependent regulation;
  • control of three pumps and solenoid valve drives;
  • advanced security systems: protection against overheating, penetration of combustion into the bunker, burnout of the auger, automatic reverse, as well as alarm when the supply of pellets stops;
  • optional connection of a GSM module for control from a smartphone or tablet.
  • high cost of quality pellets;
  • awkward cleaning.

Video review of ZOTA Pellet 15S:

Teplodar Kupper OK 20

Brand - Teplodar (Russia).
Country of origin - Russia.

A compact model of powerful Russian-made single-circuit automatic heating equipment. Efficiency of heat removal for space heating up to 200 sq. meters is provided by the developed surface area of ​​the water jacket, supplemented by a water-tube heat exchanger. The installation of the pellet burner is carried out without additional work instead of the ash door. There is a photo sensor that detects the presence of fire in the furnace, to turn on the ignition with the resumption of the combustion process. The electrical supply is single-phase.

On top, to save space, there is a volumetric hopper with an auger feeding pellets, as well as a control panel for setting parameters.

The minimum price is 86,400 rubles.

Teplodar Kupper OK 20
  • built-in remote control for automatic control of ignition, combustion process, support of the temperature balance of the coolant;
  • partial blowing of ash with a built-in fan;
  • TEN for 6 kW;
  • simple conversion to solid fuel;
  • automatic diagnostics;
  • inclusion indication;
  • overheat protection;
  • basalt insulation;
  • economical consumption of pellets;
  • compactness.
  • without chimney elements and thermostat;
  • the difficulty of cleaning a horizontal chimney;
  • it is not very convenient to climb up to fill the bunker with pellets.

Video review Teplodar Kupper OK 20:

comparison table

 Wirbel ECO SM 25Sime Solida 5PLFACI Base 26 ZOTA Pellet 15S Teplodar Kupper OK 20
Maximum thermal power, kW28.626261520
Heated area, sq. m200192260150200
Efficiency, %93.376.6929083
Automatic feedYes
Circulation pumpYesNoNoNoNo
Expansion tank, lYesNoNoNoNo
Coolant temperature, deg. FROM8050-9555-8560-9595
Max. pressure in the heating circuit, bar2.541.532
Heating connection pipe, inch1212
Chimney diameter, mm80150160150150
Dimensions (WxHxD), cm94x147.5x6547x108x55.550x120.5x180114x157x10648.5x74x83
Weight, kg280350350333163
Warranty, year12112

TOP 5 best pellet boilers at a price of more than 200,000 rubles


Brand - Burnit (Bulgaria).
Country of origin - Bulgaria.

Stylish economical model with built-in burner, pump, expansion tank for heating a small country house or residential area up to 150 sq. meters.Small dimensions allow you to install on a closed balcony or in a small technical room. The product is operated in automatic mode - pellet supply, ignition and cleaning. Additionally, it is possible to connect a GSM module for remote control.

The feed system prevents the flame from entering the bunker, and when the temperature rises above the norm, the STB thermostat stops the supply of pellets. In addition, visual control of the combustion process is carried out in the eyepiece. The functionality provides for saving all settings in the controller's memory when the power is turned off.

It is offered at a price of 252,300 rubles.

  • automatic ignition and supply of pellets;
  • self-cleaning burner;
  • control of DHW and heating pumps;
  • temperature control in the tank, buffer tank, boiler;
  • smoke suction fan;
  • eyepiece for visual control of combustion;
  • advanced security system;
  • high reliability;
  • long service life;
  • the possibility of remote control through mobile applications IOS or Android;
  • excellent value for money.
  • energy dependence of the control and automation system.

Atmos D 21P

Brand - Atmos (Czech Republic).
Country of origin - Czech Republic.

Compact model for heating residential premises or country houses up to 160 sq. meters. Heat exchanger material - sheet steel up to 8 mm thick. A special reinforced ceramic is lined in the combustion chamber, which protects against burnout and contributes to maximum heat transfer. On top there are holes for pipes, on which brush exhaust gas retarders are installed.

The unit is equipped with a new generation patented ATMOS A25 automatic pellet burner with power modulation function. Only ignition is carried out, and the flame is directed to the furnace. A special feature is the possibility of self-cleaning by blowing out the ash with a fan built into the burner. This greatly increases the service life. It is possible to connect a combined boiler or indirect heating.

You can buy at a price of 361910 rubles.

Atmos D 21P
  • high degree of automation;
  • compactness;
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • simple maintenance;
  • economical consumption;
  • self-diagnostics with indication of errors on the display;
  • automatic ignition;
  • automatic cleaning of the burner;
  • dosed supply of pellets;
  • shutdown of the boiler in case of emergency;
  • high efficiency;
  • small emission of harmful substances;
  • turning off the product after burning out the fuel;
  • convenient access to the combustion chamber;
  • preventing accidental opening of the combustion chamber door.
  • not identified.

Video review of the boiler:

Ecosystem BW40+pell 40+FH500

Brand - Ecosystem (Bulgaria).
Country of origin - Bulgaria.

Model of a heating system for a private house and regular space heating up to 200 sq. meters. The equipment is reliable and designed for continuous operation. Components meet strict standards, tested at the factory. The product is easy to install in any building and does not require specific maintenance.

It is possible to connect various types of burners (gas, diesel, oil, pellet) through the flange on the lower door. Low coefficient of resistance of the combustion chamber.

Offered at a price of 244,100 rubles.

Ecosystem BW40+pell 40+FH500
  • compliance with the European standard EN 303-5 2012;
  • large area of ​​finned heat exchanger;
  • three-stage smoke chamber to increase efficiency;
  • universality;
  • easy cleaning and maintenance;
  • safety valve;
  • protection of the injection chamber from fire with a removable metal grate for ash.
  • energy dependence of the control unit and automation.

Kiturami KRP 20A

Brand - Kiturama (Republic of Korea).
The country of origin is the Republic of Korea.

A model with a three-way heat exchanger of a recognized leader in the production of heating equipment in the Republic of Korea for heating residential buildings up to 300 sq. meters. It is installed in rooms with supply and exhaust ventilation to ensure normal operation with a vacuum in the chimney pipe of 2.5-3.5 mm. water column.
The product is equipped with a flare burner with a ceramic heating element. When the starting portion of the pellets is poured, the fan and heater are turned on, followed by ignition. Air is supplied in a spiral, evenly saturating the entire layer with oxygen with almost complete combustion. Hot gases pass through the heat exchanger three times for maximum heat removal. The sintered slag is automatically removed from the burner surface by a mechanical drive according to the program.

Operating modes, adjustment of the heat exchanger purge and cleaning process are set on the control unit. In addition, the setting can be carried out remotely from the remote control.

Sold at a price of 265,000 rubles.

Kiturami KRP 20A
  • high efficiency over 92%;
  • profitability;
  • the hot water circuit heats water up to 60 degrees with a capacity of 9 l / min;
  • automatic diagnostics;
  • fire extinguishing system with a temperature sensor at the burner inlet and a solenoid valve;
  • large volume of coolant;
  • overheat protection;
  • quiet work;
  • pneumocleaning of the heat exchanger;
  • remote temperature controller to control operating modes and set parameters.
  • the formation of slag cakes on the burner grates, which interfere with normal operation, the appearance of soot, an increase in pellet consumption and a decrease in efficiency;
  • power dependency.

Video review of the device:

Kostrzewa Twin Bio Lux NE

Brand - Kostrzewa (Poland).
Country of origin - Poland.

Stylish economical model with automatic fuel supply for space heating up to 200 sq. meters. Optimal use of the heating surface is ensured by a planar construction with "tongues - water pipes" while maintaining minimal dimensions. The device is equipped with a variable geometry Platinum Bio VG burner, self-cleaning function in continuous mode, capable of burning the most inexpensive pellets. At the same time, cleaning the boiler does not require its removal. For the manufacture of a compact vertical heat exchanger, high-quality P265GH boiler steel with a thickness of up to 5 mm is used.

The unit is equipped with a system for monitoring the presence of fuel in the tank and ash. In the process of work, information about upcoming actions takes place, incl. feeding pellets or cleaning. Limitation of harmful emissions occurs due to the use of a built-in ceramic chamber and burner.

The average price from the manufacturer is 414,000 rubles.

Kostrzewa Twin Bio Lux NE[
  • burner with variable geometry and self-cleaning function;
  • control of the amount of pellets;
  • low level of harmful emissions;
  • the possibility of connecting several heating circuits, incl. warm floor;
  • temperature setting in weather or manual modes;
  • adjustment of the heat exchanger;
  • modulation and control of the flame using a photocell;
  • start or stop with low thermal inertia;
  • exclusion of gas pops during ignition due to three phases of combustion;
  • in the event of a power failure, restore the last settings with the Autostart function;
  • the possibility of external control of all functions and systems from a computer or smartphone;
  • protection against freezing and overheating;
  • pump blocking protection;
  • switch-on indication.
  • complicated setup;
  • if installed incorrectly, high gluttony for pellets.

comparison table

 BURNIT PELL EASY 20Atmos D 21PEcosystem BW25+pell25+FH500 Kiturami KRP 20AKostrzewa Twin Bio Lux NE 16 kW
Maximum thermal power, kW16.319.5252816
Heated area, sq. m163156200300200
Efficiency, %9090-959092.692.2
Automatic feedYes
Circulation pumpYesNoNoNoNo
Expansion tankYesNoNoNoNo
Coolant temperature, deg. FROM65-8565-909050-8550-80
Max. pressure in the heating circuit, bar32.532.52
Heating connection pipe, inch1¾
Chimney diameter, mm100152150120159
Dimensions (WxHxD), cm62.5x126x7962x120.7x76.846.4x114.5x93142x128x135150.7x137.4x89.4
Weight, kg252231240317370
Warranty, year12125

How to install

You can try to install a pellet boiler at home with your own hands with special knowledge or using the Internet, where step-by-step instructions are provided. However, it is better to entrust the solution of such an issue to professionals from a specialized organization that has a construction license, who will reliably mount the unit during repair or construction.

Before proceeding with the installation, it is necessary to carry out the design.

Main steps

1. Preparatory:

  • preparation of the premises;
  • strengthening and leveling a fireproof base that can withstand the unit;
  • electrical wiring;
  • installation of ventilation and chimney.

2. Installation and strapping:

  • installation on a hill, connection to the chimney of the gas-air path;
  • installation of the bunker, connection of the auger;
  • control panel assembly;
  • piping of the circulation pump;
  • installation of an expansion tank;
  • installation of automation for return control;
  • backup power supply wiring, installation of a stabilizer;
  • connection of the coolant and return circuit.

3. Commissioning activities:

  • project compliance control;
  • tightness check;
  • automation check;
  • crimping;
  • control start and measurement of parameters;
  • adjustment work.

4. First run:

  • filling the container with pellets;
  • checking water pressure, make-up to the standard if necessary;
  • opening the smoke damper;
  • ignition - remote control or manually;
  • checking the compliance of the parameters with the project;
  • stop after burnout;
  • temperature control of the heat carrier to prevent the formation of condensate.

Common Mistakes

  1. No return temperature control.
  2. Unsatisfactory tightness of the gas circuit, reduced efficiency due to leakage of pyrolysis gas;
  3. Poor thermal insulation of the base, causing condensation and the release of harmful substances.
  4. Non-compliance of the dimensions of the boiler room with fire safety requirements, which does not allow servicing the bunker or auger.

Pellet boilers are characterized by efficiency, ease of operation, as well as long battery life.But it is possible to achieve optimal parameters only in case of the correct choice of equipment, installation and commissioning.

Enjoy the shopping! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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